
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

This is one of Martha Stewart in prison garb
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Now some gingerbread houses
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Another gingerbread house
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Aren't they beautiful?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Last one. And no they aren't my creations
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool - we are neighbors!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

What I have is very rare, 15 out of every 100,00 are afflicted. I saw that there is an associtation for this, and tried to register but got a message saying error, due to my server?? I am having Karl help me sort this out.

This is all very new to me, and hard because I have fought the good fight on my neck for years... I have pain 24/7 with my neck. I had to give up Tennis, and that was my love..

Part of my gave up period, when I had to give up tennis..

Then I found PS. Will be 6 years in November... And having been a care taker for my grandparents... Helping them fight the good fight against cancer..

I felt like God would spare me in some way... I am angry dammit.

THanks for letting me vent. The tears are flowing so hard, I am just done. :((
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
What I have is very rare, 15 out of every 100,00 are afflicted. I saw that there is an associtation for this, and tried to register but got a message saying error, due to my server?? I am having Karl help me sort this out.

This is all very new to me, and hard because I have fought the good fight on my neck for years... I have pain 24/7 with my neck. I had to give up Tennis, and that was my love..

Part of my gave up period, when I had to give up tennis..

Then I found PS. Will be 6 years in November... And having been a care taker for my grandparents... Helping them fight the good fight against cancer..

I felt like God would spare me in some way... I am angry dammit.

THanks for letting me vent. The tears are flowing so hard, I am just done. :((

I'm not so good at this without sounding wooden somehow - I do better in person (I suspect most of us do), but I'm aching for you right now. I'm so incredibly sorry for what you're dealing with. I would cry with you if I could. I don't know about your condition, but I do know about that neck pain thing. I was hit in what appeared to be a mild accident when I was 31, and it was the straw that broke the camel's back for me, the beginning of the downward slide. It robs you of so much, and so much is gone before you realize that you can't ever get it back. THAT I understand all too well now.

But as long as we're breathing, wonderful things can still happen! In the midst of my darkest time, taking care of my dying mother, my beautiful man came back to rescue me, so to speak. A miracle in my book. So, don't give up PLEASE! We have to not give up for each other too. I've been up and down on the ledge a bit this week myself, but remembering this great group of women who are coping is a great comfort to me. This thread has helped me more of late, than anything else. I hope through it, I can offer some back to you (all).

I'm keeping you in my thoughts!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

vent more if need be, Kaleigh. getting angry is healthy and so is crying. but, my dear kaleigh, you are not done: you are very much needed here.

glad karl is able to help you sort out the server thing: i'm a mere "user". however, i'm a great internet searcher so if i can help you with some of that, please let me karl the same that used to post as Stormrdr? if so he'd have my e-mail address or used to, anyway. or just give a shout out here.


ps um, i know it would never be the same but have you considered playing tennis online or on x-box? again, i know it would never be the same but it might be fun......
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Anastasia said:
soocool - we are neighbors!

Howdy neighbor! :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh, I so understand where you are coming from. I don't know why the reason I ended up with the pacemaker, but I have to live and deal with it everyday. In some ways it has made me stronger, but in other ways it reminds me that we are not immortal. I have been wracking my brain to see how I could make a difference and have decided I will take an active part in the American Heart Association, perhaps help set up a "pacemaker" group and find people with whom I have this in common. I truly think that once you find a group or forum of people facing the same thing you are, you will find those who truly understand what you are going through. Even though we gals on PS are a great support group, you do need a support group in which others fully understand. Again hugs to you!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

This has brought me to my knees. Thanks MZ may take you up on that.. Yes Karl is Strmdr... He's a computer genious, and one person I am blessed to have in my inner circle.

I have a big fight ahead, so am going to lurk, but will be a whisper away.. I will be keeping all you lovely ladies in my thoughts and my prayers...

I just LOVE this thread. I had no idea, that I would be hit so hard, but hey that's life... :wavey: Many thanks to uppy for starting it!!


Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
Asking you gals for some thoughts, prayers, or good vibes. I saw my neurologist today... I was diagnosed with a disorder... I am trying to keep my chin up.. I have a nerve disorder from my herniated disks in my neck, and it's traveling up to my face... Yeah it sucks. I am on new medicine... This is all new to me... I am hoping the nerve calms down, and it will go away...
But am scared stiff. ;(

Oh Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear this! I really hope the nerve calms down for you. Is this something similar to what Lost Sapphire has?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
Asking you gals for some thoughts, prayers, or good vibes. I saw my neurologist today... I was diagnosed with a disorder... I am trying to keep my chin up.. I have a nerve disorder from my herniated disks in my neck, and it's traveling up to my face... Yeah it sucks. I am on new medicine... This is all new to me... I am hoping the nerve calms down, and it will go away...
But am scared stiff. ;(

Lisa~I am so sorry that you are going through this. Please know that you have our support. I'm around much of the time and would love to talk with you anytime. Thoughts and prayers are on their way....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh... and I always thought you were young. your posts sounded so optimistic. I am incredibly sorry that you ended up with this condition, and it is so rare. Please accept my support. I am sending good vibes to you. Stay strong!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Soocool, I wish your results come back negative, but I also wish they catch it if it is indeed pheochromocytoma because it is very treatable. The biggest problem are periodic raises in blood pressure to high numbers, hence timely diagnosis is important. It is a serious condition but very, very treatable. You did a great job by peeing this much, I know how hard it is to collect daily urine, I had to do it once because they suspected adrenal hyperplasia and failed miserably.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

kaleigh, i know you're in lurking mode but i just wanted to say howdy.

let me know if/when you have an assignment for me.....the offer has no expiration date!

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

movie zombie said:
kaleigh, i know you're in lurking mode but i just wanted to say howdy.

let me know if/when you have an assignment for me.....the offer has no expiration date!


Hey MoZo,

Yes I do have an assignment for you. I will send an email to Karl. I tried to register to the forum and get an error saying forbidden server?

However I was able to sign up for the email support group. It's moderated because of the senistive nature, but I wrote my story and am hoping to be approved, LOL!!

So now all I need is help registering for the darn forum so I can asscess all the medical info.. It's really a very thorough forum and I know I will get to post and chat and find what has helped other's.

I am only ONE week into this. BUT with me, I am proactive and hit the ground running. I do have a firm diagnosis..

Many thanks,


And to all of you who are praying for me, I greatly appreciate it and keep all of YOU in my prayers as well.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

[quote="Kaleigh" BUT with me, I am proactive and hit the ground running. I do have a firm diagnosis..Many thanks,Lisa quote]

this is great!

i await my assignment.....hopefully, karl as a computer whiz has all the e-mails he has sent and will figure out which one is my address!

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

movie zombie said:
[quote="Kaleigh" BUT with me, I am proactive and hit the ground running. I do have a firm diagnosis..Many thanks,Lisa quote]

this is great!

i await my assignment.....hopefully, karl as a computer whiz has all the e-mails he has sent and will figure out which one is my address!


It's their server, so nothing you can do, but thanks for the offer...

OK so I join an email support group of the association... I have to write why I want to be a member... Got approved, Karl set up a Yaho account..

THEN I get all these emails, don't do this don't do that... I am like huh??? I haven't done a thing... ;(

I wrote back saying, I don't know why I am getting these emails, please know I want to start off on the right foot...

Screw it..

I don't need this BS.... Thier website doesn't work ... Their webmaster died.... Not a good sign for someone who is signing up... And just learning of this disorder... I did write and say can I call you tomorrow?? I need the information.. She said no you are registered...
And that was that!!!! :eek:

Ok so scratch that off my list... :angryfire:

No wonder PS is my one and only forum... :appl:

You gals are stuck with me now, LOL!!! ;))

Had a good day... I had my MRI.

I told my daughter, who was without a doubt so lovely in her response.

She emailed me later saying, we are here for you and love you know matter what...
Oh she made me feel so much better....

She researched the disorder, and said I know it's very emotional for you. BUT in the grand scheme of things, you will be fine...

She is such a love.

