
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata said:
ksinger said:
Speaking of earthquakes, we actually had quite a little monster here today

I am so so sorry that my fat rolls bouncing around in Oregon caused tremors in OK. :bigsmile:

Matata you are tooooo funny! :lol:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I've got a question. someone mentioned that they have condochondritis. A couple of weeks ago I have felt this hard lump just to the right of my sternum and it hurts but just a little bit. I was wondering if this could be condochondritis. It is more of a nagging dull pain rather than a sharp pain. I have so many doctor appts scheduled over the next few weeks I think I will ask them first before seeing my gp. I have my gyno appt for 11/5 so I may ask him while he is feeling me up. Getting them squished (mammogram) next Tuesday, would something show up on the films?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Another question. For those with teens or grown kids. My DD is driving me crazy lately. She doesn't put her clothes inthe hamper. I just picked up 5 days worth of dirty laundry from her bathroom floor including panties with pantiliners still on them (a couple of them stained, she must have had her period last week). I have asked her repeatedly to throw them in the hamper when she is done showering. She is also responsible for cleaning her own bathroom once a week (This bathroom is also used by overnight company), plus her room. Her room doesn't bother me as much, but the bathroom toilet and sink were digusting.

I was so mad that I tidied her room. Afterwards I proceeded to type her a letter telling her how this stressed me out this morning and that I refuse to do these things for her anymore or to keep asking her repeatedly. She will be 18 in December and lately she seems to not care about cleaning , helping me out. I am expecting too much from her? Should I give her the letter? Will this change when she is on her own??
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Another question. For those with teens or grown kids. My DD is driving me crazy lately. She doesn't put her clothes inthe hamper. I just picked up 5 days worth of dirty laundry from her bathroom floor including panties with pantiliners still on them (a couple of them stained, she must have had her period last week). I have asked her repeatedly to throw them in the hamper when she is done showering. She is also responsible for cleaning her own bathroom once a week (This bathroom is also used by overnight company), plus her room. Her room doesn't bother me as much, but the bathroom toilet and sink were digusting.

I was so mad that I tidied her room. Afterwards I proceeded to type her a letter telling her how this stressed me out this morning and that I refuse to do these things for her anymore or to keep asking her repeatedly. She will be 18 in December and lately she seems to not care about cleaning , helping me out. I am expecting too much from her? Should I give her the letter? Will this change when she is on her own??

I can totally commiserate with you on this issue! My youngest daughter is 20 and exhibits the exact same behaviours. You'd think it would be a simple matter of enforcement on my part, but truth is, she's rarely home with a fulltime job and fulltime school. I do NOT do any laundry or cleaning for her at all. When I do catch her, I tell her what I want done immediately but we end up compromising on a lot of stuff due to her lack of time sometimes. :nono: She spent half of a semester living away from home, where she actually kept her room and kitchen clean all the time. In fact, she used to complain that her roommates were slobs! You're not expecting too much, no. It's harder at these ages because there are not many privileges left to take away or give. I always try to remain calm and tell her that this is "the adult thing to do". That phrase seems to get her more motivated. Scheduling ahead of time also helps.

My other daughter is quite the opposite, thankfully. She has very little time at home too, but she does tell me about her schedule for laundry, cleaning etc. She helps out around the house a lot more too. Just a different personality, and she is actively saving for her first home already (and retirement!!) and she's only 23. Good luck, I know it's hard.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
She doesn't put her clothes inthe hamper. I just picked up 5 days worth of dirty laundry from her bathroom floor including panties with pantiliners still on them (a couple of them stained, she must have had her period last week). I have asked her repeatedly to throw them in the hamper when she is done showering.

My stepson's mom was his slave. Nagged him to pick up after himself and then did it for him. He moved in with us for a year when he and his mom were going through a rough patch. I told him he was responsible for his laundry and that any clothes or shoes I found in heaps on the floor would be thrown out. I followed through on that promise (actually took them to Goodwill) and it didn't take long before he realized that putting away his clothes was better than having no clothes.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
I've got a question. someone mentioned that they have condochondritis. A couple of weeks ago I have felt this hard lump just to the right of my sternum and it hurts but just a little bit. I was wondering if this could be condochondritis. It is more of a nagging dull pain rather than a sharp pain. I have so many doctor appts scheduled over the next few weeks I think I will ask them first before seeing my gp. I have my gyno appt for 11/5 so I may ask him while he is feeling me up. Getting them squished (mammogram) next Tuesday, would something show up on the films?

