
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

That's fabulous news, Colorluvr!! I know he has been searching a long time, and this comes at such a perfect time for you and your family. I hope you have the opportunity to give thanks for all the little things in your life this week. You certainly deserve it!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1290626624|2778346 said:
I hope you have the opportunity to give thanks for all the little things in your life this week. You certainly deserve it!!

:)) Thanks!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, Merry HallowThanksWeenMas! (I think that should cover what I've forgotten all the way to what I might yet forget).

I'm still around, although all the drama (outside this little backwater thread) is almost more than I can take, honestly. PS is a bigger mess than I thought possible, ad my TG plans to have some out of town family over, fell through due to a death in the extended family, so now my dinner won't happen due to all the wake/funeral service activities. Pretty sad for Thanksgiving. But my free-range organic buzzard is in the fridge covered in salt and "dry-brining" as I type, so come what may, we will be having roasted buzzard at some point.

Have a great holiday all, filled with family and love! :appl: :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr|1290624576|2778302 said:
Happy Thanksgiving to all a day early, cause I doubt I'll be on here tomorrow...

Oh, and REALLY GOOD NEWS! My son got a job - woo hoo.... starts on the 6th of Dec. because it's a tech company and they have to get drug test and background check results which will happen next week. He's already looking at apartments so he can move out of mom's house - LOL... He'll only be 20 minutes away, so that's a nice distance :appl:

I imagine he'll move after the first of the year if the job works out. WAY good news for a young man (33) that's been out of work for over a year and had to live with his mom and step dad!
What wonderful news. I know it is so hard to land a job now. I am happy for you.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Pardon me, I'd like to apply for admission. Is it safe to assume there is no bathing suit part of the application process?


Thanks for keeping me smiling and feeling not-alone for so long!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Jas, you are quite welcome to all the amenities you can handle. Oh, wait..... there are none. 8-)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1290654900|2778808 said:
Jas, you are quite welcome to all the amenities you can handle. Oh, wait..... there are none. 8-)

Oh thank God. My hands are full enough.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1290572185|2777702 said:
This board is decompensating fast. I hope we can keep our little corner of it safe and alive as long as possible. I don't have a lot of hope. Although I think we go pretty much unnoticed in this thread at least. **edited by moderator. Uppy, you know better. Last warning**

Uppy, I don't think it will survive either. I thought it got off to a good start though. I find myself spending less time here on PS because it just doesn't interest me as much anymore.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm limiting my posting and may stop completely.

In other news, I bought 2 pairs of those Vanity Fair long legged underwear. They are awesome, if maybe a bit toasty. They look ugly as all get out on me, but they are comfortable. I'm still up for trying some men's boxers, but I think they might have too much excess material where I don't want it! DH doesn't have any for me to sample. Lol. :lol:

Take care ladies! This thread has been fun, enlightening, supportive, entertaining and informative! :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Lyra, I certainly hope you do not choose to leave! I too am incredibly sad and disappointed by the recent turn of events at Pricescope, but I have found such a wonderful support system and group of similarly minded women here, especially in this thread, and I would be be devistated to lose it! I plan to continue to post here as long as PS is open, and I look forward to seeing and talking with all of you soon. :(sad
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I think we would all miss you. I will keep posting here and in Hangout. I am staying away from RT until this mess is solved. It's put a big damper on my vacation.. Grrr.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1290877074|2780379 said:
Lyra, I certainly hope you do not choose to leave! I too am incredibly sad and disappointed by the recent turn of events at Pricescope, but I have found such a wonderful support system and group of similarly minded women here, especially in this thread, and I would be be devistated to lose it! I plan to continue to post here as long as PS is open, and I look forward to seeing and talking with all of you soon. :(sad

Uppy, I'm glad you are going to continue to hang out on here... I'd miss everyone on here also if this thread went away. :(sad
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

My conscience is eating at me for giving this place any traffic so I'm unsure what I'll do. Depends on outcome of "the situation." In the meantime, I'm sitting at the beach looking out at rain and a stormy sea having a cozy weekend with my DH. Love the coast regardless of the weather. Poor seagulls look a bit forlorn though.

