
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

It's nice to see you on this thread, Sara :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr said:
gemgirl said:
colorluvr, Courvoisier V.S.O.P. It will help to chase all the bad stuff away ;)) , at least temporarily.

:bigsmile: I actually prefer Remy VSOP like Soocool's DH, but I certainly wouldn't turn down a snifter of Courvoisier! :bigsmile:

Back a few years ago (when I lived in CA and could buy alcohol at Trader Joe's) they sold the Claude Chatelier XO Cognac for $20 a bottle and it was really quite good for the price.... then one day I brought a bottle home and when I had a "sip" that evening, I thought, hmmmmmm, not as good as usual......I took a look at the bottle and then realized that they had started selling the Claude Chatelier VS (bottle looked the same and I didn't look at the label when I bought it - duh) for the same price.... It wasn't horrible, but it sure didn't taste like the XO. You can't even buy that brand here in OR.

I just looked it up and I can get Remy here for $40, so maybe when the fall chill sets in I'll treat myself.
I'm a big Remy fan, too. So much so, that I named our dog Remy when we got her from a rescue last year. I think it translates roughly from French as "oarsman" which I think is a cool term.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi all. Sorry I've been out of it. I've just not been feeling well (what's new) and haven't had anything "nice" to say. I'm sure I don't have to tell any of you how tiresome I don't want to become by only coming here to gripe about my life. There are others here dealing with so much more than I am. However, this morning I find that I selflessly snagged my husband's hangover (he went to a fleet meeting and had a few beers. I did not attend and had no alcohol). I'm just sweet to him that way, yes? :rolleyes:

On a happier note, our dog Sonny, continues to develop and reveal his true personality. (He's a lab and from the local lab rescue. We've had him for about 4 months). When my husband found him chewing a sock, he substituted a ball, and OMG, that dog lit up! I'm kinda worried that something will end up broken though, since he plays with him in the house and 80 lb dog and a very small, packed house don't always mix very well. He's a super dog though, and while he certainly can't ever replace the one we lost, he's got a charm all his own.

Oh, and I am going tonight for the first time to the no-impact arthritis water class offered at my gym. Wish me luck. And fortitude to endure. I hate the water with a royal passion. This had better make me feel better, or I'm not going to be able to get past my primal loathing of the water. (I'm a Sag, a fire sign, what can I say? ;)) )

Well, onward and upward, or somesuch platitudinous rot.

Grump grump grump.....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Karen, glad to hear your trying the water class. My DD used to take swim classes at a place that offered that also for people with arthritis and I couldn't believe how warm that water was. Unfortunately, I'd love to join an indoor swim club, but if the water is too cold or too warm it will play havoc with my blood pressure and heart rate not to mention that the cold could be a trigger for my vasospams.

So I either read this in Prevention or AARP magazine about Tai Chi and a modified version (less poses) for elderly people (not that I consider myself elderly) and how it has helped some lose weight and get into shape. I love Pilates, but now fear some of the moves can cause my blood pressure to soar since some of the moves require that I tense my abs.

Have any of you tried Tai Chi? Because now I am intrigued and if I can no longer particpate in Pilates perhaps Tai Chi could be a viable alternative.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I had my shoulder MRI Monday, but I haven't booked the follow-up appt. with the surgeon. He was such a jerk, I'm afraid to. He said in June that as soon as I got my notice for the MRI, I should book then because he is so booked up. I don't know what to do now. I'm embarrassed and mad at myself, but I don't want to get attitude from him or his office staff. How silly is that? It had just slipped my mind until about 3 weeks ago.

