
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Spent all day doing wash and packing up for our vacation. Good thing we are leaving tomorrow am. It has been extremely hot and humid here in SE PA (especially today) these past few days. It is supposed to cool off on Sunday and it better because I am taking "cool weather" clothing.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and if I get a chance I will pop in and see how everyone is.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Sorry to hear about all the unpleasantness Gemgirl! It just seems to keep going on for you. For several of us, apparently. Geez. :rolleyes: :sick:

Well, on a much less invasive, yet still unpleasant note, I have a "doctors' day" coming up meself. On this coming Wednesday, I have a rheum appt in the morning (please everyone, say a prayer that he is decent, and not an arrogant jackwad that I have to leap across the office and throttle, OK? Call it paranoia, but my spidey-sense is tingling and not in a good way), a cardiologist follow-up (for mild tachycardia earlier this year) in the afternoon, where the PA is going to lecture me for not losing any weight and not getting my cholesterol down. She is insanely energetic, rail-thin, pleasant and implacably focused on those two things and only those two things. As she lectures me, I'll try NOT to mention how I've been thinking how an early and spectacular exit from a massive heart attack is sounding better every day, considering my pain level right now. She'd probably call in the burly guys with the straitjacket in hand. And the evening entertainment will include a sleep study, starting at 8pm. They said I could bring my own pillow. Do you think they'll balk when I bring in the requisite 6?

And I'm even more bummed that a) my camera is finally giving up the ghost and I can't yet post pics of my new stone, and b) like father like son: Caleb Meyer also will not work with clients' stones. Sigh. The hits just KEEP on comin'....

Socool, I hope you are having a wonderful vacation. Let us know how it goes so we can live vicariously through you! ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Spent all day doing wash and packing up for our vacation. Good thing we are leaving tomorrow am. It has been extremely hot and humid here in SE PA (especially today) these past few days. It is supposed to cool off on Sunday and it better because I am taking "cool weather" clothing.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and if I get a chance I will pop in and see how everyone is.

I hope you're having a wonderful time away SC. Yeah, the weather gods are certainly screwing with our weather in the northeast this week. I got used to the love autumn temps with low humidity right away. My body was SO happy. Then we flipped back into heat and gawd awful humidity. It's been like a stew pot here on the Island. Have a good time for all of us!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Sorry to hear about all the unpleasantness Gemgirl! It just seems to keep going on for you. For several of us, apparently. Geez. :rolleyes: :sick:

Well, on a much less invasive, yet still unpleasant note, I have a "doctors' day" coming up meself. On this coming Wednesday, I have a rheum appt in the morning (please everyone, say a prayer that he is decent, and not an arrogant jackwad that I have to leap across the office and throttle, OK? Call it paranoia, but my spidey-sense is tingling and not in a good way), a cardiologist follow-up (for mild tachycardia earlier this year) in the afternoon, where the PA is going to lecture me for not losing any weight and not getting my cholesterol down. She is insanely energetic, rail-thin, pleasant and implacably focused on those two things and only those two things. As she lectures me, I'll try NOT to mention how I've been thinking how an early and spectacular exit from a massive heart attack is sounding better every day, considering my pain level right now. She'd probably call in the burly guys with the straitjacket in hand. And the evening entertainment will include a sleep study, starting at 8pm. They said I could bring my own pillow. Do you think they'll balk when I bring in the requisite 6?

And I'm even more bummed that a) my camera is finally giving up the ghost and I can't yet post pics of my new stone, and b) like father like son: Caleb Meyer also will not work with clients' stones. Sigh. The hits just KEEP on comin'....

Socool, I hope you are having a wonderful vacation. Let us know how it goes so we can live vicariously through you! ;))

Geez k, that's a heavy duty day! I hope you get through it without wanting to strangle anyone! And who the heck invented PAs? I always want to tell them, "I'm sorry, but I really don't want to go through all this blahblah with you when I have to repeat it all to the doctor when he comes in anyway"..... They just make the visit that much longer. What real purpose do they serve, other than employing someone else? Especially during those visits when I'm really not feeling well or something big or unusual has happened, I don't want to go through the whole thing twice.

I hope you'll be able to fall asleep easily during your sleep study. I was ordered to go for one years ago but never went because I *knew* I would never be able to sleep in that environment.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I know that so many of us are having a tough time. So, I want to know how you hold it together?

