
Fertility friend Charts and Questions

baby monster|1412183918|3759910 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1412172946|3759812 said:
I woke up this morning with my lowest temp yet. I guess the Egg white CM and positive OPKS didn't really mean much. I thought maybe I would be getting AF so I put in a tampon. Removed it after a few hours and nothing but CM, some of it Egg white!!! I'll do an OPK when I get home, maybe I can see if my body is gearing up to ovulate? Maybe the last time it tried but failed? This is so annoying. :angryfire:
Your body is coming off BC so you should take it easy and let it settle. Luteal phase is typically 13-15 days so if your opk was correct and you ovulated on CD18-19, your period should start CD31-34. Hang in there.

ETA. I'd put your school experience out of mind for now. Until a specialist tells you it's a factor, don't let it cloud your thoughts.

Thanks baby monster. I don't think about it very often. It just lurks in the back of my mind. I'll see what happens.
CD 36, no AF. I'm not pregnant, quite a few wondfos and FRERs let me know this. So I'm assuming with the positive OPKs that my body tried to ovulate but it didn't. This is the point where I'm not sure how all of this works. Will my body try to ovulate again? Or will it just keep trotting along and eventually I'll randomly get AF?

FWIW from days 19-24 I had the worst BB pain, I really thought I had ovulated :(
Were your periods irregular before starting bc? I'd go back to your gyn if you don't get AF after 2 months. They can give you something to restart your period or just check you out and tell you to wait a little longer.
No, I was every 26-27 days like a clock. That's why this has been so frustrating :( I'll do as you suggested and give it another month, thanks.
It took me about 3 months of charting after going off birth control to get a reliable pattern identified. I think the first month was more of a "system reset" month, and subsequent months got pretty consistent.

I generally ovulate on CD9 and have a 15 day luteal phase. Such a short cycle will be nice when we are TTC but we are trying to avoid until marriage. I am on the older side of the fertility window, though, so if a pregnancy does occur before marriage it will be welcome.

I use the OvuView app instead of FertilityFriend, which I found I liked a bit better. It has an "application goal" with three choices: simple menstrual calendar, avoid pregnancy, and conceive a baby. There are a number of methods one can choose, but if you prefer to keep things simple the system defaults work well.
TrakHack|1413403944|3767527 said:
It took me about 3 months of charting after going off birth control to get a reliable pattern identified. I think the first month was more of a "system reset" month, and subsequent months got pretty consistent.

I generally ovulate on CD9 and have a 15 day luteal phase. Such a short cycle will be nice when we are TTC but we are trying to avoid until marriage. I am on the older side of the fertility window, though, so if a pregnancy does occur before marriage it will be welcome.

I use the OvuView app instead of FertilityFriend, which I found I liked a bit better. It has an "application goal" with three choices: simple menstrual calendar, avoid pregnancy, and conceive a baby. There are a number of methods one can choose, but if you prefer to keep things simple the system defaults work well.

Thank you for sharing your experience! I still have no AF so I'm assuming this is an anovulatory cycle and I'm just waiting for eventual AF and hope that the next few months things normalize.
And WTF positive OPKs today. Wondfo is positive digi is still negative but I'll keep testing every few hours. It started getting darker yesterday. I also started Fertilitea last night but the OPKs were getting darker before that. I had some EWCM the last two days but also had cramps so I thought maybe AF was finally on her way. Guess not :(
Just as a conclusion to my first charting off of Nexplanon adventure here is my final chart. I did eventually ovulate as noted by my temps and I finally have a CD1. Whew.