In better news, my daughter's bf asked her what style of engagement ring she wanted and what size stone and budget. Wow! :)) I'm now suddenly a MIL-in waiting I guess. I feel a little like I have LIW-itis too. (I pointed her directly to a particular vendor and ring after she and I went out and tried on rings at the mall to see what style she preferred.) I don't want to say what she picked because for some reason I feel superstitious about it or something. The stone will be we think about .75 or so. Since she directed him right to the vendor I think he can't go wrong, so I don't think he'll show up here. Don't know. Have no idea what the timeline is, or anything. Who knows? I'm very excited for her though, and I'm impatient. This is something good to look forward to if it all works out.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Scorpioanne said:
Big hugs to everyone who has stuff going on. We have stuff too but there have been some great developments in our lives that makes it not so bad so I figure DH and I are blessed.

Hi Scorpioanne. I just wanted to welcome you to this thread. We're a pretty friendly bunch and appreciate everyone's input. Glad to hear that you have positive happenings in your life. :wink2:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra said:
In better news, my daughter's bf asked her what style of engagement ring she wanted and what size stone and budget. Wow! :)) I'm now suddenly a MIL-in waiting I guess. I feel a little like I have LIW-itis too. (I pointed her directly to a particular vendor and ring after she and I went out and tried on rings at the mall to see what style she preferred.) I don't want to say what she picked because for some reason I feel superstitious about it or something. The stone will be we think about .75 or so. Since she directed him right to the vendor I think he can't go wrong, so I don't think he'll show up here. Don't know. Have no idea what the timeline is, or anything. Who knows? I'm very excited for her though, and I'm impatient. This is something good to look forward to if it all works out.

Exciting news, Lyra. That really is something to look forward to! Please keep us posted and take some pics for us. :appl:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh Gayle, I have no idea when a proposal will come. It might be a year from now when my daughter is finished her schooling. I'm just excited at the possibility. ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gayletmom said:
Scorpioanne said:
Big hugs to everyone who has stuff going on. We have stuff too but there have been some great developments in our lives that makes it not so bad so I figure DH and I are blessed.

Hi Scorpioanne. I just wanted to welcome you to this thread. We're a pretty friendly bunch and appreciate everyone's input. Glad to hear that you have positive happenings in your life. :wink2:
Thanks for the greeting. I mostly lurk around as life has been too busy to put the energy into posting. I will be more "talkative" once things slow down and I don't have to go to bed at 9:30 pm!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra said:
I had my shoulder MRI Monday, but I haven't booked the follow-up appt. with the surgeon. He was such a jerk, I'm afraid to. He said in June that as soon as I got my notice for the MRI, I should book then because he is so booked up. I don't know what to do now. I'm embarrassed and mad at myself, but I don't want to get attitude from him or his office staff. How silly is that? It had just slipped my mind until about 3 weeks ago.

In better news, my daughter's bf asked her what style of engagement ring she wanted and what size stone and budget. Wow! :)) I'm now suddenly a MIL-in waiting I guess. I feel a little like I have LIW-itis too. (I pointed her directly to a particular vendor and ring after she and I went out and tried on rings at the mall to see what style she preferred.) I don't want to say what she picked because for some reason I feel superstitious about it or something. The stone will be we think about .75 or so. Since she directed him right to the vendor I think he can't go wrong, so I don't think he'll show up here. Don't know. Have no idea what the timeline is, or anything. Who knows? I'm very excited for her though, and I'm impatient. This is something good to look forward to if it all works out.

Not silly at all. Unless this guy is the ONLY guy who can do your surgery/read your MRI, then I suggest asking around to try to find another surgeon. I've completely lost any patience with doctors/doctors staff who treat you with disrespect. These people really truly need to get over themselves.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Scorpioanne said:
Gayletmom said:
Scorpioanne said:
Big hugs to everyone who has stuff going on. We have stuff too but there have been some great developments in our lives that makes it not so bad so I figure DH and I are blessed.

Hi Scorpioanne. I just wanted to welcome you to this thread. We're a pretty friendly bunch and appreciate everyone's input. Glad to hear that you have positive happenings in your life. :wink2:
Thanks for the greeting. I mostly lurk around as life has been too busy to put the energy into posting. I will be more "talkative" once things slow down and I don't have to go to bed at 9:30 pm!

I go to bed at 9:30 pm :eek: I can't keep my eyes open much past then. Next I will be getting up at 4 am. Right now it is 6 am (getting up with DD, but don't have much choice she is so loud in the morning when she has to get up early). My girlfriend called last night and wants to get together for a visit and I told her fine as long as we do it during the day/afternoon because I have an early bedtime.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Pink Tower said:
colorluvr said:
gemgirl said:
colorluvr, Courvoisier V.S.O.P. It will help to chase all the bad stuff away ;)) , at least temporarily.

:bigsmile: I actually prefer Remy VSOP like Soocool's DH, but I certainly wouldn't turn down a snifter of Courvoisier! :bigsmile:

Back a few years ago (when I lived in CA and could buy alcohol at Trader Joe's) they sold the Claude Chatelier XO Cognac for $20 a bottle and it was really quite good for the price.... then one day I brought a bottle home and when I had a "sip" that evening, I thought, hmmmmmm, not as good as usual......I took a look at the bottle and then realized that they had started selling the Claude Chatelier VS (bottle looked the same and I didn't look at the label when I bought it - duh) for the same price.... It wasn't horrible, but it sure didn't taste like the XO. You can't even buy that brand here in OR.

I just looked it up and I can get Remy here for $40, so maybe when the fall chill sets in I'll treat myself.
I'm a big Remy fan, too. So much so, that I named our dog Remy when we got her from a rescue last year. I think it translates roughly from French as "oarsman" which I think is a cool term.

My neighbor has a white lab named Remy! He is such a good and friendly dog. My dog cuddles up right next to him.

Regarding cognac, a few years back when DH was in France he brought back a bottle of Hine. It was so smooth and we were only going to drink some at special occasions. Needless to say that bottle didn't last long at all.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra said:
I had my shoulder MRI Monday, but I haven't booked the follow-up appt. with the surgeon. He was such a jerk, I'm afraid to. He said in June that as soon as I got my notice for the MRI, I should book then because he is so booked up. I don't know what to do now. I'm embarrassed and mad at myself, but I don't want to get attitude from him or his office staff. How silly is that? It had just slipped my mind until about 3 weeks ago.

In better news, my daughter's bf asked her what style of engagement ring she wanted and what size stone and budget. Wow! :)) I'm now suddenly a MIL-in waiting I guess. I feel a little like I have LIW-itis too. (I pointed her directly to a particular vendor and ring after she and I went out and tried on rings at the mall to see what style she preferred.) I don't want to say what she picked because for some reason I feel superstitious about it or something. The stone will be we think about .75 or so. Since she directed him right to the vendor I think he can't go wrong, so I don't think he'll show up here. Don't know. Have no idea what the timeline is, or anything. Who knows? I'm very excited for her though, and I'm impatient. This is something good to look forward to if it all works out.

First of all, congratulations on your daughter's soon to be engagement. :appl:

Secondly, you definitely have to be comfortable with the doctor you choose to treat you or better yet perform surgery on you. Those MRI films are yours and you can always say that you need a second opinion before you let anyone operate on you. My sister's DH had surgery on his shoulder several years ago (impingement) and the doctor went in arthroscopically. He had 3 weeks of rehab and has been fine. But he searched for a doctor he was comfortable with because he has a tremendous aversion to doctors inn general and will get lightheaded just stepping into the doctor's office (he fainted the first time he went in with my sister for her prenatal exam :lol: . Probably not funny to him at the time, but now it is one of his most favorite stories to tell)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Scorpioanne said:
Gayletmom said:
Scorpioanne said:
Big hugs to everyone who has stuff going on. We have stuff too but there have been some great developments in our lives that makes it not so bad so I figure DH and I are blessed.

Hi Scorpioanne. I just wanted to welcome you to this thread. We're a pretty friendly bunch and appreciate everyone's input. Glad to hear that you have positive happenings in your life. :wink2:
Thanks for the greeting. I mostly lurk around as life has been too busy to put the energy into posting. I will be more "talkative" once things slow down and I don't have to go to bed at 9:30 pm!

