
Fire vs brilliance examples? 34ca vs 35ca examples?

Fair questions. I should have clarified better. Both are the same answer, preference.
The more you are seen as an expert/prosumer the more important it is to clarify fact from opinion/preference.
I am not perfect at doing that either even after all these years but its something to think about.
anyway I'm not going to hound ya about it like someone did me all them years ago.
The more you are seen as an expert/prosumer the more important it is to clarify fact from opinion/preference.
I am not perfect at doing that either even after all these years but its something to think about.
anyway I'm not going to hound ya about it like someone did me all them years ago.

As always, appreciate the advice. :cool2:
@sledge You're right about my preference being slightly chunkier arrows :)
@Karl_K I am still curious to hear your opinion! (And everyone else's in this thread!)

My opinion after watching all of these: The 3.34 has slightly more fire, brilliance, scintillation, and contrast, and more of my preferred arrow shape I mentioned. I also find the gray circle in the middle of the diamond larger and more distracting in the 3.37 (is this called the cutlet? table reflection?). All the videos in various lightings are below, but if you only have time for one I think the side-by-side (video 4) is the most useful in seeing all the things I mentioned, on an even playing field.

3.34 on top, 3.37 on bottom:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

3.34 on right, 3.37 on left:
Video 4

3.34 on bottom, 3.37 on top:
Video 5
Video 6
Video 7
Video 8
I think either one would make its owner very happy if some minor preference stands out to you more on one than the other you have your answer. My opinion.
All these things you are seeing highly magnified are not nearly as noticeable when you see the diamond in it's actual size in real life. However, I still prefer the 3.34 with the higher crown and smaller table. You see the profile or angled view of a a diamond ring a lot, and a higher crown is just a nicer look to me. Plus I think the arrows image looks better than the other.
I also find the gray circle in the middle of the diamond larger and more distracting in the 3.37 (is this called the cutlet? table reflection?).

Table reflection. To make smaller you need a smaller table and shallower pavilion. The 3.34 has both, which is another reason you likely prefer that stone.

I am on my mobile and not watched the videos, but based on your feedback I think you may be happier with the 3.34 in the long term.

If there was a 3rd option that was similar to the 3.34 except with a 35-35.5 crown, maybe even a 36 crown, you may like that best. The latter would push you from the Tolkowky ideal cut (TIC) range in the firey ideal cut (FIC) range.

Woah, welcome back. Good to see you! :cool2:

I was thinking about you a few weeks back. I am working on a project and awhile back you had shared a spreadsheet that calculated some proportion data. My personal laptop has been giving me fits and I've lost lots of emails & files. That file was one of them. I did find the old host site, but it appears it is down.

Any chance you can share again? I have a LT account with the same user name that you can use to contact me.

Hey @sledge , sorry for the late reply. I'm in a very busy period in my career at the moment, often doing 100+ hour weeks! So unfortunately have been less involved with PS.

Here is the file I hope you were after: