The fact that my friend wants to message me during happy hour when she may be aggressive and abusive speaks volumes. Our contact is very little otherwise. That's not a healthy friendship.
I forgot my rule. Was anxious and we got texting. She got sharp and I got defensive.
I totally get that, but you also quoted the above so there lays some responsibility on your behalf.
I’m pretty introspective - whenever I raise my voice at my husband or kids, say a harsh word to a family member I can guarantee it was more often then not something inside of me that caused it. I might say “oh you blah blah blah” but again more often then not it is another worry in my mind that led to this reaction.
Just saying that sometimes soul searching leads us to finding that some percentage of fault is our own, not always but sometimes.
And yes, sometimes friendships cannot be saved. In 53yrs I’ve ended 2 deliberately - one for moral reasons, one for consistent toxic behaviour that I thought would not happen between us but the pattern was repeating. Only you and your friend know the truth and can make that decision.