Right now I'm holding a lot in as an attempt to keep it together. I can't complain or I feel worse. I'm not asking for help because it's an admission of defeat. I'm just really down right now, and so I'm not communicating with anyone about anything. I know this is not constructive, but at least it doesn't take others down with me. I don't know if I need to go back to my therapist or if there is something else I can do to help get a handle on things.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm not in a good way, myself, these days. I'm sending out dust to everyone who isn't doing very well from health issues to whatever else is going on. I'm thinking of all of you everyday and hoping that things start turning around for us. I know what you mean, Uppy, about feeling that you are just holding it together. I had an appt. scheduled with a therapist. I cancelled it because I just couldn't go through with talking about all of my stuff with a stranger. This has given me great respect for all my clients who placed their trust and, in some cases, their very lives into my hands for so many years. They had the courage to come to me week after week and do the hard work, which I am not willing to do, myself.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
I know that so many of us are having a tough time. So, I want to know how you hold it together?

Right now I'm holding a lot in as an attempt to keep it together. I can't complain or I feel worse. I'm not asking for help because it's an admission of defeat. I'm just really down right now, and so I'm not communicating with anyone about anything. I know this is not constructive, but at least it doesn't take others down with me. I don't know if I need to go back to my therapist or if there is something else I can do to help get a handle on things.

I'm so sorry you're having a hard time Uppy. When I'm having a tough time health wise, I admit I pray a lot and I make sure I do anything and everything I can to take care of myself and make myself comfortable. When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm tired, I sleep.
I just focus in on my own needs while I'm going through a flare up until it is over. My husband is used to it, so I have no trouble doing it. I just take whatever time I need to get past the pain and I don't feel guilty about it anymore. After a lifetime of catering to everyone else, I realized that I'm a valuable person too and when I need time and comforting and pain management, that's what I'm going to have. It works for me.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hear hear to Uppy and Risingsun, I'm kind of in limbo right now. I just feel awful so much of the time, and I know I don't have the option to slow down much and so I keep ploughing through my life. Staring down the next 20 years of work feeling like this, is demoralizing to say the least. I'm waiting for the magic, formal diagnosis of fibro, but honestly, I have no idea how that is going to actually help. In the end, so what? I might get more and better(?) meds, have to spend more time on me, although where I find that time from a 40 hour week I'm not sure, considering the speed I'm generally moving: SLOOOWLY.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

^^^Sometimes we have to take it one day at a time. Mind you, I'm not always good at that myself, ksinger, but I'm more inclined to do so now. There are some meds that are helpful. I have a weird stomach disorder, which doesn't permit me to take certain meds that would be helpful. Hopefully, you will not have that problem. Keep talking. I kept things inside for so long that it became toxic. You are not alone.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Just dropping in here quickly to say hi to all of you. It has cooled down quite nicely and it feels good to wrap myself up in a sweater. Also, for some reason when I woke up this morning (even though in a hotel) I felt quite refreshed. I haven't felt this way in a very very long time. Perhaps just getting away from all the stresses at home has calmed me somewhat? Maybe stress is the source of all that ails us. It does nasty things to us and creates all kinds of havoc within our bodies.

I never remember my parents feeling as stressed as much as I feel stressed. They lived a much simpler and less hectic lifestyle. Why do I always have to feel so rushed, that I have to take care of everyone and it has to be according to everyone else's time schedule? My parents never ever woke up to an alarm clock. We sat down each morning and had a nice breakfast with time to chat with each other. Even when my dad worked he never worked late hours. Shop closed promptly at five pm. Dinner was at 6pm. My sister and I came home from school around 3pm, had a snack and finished our homework by dinnertime. Bedtime was 9pm even in high school. In high school even though I played sports I always got my homework done early and had time to talk with friends or watch tv or read for fun.

Now I get up at 6am, DD off to school by 7 am, sometimes she has after school committments (thank goodness she can drive herself now), I try to have dinner ready by 6pm, but DD or DH may not be here by then. Then it's rush off to this and rush to that. Phone ringing all the time. Rush rush rush...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Then it's rush off to this and rush to that. Phone ringing all the time. Rush rush rush...