Condochondritis and costochondritis seem to be similar conditions, according to what I was able to find out. You may want to research it further. My costochondritis presented as a sharp pain in the chest, down my arm and in my shoulder. Gradually, it affected my entire chest and back. I was admitted for a full cardiac work up, which indicated no cardiac problem. It was associated with my fibro. Another visit to the ED, with similar symptoms, was diagnosed as pleurisy. The most recent incident was due to an injury to my ribs. In other words, it can be difficult to diagnose. With your history, I would get it checked out ASAP.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
soocool said:
I've got a question. someone mentioned that they have condochondritis. A couple of weeks ago I have felt this hard lump just to the right of my sternum and it hurts but just a little bit. I was wondering if this could be condochondritis. It is more of a nagging dull pain rather than a sharp pain. I have so many doctor appts scheduled over the next few weeks I think I will ask them first before seeing my gp. I have my gyno appt for 11/5 so I may ask him while he is feeling me up. Getting them squished (mammogram) next Tuesday, would something show up on the films?

Condochondritis and costochondritis seem to be similar conditions, according to what I was able to find out. You may want to research it further. My costochondritis presented as a sharp pain in the chest, down my arm and in my shoulder. Gradually, it affected my entire chest and back. I was admitted for a full cardiac work up, which indicated no cardiac problem. It was associated with my fibro. Another visit to the ED, with similar symptoms, was diagnosed as pleurisy. The most recent incident was due to an injury to my ribs. In other words, it can be difficult to diagnose. With your history, I would get it checked out ASAP.

Thanks RS. I have doctor appointments coming up and will have one or all of them check it out. It doesn't bother me all the time, but when I lie down on that side. Nothing I ever noticed before ,but wonder if it's been there all along. I get so paranoid lately!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Had a talk with DD yesterday about her "sloppy habits". She admitted that she looked at that pile of clothes on the floor and felt badly about leaving it there. She says that she feels like she has no time to herself anymore and has let this stuff slip. I used the "adult" suggestion and she seemed to perk up when I said keeping her space neat was "the adult thing to do". No clothes on the floor this morning and and she even flushed her toilet and put in the cleaner so she can scrub out her toilet when she gets home. She even made a list of what she will accomplish once a week in terms of keeping her space neat. I sure hope she sticks to it. Oh, I even mentioned that if the clothes pile up on the floor that means she doesn't want them and I can donate them to Goodwill. She laughed and then asked if I was really going to do that. I said "Do you want to try me?"
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hey all,
I have had a full plate, two of my BBF's dad's are dying.. And am trying to be strong for them. Only one of them knows that I am dealing with my own battle... How can I say what I am going through when they are about to lose a parent... Not the time..

My son came home, was going to tell him but they got into an accident on the way home.. They are fine...

But once he was home I had to tell him about BFF's dad who we call Pop, so no way could I have told him about me...

Gearing up for two funerals, saying good bye to two incredible guys...

I am having spasms, not free from symptoms.

It's progressive, so am looking at life , in a whole new light...

I was always the glass is half full kind of gal.

More now than ever..

My message to all, embrace your life.. Your loved ones. Take each day as a gift.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
Hey all,
I have had a full plate, two of my BBF's dad's are dying.. And am trying to be strong for them. Only one of them knows that I am dealing with my own battle... How can I say what I am going through when they are about to lose a parent... Not the time..

My son came home, was going to tell him but they got into an accident on the way home.. They are fine...

But once he was home I had to tell him about BFF's dad who we call Pop, so no way could I have told him about me...

Gearing up for two funerals, saying good bye to two incredible guys...

I am having spasms, not free from symptoms.

It's progressive, so am looking at life , in a whole new light...

I was always the glass is half full kind of gal.

More now than ever..

My message to all, embrace your life.. Your loved ones. Take each day as a gift.


Lisa, you do have a full plate! Just take it one moment at a time. My BFF lost both her parents in a span of 10 months. Her mother to cancer and she believes that her dad died because he missed her mother so much (doctor's ruled it a heart attack). My dad has fallen to depression while in rehab. He has lost much of his energy after the pulmonary embolism and we as a family see him everyday to remind him how important he is to all of us. He just started medication for the depression and I hope it helps to pull him out of it. I miss that gruff looking but so tender man with the funny stories. Upon entering a room he always says, "I'm here. Var ist mine beer. Let the party begeen!" (came here as a teen and never lost that German accent).

When you are ready and find the right moment you will tell those you love. Also, if you haven't done so please check out this website:
it has helped me tremendously and perhaps you will find someone who is going through exactly what you are going through to help each other through it.

