
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

JewelFreak said:
Hey, Colorluvr, hope your pet was ok! Can sympathize. I have a 13-yr-old Siberian with spinal troubles & general age issues. I live in fear of an emergency with that sweet old man.

--- Laurie

My gorgeous shepherd, who had no symptoms until last weekend (prior to emergency surgery) was just diagnosed with Hemangiosarocoma.... long story short - a very aggressive cancer which will probably re-appear in 2 - 4 months (just guessing) on his liver, so his time with us is short. He came through surgery beautifully and is by my side right now, looking extremely healthly.... It is almost impossible to believe.

I understand that a pet's health problems in no way compares to the various health issues that many of you are going through, and I am in no way trying to put it on the same level, but he (and my female) are my constant companions and my husband and I are what is often referred to as "dog people". Our vacations are planned around our dogs, the various houses we have to rent when we move every two years are chosen with our dogs in mind.

I truly believe one of the reasons I'm still in relatively decent physical condition is the fact that I walk my dogs every day (when possible) and we take them on very long walks/hikes on most weekends.. they are truly like our children. My husband has no children and I have one son who is adamant that he never wants to have children, so my chances of being a grandmother are pretty much zero.... maybe that is why we are so involved with our two herding dogs.

I don't have any friends who live nearby because we move so often and I can't talk on the phone to any one right now without breaking down. I need somewhere to go to feel a connection, while at the same time, I just want to hide. I have made some really wonderful "online friends" that are great and supportive, but I don't want to overwhelm them every day with my all over the place emotions.

I joined this forum to "hang out" and share "getting older" stories, but I am going to need something more over the next few months....perhaps this forum will fit the bill.

Please bear with me if my posts seem all over the place (which is how I feel right now) or if I stop posting and just lurk.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good heavens Marian! My gramma has had several skin cancers removed (which is why I quit tanning years ago-scared the crap out of me) and one of the last ones was on her nose. It wasn't nearly as extensive as yours tho. Her brother actually lost his nose to skin cancer. I'm glad you're on top of things, making sure you have great medical care.

Aw Casey, big hugs to you!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I am so sorry to hear about your beloved dog, colorluvr. Our pets mean everything to us, too. We lost both of our cats this year. Our boy was lost to old age, at 21 y.o. We lost our 13 y.o. girl to pancreatitis. She became very ill and died a week later. There was nothing that could be done for her. I hope that posting in this forum will be helpful to you. You will receive a lot of love and support.
Say whatever you need to say. We will be here for you...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

packrat said:
Good heavens Marian! My gramma has had several skin cancers removed (which is why I quit tanning years ago-scared the crap out of me) and one of the last ones was on her nose. It wasn't nearly as extensive as yours tho. Her brother actually lost his nose to skin cancer. I'm glad you're on top of things, making sure you have great medical care.

Aw Casey, big hugs to you!

I used to be out in the sun all the time! I also used tanning beds. I was an idiot! I've become practically phobic about being out in the sun for any extended period of time. I've become a creature of the where is the emotie for fangs!

I'm sorry that your gramma and her brother had to go through this, too.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh Casey! I'm a just broken hearted for you. I'm tearing up as I write this! I know you've had a stressful summer, but this is devastating! I know how much you love your dogs, and what a comfort they have been since moving to Oregon. I don't have the words to tell you how sorry I am that you are going through this. Take what comfort you can in knowing that you can love and cuddle and look into his eyes for a while longer, and let him know how important he has been in your life. Again, I don't have adequate words to say, other than use us when you need to. God bless you, my friend. You know how to find me.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Uppy....very quickly 'cause I'm at work: what was the name of that internal medicine doc you say you see?

I've got a baaad feeling about this referral my PC doc gave me, so I'M looking for someone that specializes in fibro and comes recommended - by a real PATIENT if I can get one.

I'm calling in my chips right now, and I have a guy at work talking with a new doc in his office right now too...

colorluvr, I'm so sorry! That's just brutal. We lost our big black goofy lab back in March with no warning, so I know how it hurts!! Big hug!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

edited for privacy 8)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Bless you! Thanks! :)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I sent you a message with all the info.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr said:
I have made some really wonderful "online friends" that are great and supportive, but I don't want to overwhelm them every day with my all over the place emotions.

You have my number, and I will always be only as far as the phone. I will not be overwhelmed. I share your love of animals and genuinely feel your pain. You know I was there only recently......... Call me anytime!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Sparklee said:
colorluvr said:
I have made some really wonderful "online friends" that are great and supportive, but I don't want to overwhelm them every day with my all over the place emotions.

You have my number, and I will always be only as far as the phone. I will not be overwhelmed. I share your love of animals and genuinely feel your pain. You know I was there only recently......... Call me anytime!

Thanks Sparklee, I know you understand and I appreciate you (and my other special friends) being there for me.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Oh Casey! I'm a just broken hearted for you. I'm tearing up as I write this! I know you've had a stressful summer, but this is devastating! I know how much you love your dogs, and what a comfort they have been since moving to Oregon. I don't have the words to tell you how sorry I am that you are going through this. Take what comfort you can in knowing that you can love and cuddle and look into his eyes for a while longer, and let him know how important he has been in your life. Again, I don't have adequate words to say, other than use us when you need to. God bless you, my friend. You know how to find me.