Here's what I did back when our house looked like Grand Central Station -- decided that we didn't have to attend all events involving the kids (sports, etc.); kids could darn well find rides to some events too, we didn't have to take them to everything until they learned to drive; TVs & cell phones & landlines were turned off during meals and other family time. Hubby and I didn't have to say "yes" to all requests from friends & family. The world won't stop when I make time for myself.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Had a mixed weekend. Some good some bad. Let's just say this ...condition? starting to impact my marriage.

What I wouldnt' give to wake up rested just once! Honestly, I've lost all recollection of what it feels to wake up feeling decent...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good Day Ladies! Hope you find today a little brighter than yesterday. Many of you seem to have some awful health problems. I hope you all can find yourselves some answers and relief. Right now I just have a bad back. Yes it has changed my life. But I'm still here. Years ago I was able to admit to myself that I had a depression issue. It took years for me to talk to a Dr. about it, but I couldn't stand living like I was. I started taking an antidepression med and it changed my life. I became much more even. The lows were becoming more than I could handle. My logical brain would tell me one thing, but my emotional brain made me do other things. I had no control over myself. Now at least I can control my reactions to life's events. I don't want to feel sorry for myself or have others feel sorry for me. Today is what it is and I'll get through it. So many people have worse issues and I try to focus on the positive. Not always easy, but necessary.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

On a brighter note, (la), last week was really busy with the little ones. I called the husband and asked him to help me for a few minutes when he got home. I had 4 "business" calls to make and I was getting frazzeled because I had a baby attached to my hip and the one year old and two year old weren't getting along and the five year old didn't want to bothered with any of it. His response to me was, I can't help, I have league tonight. OK thanks. So with phone on speaker, a folder full of important papers, kid on hip, other on leg and two fighting it out, I made my calls and finished as he walked in the door. He apologized right away, offered to help,(I was done with my work) and wanted to give me a kiss and a hug. So sweet, but..... I told him what I really needed was a nice new diamond piece in about 5 years. He said yes, I deserve it. Oh my, now I have five years to save and decide and I have to say, I can now add this to my happy place. I like my happy place, I wish I could visit more often.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good day ladies! Well, I wanted cooler weather and I got cooler weather. It is a very cloudy and very cool 64 degrees here (after 90 degrees on Friday) and tomorrow morning we are leaving Bloomsburg and heading up to Watkins Glen and then onward to the wineries in the Finger Lakes. Glad I packed warm clothes. DH kept saying light jackets. He gave me a big kiss for his nice warm sweatshirt that I insisted he pack, among other things. Don't men ever listen?! Well if he needs anything else we can always stop at the Super Walmart. BTW I could use some gloves right now.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Yeah, with all the unique geological features, you hubs will be in heaven no doubt. :)) It sounds like fun exploring for both humans and hounds.

You'll have to post a pic or two when you get back!

Update: We got back from our mini-vaca on Sunday night, but I have been too busy/tired to post until today. We took our dog to the cancer vet on the 20th and after an hour visit, we decided to go ahead and give "doggy chemo" a try. The side affects aren't as extreme as they are with humans because the hoped for outcome isn't the same. There is no cure and remission (although possible) is almost unheard of, but what the chemo does do (if we are lucky) is slow down the progression of the disease and hopefully give us several more months of good quality time. I decided to share the basics in case some one else has to make this decision some day with their pet.

The idea behind doggy chemo is extended quality of life not a cure, and the minute the procedures stop giving us that, we'll stop and reconsider our options. He will receive a total of 5 infusions, one every two weeks, so his second procedure is on the 5th of October. The vet told us that the normal side affects are vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and just overall loss of energy. They gave us meds for the vominting and diarrhea and told us that the symptoms usually appear on days 3-5. She (the vet) also gave us the go ahead to take our mini-vaca, as our dogs are totally into "getting away from it all", as much as we are.

The Craters of the Moon Preserve was pretty cool, but like most locations that are National Monuments, your activities are pretty restricted to driving through and walks (no dogs allowed) on designated trails, so we didn't spend a whole lot of time there, but we did get to enjoy some spectacular scenery. After two nights in Arco (town nearest the monument) we headed out into the back country of Idaho and spent some nice quality time away from it all. I'd say my dog was probably functioning at 75% during our vacation, but except for the episodes of "trying to go, can't go, then going too much" he did pretty well. He never vomited, but he didn't eat as much as usual either nor was his activity level quite up to normal.

