
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi all. I'm still feeling pretty rough, but now it's hard to say exactly why. I NEED some caffeine, so this morning I will give a cup of coffee a go - gotta take the edge of that stupid caffeine headache, don'tcha know. And of course, my ribcage - after about 24 hours - feels like someone hit it with a sledgehammer, all over. :sick: Rejecting stomach contents is not my choice for working the intercostals, but it works, no doubt about it.

Yeah, I'm dreading the bill for THIS little trip. I don't know if my insurance will call it "non-emergency" or not. We shall see. I kinda think being weakened to the point of almost not being able to walk (I literally could barely stand up), as an emergency, but they may have other ideas. All I know is the nausea was getting worse by the minute, and I was long long past the point of having anything to naus, as it were.

Anyway, I'm drinking coffee right now with no apparent ill-effect, so maybe a bit of real food today? We shall see.

On the upside, I now have prescriptions for antinausea AND anticramp to stash in the medicine cabinet, should the need arise again. But since an episode of this magnitude only seems to happen every 20 years or so, (thank God), I suspect they might be out of date by then. ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Glad you're doing a bit better Karen, as I said you were hit hard so be good to yourself for the next couple of days and take it easy! It can take a while for the appetite to come back, just make sure to drink fluids to keep hydrated. It's good you have a "stash" just in case, but hopefully you won't need them ever again! You're so right about these viruses occurring very infrequently (thankfully), it's very strange.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Can anyone direct me to Karl and Karen's wedding thread? I'd like to sign the virtual guess book.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I can't find the thread, Lisa. Could you give me the link? There is a thread going on FB.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I can't find the thread, Lisa. Could you give me the link? There is a thread going on FB.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I just started the thread, it's in Hangout!, thanks Marian.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thank you, Lisa :))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Weekend's almost over. I had a blast with my friends yesterday. When I got home I was so tired I fell asleep with my clothes on. Went shopping today and bought a few nice knit tops. Tomorrow morning I am finally going to get fitted for a bra. Now I'll see if I have been wearing the right size or not. I'll make sure to check out their comfy undies too!

Wishing you all a good night's sleep! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Weekend's almost over. I had a blast with my friends yesterday. When I got home I was so tired I fell asleep with my clothes on. Went shopping today and bought a few nice knit tops. Tomorrow morning I am finally going to get fitted for a bra. Now I'll see if I have been wearing the right size or not. I'll make sure to check out their comfy undies too!

Wishing you all a good night's sleep! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sounds like you had a bast with your friends soocool, how fun. Karen, I am sorry you are having a tough time and am hoping you are doing better...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ah, yes, I am much improved, thank you. Thank you all for the kind wishes and sympathies. :wacko:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Karen, happy to hear you are feeling better!

After I signed off last night I got a call from a friend I have been trying to reach for the past few weeks. She said she was unavailable for the month of September. I thought she was on vacation. (she is also an Avon rep - a very successful one in our area). I told her I tried sending emails, but they all bounced back and after I had left several voice messages I began to worry. Well, she said that she just got home from the hospital from a bout of pneumonia. The pneumonia was a result of radiation treatment for lung cancer. I was so dumbfounded.

Normally, I would feel bad, but not as bad as I do for her. My friend has MS, runs her successful Avon business despite her husband's death 7 years ago due to a hit and run driver who was not charged. She said she did quite well after her chemo, but once they started radiation treatment her MS flared and she developed shingles. She has undergone so much in her life and I truly admire her strength. She had me laughing on the phone last night and I keep reminding her to call me whenever she needs to. I scolded her for not calling me when she was going through chemo and radiation, telling her that I gladly would have gone with her. She said that she is normally the person who listens (everyone calls to complain about their aches and pains) and she only told a few people (those who work for her) about what was going on. Well she loves my apple pie so later today, since I have a bunch of apples from the weekend, I will bake her a couple and bring them over to her later.

