
Four prongs, chunky claws?

Definitely better! Looks like a different ring! Your diamond is beautiful!
That is a huge improvement! I love the way the shank of the ring tapers in to show off your beautiful stone.

The set with the two bands looks very pretty on your hand - so glad you are pleased with the modifications - at least for now!!
Looks great! :) Sometimes I like a chunky prong...your change looks perfect!! :)
Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments, Asscherhalo_lover, mrs-blop, diamondseeker2006, MissGotRocks!! :wavey:

I will definitely ask for advice here re my next setting before having it made... As soon as I have a more clear idea about what I want. :))

cinnamonstick : Thank you! Where I live it is very popular with chunky prongs as a part of the design. I think someone mentioned in this thread that "sometimes it is meant to look like that" and this is absolutely true. One of my friends recently got engaged and her ring has really HUGE prongs and she actually asked for this. So I understand what you're saying. :) It all boils down to personal preference.

Funny thing is that last week I went to this nice store where they sell vintage and reproduced rings and they recommended another jeweler for my new (+new) setting. When I looked at that jeweler's web page all I could see was huge, thick rings with super big prongs. The person in the store showed me some really beautiful rings with tiny tiny details and super tiny prongs and assured me that this jeweler could make settings like that and that they actually used this jeweler for their reproductions... I do understand that a jeweler can do other things than what they advertise, but in my mind a jeweler is an artist (?) and even if Monet could paint like Dalí, it makes me nervous asking them to make something else.... :think:

Oh well...

Lets the diamond do the talking beautiful facet pattern :love:
Beautiful! and I love the yellow gold with your gorgeous diamond.
Maybe 5 or 6 years ago I saw this engagement ring on a friend of a friend, i said "wow!". It had huge square prongs set around her RB. I loved it so much that I had custom made prongs made for the current setting I had. Huge and square topped. I even thought about having a little diamond put on the tip of each prong. I really liked that ring a lot! I never really had so many compliments! Unfortunately I kept losing the side stones... on a regular basis. Bye, bye...but i loved the thick prongs! I do like that look. I think it really in style here (DC area) a while back before halo took ahold of the scene. If you were just showing off the ring vs commenting on the prongs, I would have thought it was pretty and not thought twice about the prongs.

However, I read your thread after you had the adjustment made to your prongs. I can say for sure your ring looks amazing tweaked! You made a great choice! Way more stylish and the prongs compliment the center well! More sleek! Beautiful! Enjoy!
Sphene mentioned the facet pattern....I agree the new prongs, although only slightly different, flatter the facet pattern perfect! Looks more natural paired w your diamond :)
Oh the prongs definitely look better, it's a big improvement! So glad you are happier with your beautiful ring!
:wavey: Much better! I'm glad you are happy with your lovely ring now.

As I said upthread, I also had my prongs made smaller and am happy with the results, but like you might have a reset in a year or so, funds permitting!

Wish you well to wear it
Thank you very much Sphene, Jimmianne, cinnamonstick, junebug17 and Californiadreaming !! :wavey:

cinnamonstick: Thanks again! Yes, I do think it is better this way, but again, it is truly a personal preference too. I wanted the prongs to be small but also accentuate the shape of the diamond rather than make it look sharp/square if you know what I mean.

And re the facet pattern, oh yes, I think it is really beautiful and the prongs fit the diamond as well as the pattern better now! The prongs let the stone take center stage.

The diamond truly looks like a rainbow of colors, especially in the shade under a tree. It may sound strange, but it looks somehow like the way I would dream of a perfect opal. Very weird description I know, but I don't know how else to describe it. :loopy: :sun: I love it! Haven't been able to take a photo of that though, as much as I have tried...

Californiadreaming: Thanks! I think of our rings as sisters, similar wedding bands in some ways too! I hope you will wear your ring in good health. I look forward to seeing what you come up with re a new setting if you decide to go that route!