In true mommy fashion, I had sympathy constipation for three days, just to show my support! Of course, sick dog or not, traveling usually does that to me anyway. I'd blame it on my age, but I've had that problem when I travel since I was quite young, so the only thing age had added is my increased grumpiness when it happens.

His "system" started working normally again yesterday, so he seems to be pretty much back to normal this week. Nothing like a mommy dog following her "pup" outside and getting really excited over "normally formed poop"!.... Sorry for the TMI, but a mom is a mom, whether it's to a child or a pet, and when they are sick we're miserable and when they are feeling good, so are we!

I'll post a couple of pics of our pups having fun and the monument.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Our first full day in Arco, ID. My male dog waiting for us to hurry up and "get going" for the day. He is a cattledog (blue heeler) mix and unlike his mother, he has always had the gray hair that you see in the picture. Even though he is almost 10 yrs old, he had the blood work of a six year old less than a year ago, so his "otherwise good health" should help him fight the good fight.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Here is he and his sister (an Aussie/cattledog mix) running through the grass and one of him climbing the rocks near where we were camped out. We were at about 6000 ft elevation, but the weather was perfect... cool nights and days in the high 60's, low 70's. We found some fun rocks (Idaho jasper and some quartz crystals) in the nearby rocky areas.



Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Here are a few shots of the Craters of the Moon monument area. Notice the size of the people in relationship to the lava tube.



Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Colorluvr --

Your dogs are just beautiful and so happy looking. I hope the doggy chemo gives you many more happy months together.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi Ladies! I'm back after a weekend out of town (and a few days away from the computer due to the prep of getting 4 kids to their grandparents, activities, etc. so that I can leave). I did, however, think of you all often. I'm sorry to hear that so many are having a difficult time. I'm saying prayers for each of you and sending you good vibes. Please do take care of yourselves during this stressful time.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Colorluvr - great pics! Looks like your pups are happy to be out in the beautiful scenery too. You should rest easy in that they are well spoiled, which according to my husband, is a primary function of a dog: to be spoiled. :) Ours certainly is.

Gayle, weren't you going to GOG at some point? Have you been there already? Was that this trip?
Was that you? Am I crazy? (you don't have to answer that last)

Well, today is the day I go to the rheumatologist. Hold a good thought for me that he is a decent human at least.

I'll keep y'all posted on how it goes.

Fun times...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Colorluvr - great pics! Looks like your pups are happy to be out in the beautiful scenery too. You should rest easy in that they are well spoiled, which according to my husband, is a primary function of a dog: to be spoiled. :) Ours certainly is.

Gayle, weren't you going to GOG at some point? Have you been there already? Was that this trip?
Was that you? Am I crazy? (you don't have to answer that last)

Well, today is the day I go to the rheumatologist. Hold a good thought for me that he is a decent human at least.

I'll keep y'all posted on how it goes.

Fun times...
Karen, You'll be in my prayers all day. If you need to talk I'll be available by cell phone. I hope they can see things from your perspective!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I was thinking of you today and am hoping you got the answers you need, that the doc was a decent human... HUGS.
I haven't been on here much.. Still dealing with the diagnosis, and no not ready to talk about it. Not in denial, just overwhelmed.
It's been a lot all at once...

Prayers outgoing to all of you dealing with tough issues. Thank god for this group!!!! Hugs, Lisa
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Gayle, weren't you going to GOG at some point? Have you been there already? Was that this trip?
Was that you? Am I crazy? (you don't have to answer that last)

No, Karen, you aren't crazy although I sometimes wonder about myself! I was at GOG last Friday and had a wonderful time. I posted on RT about our visit last night but I was short on time. My kids have been taking away from my PS time!

Ended up spending several hours at GOG. Jon was out last week (which I knew beforehand) so we met with Matt and Sarah who were terrific. Looked at AV cushions and rounds and compared them to non-AV versions. We also played around with fluorescence and the light box, analyzed several stones every which way, compared various colors in AV diamonds and learned how they grade "eye clean". I had lots of questions in my head and Matt and Sarah were very patient and seemed to truly enjoy sharing their passion for the diamonds with DH and me. They both really know their stuff and made it so much fun.