Thanks Uppy, you are a dear friend.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr--very sorry to hear about your dog. I've been in your situation and that's all I can say. Hang in there and feel free to talk to us, there are a lot of dog people on this forum who understand.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

we cat people understand, too........... :bigsmile:

cancer, whether human or pet, is a horrible thing.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Okay Ladies, I need some mature reflection and advice. I'm considering selling most of my personal jewelry collection.

A little background. Hubby and I were married at 25 (me) and 27 (him). Our finances have always been joint. Everything is in both of our names. This has been true in the legal and practical sense until about 4 years ago when I quit my job. At that point he was the sole earner. Since I have been working part time the last year (~15hrs/wk during school year) and since I have been involved in jewelry projects, I tend to try to keep my paychecks and sales in a little nest egg to allow me to move along and complete more jewelry projects. This has resulted in me being able to purchase the jewelry that I love, which is something hubby has never denied me, although he doesn't "get" what all the fuss is about. And I must confess that I often significantly low-ball when he asks me how much something cost to have made. :? However, at the moment he is quite worried about his present employment status. He is an engineering manager at a plant in Oklahoma City, and the automotive industry, especially the secondary market, is feeling the crunch. There is a possibility that his plant may be closed, or absorbed into another, which could easily mean he is SOL. We currently have one credit card that has a rather sizeable balance on it, but no other debt than our mortgage. Within the last month we've had more than a couple of unexpected home improvements that have drained much of our cash savings. Now this looming credit card debt has him losing sleep at night.

If you found yourself in a similar situation, would you attempt to consign and sell all but your 2 or 3 most important pieces? Or would you hold onto them, just selling the smallest pieces you have and not starting anymore projects? I'm talking about several one-of-a-kind or difficult to replicate pieces: >1 carat oec in 22k gold, 2.75 carat madagascan sapphire in platinum Mark Morrell, cartier rolling ring, vintage ruby and omc cluster ring, etc. I can conceivably raise at least $6-$7k.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Tough one Uppy.... I'm facing something a bit similar (not a potential loss of income, but an already huge vet bill with more on the horizon) and like you, I no longer "contribute" cash to the family coffers. My hubby is generous with me and I usually get "spending" money each month, which almost always goes to gemstones (or jewelry), but when a big unexpected bill slams us, I often feel like I should sell some of my pretties "to contribute" (like now). I'm sure you remember the last time I was in this predicament. ;)) I don't however, have any "fantastic" pieces of jewelry anymore, like you do.

Is this something that he feels might be happening soon, or it is just a creeping sensation? I'm asking because I'd hate to see you sell your "one of a kinds" if it isn't necessary, but then again, a husband loosing sleep over money problems isn't a fun thing to live with.

I think I would definitely put the brakes on any new projects, and perhaps try to sell some of your not "one of a kinds" of not so favorites and see what happens... Christmas shopping will start in a couple of months and if you feel that you still need to sell some of your more "special items", you'll still be in that "before Christmas" sweet spot. JMHO
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Uppy, so long as you love these pieces I wouldn't do anything yet. I would put a freeze on future projects and wait and see. And I'd tighten the budget in other areas if possible. You can always sell them later if necessary, but reacquiring them later when things pick up could be difficult.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Yep, I'm freezing all projects. Just have to get rid of that tempting chrysoberyl!!!! :errrr:

The smaller, thus less expensive pieces that I could sell, either wouldn't garner what they're worth or wouldn't put a significant dent in the debt. ;(
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata said:
Upgradable said:
Matata said:
Upgradable said:
Laughing beats crying! Or to quote Dolly Parton (another great old broad), "Laughter through tears. That's my favorite emotion!"

Laughing is great, leaking while laughing --not so great.
Yet another post-40 issue that we needn't scare the younguns with. :Up_to_something:

Though, if you're seeking opinions, Poise light liners seem to do the job fine. Unless I'm suffering through a case of bronchitis. Then I gotta go full on Depends.

My doc gave me exercises to do and they've helped some. Months go by without a problem and then there are times when if I blink too hard... I have also mastered the art of standing with my legs crossed for those surprise leaks. See a lot of women doing that in the grocery store. Legs firmly but elegantly crossed, finger on chin, trying to choose between whole or cut beets. Probably think they look hip, but I know what they're doing -- trying not to drip in their drawers. Oh yeah, I been there, can't fool me.
OMG this is hilarious, and I have so done that. Not to mention praying when I sneeze.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catmom said:
soocool said:
Here's one for all of you. It is almost 7:30 pm here and I am about ready to go upstairs and get ready for bed (10pm)so that I can fall asleep before DH starts to snore and I get at least a few hours sleep before I wake up at 2 am and again at 3 and 4 am.

