
Found a lump...

So sorry to hear your concerns. Hope you get appointments quickly and get the testing out of the way. I hate that waiting around feeling. As everyone else has said, try your best not to fret too much in the interim (easier said than done, I know). Fingers crossed for a simple and benign explanation and swift recovery.
I am so sorry. I know how scary it is to wait around for a diagnosis. If I had one thing to tell someone in your shoes it would be do not let a doctor get away with not aggressively looking into it. Sometimes they put off younger women or women with weird symptoms because serious illness is less likely in the young and they are playing the odds. People lose valuable time when they do. Be clear they need to be aggressively looking into whatever it is you have.

It sounds like an infection based on the low WBC count. But it could be soooo many different things.

If it is the big C, I and other people here have been through it (maybe not the exact IT but the big C is scary no matter what kind) and will be here for you if you have to have any stressful procedures or treatment.

Like others have said, it’s very good you are getting it worked up.

I survived (so far fingers crossed) stage 3 breast cancer and 18 months of treatment. If it comes to that I and others here will have some ideas and suggestions.

But it’s unlikely to be that.

Hang in there. I am praying it is nothing.
So I found a lump, a fairly large one, in my neck about two months ago. It took me 6 weeks to get it looked at by my GP. I kept hoping it was an enlarged lymph node due to it being massive allergy season here and drainage and all that and that it would go down. Well it didn't, so I went in last week. GP was concerned after feeling it and this coming Tuesday I go in for imaging. GP said he has no idea what it is. Could be an enlarged lymph node, could be an enlarged salivary gland, could be a tumor of some sort. Lovely. So I'm trying not to think about it until the imaging. Also, and this is weird, my white blood cell count is too low. Geez. Okay, I'm kinda scared. But I feel totally fine. Overwhelmed with work, and somewhat stressed from arguing with my spouse recently over mundane stuff, but fine other than that. I very rarely get sick so I'm not good at this kinda thing.

Anyone gone through something like this?

A question for those of you who know more about human anatomy than I do: how can a doctor not tell if a lump is a lymph node, a salivary gland or something else? Aren't these items in different spots?

My thoughts and prayers for a non-serious diagnosis. Sending calm thoughts and best wishes.
I’m so sorry you have to deal with this..The worry is awful.

I had a hard lump on the back of my neck…maybe thirty years ago..The doctor didn’t know what it was so he wanted to try a round of antibiotics. It did the trick..The lump was probably a lymph node doing what it was supposed to do..

Another time I didn’t have a lump but my CT scan found an area in my cervical spine that five doctors were sure was a recurrence from melanoma. I had body scans and a biopsy done..It was the longest ten days waiting for the results but I just have degenerative disk disease.

My oldest son, who is probably your age, recently found one lump in his groin. The doctor was worried so she sent him for an ultrasound. It was inconclusive so he had to get an MRI. The results came back that he had two lumps..One lump was deeply imbedded in his hip. He was sent to see a specialist who said both of them were a type of cyst that can turn hard..totally benign..

I’m glad you are being checked..I hope it’s an innocent lump.

Big hugs..
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A 80 year old masseuse in Indonesia discovered my neck lump and despite our language barrier she was quite concerned. This was in the late 1980s. I was around 30 years old. When I got home I went to a doctor who merely referred me to a general surgeon. The surgeon looks at it, rubs it and said it is nothing. The appointment lasted less than 3 minutes. No biopsy, no family history taking, no MRI , no blood tests. Nada. It took over a year for the lump to resolve. It never came back. Wishing you best luck, spreading fairy dust and saying prayers for you.
I’m hope everything goes well for you today..Big hugs
Just wanted to drop a note of encouragement @RunningwithScissors. Zero doubts it’s a scary journey but you got this. You’re doing all the right things by getting tested and facing it head on. Whatever the results your mind, body and emotions can and will endure.

Our minds are truly more strong than we realize and allow us to do “impossible” things when we simply apply the right mindset. I have faced countless battles over life where it saved me. It will save you too.