Her hair fell out again from the radiation and she said that she needs to get something to cover her head that is not too warm (the heat really bothers her MS). Any ideas other than scarves or bandanas that would work? I'd like to get her something soon.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ladies when you get a chance check out this website called Hot Flash Havoc! Supposedly a movie, they laso have movie clips.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I just now stumbled on this thread, and BRAVA ladies! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Haven't finished reading this whole thread, so sorry if I repeat stuff that's already been covered.

I can say that I really need this thread, as my mother and grandmothers have all passed and I have no one to ask about menopause, so your posts are helping me a great deal.

My DH and I have a deal: I tell everyone "I'm 38 and my husband does not have grey hair". He's a cottontop. . . :D

I have found one product that helps me some with crow's feet Roc Deep Wrinkle Night Cream. Tried other stuff, money wasted, but if I put this on right after a shower, then go to bed, in the morning they've temporarily disappeared. Gets better over time, about 2 months for significant results. Warning though, if you stop using it, the crows come flying back within a week. :rolleyes:

As far as dribbling (we know what I'm talking about) is it just me, or is it worse when you drink Sprite or 7Up? I think so. Colas don't seem to be an issue.

I find as I get older, I'm losing patience with whining and selfish behavior. Can't take it anymore. I've taken to saying "We are upright and sucking air, what more do you want?!!" When my father ignored my son's wedding pics email, and his only response was to send me yet ANOTHER partisan politics email, I called him on it. I actually said "stop being so selfish". No response yet. I am TOO OLD to put up with people's CRAP anymore! :angryfire:

I'm also struck by lives of relatives that have passed away: they spent their lives with resentment and anger toward each other. Arguing endlessly about nothing between themselves. What did that get them? They're gone, does that mean they are still "right" ? Relationships wasted, time lost. How smug can you be when you're dead? Now that I'm older, I know I don't want to go with stupid stuff clouding the memory of me.

Sorry for the rant, I'm old enough to understand now, wondering if others have noticed the same things. . .
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Welcome iLander! :wavey: Love your doggy in your avatar. I use the Roc Deep Wrinkle Night Cream also, but on my hands. My sister uses it on her face. I am a lover of the Avon Anew products. I am happy to say that I do not driblble - yet. I stopped drinking soda a while ago. It's nice that this thread is growing with us "ahem " 38 year olds.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh, I forgot to mention that I am back from my bra sizing and am officially.....wait for it.....

:appl: 34DD

I learned a lot today. I am definitely a 34 band size and could possibly wear a 32 band though I did not try any 32inch bras and could waver between a D and DD or E cup depending on the bra. I tried about 6 different ones. The first one was a winner. It was a Natori Reflex tshirt bra. It is so comfortable and the SA said the best way to try on bras is with a tshirt on so you could see your form better. Good thing I was wearing one! The other one I really loved but they had it in a brown shade and I wanted nude was a Simone Perele Andora tshirt bra.

The Natori was $52.00 and I bought that one. I found the Simone Perele bra online at Bare Necessities for $55.00 (30% off) and free shipping until tomorrow. I think I will order 2 of them. The store and everywhere else I checked online had it for $79.00.

While the others bra fit, my form did not look as good as it did in the 2 I selected. One was a little loose in the band even though it was a 34 and I looked like my boobs were sagging. In this case a 32 DD or evenn DDD could have worked, but they did not have any in that size.The SA said that the band should support your breasts, not the straps. You should always hook on thefirst hook (on the end) and as the band stretches you use the next to last, etc. Once you use the last hook from the end it is time to replace your bra. Also never store with cups inside one another because it degrades the material in the cups, so either store on a shelf or hang it up. Plus handwash or if you put in the wash in a mesh bag on gentle cycle, cold water and hang to dry.

I am so happy to finally get fitted that I keep looking at my chest in the mirror. Wonder if DH will notice? :naughty:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Oh, I forgot to mention that I am back from my bra sizing and am officially.....wait for it.....

:appl: 34DD

I learned a lot today. I am definitely a 34 band size and could possibly wear a 32 band though I did not try any 32inch bras and could waver between a D and DD or E cup depending on the bra. I tried about 6 different ones. The first one was a winner. It was a Natori Reflex tshirt bra. It is so comfortable and the SA said the best way to try on bras is with a tshirt on so you could see your form better. Good thing I was wearing one! The other one I really loved but they had it in a brown shade and I wanted nude was a Simone Perele Andora tshirt bra.