I think of you and all my other friends on here each day and say a special prayer each day for all of you. Hugs to you!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh Lisa, hugs to you, you certainly have a lot going on, I will be keeping you in my thoughts.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi Lisa. What a full plate you have! Just wanted to let you know that we are all here anytime you need us. I'm sending dust, thoughts and prayers your way. One small step at a time, friend. (((HUGS)))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Lisa~you are in my thoughts and prayers. Each day is precious. Please take good care of yourself, while you are caring for your friends and family.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Yo ladies. Are we all AWOL? I've been busy busy busy...feeling a bit better, went to see Kristen Chenoweth (fun!), been cooking, cleaning, and generally overdoing it. Started going to PT, but so far I'm not terribly impressed. I'm doing water exercises, but they don't seem to make me feel better, and indeed, maybe a bit worse. Frustrating.

Oh, and a new camera is on order. I promised pics of my new rock as some of you may recall, and then my camera died. :rolleyes: So I finally bit the bullet and shelled out for a new one. As soon as I get it and figure out how to use it, pics forthcoming.

Oh, and I bought a new desktop too. (This last week has been a pricey one fer shur) Our nearly 1 million year old (in computer years) desktop is giving up the ghost, so rather than wait for it to expire for the final time, (resurrection becomes harder by the day) I got a new one through Dell Outlet. I usually research this stuff until I'm purple, but this time I went, "Oh, that one looks nice! **CLICK**" About $475 with a wireless USB adapter. I'm getting old guys, that I don't give a rip about technology anymore, I just want it to work. Right now. No research. No effort. ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ksinger, nice to see you have been good to yourself. DH and I are trying to decide whether to buy DD a digital slr for Xmas or give her our old one and buy ourselves a new one. DH got a new laptop for work and the company generously gave him the old one. We have one desktop, but I don't do anything personal on that one. It is solely dedicated to paying bills/banking and photos.

Speaking of photos, that is what I have been doing lately. Scanned almost all our old film photos into the pc and cleaning them up and editing. It is the editing that is taking the most time. Then I am ready to scrapbook and am thinking I may make a scrapbook cd and give these out for Xmas presents. Not sure if I am going to set to music or narrate or maybe a little of both. This is something I have really gotten into the past year and it keeps me rather stress free.

My sister and I (with the help of her son/my nephew) have transferred all our old home videos (8mm and VCR tapes) to the computer and I will be ready to edit these and then burn to dvd. I may take my time on this one as I think it will be more time consuming than doing the photo scrapbook.

Going this am to get my mammogram and will probably stop at Ross and do a little shopping. DD needs a new handbag and they carry Kathy Van Zeeland at a really good price. I just hope she likes the one I get her, if I get her one. I need to ask about their return policy as I am hoping to give it to her for Xmas.

I had a little blood pressure spike last night, but otherwise feeling well. I have a string of doctor appts coming up and will be happy when Thanksgiving arrives and things settle down a bit. Hopefully my dad will be out of rehab before then. Right now he is being a royal PITA and that I think is stressing me out, but I understand why my dad feels that way. After I am done this morning I am stopping by to see him and am bringing him his favorite - almond danish!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

You're right, we've all been AWOL. I suspect that its been more lurking than truly away. I know sometimes it takes so much energy to post. And sometimes I don't want to share my newest ache because then I have to acknowlege that I feel like crap. I'd rather keep that to myself. But, in the spirit of participation, I'll share that at my doctor visit last week I was diagnosed with peripheral neuralgia. This has to do with the pain in my feet and legs, along with the numbness and tingling in my hands. I've been started on Lyrica, which I hope helps.

Okay, enough of that!

I've got a pressing question for all of the ladies here. What kind of underwear do you wear? Yes. It's a very personal question :tongue: , but (and mine is a very BIG butt) comfort is king (or maybe queen) for me, and my regular underwear isn't cutting it anymore!

Because the elastic has been irritating my skin, especially the delicate flesh where the leg meets the groin, last week I pulled out a pair of my husbands Fruit of the Loom boxer briefs (with the long legs) and wore those. :shock: IT WAS HEAVENLY!!! :saint: No binding or chafing. I actually went and bought a package of my very own! Now I'm on a mission to find the kind of underwear my grandmothers wore. They were the loose type with only elastic at the waist and very long, flowing legs. Now, I've tried the "boy shorts" but they only ride up my butt, and it's the crease at the inner thigh that gets raw. Do you ladies have any suggestions?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

They make a sort of boxer briefs for women Uppy, I've seen them someplace. I always thought they looked naughty and sexy. I think they're called like..boy shorts or something???
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

packrat said:
They make a sort of boxer briefs for women Uppy, I've seen them someplace. I always thought they looked naughty and sexy. I think they're called like..boy shorts or something???