And remember if it was easy then your husband would be going through it instead of you! LOL, just kidding but hope it did make you smile. ;)2

Godspeed. Please keep us posted.
Just catching up on threads and saw this... @RunningwithScissors, good for you for facing this head on and for getting the testing right away. But I understand how scary it can be. Sending you lots of hugs and good vibes!!
Sending a "don't be unwell" wish in your direction today. Good luck! :)
Apologies if someone has already suggested this as a possibility, but it could be a cyst.
Cysts are pretty common and in that area too. They tend to be oval in shape as well. If it's not an inflamed lymph node, I wonder if it could be a benign sebaceous cyst. A doctor will likely recommend having a cyst surgically removed, and it's best to have that done before it grows in size. Sebaceous cysts tend to get larger over time as the skin lining has basically turned inwards on itself, like a balloon that is filling up.
Hey @RunningwithScissors, I saw this and thought of you. Also know you aren’t alone.

As a person that has difficulty leaning on others in situations like this I will say it again….

You. Are. Not. Alone!!

Hello my lovely, generous PS family!

Sorry I haven't checked in earlier, its been a weird week. I have read all of your kind well wishes. Thank you, they are really cheering me on.

I had a long afternoon of testing and imaging on Tuesday (4 hours - yikes!) I'm still waiting but haven't heard any results yet. The hospital complex where I had my tests/imaging done told me they would contact my GP with results in 1-2 days, but GP and I are still waiting. He's been calling, but no response from the radiologist yet.

I have no problem crawling into MRI tubes, and I kinda like the weird noises (sounds like techno dance music LOL), so the actual imaging part was fine, easy peasy. But I HATE anything to do with blood drawing/IVs. I've never had a contrast CT scan before, so I had no idea how they did it. I had to get a bunch of bloodwork first and then wait with an IV hanging out of my arm for a really loooong time. Then I had a bad reaction to the contrast dye they put in me. I won't bore you with the details, but I felt like I'd been hit by lightning, (way more than "just a little warmth" which is what they told me to expect beforehand) and a few hours afterwards I got sick and couldn't keep food down for 24 hours afterwards. And everything tasted like coconut for two days (a weird symptom I can find any mention of even in dark murky world of Google). Thankfully it has all passed now and I feel fine again.

And...the kicker...about three hours after I left the hospital center, someone went on a joy ride with my credit card. While I don't know for certain, I believe my data was stolen at the hospital. I hardly ever use that credit card, and whomever stole the info was likely local b/c the places they charged were all in-state. Thankfully my credit card company is awesome, and they were on it fast, so I don't owe anything. Also, while my dear husband was waiting for me in the imaging center's waiting area for four hours, he watched two different elderly couples come in and tell the receptionist that their medicare cards went missing while they having their tests done the previous day. Somethings stinks.

While nothing of mine went missing, I did have to hand over my driver's license and insurance card and got them back only after having my tests done. Now I'm worried -- could my identity have been stolen too, in addition to my credit card info being used. How do I even check for that other than monitoring my credit score?

Anyway, that's it in a nutshell. No news yet, but thankfully the tests are behind me.

Love you all! Thanks again for your kind messages. This is such a wonderful, caring community. I'll let you know when I hear results.
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Hello my lovely, generous PS family!

Sorry I haven't checked in earlier, its been a weird week. I have read all of your kind well wishes. Thank you, they are really cheering me on.

I had a long afternoon of testing and imaging on Tuesday (4 hours - yikes!) I'm still waiting but haven't heard any results yet. The hospital complex where I had my tests/imaging done told me they would contact my GP with results in 1-2 days, but GP and I are still waiting. He's been calling, but no response from the radiologist yet.

I have no problem crawling into MRI tubes, and I kinda like the weird noises (sounds like techno dance music LOL), so the actual imaging part was fine, easy peasy. But I HATE anything to do with blood drawing/IVs. I've never had a contrast CT scan before, so I had no idea how they did it. I had to get a bunch of bloodwork first and then wait with an IV hanging out of my arm for a really loooong time. Then I had a bad reaction to the contrast dye they put in me. I won't bore you with the details, but I felt like I'd been hit by lightning, (way more than "just a little warmth" which is what they told me to expect beforehand) and a few hours afterwards I got sick and couldn't keep food down for 24 hours afterwards. And everything tasted like coconut for two days (a weird symptom I can find any mention of even in dark murky world of Google). Thankfully it has all passed now and I feel fine again.