I go to bed at 9:30 pm :eek: I can't keep my eyes open much past then. Next I will be getting up at 4 am. Right now it is 6 am (getting up with DD, but don't have much choice she is so loud in the morning when she has to get up early). My girlfriend called last night and wants to get together for a visit and I told her fine as long as we do it during the day/afternoon because I have an early bedtime.

9:30?? How do you manage to stay up so LATE? Around here, it's more like 8:30 (at least for him - I do tend to push it all the way up to 9:30 every now and again. I'm such a rebel) and getting up between 4 and 5am. ;))

And yeah, I hear you on the late nights with friends. Can barely do it anymore. I might WANT to stay up late, but my body is saying, "NO way, sister!"
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

All you cognac drinkers! I just don't like the stuff. And I've had the good stuff and still don't care for it. No accounting for taste is there?

However, I DO love 20 year old tawny port. Mmmmm!!! :lickout:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
soocool said:
Scorpioanne said:
Gayletmom said:
Scorpioanne said:
Big hugs to everyone who has stuff going on. We have stuff too but there have been some great developments in our lives that makes it not so bad so I figure DH and I are blessed.

Hi Scorpioanne. I just wanted to welcome you to this thread. We're a pretty friendly bunch and appreciate everyone's input. Glad to hear that you have positive happenings in your life. :wink2:
Thanks for the greeting. I mostly lurk around as life has been too busy to put the energy into posting. I will be more "talkative" once things slow down and I don't have to go to bed at 9:30 pm!

I go to bed at 9:30 pm :eek: I can't keep my eyes open much past then. Next I will be getting up at 4 am. Right now it is 6 am (getting up with DD, but don't have much choice she is so loud in the morning when she has to get up early). My girlfriend called last night and wants to get together for a visit and I told her fine as long as we do it during the day/afternoon because I have an early bedtime.

9:30?? How do you manage to stay up so LATE? Around here, it's more like 8:30 (at least for him - I do tend to push it all the way up to 9:30 every now and again. I'm such a rebel) and getting up between 4 and 5am. ;))

And yeah, I hear you on the late nights with friends. Can barely do it anymore. I might WANT to stay up late, but my body is saying, "NO way, sister!"

Many times DH is snoring away by 8pm and then wakes up and stays up until 10 or even 11. I am trying to go to sleep and all I hear is the tv or see the flickering lights from the tv.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

So I'm the only one up until 3-4am every night? :(( I'm slowly making my way to becoming completely nocturnal. And that's with available sleep meds. It's been a lifelong issue and I still don't accept it.

Thanks for the advice about the doctor. I don't have a choice in specialists in this case. He is the best, I am just so anti-doctor these days. It's more out of fear of need of treatment than anything. It's in my best interest to behave and keep appointments. I have no idea why I want to be a rebel now! ::) Maybe if I could sleep like a normal person I'd be more sane. ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra said:
So I'm the only one up until 3-4am every night? :(( I'm slowly making my way to becoming completely nocturnal. And that's with available sleep meds. It's been a lifelong issue and I still don't accept it.

Thanks for the advice about the doctor. I don't have a choice in specialists in this case. He is the best, I am just so anti-doctor these days. It's more out of fear of need of treatment than anything. It's in my best interest to behave and keep appointments. I have no idea why I want to be a rebel now! ::) Maybe if I could sleep like a normal person I'd be more sane. ;))

I have had sleeping issues too for many years, but cannot take sleep meds. Even with exercising I had problems falling and staying alseep at night. Then I finally created a nightly routine, turning the computer off before dinner, showering at 7 pm and then doing 20 minutes of meditation every evening( primarily to keep blood pressure and heart rate down), keeping the lights off after 8:30/9pm (oh, and no phone calls after 7pm and then I limit it to 5-10 minutes so that I don't get excited or riled up). Now miraculously I fall asleep quickly and even if I have to get up to go potty in the middle of the night I fall back to sleep and rarely have to use the alarm to wake me- I'll wake up a couple of minutes before the alarm goes off. (Oh, is DD screamimg where is my so and so tshirt. I need to wear it to school today! considered an alarm?)