I'm continuing therapeutic deep tissue massages for my back & shoulder problems and it has helped tremendously.

Kaleigh, was awfully glad to read elsewhere here (can't remember where you posted it) that you do not have ALS as I was soooo very fearful that you had based on your postings.

Good thoughts & best wishes to all for a great weekend.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata|1290888424|2780476 said:
My conscience is eating at me for giving this place any traffic so I'm unsure what I'll do. Depends on outcome of "the situation." In the meantime, I'm sitting at the beach looking out at rain and a stormy sea having a cozy weekend with my DH. Love the coast regardless of the weather. Poor seagulls look a bit forlorn though.

I'm continuing therapeutic deep tissue massages for my back & shoulder problems and it has helped tremendously.

Kaleigh, was awfully glad to read elsewhere here (can't remember where you posted it) that you do not have ALS as I was soooo very fearful that you had based on your postings.

Good thoughts & best wishes to all for a great weekend.
I understand your position, Matata. I've got my fingers crossed.

And Kaleigh, I too am incredibly relieved to hear this. I have been keeping you in my prayers. We need to keep the "good ones" close to our hearts!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh|1290881591|2780427 said:
I think we would all miss you. I will keep posting here and in Hangout. I am staying away from RT until this mess is solved. It's put a big damper on my vacation.. Grrr.

Kaleigh, I also read that you do not have ALS. I am so happy to hear that. :appl: Hopefully all our prayers helped!

Ladies if you continue to post here, I will visit because I think of all of you as family. We share a lot in common and have been through a lot.

Also, I wanted to purchase some diamond hoops ( huggies) for myself, but because of the drama will probably put that on hold for a while.

ETA: DH said #%!! whatever is going on here and order the earrings for myself for Christmas.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool|1290890012|2780489 said:
Kaleigh|1290881591|2780427 said:
I think we would all miss you. I will keep posting here and in Hangout. I am staying away from RT until this mess is solved. It's put a big damper on my vacation.. Grrr.

Kaleigh, I also read that you do not have ALS. I am so happy to hear that. :appl: Hopefully all our prayers helped!

Ladies if you continue to post here, I will visit because I think of all of you as family. We share a lot in common and have been through a lot.

Also, I wanted to purchase some diamond hoops ( huggies) for myself, but because of the drama will probably put that on hold for a while.

ETA: DH said #%!! whatever is going on here and order the earrings for myself for Christmas.

I did not read that Kaleigh did not have ALS, but I'm glad to hear it. Infinitely more than glad, as most here should know...

Socool, as many have pointed out, you COULD look locally. I buy my stones online, but I've had/am having the mounting done locally. I've had good luck so far, although to be fair, the stuff I've had done up to now HAS been fairly simple. (I'll post the moment I get my 3 carat pink zircon ring finished. It's at the stage of casting right now) But there are 2 B&M's here that I trust and use. Maybe you can find something where you are? I have a pair of Zasha single-diamond huggies that I wear many times a week, and I would suggest anything Jude Frances for huggie, charm, and delicately executed and very feminine pieces.

Oh, and can I get your DH to give mine some lessons?? He sounds like he has very proper priorites! ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger|1290894980|2780549 said:
soocool|1290890012|2780489 said:
Kaleigh|1290881591|2780427 said:
I think we would all miss you. I will keep posting here and in Hangout. I am staying away from RT until this mess is solved. It's put a big damper on my vacation.. Grrr.

Kaleigh, I also read that you do not have ALS. I am so happy to hear that. :appl: Hopefully all our prayers helped!

Ladies if you continue to post here, I will visit because I think of all of you as family. We share a lot in common and have been through a lot.

Also, I wanted to purchase some diamond hoops ( huggies) for myself, but because of the drama will probably put that on hold for a while.