And...the kicker...about three hours after I left the hospital center, someone went on a joy ride with my credit card. While I don't know for certain, I believe my data was stolen at the hospital. I hardly ever use that credit card, and whomever stole the info was likely local b/c the places they charged were all in-state. Thankfully my credit card company is awesome, and they were on it fast, so I don't owe anything. Also, while my dear husband was waiting for me in the imaging center's waiting area for four hours, he watched two different elderly couples come in and tell the receptionist that their medicare cards went missing while they having their tests done the previous day. Somethings stinks.

While nothing of mine went missing, I did have to hand over my driver's license and insurance card and got them back only after having my tests done. Now I'm worried -- could my identity have been stolen too, in addition to my credit card info being used. How do I even check for that other than monitoring my credit score?

Anyway, that's it in a nutshell. No news yet, but thankfully the tests are behind me.

Love you all! Thanks again for your kind messages. This is such a wonderful, caring community. I'll let you know when I hear results.

glad you have had the tests
now prayers for nothing to worry about

but what kind of scum steals from sick people at a hospital ? :angryfire:
Hello my lovely, generous PS family!

Sorry I haven't checked in earlier, its been a weird week. I have read all of your kind well wishes. Thank you, they are really cheering me on.

I had a long afternoon of testing and imaging on Tuesday (4 hours - yikes!) I'm still waiting but haven't heard any results yet. The hospital complex where I had my tests/imaging done told me they would contact my GP with results in 1-2 days, but GP and I are still waiting. He's been calling, but no response from the radiologist yet.

I have no problem crawling into MRI tubes, and I kinda like the weird noises (sounds like techno dance music LOL), so the actual imaging part was fine, easy peasy. But I HATE anything to do with blood drawing/IVs. I've never had a contrast CT scan before, so I had no idea how they did it. I had to get a bunch of bloodwork first and then wait with an IV hanging out of my arm for a really loooong time. Then I had a bad reaction to the contrast dye they put in me. I won't bore you with the details, but I felt like I'd been hit by lightning, (way more than "just a little warmth" which is what they told me to expect beforehand) and a few hours afterwards I got sick and couldn't keep food down for 24 hours afterwards. And everything tasted like coconut for two days (a weird symptom I can find any mention of even in dark murky world of Google). Thankfully it has all passed now and I feel fine again.

And...the kicker...about three hours after I left the hospital center, someone went on a joy ride with my credit card. While I don't know for certain, I believe my data was stolen at the hospital. I hardly ever use that credit card, and whomever stole the info was likely local b/c the places they charged were all in-state. Thankfully my credit card company is awesome, and they were on it fast, so I don't owe anything. Also, while my dear husband was waiting for me in the imaging center's waiting area for four hours, he watched two different elderly couples come in and tell the receptionist that their medicare cards went missing while they having their tests done the previous day. Somethings stinks.

While nothing of mine went missing, I did have to hand over my driver's license and insurance card and got them back only after having my tests done. Now I'm worried -- could my identity have been stolen too, in addition to my credit card info being used. How do I even check for that other than monitoring my credit score?

Anyway, that's it in a nutshell. No news yet, but thankfully the tests are behind me.

Love you all! Thanks again for your kind messages. This is such a wonderful, caring community. I'll let you know when I hear results.

Urgh about the card theft. But also…. I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU!

It all sounds stressful & horrendous, but we are with you, beautiful lady. Fingers crossed & lots of positive vibes for your results x
Waiting is killer but hopefully good news will eventually be received. Sorry about the credit card but sounds like it all worked out. You think about restaurants and gas stations stealing your info but not a hospital! Yikes!
Sending you continuing bucketloads of healing vibes and lots of well wishes. And Boo to the criminal who stole your credit card.