The Natori was $52.00 and I bought that one. I found the Simone Perele bra online at Bare Necessities for $55.00 (30% off) and free shipping until tomorrow. I think I will order 2 of them. The store and everywhere else I checked online had it for $79.00.

While the others bra fit, my form did not look as good as it did in the 2 I selected. One was a little loose in the band even though it was a 34 and I looked like my boobs were sagging. In this case a 32 DD or evenn DDD could have worked, but they did not have any in that size.The SA said that the band should support your breasts, not the straps. You should always hook on thefirst hook (on the end) and as the band stretches you use the next to last, etc. Once you use the last hook from the end it is time to replace your bra. Also never store with cups inside one another because it degrades the material in the cups, so either store on a shelf or hang it up. Plus handwash or if you put in the wash in a mesh bag on gentle cycle, cold water and hang to dry.

I am so happy to finally get fitted that I keep looking at my chest in the mirror. Wonder if DH will notice? :naughty:
I SWEAR by getting measured by a professional!! Then they can pull bras based on what your shape is and what your desires are! I'm so happy that you had a good experience. I don't mind paying $50 for a bra that is comfortable and will last me a year. AND I'M NEVER WALKING INTO VICTORIA'S SECRET AGAIN!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catching up.

I haven't had a chance to read everyone's posts since I last was on here, so I apologize in advance, but will catch up when I can.

Good news first: my pup just had his third round of Chemo on Friday and so far so good. He had a really bad reaction on the 10th day of round one and got a bad infection due to the chemo killing off his white blood cells so he couldn't fight the infection. After a scary couple of days, he was home from the emergency vet and back to his old self. They lowered the dose on round two and added a hormone that helps his white blood cell count. Round two went well and so we are hopeful round three will be uneventful as well.

My mom: I flew down to CA to see my mom (and say goodbye) the weekend of the 9th. I came home on the 11th and she was sent home to my sister's on Hospice "comfort care" and was kept on morphine to keep her pain free. She pretty much slept (her wishes) until the 13th when she passed.

My son and I drove back down to CA on the 17th and the private family service was on the 18th. We drove back on the 20th and now I'm just trying to process everything that has happened over the past few months... I do fine, then it hits and I fall apart, but today I"m ok, so it's one day at a time.

Thanks to all of you who sent well wishes my way.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Thanks all, for the kind wishes for recovery. I appreciate the good vibes.

I'm still feeling pretty rough. After all ....whoo haa of last night, every muscle is screaming and every joint is too. I had just taken my fibro med too, so that vacated the premises along with everything else. I'll try again tonight, with better success, hopefully.

I'm leaning towards a virus as the cause actually, rather than the oysters. I'm NOT a shellfish fan - they scare me for some reason - so it's easy to blame them. But they WERE cooked and the hubs didn't get sick, so it's really more likely to be a virus. The ER docs said there was a dandy one going around. It was such a shame to lose such a lovely meal. It really was excellent, and I watched the entire cooking process: it is unlikely that our premier 4-star chef is going to food-poison people with contaminated oysters.

It's weird, the only other time I've visited the ER was a similar experience about 18 years ago. I got a bug on New Year's Eve (we didn't even go out) and spent 6+ hours fighting the civil war, before surrendering. That was actually worse, because I didn't even get 5 minutes between rounds - I have enough time to take a few breaths, and then the process would start over. Talk about exhausted. Six hours then versus 3 hours now - my endurance level ain't what it used to be. :sick:

I really wish you could get good anti-nausea meds OTC, because it could save that desperate trip to the (expensive) ER, and allow you to make it until the morning. And WHY does that crap ALWAYS happen in the wee hours???? WHY??

But in the time it's taken to write this, my Excedrin has kicked in and the edge of off my headache so at least that is starting to decrease... I'll survive this without doubt, but boy it's been nasty....

