
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Colorluvr, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. My mom died a little over 3 years ago and many times I find myself doing or saying something my mom used to do or say and then I stop and laugh at myself saying "I am my mother!"

Also I am so happy that your pup is doing so much better. It is amazing how much love a pet can give without ever asking for anything in return (turns and hugs her little furball. Little furball gives my hand a good lick)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I just wanted to check in and say hi. I'm going through some things with my daughter and my depression and anxiety have increased. Due to my fibro fog, I may have already posted this. If so, then things are the same as last time I was here. I'm trying to pull myself together. I'll post more when I'm in a better space. I didn't want anyone to think that I lost interest in this thread or my friends. I'm here every day reading your posts. My thoughts are with all of you.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


I'm sorry you're having a hard time with your daughter. 8)

I just went through a big spat with my son (two long months of pain), and it came down to "I will treat you like an adult when you act like one". He's growing up and wants all this "space and respect" but doesn't want to realize we are adults too, with feelings that also need to be respected. So we are trying this new mutual respect thing, we'll see how it actually pans out. We've had this discussion before . . .

I know how hard it is when you raise a person and you put in so much time and energy and they turn around and smack you. It's horrible! I felt so abused and unappreciated. My DH was especially upset, since he was a difficult child and he spent so much time trying to help him. The difficulty with the child made us both tense and upset, so it was hard on the marriage too.

So, yes, I don't know what your specifics are, but I feel for you. Just realize that they are all full of "phases" and it will pass. Hopefully sooner, rather than later. . .

Happy thoughts/fuzzies your way!

We'll still be here when you're ready. :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

RS, Big giant hugs to you!

On another note, the weather here is SE PA sucks today. In the 70s! and extremely humid. I had to turn the air conditioning on so I could breathe. No point in going out since we are expecting severe thunder storms this pm so spending time online researching ereaders and ipods in preparation for birthday/holiday gift buying.

I don't know what I'd do if we didn't have the internet or this thread. Well I do have a pile of reading staring me in the face, but I would rather be on here.

My dad will be released from rehab soon and he will be going to my sister's for a bit before he goes back to assisted living. I know that will make him feel better because when I stopped by to see him briefly today he was all smiles. I haven't seen that grin in a while. On Thanksgiving my niece and nephew will be announcing their big news (I bet you can guess!) I found out today and I had to at least tell you guys! UGH!!!! The phone has been ringing nonstop today - political stuff. I turned the ringer off and will check the phone numbers later.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

RS, oops, here's your hug!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, I've only managed to make it through a few pages so far, but I belong here!!!

I don't normally feel good saying this, but it seems ok after what I've read so far...Just this morning I plucked what appear to be quills, from my upper lip....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

JillyC said:
Well, I've only managed to make it through a few pages so far, but I belong here!!!

I don't normally feel good saying this, but it seems ok after what I've read so far...Just this morning I plucked what appear to be quills, from my upper lip....

JillyC - Welcome Aboard! :wavey: The more the merrier.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thank you for the support, iLander and soocool. I may post about it sometime, but it is just too raw. At least we are talking again, so that is something. I have had a few incidents with family and friends, which turned pretty ugly. I feel that I have been betrayed and judged without merit. After devoting my career to helping people, this has been quite a shock. Between not feeling well and being depressed/anxious, I make a conscious choice to get up every day. It's not always this bad, truly. It's just not very good, either.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hair, hair every where
Here a hair, there a hair
Everywhere a hair hair
I'm hairy noon and night, hair that's a fright
I'm hairy high and low, don't ask me why, don't know

And I got tired of making time to get it waxed, sooooooooo today I bought myself a wax warmer & wax. Tomorrow morning I will attack the peach fuzz on my cheeks, the unibrow, the chin hairs, and who knows, maybe even the hair on my big toes. Bwaaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaa, I am the mad waxing woman of Oregon.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Colorluvr, deepest condolences on your loss.

Hugs to all who are having health problems.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

My parents are decending on us tomorrow. They live 800 miles away. And even though I'm 48, I still have en emotional reaction to spending that much time with my mother. How can I still feel so inadequate??
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
Thank you for the support, iLander and soocool. I may post about it sometime, but it is just too raw. At least we are talking again, so that is something. I have had a few incidents with family and friends, which turned pretty ugly. I feel that I have been betrayed and judged without merit. After devoting my career to helping people, this has been quite a shock. Between not feeling well and being depressed/anxious, I make a conscious choice to get up every day. It's not always this bad, truly. It's just not very good, either.

Sorry . . . 8)

It will get better, I promise. . .

Now make a big smile, like this :bigsmile: I know you don't want to, just do it anyway. . .

Somehow, when I smile real big, it makes me feel a little better. It's silly, but it works, I don't know why.

I hope it works a little bit for you.