My son will not know for a few days, he's got a lot going on..

I am blessed with my family, friends, and most of all my PS family...

Lorelei has been a big help, Karl and Nan...

And all your prayers mean the world to me.

To those that have reached out to me on FB, thank you.


Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Still seething....

If you do have a website... Make it easy to join...

And if I jump through every hoop to join?? Don't get mad at a newbie for making a mistake...

And I didn't make a mistake... Karl helped me join dammit.. :read:

So owner of website, you missed out on a big donation... :$$):

My $$$$$ will go to those that can be helped even if it's not those of my time...


Off to the Mayo clinic...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Lisa - I am so sorry to hear of your health issue. I will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Lisa, I am so very sorry to hear this!!! I can imagine how frustrating it is to be unable to access the much needed information on a rare disorder. I will certainly pray for you! {{{hugs}}}
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

diamondseeker2006 said:
Lisa, I am so very sorry to hear this!!! I can imagine how frustrating it is to be unable to access the much needed information on a rare disorder. I will certainly pray for you! {{{hugs}}}

Thanks DS. Hate to see you under these circumstances... Have missed you..

Thanks Anastasia...

I will get the info I need, Karl is my advocate for now... ;))

I don't want to take up any more room here.... ::)

Back to all you lovely ladies,. sorry for the threadjacks...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh, I do hope you find the information and support you need to help you deal with your issue.

That goes for all the rest of you too. Hang in there.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Lisa, I said a special prayer for you this morning and my dad said that he will keep you in his prayers as he always asks me about my "girly" group. (My sister has such a big mouth and she knows it.)

When I got my pacemaker I joined an online support group and while it was a big help in the beginning it has lost its luster and support. I have since found a group at a local hopsital (through my doctor's office) and it looks like a small group of us may form our own support group as well regarding pacemakers.

Check with your doctor. He/she may give you some leads or info regarding people you can talko to or groups you can join.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh, BTW Socool, I thought the pics were fun! Thanks for posting them. We need something like that around here. Unfortunately, we usually have spring (tornado threat, so outdoor stuff is always subject to washout) summer (super hot here and NOT a good time to be out IMO), fallsummer(see summer), fall - lasts about 15 minutes, before winter (which has been known to flirt with summer, OR can be in the teens with a steady 30+ plains wind. So, simplified, we have summer, summer, summer and Christmas, pretty much. ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ksinger, our summer was dreadfully hot with no rain preceded by a very wet & snowy (we set records)overcast winter. So far these past 2 weeks have been beautiful. If it is warm during the day, the evenings cool down quite nicely. Again still no rain except for a brief time last week so DH is watering the lawn he seeded this weekend.

Went to check out the scarecrows yesterday afternoon and there was a crowd, though not as bad as in past years unless everyone showed up on Saturday instead. The scarescrow were pretty good, but as as good as in previous years. There was a Snooky-crow (hopefully I spelled that correctly). When I get a chance to download I'll probably post in HO.

It was good to get out of the house and just relax especially with what has been going on lately. Leaving for a week's vacation on Saturday. Starting off on Bloomsburg, PA for the annual fair and leaving DD with my nephew to see Lady Antebellum. DH and I are then heading to upstate NY (Fingerlakes) and doing some wine tasting and perhaps some boating after he makes his much needed pitstop at Watkins Glen.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Enjoy your vacation, soocool! You deserve it :))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
diamondseeker2006 said:
Lisa, I am so very sorry to hear this!!! I can imagine how frustrating it is to be unable to access the much needed information on a rare disorder. I will certainly pray for you! {{{hugs}}}

Thanks DS. Hate to see you under these circumstances... Have missed you..

Thanks Anastasia...

I will get the info I need, Karl is my advocate for now... ;))

I don't want to take up any more room here.... ::)

Back to all you lovely ladies,. sorry for the threadjacks...

As far as I'm concerned, you can post as much as you would like. I feel sure that the other women feel the same. This thread is supposed to be a safe place for us to share. I'm so glad that Karl was able to help you. Can you access the information you need without being a member? My husband has been having facial spasms and I am very concerned.