There is an anti-nausea OTC in the US, it's called Emetrol. You can find it at any drugstore, it works really well and fast. But part of me believes it's not a good idea, since if your stomach is saying, "send it back" maybe you should! :lol:

Glad you're over that one, Karen!

I'm sorry, but unless that four-star chef took a bite out of each and every oyster, one could have slipped by him. This reads like food poisoning, :errrr:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr said:
Catching up.

I haven't had a chance to read everyone's posts since I last was on here, so I apologize in advance, but will catch up when I can.

Good news first: my pup just had his third round of Chemo on Friday and so far so good. He had a really bad reaction on the 10th day of round one and got a bad infection due to the chemo killing off his white blood cells so he couldn't fight the infection. After a scary couple of days, he was home from the emergency vet and back to his old self. They lowered the dose on round two and added a hormone that helps his white blood cell count. Round two went well and so we are hopeful round three will be uneventful as well.

My mom: I flew down to CA to see my mom (and say goodbye) the weekend of the 9th. I came home on the 11th and she was sent home to my sister's on Hospice "comfort care" and was kept on morphine to keep her pain free. She pretty much slept (her wishes) until the 13th when she passed.

My son and I drove back down to CA on the 17th and the private family service was on the 18th. We drove back on the 20th and now I'm just trying to process everything that has happened over the past few months... I do fine, then it hits and I fall apart, but today I"m ok, so it's one day at a time.

Thanks to all of you who sent well wishes my way.

Oh, lordy, Colorluvr! I am sending happy feelings your way.

I know exactly how that is; it just sneaks up on you! You're going along, then BOOM! Sad again. It's not fair, is it? Sorry you're going through this.

Remember, though, the sad times will get shorter and farther apart, then there will (SLOWLY) be more happy times between each sad time. Then the sadness will fade. Give yourself a little time. . .
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Oh, I forgot to mention that I am back from my bra sizing and am officially.....wait for it.....

:appl: 34DD

The SA said that the band should support your breasts, not the straps. You should always hook on thefirst hook (on the end) and as the band stretches you use the next to last, etc. Once you use the last hook from the end it is time to replace your bra. Also never store with cups inside one another because it degrades the material in the cups, so either store on a shelf or hang it up. Plus handwash or if you put in the wash in a mesh bag on gentle cycle, cold water and hang to dry.

I am so happy to finally get fitted that I keep looking at my chest in the mirror. Wonder if DH will notice? :naughty:

Ok, this is ALL news to me! If I didn't have the straps to hold up my tiny (but unfairly saggy) B's, I wouldn't have a chance! And I always use the last hook! Always!

I have, at this age, just figured out I don't know how to wear a bra! :shock:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

iLander said:
soocool said:
Oh, I forgot to mention that I am back from my bra sizing and am officially.....wait for it.....

:appl: 34DD

The SA said that the band should support your breasts, not the straps. You should always hook on thefirst hook (on the end) and as the band stretches you use the next to last, etc. Once you use the last hook from the end it is time to replace your bra. Also never store with cups inside one another because it degrades the material in the cups, so either store on a shelf or hang it up. Plus handwash or if you put in the wash in a mesh bag on gentle cycle, cold water and hang to dry.

I am so happy to finally get fitted that I keep looking at my chest in the mirror. Wonder if DH will notice? :naughty:

Ok, this is ALL news to me! If I didn't have the straps to hold up my tiny (but unfairly saggy) B's, I wouldn't have a chance! And I always use the last hook! Always!

I have, at this age, just figured out I don't know how to wear a bra! :shock:
That's because we were children of the 70's! Living through the era of bra burning, and the booby jiggling shows on TV like Charlie's Angels and Three's Company nullified our desire and ability to wear restrictive undergarments. Now we're in a backswing of Spanx and the like. I don't care!!! I just let it all hang out, like God made me!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


I refuse to wear Spanx and all that "shapewear". Until all those beer-gut geezers start sucking it in (maybe even put a shirt over that mess!), I figure I'm under NO OBLIGATION to be their eye candy. ;))

Also, seriously, if the shape of your butt is a MAJOR concern, then you have it way too easy! Life is obviously good if that's an "issue". However, that being said, if it makes you feel good to lift and shake that booty, then more power to you . . .
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hey, I shimmy and shake on my way from the recliner to the fridge!! :errrr:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

iLander said:
ksinger said:
Thanks all, for the kind wishes for recovery. I appreciate the good vibes.