It'll get better. Some days it's like rolling a rock up a mountain, but it'll get better.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata said:
Hair, hair every where
Here a hair, there a hair
Everywhere a hair hair
I'm hairy noon and night, hair that's a fright
I'm hairy high and low, don't ask me why, don't know

And I got tired of making time to get it waxed, sooooooooo today I bought myself a wax warmer & wax. Tomorrow morning I will attack the peach fuzz on my cheeks, the unibrow, the chin hairs, and who knows, maybe even the hair on my big toes. Bwaaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaa, I am the mad waxing woman of Oregon.

You are one brave chick! :shock:

We expect a full report tomorrow!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
My parents are decending on us tomorrow. They live 800 miles away. And even though I'm 48, I still have en emotional reaction to spending that much time with my mother. How can I still feel so inadequate??

It's your house, you have a good life, there is no reason to feel inadequate. If she does or says something just do this :rolleyes: when she's not looking.

I have an aunt that visits and makes all KINDS of remarks to everyone, because she just has NO filter. We used to dread her coming over. But one day, I told the kids "The one that gets the most offensive remark from her wins $5". My daughter won when my aunt said "How are you enjoying your new boobies?" :shock:

We all laughed about the remarks later, and had fun comparing. We see them for they are, silly remarks that don't really matter, from a batty woman. Now we all look forward to her coming because the kids are hoping to make $$.

Maybe there is some way you can turn this around and make a funny episode out of it.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, Risingsun, I had my response typed out to you this morning, and POOF! it disappeared. Grrr. But the general gist was that I hope things settle down for you and that you and your daughter find a common ground, and that the dang fibro gives you a rest. I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time right now. :sick:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
JillyC said:
Well, I've only managed to make it through a few pages so far, but I belong here!!!

I don't normally feel good saying this, but it seems ok after what I've read so far...Just this morning I plucked what appear to be quills, from my upper lip....

JillyC - Welcome Aboard! :wavey: The more the merrier.

Yep. Welcome! :))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata said:
And I got tired of making time to get it waxed, sooooooooo today I bought myself a wax warmer & wax. Tomorrow morning I will attack the peach fuzz on my cheeks, the unibrow, the chin hairs, and who knows, maybe even the hair on my big toes. Bwaaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaa, I am the mad waxing woman of Oregon.

Oh crud, am I supposed to wax that stuff too? It'd be an all day job. Maybe I should consider a wax warmer although I think I'm likely to end up that strange lady with no brows at all if I tried brow waxing myself. :confused:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh Uppy, I'm sorry your mother can make you feel that way! I hate having guests at all. Come here and vent if you need to. Hugs.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Risingsun, I'm so sorry you're going through a difficult period with your daughter, issues with family can be such sources of stress and upset. Please try to hang in there, things usually have a way of working out over time. I truly hope the situation gets better soon, but in the meantime please take care of yourself and still try to find joy in life where you can. Big gentle hugs to you!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thank you to everyone for your support. It means the world to me to have a safe place to write about these things. I used to be very resilient to adversity, but not so much anymore. This thread is a very special place.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I needed some connection this afternoon, so I reread the majority of this thread since its inception and realized how much I had missed (or forgotten :o ). Even though I'm a real newbie as far as PS is concerned, I've felt a part of this group from my initial post, so I just wanted to say "thanks for making me feel welcome" and thanks again Uppy, for the initial invite.

Being able to just "put it out there" when I needed to has helped a lot, so I want to thank you for all of the love and supportive responses that you have given me. It's really helped, even if I didn't always log on and say thank you when I should have. I have been so "self focused" over the past two months that I missed a lot of your posts, but I think I am kind of caught up now.

I too tired (emotionally) to respond further tonight, but perhaps tomorrow will be a better day and I can chime in on some of the topics (other than my own)...

I mostly want to send out huge hugs and love to all of you going through physical and emotional issues right now. I know they can be overwhelming and some extra hugs never hurt!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata said:
Hair, hair every where
Here a hair, there a hair
Everywhere a hair hair
I'm hairy noon and night, hair that's a fright
I'm hairy high and low, don't ask me why, don't know

And I got tired of making time to get it waxed, sooooooooo today I bought myself a wax warmer & wax. Tomorrow morning I will attack the peach fuzz on my cheeks, the unibrow, the chin hairs, and who knows, maybe even the hair on my big toes. Bwaaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaa, I am the mad waxing woman of Oregon.

Okay, I've spent most of life here lurking and this particular post has me rolling so hard that I'm going to peeeee in my pants if I'm not careful. Obviously you have not yet used that little home hot waxing device, lol, as I chuckle. I've been in the "biz" for years and thought it would be a good idea myself once, twice, maybe a couple times until there was that one day that I just couldn't bring myself to pull the strip of fabric slathered with too hot wax that was securely stuck to my special place. What a dilema that turns into because now you've got a mess on your hands and very little courage to endure the pain this last time and pretty sure that you're not gonna be able to get into your clothes so you can drive to a friends to get them to pull the painfull POS off either.

