
First time pregnancy - worried - advice please

Thank you @Dandi and fellow Aussie! I will definitely keep you posted! It's still soooo very early and hard to tell anyone in real life. I go back to the GP tomorrow for my results. If there was anything bad I would have heard by now. And then the wait 4 more weeks for the 12 week/down syndrome scan. I think after the next scan it would be another milestone!

Thank you @Begonia - it just makes me feel a little anxious because I had the Astra Zeneca which they have now stopped for everyone under 50. So my doctor has recommended that I don't get the second dose just to be safe. But any protection is good for both me and the baby.

Thank you @seaurchin - you know I have taken your advice and tried to focus on the positives. I actually started prenatal yoga and part of it is about breathing and mindfulness. So when my mind starts to wander I can practice to bring myself back to the present. I am really grateful for all your kind words of support and advice. Because it's so early I haven't been able to tell many people and the support is limited so this forum has been an absolute god send for me.
Congratulations @maryjane04! You are growing a person and that is an enormously important job. Yoga is great for you and will help with all sorts of things, pregnancy-related and not. So, be glad you are finding these new outlets. So exciting for you.

How long before you’ll start telling people? I think we waited til the end of first trimester. Honestly, tho, that was 1998 so I don’t really remember. Also, my doctor was of the “conservative” camp, and I didn’t even get an ultrasound. He said as long as everything is progressing, then I’ll treat it like a normal pregnancy and I was like... okay. So, kinda cool that I got to guess about the gender and not worry that my husband would “ruin” the surprise. (I guessed right)

I do remember worrying about that weekend bender my husband and I had when all the firefighters went to an out of town “convention” right before I found out. Sorta funny, the second night, I felt a little off, not like drinking. And, also felt really bloated or maybe constipated. And my boobs hurt, cuz you know, my period was supposed to be coming. Duh. I was still “surprised“ when the stick turned blue !!!

Kid turned out fine tho, and is now a 22 year old man who just came over to help us move heavy stuff out of the basement :) you’ll do just fine. Come back and ask questions, or vent, and think of us like your bling sisters and we can lift you up or talk you off the ledge and share in your excitement !!
As long as you are checked by your OB and everything is fine with the baby then there is nothing to worry about. Besides, being too anxious and problematic might affect your baby. So pray and talk with your baby to be healthy inside your womb.
@ringo865 Thank you so much for your excitement. We ended up telling my mum and in laws the weekend before last as my mum was visiting from interstate and felt that it was better in person. We told extended family last weekend for mother's day (I am now 11 weeks). I don't think I will be in a rush to tell everyone or announce it online - I am just not that kind of person. I will tell everyone individually who are close to me :) hahaha you sound just like me.. the sore boobs and headaches weren't enough. It was when I started being fussy with food. I am very thankful that my family doctor is very supportive particularly because I am still weightlifting. Everyone seems to think I should give it up completely. But doctor said as long as I was doing it before and try to stay under 60% of what I was lifting before it should be okay. I am really grateful for all my #blingsisters. I am in a much better headspace because of you guys.

@Aerielle Max I am a bit early to have an OB appointment. I have my first antenatal appointment with the midwife when I am 12 weeks which is considered very early since we are going public. I have heard other women who are waiting 26 weeks to have their first hospital appointment. I feel like things are settling down and I am feeling much much more at ease now. I am doing yoga and other activities and its a really good time to talk and bond with baby :)
Congratulations!! Will you get a scan at 12 weeks? Here in the UK we get our first scan at this midwife appointment. This is such an exciting time for you!

Just to add my tuppence. I had to have lots of tests due to a medical issue before I was allowed to try for a baby. I was also advised that my fertility was around 5% due to endometriosis (I was only 33 at the time). So i came off the pill thinking ok, maybe it'll never happen but we'll just let it be, bled for a few days, then headed out to Cyprus for 2 weeks for a friends huge wedding celebrations. I ate & drank everything - shellfish, raw food, soft cheese, ALL the alcohol, which as you can imagine with these occasions started at lunchtime every day & lasted until the small hours. When I got home, I didn't feel quite right but put it down to the disgusting health habits of the previous 2 weeks. A few days later, I just knew I was pregnant. I could just tell because of how I felt. I tested & it showed I was 2 weeks pregnant, meaning I had ovulated only a week after my last period & I had pickled & poisoned that baby for the first week of it being in my tummy. I was like :-o

She's now 12 and she's amazing! No lasting effects from her alcoholic binge eating what so ever.

Please keep us posted & I hope things are more settled in your mind.
Aww thank you for sharing that @Alex T and I think it really helps when the pressure of trying to conceive wasn't there. We were going to start trying in April but it happened way earlier. I'm relieved that other PS mums have said that the first few weeks the baby doesn't share your blood so that's a huge relief.

