
Friends don't let friends set their diamond off-center


Sep 17, 2020
Fun topic Victor and all!
From a light return PoV - the upper girdle facets tend to return a bit less light to a face up observer than do the kite shape main facets.
So its not even a Texus Leaguer "binary" issue - and with 6 prongs and fancy shapes - its maybe more like quintuplets maybe?

Are the re any numbers that would specifically reduce head and body shadow / dark reflections from the environment or is this something that is unavoidable when you increase in size? My 1.04ct shows darks refleciton must more prominently than my old 0.71ct. Having said that the sparkle is much better so maybe just a trade-off?

Victor Canera

Oct 8, 2010
Hi everyone, wow, it's surprising this thread was resurrected. At the time, I had received a lot of push back on this for just making a professional observation and trying to give additional food for thought for others.
The recommendation I made was strictly from a diamond security perspective that I wouldn't necessarily advise putting prongs on top of two facet junctions which aren't flat. The prongs should be on the middle of a facet where it's flat. This would be the most secure way of setting a round diamond.
Of course the story changes when there are more than four prongs or when the center stone is a fancy shape.
All the best!


Sep 17, 2020

Thanks Victor, that's good to know!

The interesting thing is since the issues with my ring I do feel like I have noticed in many photos (not just here but on various other websites as well) that when a six prong is set in the off centre orientation there does seem to be a bit of wonkiness to the prongs more often, especially the prongs at 12 and 6. Maybe also this is more likely when the prongs are very small and delicate because when they sit on a junction they tend to leans slightly towards one side?

Now, maybe I am just hyper aware or over focusing but I do wonder if maybe it is harder to achieve a more symmetrical outcome with this type of orientation?

I think for me personally I am going to try the traditional compass setting next time and see how that goes. :)
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