Oh yes, but wait, there's hubbs comes home and is wondering what the heck have you done and now decides it's gonna cost ya BIG TIME for his you see where this is going? yeah, not pretty for many months to come and years later there is generally a sweet reminder as I gaze upon the gooey wax covered little heater that promised a quick easy cost effective way to relieve me of the blond gorilla that I had turned into.

Good luck with that. I recommend a good stiff bourbon to go along with that. (maybe a hat and sunglasses too get you to the recovery appointment that follows the home job) lol

My next adventure was 10 months of electrolysis only to start bio-identical hormones a few months later. Now I'm happy & hairy :nono: I just let the professionals at work make me smooth and bare now. I was blessed with gorgeous hair, some of it just happens to be from the chin down now.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

DH told me once that I was the only one that didn't know that women get hairy as they age....WTH? I haven't handled it gracefully at all, he really says it doesn't bother him. I have more hair on my chest that he does!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

cnspotts said:
DH told me once that I was the only one that didn't know that women get hairy as they age....WTH? I haven't handled it gracefully at all, he really says it doesn't bother him. I have more hair on my chest that he does!

Please don't hate me, but at age 54 I remain hair free on my face. No peach fuzz either, but I exfoliate my face. Maybe I just exfoliate those suckers away.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ok, now my rant. I have been sleeping pretty well lately. Two nights ago my dog gets up in the middle of the night and I can hear him walking on the hardwood floors (that click click sound). Then he jumps into bed on DH's side. I say I will take him out and DH says it's raining out there so I go back to sleep. DH tells the dog to go to bed. The dog jumps off and lies down on his bed. One hour later, click click again and the dog goes to the door. DH takes him out (We could have settled this 2 hours earlier!!!) dog jumps into bed on top of me and sleeps there until the alarm goes off (6:15am).

Today the dog again wakes up around 2:30am and jumps in with me . I let him sleep there the rest of the night so I could sleep. All is well then DH's alarm goes off at 5:30. He just lies there for almost 10 minutes and I nudge him telling him it is 5:40 and he apologizes saying that he forgot to reset his alarm. Now I am pissed and wide awake. So I get up and go into the bathroom and get dressed to go downstairs and when I come back into the bedroom there is the dog and DH sprawled all over the bed. Even if I had wanted to lie down again there was no room for me in there. sighs!!! I need my own bedroom!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all being here and sharing your rants and raves!!!! I'm feeling especially anxious this morning as my parents got on the road at 6am and should be here by 6 or 6:30 tonight, and my house is not how I'd like it!! My intent was just to come on and get a little of that negative energy out on the board, and then go tackel (how do you spell tackle?) a couple of jobs, then sit back down to rest and vent a little more angst here.

But you wonderful women are much wiser than I, and you sabotaged my anxiety by posting a heartfelt message of thanks (Cololuvr, I'm still praying for you), an hysterical story from cnspotts that had me sputtering in my coffee!! I can see, hear, and dare I say, feel your pain.... along with the humiliation you felt at the mercy of your husband. Oh, my dear, YOU BELONG HERE WITH US!!! SooCo (with lime... I always think of Southern Comfort when seeing your name) I hear you on the dog AND husband agony!! Some days I'd like to shoot both of them!! Not the little dog though, she's cute and doesn't take up a lot of space. :lol:

God bless you ladies. I'm going to go load the dishwasher and restack the books on the bookshelves. Then I'll be back and see what other kind of mischief we can share. :praise:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


Anytime family would visit I would always make sure I took several walks a aday by myself to regain some of my sanity. Even locking yourself in the bathroom with a magazine works. You're in the bathroom who will interrupt you in there. Just make sure to flush and tell everyone not to go in there for a while.

Now I must go walk that little pooch. We just shared a banana. Today is laundry and cleaning day so I will popping in frequently. Ah, dog is jumping at the door!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr said:
Being able to just "put it out there" when I needed to has helped a lot, so I want to thank you for all of the love and supportive responses that you have given me. It's really helped, even if I didn't always log on and say thank you when I should have. I have been so "self focused" over the past two months that I missed a lot of your posts, but I think I am kind of caught up now.

Colorluvr, we are here anytime for anything. No need to say thank you or apologize for focusing inward. We all need to take the time and space to take care of ourselves. ((((Hugs coming your way))))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

We need a huge group hug!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Okay, floors done, bookcase done, kitchen done. :knockout:

Just need to stay focused to finish the rest. I'd love to share a funny story with you, but my brain is apparently on "low" today. Sorry.