I'm still feeling pretty rough. After all ....whoo haa of last night, every muscle is screaming and every joint is too. I had just taken my fibro med too, so that vacated the premises along with everything else. I'll try again tonight, with better success, hopefully.

I'm leaning towards a virus as the cause actually, rather than the oysters. I'm NOT a shellfish fan - they scare me for some reason - so it's easy to blame them. But they WERE cooked and the hubs didn't get sick, so it's really more likely to be a virus. The ER docs said there was a dandy one going around. It was such a shame to lose such a lovely meal. It really was excellent, and I watched the entire cooking process: it is unlikely that our premier 4-star chef is going to food-poison people with contaminated oysters.

It's weird, the only other time I've visited the ER was a similar experience about 18 years ago. I got a bug on New Year's Eve (we didn't even go out) and spent 6+ hours fighting the civil war, before surrendering. That was actually worse, because I didn't even get 5 minutes between rounds - I have enough time to take a few breaths, and then the process would start over. Talk about exhausted. Six hours then versus 3 hours now - my endurance level ain't what it used to be. :sick:

I really wish you could get good anti-nausea meds OTC, because it could save that desperate trip to the (expensive) ER, and allow you to make it until the morning. And WHY does that crap ALWAYS happen in the wee hours???? WHY??

But in the time it's taken to write this, my Excedrin has kicked in and the edge of off my headache so at least that is starting to decrease... I'll survive this without doubt, but boy it's been nasty....

Well, I did call the chef this morning, and he called me back immediately. He's truly a wonderful guy who has done loads for this town. I respect him personally and professionally. Needless to say he was extremely concerned, and was going over everthing for and with me. He did NOT get to be Oklahoma's premier chef by poisoning his customers, so I'm sure he's on a rampage right now, since this is a newly opened venue for him, and perhaps his minions aren't living up to his standards? He said he'd be calling around to see if anyone else had become sick.

Honestly, while my spidey-sense does indeed say food poisoning, and my own dislike of oysters makes me WANT to blame them, the evidence really points to staph. We DID have a custard for dessert, a likely culprit for staph if improperly cooled. It had a sudden, rapid onset characteristic of staph, and once the nausea was controlled, the feeling "sick" part (aside from the physical trauma like bruised ribs) didn't linger too long, also like staph. I'll probably never REALLY know though. They don't test unless there is a genuine "outbreak", which I alone likely was not. I may just be really sensitive to that stuff, who knows - people DO have different tolerances to such things. If it had been the oysters, I really think the onset would have been later, and the illness longer and more severe.

Nice to hear about that Emetrol. I will probably look it up. Like you I think you should probably purge whatever it is that your body is trying to rid itself of, rather than not. It's when you get that horrid nausea/intestinal combo(water only) beyond the point of anything meaningful that is the worst and needs controlling, and I had that big time.

There is an anti-nausea OTC in the US, it's called Emetrol. You can find it at any drugstore, it works really well and fast. But part of me believes it's not a good idea, since if your stomach is saying, "send it back" maybe you should! :lol:

Glad you're over that one, Karen!

I'm sorry, but unless that four-star chef took a bite out of each and every oyster, one could have slipped by him. This reads like food poisoning, :errrr:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


Ohhhhhhh! You didn't mention the custard! That could have been it, too! Or maybe it was a virus, did you have a fever?

Glad you're through that! Future reference, ladies: for diahhrea, take Imodium AD.