So in Australia, we go to the GP to confirm pregnancy. I've had my first scan at 8 weeks called a dating scan to confirm due dates etc. Then from 10 weeks onwards we can do the NIPT test. I'm going to get it done today hopefully if I feel well enough (doctor said wait till 11 weeks just in case). I'll be 12 weeks on Sunday. My first midwife appointment is via telehealth on Tuesday and I go for my 12 week scan on Friday. That covers the nuchal translucency scan and morphology so fingers crossed low risk of downs syndrome etc. The nipt test will also confirm the risk as well as other genetic tests and baby's gender which I will ask the doctor not to tell me lol.
Aww thank you for sharing that @Alex T and I think it really helps when the pressure of trying to conceive wasn't there. We were going to start trying in April but it happened way earlier. I'm relieved that other PS mums have said that the first few weeks the baby doesn't share your blood so that's a huge relief.

So in Australia, we go to the GP to confirm pregnancy. I've had my first scan at 8 weeks called a dating scan to confirm due dates etc. Then from 10 weeks onwards we can do the NIPT test. I'm going to get it done today hopefully if I feel well enough (doctor said wait till 11 weeks just in case). I'll be 12 weeks on Sunday. My first midwife appointment is via telehealth on Tuesday and I go for my 12 week scan on Friday. That covers the nuchal translucency scan and morphology so fingers crossed low risk of downs syndrome etc. The nipt test will also confirm the risk as well as other genetic tests and baby's gender which I will ask the doctor not to tell me lol.

Ah, it's such an exciting time! Good luck with your tests & please keep us updated!
Will do @Alex T but I think I'll get a covid test today. I have a sore throat but most likely a cold. I don't know if my immune system is not as good being pregnant :(
Congratulations!! I did all those things (besides the covid shot because it was well before COVID), and all was good. Nothing to worry about until there is something to worry about! And even then, there may not be something to worry about. I had a cousin who did amnio tests and her first was dx with down syndrome. They had a completely healthy boy. Your doctor will let you know if something is wrong. And most importantly, we can't control if we have a miscarriage (to a certain extent). It is much more common than women are led to believe. My deepest sympathy to everyone who has had to go through it.
oh I was just popping in to see how you were doing @maryjane04 . I hope you feel better soon! <3
Thank you @lizzydm26 I have so many friends who struggle with fertility and miscarriages so I know all too well of the heartache. I am starting to feel more confident that everything is going to be just fine.

Thank you for checking in @lulu_ma I think I've got a cold. I have been off work for 1.5 days and likely to take today off as well. Probably get tested for covid and not go anywhere. We are generally pretty safe here and I wouldn't have contracted it but just to be sure. I miss being able to take anything just for a sore throat but these days it's best not to. Almost at the 12 week mark though.
Thank you @lizzydm26 I have so many friends who struggle with fertility and miscarriages so I know all too well of the heartache. I am starting to feel more confident that everything is going to be just fine.

Thank you for checking in @lulu_ma I think I've got a cold. I have been off work for 1.5 days and likely to take today off as well. Probably get tested for covid and not go anywhere. We are generally pretty safe here and I wouldn't have contracted it but just to be sure. I miss being able to take anything just for a sore throat but these days it's best not to. Almost at the 12 week mark though.

Late to the party here. Just wantes to say congrats on the ultrasound results. And hooray for almost getting to the 12 week mark! It's another huge milestone.
Congratulations on reaching these milestones, and so happy for you! Will keep you in my thoughts for a happy and healthy baby journey.

With our first, I inadvertently did all of the above and had another scare at the 20-week mark where the doctor saw some things that he thought would resolve themselves by the time she was born! I know the doctors have seen it all, but I was beside myself. But he was right. And she is a perfect, happy and healthy 7 year-old.
:wavey:@maryjane04 I hope you are feeling better!
Thank you @valenledge for your kind words. I guess it is pretty scary not knowing what to expect and we rely so much on the health professionals to tell us/reassure us but sometimes that can be a hit and miss.

Thank you @lulu_ma I feel better now. I felt so awful so I got my MIL to do the gua sha/scraping... which I only found out afterwards that you are not supposed to do that during pregnancy argh! But I went for the blood test last Monday... and my ultrasound on Friday which shows bubba is doing well. Strong heart rate of 155bpm and very active. So active that they could barely get any photos or measurements. And always facing the wrong way hahaha. I should be going back to the doctor on Friday this week to get all my results but so far it's promising and everything seems to be going well. I am officially in my second trimester now :) woohoo..
I’m so glad you are feeling better and now in the 2nd trimester! =)2
Woo hoo! Super exciting @maryjane04, I'm so glad you are feeling better, and hoping you can really start to enjoy your pregnancy now!
That’s wonderful news @maryjane04 . I’ve been following along and hoped the scan will give you reassurance and peace of mind. All the best for the next few months xx
Hi @maryjane04 I was just thinking about you-I hope you are well!
Aww @lulu_ma thank you for thinking of me!!! I am doing very well... can you believe I will be 19 weeks on Sunday?? How time flies!!