I don't understand how DH can fall asleep anywere at anytime? Do men have sleeping problems ?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Then I finally created a nightly routine, turning the computer off before dinner, showering at 7 pm and then doing 20 minutes of meditation every evening( primarily to keep blood pressure and heart rate down), keeping the lights off after 8:30/9pm (oh, and no phone calls after 7pm and then I limit it to 5-10 minutes so that I don't get excited or riled up). Now miraculously I fall asleep quickly and even if I have to get up to go potty in the middle of the night I fall back to sleep and rarely have to use the alarm to wake me- I'll wake up a couple of minutes before the alarm goes off. (Oh, is DD screamimg where is my so and so tshirt. I need to wear it to school today! considered an alarm?)

I don't understand how DH can fall asleep anywere at anytime? Do men have sleeping problems ?

I fall asleep easily but wake up at 2 a.m. and can't get back to sleep until around 6 a.m. Probably need a hormone adjustment. My DH is a vocal (nag) about bedtime routine; especially going to bed at the same every night. I hate routines...I blame it on being born in Aquarius. I've tried everything in the book to help me stay asleep and nothing works. It goes in cycles...months of wonderful sleep followed by months of nocturnal prowling. I even annoy the cats.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

My earliest memories are of being awake at night when the rest of my family was asleep! I am a genetic insomniac I guess. The meds help me stay asleep mostly, but rarely help me fall asleep. DH on the other hand can fall asleep immediately. No preamble. He can be talking, take a breath and he's asleep. Maybe it's testosterone linked? :bigsmile:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Just popping in to say I'm sorry I've been AWOL for a while. I've been struggling with working and fibro, so have been conserving what little energy I have. Posting hasn't been possible while in this mode.

But I just had to come someplace where I can celebrate the fact that I SLEPT LIKE A BABY LAST NIGHT!!!!!

I forgot how good a full night sleep is. I feel so much better today, I hurt less, and I've gotten more done that all of last week combined. And it's not even noon yet!!! Please keep your fingers crossed that this will continue for me. I can't over-state the importance of sleep in my well being.

Oh, and Ksinger and I are meeting Monday for a day of bling and bonding! We'll report back on how much fun (or how much whining and moaning) we had. :lol:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Just popping in to say I'm sorry I've been AWOL for a while. I've been struggling with working and fibro, so have been conserving what little energy I have. Posting hasn't been possible while in this mode.

But I just had to come someplace where I can celebrate the fact that I SLEPT LIKE A BABY LAST NIGHT!!!!!

I forgot how good a full night sleep is. I feel so much better today, I hurt less, and I've gotten more done that all of last week combined. And it's not even noon yet!!! Please keep your fingers crossed that this will continue for me. I can't over-state the importance of sleep in my well being.

Oh, and Ksinger and I are meeting Monday for a day of bling and bonding! We'll report back on how much fun (or how much whining and moaning) we had. :lol:

Isn't it wonderful to wake up and realize that you slept the whole night through!!! Who would have thought (in our youth) that that would be such a great thing?!? Have fun on Monday -- and, remember, photos of any bling (or it didn't happen!).
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Just popping in to say I'm sorry I've been AWOL for a while. I've been struggling with working and fibro, so have been conserving what little energy I have. Posting hasn't been possible while in this mode.

But I just had to come someplace where I can celebrate the fact that I SLEPT LIKE A BABY LAST NIGHT!!!!!

I forgot how good a full night sleep is. I feel so much better today, I hurt less, and I've gotten more done that all of last week combined. And it's not even noon yet!!! Please keep your fingers crossed that this will continue for me. I can't over-state the importance of sleep in my well being.