I came away concluding that I really do love the AV cushions the most. The chunky light and colors that they throw off are so appealing to me. I was so excited that a couple of times I actually caught my breath looking at a particular stone! I also decided that I'm most fond of the I-J color range and that a little fluorescence looks, at least to me, a tad whiter than a stone without.

I hope that the dust will settle with DH's company soon (potential mergers, deals, etc. in the works) so that I might be thinking about settings for an AV cushion after the first of the year!

I thought about all of you when I was there but I have to throw myself on my sword. There were a couple of stones that I intended to look at for my PS crew and I ran out of the hotel without my phone, which contained the info. Of course, there was no use counting on my memory so I was out of look. Maybe I can use it as an excuse to go back!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi all you great gals!! Thanks for the kind thoughts. :)

Well the doc was NOT a mean guy, thank goodness. I guess I was worrying unduly. Helpful, huh, worry? Right.

Anyway, while I perceived the doc to be a bit un-thorough, he was not dead-set against considering the diagnosis. I did take in a list of "issues", typed up. I think it helped? He read it, examined me - palpated 5 of the tender points (I have 12), I guess assuming they were bi-lateral, which they are. I guess those, with the other stuff, convinced him. But it's so odd to go to a doctor and TELL HIM what you think you have. I'd be the last one to say I'm supposed to be a mindless tabla rasa going in, I mean, often a patient does have a clue what's going on, but I still find it odd. I think he was pretty aware though that I knew quite a bit about what I was talking about.

Anyway...his diagnosis was fibro, with the usual caveats that there is no magic bullet. I knew that of course. We chatted meds and other stuff, and I suggested that I really need guidance by a trained PT in devising some reasonable exercise program, since no pain no gain is just more PAIN for me. He admitted that he didn't know any PTs who he considered to be really good at working with fibro patients, so finding one will be another task for me. :-\

So now it's just go forward. And right now it's off to the sleep study. I HATE sleeping anywhere but my own bed. :-\

Later guys!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good morning ladies! It is wet here in upstate NY today. Coming home tomorrow night. sspending the day in Corning and going to the Corning Museum of Glass. Got the whole day and so why not and blow some glass of my own.

I want to share something with all of you who have fibromyalgia. I met a woman here who has fibro for at least 10 years. A few years ago she found another doctor who has put her on Antibiotic Protocol and since then she has never felt better. I wanted to share this with all of you so that you are informed about this treatment . She also told me about this site:
Just something that I wanted you all to know so that you can be an advocate in your own treatment.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

TooPatient said:
Colorluvr --

Your dogs are just beautiful and so happy looking. I hope the doggy chemo gives you many more happy months together.

I'm so happy you all got to go away together. I'm sorry for what he has to go through and I'm so sorry for what you're going to experience also, but I think I would do the same thing to keep either of my babies with me for a little longer. Big hugs!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Good morning ladies! It is wet here in upstate NY today. Coming home tomorrow night. sspending the day in Corning and going to the Corning Museum of Glass. Got the whole day and so why not and blow some glass of my own.

I want to share something with all of you who have fibromyalgia. I met a woman here who has fibro for at least 10 years. A few years ago she found another doctor who has put her on Antibiotic Protocol and since then she has never felt better. I wanted to share this with all of you so that you are informed about this treatment . She also told me about this site:
Just something that I wanted you all to know so that you can be an advocate in your own treatment.

Antibiotics may have worked on your friend because she had an underlying disorder causing the widespread body pain. There is Primary Fibromyalgia that either comes out of nowhere or developes from a prolonged stress, or comes about as a result of something like an accident or an injury; and then there's Secondary Fibromyalgia that happens for reasons outside of the most common causes.

I have an exceedingly rare form of Fibromyalgia, diagnosed fifteen years ago, but I've had it for at least two decades. I have "Fibromyalgia Secondary to PolyEndocrinopathy". PolyEndo is the failure of two or more endocrine systems. PolyEndo is the rare part, but in theory, since I have Thyroid disease, Adrenal disease and ovarian disease(Stein Leventhal syndrome), if all of these were treated with meds (which they are), my pain should have been reduced to a very tolerable or non-existant level. But that never happened for me.

Your friend is very lucky that whatever her underlying disorder was, it responded favorably to antibiotic therapy.

All that gobble-de-gook aside, how are you doing soocool?