ETA: DH said #%!! whatever is going on here and order the earrings for myself for Christmas.

I did not read that Kaleigh did not have ALS, but I'm glad to hear it. Infinitely more than glad, as most here should know...

Socool, as many have pointed out, you COULD look locally. I buy my stones online, but I've had/am having the mounting done locally. I've had good luck so far, although to be fair, the stuff I've had done up to now HAS been fairly simple. (I'll post the moment I get my 3 carat pink zircon ring finished. It's at the stage of casting right now) But there are 2 B&M's here that I trust and use. Maybe you can find something where you are? I have a pair of Zasha single-diamond huggies that I wear many times a week, and I would suggest anything Jude Frances for huggie, charm, and delicately executed and very feminine pieces.

Oh, and can I get your DH to give mine some lessons?? He sounds like he has very proper priorites! ;))

I suspect DH knows what I got him for Christmas and he is clueless what to get me. That is probably why he said go for it (The 2 glasses of wine did not hurt either :lol: )

I would only work with 2 jewelers in my area, but both places are substantially higher in cost for what I will pay online. So I am going with the online vendor who cannot be mentioned.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, having spent the last week cooking and then eating my way into a (delicious) food coma, I find that I have again, apparently, missed out on the drama. I usually miss, or just plain don't get most of it all anyway.

Hope those of you who celebrated Thanksgiving had a lovely time with family or friends. I did, and right now I think it was worth the 5 pounds I re-gained. (But I may change my mind about that when those 5 pounds are still here next month, despite my time on the treadmill!)

Are we all online shopping today? I've been browsing.............
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Insomnia has reared its ugly head.again. It's 3 a.m. and I can't get my brain to shut-off. For me, this is the most frustrating part of menopause :((
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh for crap's sake. Is it any wonder that we're cranky?? How can anyone navigate the conflicting information?

Off to beat my head against a wall for a bit...

Extra Vitamin D and Calcium Aren’t Needed, Report Says
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata|1291114851|2782572 said:
Insomnia has reared its ugly head.again. It's 3 a.m. and I can't get my brain to shut-off. For me, this is the most frustrating part of menopause :((

Yes, insomnia sucks. I'm sorry you're having to deal with it today. I always dread that crash around 1pm.... :sick:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

My dog must be having insomnia. He has been jumping into bed with us for the past four days around 4:30am (I get up at 6am). It wasn't so bad last weekend when I slept in, but this morning I am a zombie. I am going to take him to the dog park today to really tire him out. We are expecting heavy rain tonight through tomorrow so this is the only chance I will get to make him run around. Has anyone ever given thought to an indoor doggy park?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good idea SooCool! You could make a lot of money with this idea. Imagine it in very urban areas like NYC.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, ladies. I reclaimed my dignity yesterday.

Hubby and I have been talking about getting a new vehicle. He gets a car allowance from work, but the car needs to be <6 years old. Well, his Bonneville ages out at the end of the year. I've been driving a minivan for the last 16 years and made a plea to be the one to get the new car, and a grown up car at that. (Although this new car will be 'on record' as his work car, it will really be mine.)

So, he and I discussed our needs and wants, and we found ourselves about 1000 miles apart!!! :? Not a surprise. I want leather seats, wood grain, and all kinds of luxury features, and he wanted the monthly payment of $50! Well, we drove five different vehicles last Thursday, and pretty much settled on the Toyota Camry. However, all the perks that I wanted seemed to be out of reach.

Well, I managed to work my feminine wiles on the salesman yesterday and managed to get all the luxury upgrades I wanted (heated seats..... yum!) at only $5 more per month than hubby's bottom line. Yep, I have a gorgeous new 2011 Toyota Camry XLE sitting in my garage. And I chose sapphire blue! Kashmir sapphire!!!!