I like the no panty lines jockey hipsters and boy shorts.
Very comfortable.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

missy said:
packrat said:
They make a sort of boxer briefs for women Uppy, I've seen them someplace. I always thought they looked naughty and sexy. I think they're called like..boy shorts or something???

I like the no panty lines jockey hipsters and boy shorts.
Very comfortable.

I wear those!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

After grappling with excruciating muscle pain for 6 wks. I had a Duh moment and remembered that I had forgotten to take my magnesium supplement. No more muscle pain.

Just got home from a clothes buying spree and spent a bunch of $$ of some new MAC eye shadows for winter. I often wonder why I bother since most of the color gets lost in my wrinkles & sagging eyelids.

We're off to Boston Friday for 4 days to visit my stepson. I've never been there and am looking forward it.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
My sister and I (with the help of her son/my nephew) have transferred all our old home videos (8mm and VCR tapes) to the computer and I will be ready to edit these and then burn to dvd. I may take my time on this one as I think it will be more time consuming than doing the photo scrapbook.
How did you do this? Please tell me the steps. I have so much of this stuff to do but don't know where to start!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Soocool, I'm wondering the same thing about the transfer of old home movies and tapes to DVDs. Would love some suggestions!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
You're right, we've all been AWOL. I suspect that its been more lurking than truly away. I know sometimes it takes so much energy to post. And sometimes I don't want to share my newest ache because then I have to acknowlege that I feel like crap. I'd rather keep that to myself. But, in the spirit of participation, I'll share that at my doctor visit last week I was diagnosed with peripheral neuralgia. This has to do with the pain in my feet and legs, along with the numbness and tingling in my hands. I've been started on Lyrica, which I hope helps.

Okay, enough of that!

I've got a pressing question for all of the ladies here. What kind of underwear do you wear? Yes. It's a very personal question :tongue: , but (and mine is a very BIG butt) comfort is king (or maybe queen) for me, and my regular underwear isn't cutting it anymore!

Because the elastic has been irritating my skin, especially the delicate flesh where the leg meets the groin, last week I pulled out a pair of my husbands Fruit of the Loom boxer briefs (with the long legs) and wore those. :shock: IT WAS HEAVENLY!!! :saint: No binding or chafing. I actually went and bought a package of my very own! Now I'm on a mission to find the kind of underwear my grandmothers wore. They were the loose type with only elastic at the waist and very long, flowing legs. Now, I've tried the "boy shorts" but they only ride up my butt, and it's the crease at the inner thigh that gets raw. Do you ladies have any suggestions?

After making me promise 10 times that I wouldn't rat you out, you go and post it on the internets! Hahaha for the record, I told no one!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

:confused: Did I just hear something, or was it just the crickets outside my window??
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
:confused: Did I just hear something, or was it just the crickets outside my window??

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

OUpeargirl said:
Upgradable said:
:confused: Did I just hear something, or was it just the crickets outside my window??


LOL at both of you!

OUPG - GREAT song, that. I though John C. Reilly did a great job on it in the movie version of "Chicago".

And I am NOT holding forth on my drawers, not their status, size, or manufacturer. Uh uh. NO way. Too much of my mystique is in tatters as it is, discussing my drawers would be the last straw.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Vanity Fair makes cotton bloomers. They look cozy.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

swingirl said:
soocool said:
My sister and I (with the help of her son/my nephew) have transferred all our old home videos (8mm and VCR tapes) to the computer and I will be ready to edit these and then burn to dvd. I may take my time on this one as I think it will be more time consuming than doing the photo scrapbook.
How did you do this? Please tell me the steps. I have so much of this stuff to do but don't know where to start!

This is what we used Plextor ConvertX (there is a box that connects to the computer and software). You can either connect the videocamera or vcr to the computer and as you play the video your computer captures the video. Then you or the computer will devide the video into segments or frames (pretty much like film) that you can edit by segment. That means no more "snow" in your video. Once done you can create chapters much like in a regular dvd and after you burn your video to dvd when you watch the dvd you can either view the entire dvd or skip directly to the scene/chapters you want to view. To tell you the truth it was extremely easy to learn and use.

Here's the website :

Here's a review from pc mag:,2817,1587788,00.asp

Considering together my sister and I have over 30 videos this was a bargain. I got a price of $50.00 per video to transfer to dvd from a video store, but it was straight transfer, no editing.

ETA: I forgot to tell you that while I was converting the videos to dvd I was able to do a "capture" and save a frame of the video to make into a photo.