I used to be in the OTC drug industry, so I got you ladies covered on the drugstore meds stuff :praise:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Sparkalin said:
Oh my ladies! Hope tomorrow will be a better day. :))
Doctors. I had my first back injury in my late thirty's. The doctor I saw at the time flat out told me I was too young to have a real problem. This still makes my blood boil! I've never been the same. I could kick myself for not getting a second opinion. A decade later I resigned from my job because I could no longer do the physical work it required. I've been to physical therapy, had some shots in the back, see a chiro and a doctor once a year for non back related meds. I've lost an inch in height, I have blown disks in my lower back, arthritis which is starting to give me an S curve and a hip that goes out along with occasional numbness in my thigh because my SI joint is (no swearing) messed up. Oh and one leg is shorter then the other. There are days I feel like I've been run over by a Mac truck. Sometimes I wonder how long or if I'll even be able to watch my grandkids. Take 2 Aleve in the morning and 2 at night. Thanks.

Boy, that felt good to get that off my chest. The one in the sports bra.


Oh Linda, so sorry you feel so bad! My DH had back issues and it was a nightmare. He finally went to a neurosurgeon who fixed him right up. Took out the shattered disk, fused together his vertebrae and gave him back his life. In the right hands, surgery is a powerful tool. Try searching the net for a board certified neurosurgeon, check his bio (ours way summa cum laude at an Ivy League school) and take him your MRI films. He may be able to help you!

EVERYONE: I am just catching up on reading through this wonderful thread, so please forgive the dredging up of an old post.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr said:
Catching up.

I haven't had a chance to read everyone's posts since I last was on here, so I apologize in advance, but will catch up when I can.

Good news first: my pup just had his third round of Chemo on Friday and so far so good. He had a really bad reaction on the 10th day of round one and got a bad infection due to the chemo killing off his white blood cells so he couldn't fight the infection. After a scary couple of days, he was home from the emergency vet and back to his old self. They lowered the dose on round two and added a hormone that helps his white blood cell count. Round two went well and so we are hopeful round three will be uneventful as well.

My mom: I flew down to CA to see my mom (and say goodbye) the weekend of the 9th. I came home on the 11th and she was sent home to my sister's on Hospice "comfort care" and was kept on morphine to keep her pain free. She pretty much slept (her wishes) until the 13th when she passed.

My son and I drove back down to CA on the 17th and the private family service was on the 18th. We drove back on the 20th and now I'm just trying to process everything that has happened over the past few months... I do fine, then it hits and I fall apart, but today I"m ok, so it's one day at a time.

Thanks to all of you who sent well wishes my way.

Hey Colorluvr, my deepest sympathies to you on the loss of your mother. Words truly fail for such times. All I can say is I have perhaps an inkling of how you feel, having lost my own mother a little over 2 years ago. I was in the same town, and can only imagine the difficulty and sadness at not being able to be there more. Whether you can be there all the time or not though, I suppose there's just nothing easy about death, is there? It does get easier eventually, but things will likely feel pretty surreal for awhile. They sure did for me...

I'm glad to hear that your hound is holding up to the chemo. Animals are such a blessing, aren't they? :) Our rescue lab, Sonny, just shows more personality by the day. He is one adorable dog, with some very funny traits. He keeps me and the hubs laughing...a lot. :)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

iLander said:

Ohhhhhhh! You didn't mention the custard! That could have been it, too! Or maybe it was a virus, did you have a fever?

Glad you're through that! Future reference, ladies: for diahhrea, take Imodium AD.

I used to be in the OTC drug industry, so I got you ladies covered on the drugstore meds stuff :praise:

Nope. No fever. I was totally fine. Until I wasn't. (I have this persistent vision of "Mr. Death" from Monty Python's "Meaning of Life", pointing bonily and melodramatically at......."the SALMON MOUSSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;)) )

And I'll remember who to ask now for the OTC stuff. ;-)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Colorlvr I'm so sorry about your mom. I lost my mom 12 years ago to cancer, she was 65. It has been difficult for me because she was my biggest supporter my whole life and even though I'm now 48, I really miss having her to talk to. I still actually get envious when I see women my age (or older) out with their moms at the mall. I understand completely how you can go about normally then something, a smell or a familiar place will just set you off. For me, for a long time I had trouble going to the grocery store of all places. It somehow just reminded me of my mom for some reason, I don't even know why. Anyway, take care.