Hubby stuttered and stammered, got in and drove it, and said, "You did it. I didn't think we'd be able to make it happen, but you did it."
Yep! A renewed appreciation for my ability to get the job done, AND a bottle of champagne later..... guess who else got lucky??
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1291127991|2782683 said:
Well, ladies. I reclaimed my dignity yesterday.

Yep! A renewed appreciation for my ability to get the job done, AND a bottle of champagne later..... guess who else got lucky??

Good for you girl! Love the champagne and lucky part!

I would like to reclaim my dignity and love for nice vehicles, but I fear that may never happen. I have to admit, however, that for the price and what it is, my Honda CRV is a nice "combo vehicle" (AWD, dogmobile and still decent to drive) but I do remember the days when I drove exactly what I wanted, NOT what I needed - sigh.

A vision that my friends in the little town where I was raised always remembers was my mom and her standard poodle riding around in her cadillac. An elegant combo they were! My mom and dad didn't have a lot of money, but they could be very frugal when needed and they always had a nice vehicle. DH is all over function, but just doesn't get it about "form" when it comes to vehicles....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1291127217|2782668 said:
Good idea SooCool! You could make a lot of money with this idea. Imagine it in very urban areas like NYC.
Well he ran around for 1/2 hour and then just wanted to sniff. No other dogs around to play with today so I just threw around a tennis ball. A couple of minutes after getting into the car it began to drizzle. Now he jumped up on his sofa and is snoozing with one eye open watching me.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1291127991|2782683 said:
Well, ladies. I reclaimed my dignity yesterday.

Hubby and I have been talking about getting a new vehicle. He gets a car allowance from work, but the car needs to be <6 years old. Well, his Bonneville ages out at the end of the year. I've been driving a minivan for the last 16 years and made a plea to be the one to get the new car, and a grown up car at that. (Although this new car will be 'on record' as his work car, it will really be mine.)

So, he and I discussed our needs and wants, and we found ourselves about 1000 miles apart!!! :? Not a surprise. I want leather seats, wood grain, and all kinds of luxury features, and he wanted the monthly payment of $50! Well, we drove five different vehicles last Thursday, and pretty much settled on the Toyota Camry. However, all the perks that I wanted seemed to be out of reach.

Well, I managed to work my feminine wiles on the salesman yesterday and managed to get all the luxury upgrades I wanted (heated seats..... yum!) at only $5 more per month than hubby's bottom line. Yep, I have a gorgeous new 2011 Toyota Camry XLE sitting in my garage. And I chose sapphire blue! Kashmir sapphire!!!!

Hubby stuttered and stammered, got in and drove it, and said, "You did it. I didn't think we'd be able to make it happen, but you did it."
Yep! A renewed appreciation for my ability to get the job done, AND a bottle of champagne later..... guess who else got lucky??

Congrats on the new car! Don't you just love the smell of a new car. I got myself the Cadillac SRX a couple of months ago in gray mettalic and just love it. The older I get the more I love luxury cars, remembering my first vehicle was a VW bug in 1974 and I could jst fit 5 people in that car (rather uncomfortably).

BTW, did you get 3 free months of satellite radio? I am pondering if I want to continue or not. I have 10gb of hardrive audio storage so don't know if it is worth paying for satellite or not.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good job Uppy! :appl:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Congrats Uppy. That's quite an achievement. I'm still wonderin' whether it was the salesman who "got lucky" :devil: You must have some serious powers of persuasion. I inherited some $$ 2 years ago and bought a Lexus. My first luxury car. Love it to pieces and those heated seats, oh yeah, baby...nuthin' like warm toasty buns in the winter.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata|1291138705|2782877 said:
Congrats Uppy. That's quite an achievement. I'm still wonderin' whether it was the salesman who "got lucky" :devil: You must have some serious powers of persuasion. I inherited some $$ 2 years ago and bought a Lexus. My first luxury car. Love it to pieces and those heated seats, oh yeah, baby...nuthin' like warm toasty buns in the winter.

DH wonders why I linger in the car after we get home.