Gah, it's not just me! Why oh why must I wake up every hour on the hour?
Not just you, me too. It bugs me that my hubby snores and breathes too loud. Of course I don't, not at all, tho he did say today that he had to get out of bed last night as I was snoring so loud. I think he is just lying and blaming me when it was him. Sometimes instead of putting a pillow over his face I sweetly and politley ask him to stop growling :saint:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

movie zombie said:
same age as JewelFreak......

i was last carded at age 50........seriously. now at age 62 time has caught up with me. sigh. but i do agree that it beats the alternative! especially since i'm in that age group that thought the cuban missle crisis would see us all dead. the cold war threat loomed real with air raid drills and crawling under desks....not to mention the threat of polio.

is no one else bothered by white hairs in the brows and lashes?! i don't mind the hair on my head [well, i do object to those hairs on my lip and chin...] but i absolutely hate what those traitorous white hairs do to my brows and lashes.

Not to mention the white pubic hars :lol:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Scorpioanne said:
Not to mention the white pubic hars :lol:

or loss of hars...... :shock:

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lulu said:
Pink Tower---- I'm in the Crohn's camp. I haven't had a flare this year though. I take Lialda, never had to use steroids.

What's up with using the quote function now. And can we highlight?
How can you tell that this is a diamond forum? I read this as Lucida :lol:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog! We will be here for you any time you need!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Uppy, while your husband's plant closing remains a possibility, I wouldn't do anything yet. Actually I don't think I'd ever sell anything that was irreplacable, but that's just me.

We went through a HORRIBLE year and a half when the recession hit. My husband is a home improvement contractor who has always been busy during the twenty four years that he's had his business, and then the bottom dropped out. People cancelled contracted home improvements and others who had gotten estimates and had seriously planned on having work done- called and said they were going to wait. So for a year and a half, my husband made more of his custom fishing lures and sold that, I started selling things on eBay as an every week regular thing, and I used my little savings to cover the money that my husband couldn't contribute. We worried, we did a little crying, we brainstormed, and in the end, we promised the Lord that we would do the best we could to stretch a buck if He hung in there with us and watched over us. Somehow we got through it. I guess when push comes to shove, you find a way. I was right up front with my husband about never selling my jewelry. I just won't, ever. End of story. He understood because he would never sell his bass boat or his tools and business equipment. He's always been pretty selfish that way and I've taken a lesson from him in the last eighteen yrs.

Don't panic - yet. "If" the worst happens, I'm sure you can put your heads together and think of some way to carry yourselves financially until your husband finds another position. No one is saying you have to pay off your credit card debt now. All you *have* to do in the worst of situations, is keep yourselves current and keep yourselves afloat.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catmom said:
colorluvr, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog! We will be here for you any time you need!

So am I colorluvr, very sorry. We went through a similar thing a few years ago and I know it's not easy to deal with. A lot of us have furbabies, and you'll find great comfort here when you need it.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Yep, I'm freezing all projects. Just have to get rid of that tempting chrysoberyl!!!! :errrr:

The smaller, thus less expensive pieces that I could sell, either wouldn't garner what they're worth or wouldn't put a significant dent in the debt. ;(

While I'll never sell my best jewelry, I did sell an awful lot of gold and all of the gemstone rings that I bought when I first started collecting over fifteen years ago. I was able to make about $3000 selling all of these things on eBay and they were pieces that I hadn't worn in more than ten years. It was found money to me, and even though it didn't pay down any of our debt, it did help to pay utilities and food for quite a while.

I'd like to suggest that you not look at your debt as the biggest problem you'll have if your husband's plant closes, it will be just keeping up with everything while he looks for another position.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Scorpioanne said:
Catmom said:
soocool said:
Here's one for all of you. It is almost 7:30 pm here and I am about ready to go upstairs and get ready for bed (10pm)so that I can fall asleep before DH starts to snore and I get at least a few hours sleep before I wake up at 2 am and again at 3 and 4 am.

Gah, it's not just me! Why oh why must I wake up every hour on the hour?
Not just you, me too. It bugs me that my hubby snores and breathes too loud. Of course I don't, not at all, tho he did say today that he had to get out of bed last night as I was snoring so loud. I think he is just lying and blaming me when it was him. Sometimes instead of putting a pillow over his face I sweetly and politley ask him to stop growling :saint:

Earplugs ladies, earplugs!! I've been wearing them since 2005. It's the only thing that allows me to get any sleep.

UPPY: I'd hold off and see what happens. You can always sit down with hubby and tell him that you're prepared to sell your items to do your part if the need be. Maybe just knowing that it's some income that will be there might help ease his anxiety.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Last night I started my three day prep, and this morning I started my two day fast for my surgical colonoscopy on Monday. By Monday afternoon, I think I'm going to want to chew off my own foot!

It's 11:00 a.m. and I'm hungry!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
Last night I started my three day prep, and this morning I started my two day fast for my surgical colonoscopy on Monday. By Monday afternoon, I think I'm going to want to chew off my own foot!

It's 11:00 a.m. and I'm hungry!

WOW! Two days? I don't remember it being that long :confused: Either I have selected memory loss (very possible) or mine was only 24 hrs......