Oh, and Ksinger and I are meeting Monday for a day of bling and bonding! We'll report back on how much fun (or how much whining and moaning) we had. :lol:

Sorry about the fibro episode. I'm right there with you :nono: Congrats on a good night's sleep!!! It's great when you get one. My fingers and toes and crossed for you. Say hi to Ksinger when you see her on Monday. Report back with pics. How nice that you live close enough to have this opportunity.

Greetings to everyone else posting on this thread. As always, take care and I'll see you soon :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm really glad you were able to get a decent night's sleep Uppy. I feel like a different person after a night of good quality sleep of at least 7 hours (8 is better). Getting enough sleep is so important, but the trick is figuring out how to make our bodies cooperate and let us fall asleep and stay asleep!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Yes, doesn't it feel good to catch those zzzz's?!

DH and I threw a going away party for my best friend and her husband yesterday. It was a beautiful day here and we had about 30 people including the guests of honor and us. Luckily, the weather was warm and sunny and dry so we were able to put up a tent in the backyard (certainly kept the inside of the house neat and clean). It was catered and they cleaned up as well. So after the last ones (guests of honor) left around 7pm (everything started at 12pm) DH and I went upstairs and plopped ourselves on the bed with the tv on. DD came home from a party around 9:30 pm and found us there.... fast asleep. She turned off the tv, let the dog out, and went to bed. We woke up at 7 am this morning with our clothes on.

DD said she thought she would never see the day when she was tucking us into bed. Had brunch with our friends and now just vegging for a while. I know I have a million things to do, just don't wanna right now.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and talk to all of you next week.

PS - Uppy and Ksinger, as RS said we are expecting pics! Have a great time.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Yes, doesn't it feel good to catch those zzzz's?!

DH and I threw a going away party for my best friend and her husband yesterday. It was a beautiful day here and we had about 30 people including the guests of honor and us. Luckily, the weather was warm and sunny and dry so we were able to put up a tent in the backyard (certainly kept the inside of the house neat and clean). It was catered and they cleaned up as well. So after the last ones (guests of honor) left around 7pm (everything started at 12pm) DH and I went upstairs and plopped ourselves on the bed with the tv on. DD came home from a party around 9:30 pm and found us there.... fast asleep. She turned off the tv, let the dog out, and went to bed. We woke up at 7 am this morning with our clothes on.

DD said she thought she would never see the day when she was tucking us into bed. Had brunch with our friends and now just vegging for a while. I know I have a million things to do, just don't wanna right now.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and talk to all of you next week.

PS - Uppy and Ksinger, as RS said we are expecting pics! Have a great time.

I sounds like you had a really nice party, yourself, soocool :appl:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

two good sleeps in a row, church with hubby & kids (and guests OUPeargirl & her SO), nice lunch, productive afternoon (with small nap), cleaned kitchen after dinner, now snuggling next to hubby to watch Amazing Race.

wonderful weekend!!! hope yours was too!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
It's nice to see you on this thread, Sara :wavey:

Thanks, risingsun -- I just saw this. I haven't been keeping up with this thread the way I should -- you ladies move fast! Have a good week everyone.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
two good sleeps in a row, church with hubby & kids (and guests OUPeargirl & her SO), nice lunch, productive afternoon (with small nap), cleaned kitchen after dinner, now snuggling next to hubby to watch Amazing Race.

wonderful weekend!!! hope yours was too!!

Wow. Must be something in the air. I had a great day today too - I cleaned, and did laundry, and cooked an entire meal- and cleaned up again after that meal. In between went to hang out in the hottub at the gym. Laughed and joked with hubs. Good day. Good days stand out because they come so infrequently.

Here's to another good day tomorrow for both of us! :)

Oh, Uppy dear, if you read this before tomorrow, bring your camera, will ya? Mine is still dead and as-yet unreplaced. I'm thinking we will suffer the tortures of the damned and the wrath of the thread if we fail to post at least one pic....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

It's in my purse, complete with fresh batteries!