I found out the gender via the blood test since we tested for other genetic abnormalities.. so I will be having a baby boy!! LOL was a little disappointed at first because no one to share my love of jewellery with but on the bright side.. I will be saving a tonne having a boy so that means more bling money for me!!

I have my next ultrasound at 21 weeks. So far I am feeling great.. no nausea or morning sickness.. just starting to get a bit of pain in my tailbone and the round ligament pain. I have a bunch of allied health professionals that I see weekly from chiros, to physios to osteos. And still keeping very active... crossfit twice a week, yoga twice a week and pilates once a week :)

I have two crossfit competitions this month and my hubby is mortified but it's just for fun. Not lifting or doing anything too crazy!!

Hope you have been good too!! I have one more bling purchase to go before baby comes but hopefully I get rewarded with something nice at the end of the year too hahaha!
Aww @lulu_ma thank you for thinking of me!!! I am doing very well... can you believe I will be 19 weeks on Sunday?? How time flies!!

I found out the gender via the blood test since we tested for other genetic abnormalities.. so I will be having a baby boy!! LOL was a little disappointed at first because no one to share my love of jewellery with but on the bright side.. I will be saving a tonne having a boy so that means more bling money for me!!

I have my next ultrasound at 21 weeks. So far I am feeling great.. no nausea or morning sickness.. just starting to get a bit of pain in my tailbone and the round ligament pain. I have a bunch of allied health professionals that I see weekly from chiros, to physios to osteos. And still keeping very active... crossfit twice a week, yoga twice a week and pilates once a week :)

I have two crossfit competitions this month and my hubby is mortified but it's just for fun. Not lifting or doing anything too crazy!!

Hope you have been good too!! I have one more bling purchase to go before baby comes but hopefully I get rewarded with something nice at the end of the year too hahaha!

Yay for a boy!! Boys are the best fun! My little guy is 8 and is still a total snugglebug mummy's boy. So happy for you! I hope you're enjoying your pregnancy.
Thanks for the update @maryjane04 ! That’s great that you are keeping fit! My eldest is also a boy and I love him to bits-but I’ll admit I felt a little disappointed initially bc the girl the clothes are so much cuter. Fast forward 15 years and he spends the most money on clothes and likes his bling almost as much as I do!

Anyways, so glad to hear that you are doing well<3
I am so glad to read that you are happy & healthy & so is your baby boy. I must say I’m envious of the no sickness!!!
Congratulations! Nearly half way there!
I can’t wait to read more happy updates!!
Yay for a boy!! Boys are the best fun! My little guy is 8 and is still a total snugglebug mummy's boy. So happy for you! I hope you're enjoying your pregnancy.

Aww thanks @Dandi I do have a nephew and he is very much a mummy's boy at 8 months old hahaha. I guess they're not too bad hahaha until they have a gf LOL!!

Thanks for the update @maryjane04 ! That’s great that you are keeping fit! My eldest is also a boy and I love him to bits-but I’ll admit I felt a little disappointed initially bc the girl the clothes are so much cuter. Fast forward 15 years and he spends the most money on clothes and likes his bling almost as much as I do!

Anyways, so glad to hear that you are doing well<3

Thank you so much for thinking of me. Oh that is great to hear about your eldest boy! I know how you feel about the disappointment but I have come to accept the boy for now hehehe omg wow... he doesn't have a gf yet and he's already spending like that!! Good on him. Nothing wrong with boys and bling!!

I just had a training session this morning and my coach told me he could really see me pop now! It just came overnight hahaha. I still think it's just bloating :)

I am so glad to read that you are happy & healthy & so is your baby boy. I must say I’m envious of the no sickness!!!
Congratulations! Nearly half way there!
I can’t wait to read more happy updates!!

Thank you @GoldenTouch I am very grateful to still be able to move. I know some women have really bad nausea and morning sickness and literally cannot do anything. A lot of people have told me it's because I am carrying a boy hence the no morning sickness!! If it was a girl maybe it would be a different story??

Yes nearly half way there!! I should have some 3D photos coming in about just over 2 weeks time when we can see little bubba!! I have started getting some things for him already like the pram, cot, change table, car seats, clothes etc hahaha. Feel free to suggest things that you think I might need as I don't have any idea!! <3