
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

i'd pay to have a custom bra made that fit comfortably......

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

movie zombie said:
i'd pay to have a custom bra made that fit comfortably......

Now, if I could have one custom made to fit me, that I would pay for. I just hate that VS has such a monopoly on boobs at this point. All they are good at is marketing!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, I'm here to report that, sadly, I do have some scruples. I had my grubby mitts on Uppy's avatar and had smoothly slipped it under the table. When she didn't start howling and leap across the table at me, I knew I was home free! But then...I felt remorse. Can you believe it?? I was COMPELLED to return it. Sigh. Oh well, it's probably for the best, there were a few times when I had to have eagle eyes on her and the (beautiful!) youngster too. Although in fairness, there were a few o my pieces that looked WAY better on Meg than on me ;))

I'd have to say that yesterday evening was roaring success. No awkwardness at all. Like I've known them both for ages. Chattered like magpies, and it looks like I have several "places" :naughty: to show them up my way. Oh the fun we're going to have!!

And yes, there was lots of bling, and nary a camera to be seen. :sick: :oops:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

movie zombie said: ... ntment.htm

well, i may just have to go to bakersfield! looks like the do SoCal appointments.......


WOW!!! $650.00 for a breast mold. Why aren't they accepting fitting appointments? That stinks.

You would think that places like this would do a booming business as I believe most woman are not properly fitted. My DD has a problem finding the right bra. She has a slight pectus excavatum (sunken chest) and one breast is larger than the other. She found a store called Aerie with padded bras that mask her problem.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Going to go check on dad in the hospital and hopefully no more poking or prodding or pretty nurses that make his heart go pitter patter. That is what he has been saying to the nurses in his heavy german accent. I never knew he was such a flirt. But that's good. That means he is feeling much better.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, who knew that answering the phone would be so dangerous? Yesterday I was sitting on my front porch reading when I heard the phone ring. Up I pop to answer and down I go in excruciating pain. Yes, even though I have no back problems my back still decided to go out on me. I had to call hubby out to pick me up off of the floor. Today is even worse, so I'm off to the "pool of evil swirling waters" [our whirlpool tub]. Have I mentioned how much I hate getting old?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
packrat said:
I would do it in a heart beat! Even for $20, it's worth a shot at finding a perfect fitting bra. I've been fitted several times at stores but never "specialty" places, so I would totally do it.

I just found another place, also 20 minutes away in Doylestown, PA, that is also a specialty bra fitting store. They say that a bra should be replaced every 3 months. I may try that first and if it doesn't work, I'll try The Bra Lady. Wonder if there are anymore out there.

We should be replacing our bras every three months? Do ya' think they want to sell more bras? Geez, I have my special and fancy dress up bras for years! but even my every day ones last a year or two.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catmom said:
Well, who knew that answering the phone would be so dangerous? Yesterday I was sitting on my front porch reading when I heard the phone ring. Up I pop to answer and down I go in excruciating pain. Yes, even though I have no back problems my back still decided to go out on me. I had to call hubby out to pick me up off of the floor. Today is even worse, so I'm off to the "pool of evil swirling waters" [our whirlpool tub]. Have I mentioned how much I hate getting old?

I'm so sorry about your back problem. I know how bad that can be. My husband has a couple of bad discs from his Airborne days and once every few years, it acts up. Once I found him laying on the lawn in the backyard. He had been going from one of our sheds to his truck to load up equipment for the day. Heat, massage and an anti-inflammatory generally helps. I hope you're feeling better soon!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm so grateful for all of you. I just had to say that!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gemmy, only half as much as we love you!!! ::)

I've got to share how much fun ksinger, OU, and I had last evening! We chatted away, shared sparklies, and compared hubby stories. We also realized that all three of us are singers. We're thinking of forming a group, Diamonds in the Rough (?), and renting ourselves out to perform at PS GTGs. I can just see Meg doing a kick ass Marilyn Monroe singing "Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend!" :naughty:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm so glad that you three had such a great time last night! I'm just envious that I couldn't be there. I can't believe that one of you didn't have a camera-I suppose it just means you'll have to do it again.

Where did you guys meet? I would love an excuse to join you sometime soon.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

No pic from the GTG :o You are all in big trouble!! I'm glad that you had a great time ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Just to follow up on the bra discussion, I can't find one that I like either! I know what would work for me. Now I just have to see if it exists.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I have the greatest job! I taught freshmen to stand on a single file line today. Their parents will be so happy. (insert sarcasm face here)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gayletmom said:
I'm so glad that you three had such a great time last night! I'm just envious that I couldn't be there. I can't believe that one of you didn't have a camera-I suppose it just means you'll have to do it again.

Where did you guys meet? I would love an excuse to join you sometime soon.
Gayle, I didn't know you were an Okie too?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

This thread moves fast, it's great!

I have those red dots and some are huge. The dermatologist never seemed worried. I have too many specialists though. I don't think they actually talk to each other. So on the one hand I may be bleeding to death internally (I have anemia too), but on the other hand, I'm on aspirin therapy following a pulmonary embolism several years ago... My heart is fine, my cholesterol is fine, but my triglycerides are not ever normal because of some genetic thing. I am on a cholesterol med though, I think it's supposed to up my good cholesterol. Or my doc just likes giving me meds I don't know. My BP is rarely ever over 120/80 and is usually under, but he actually suggested a BP med once, argh! Every little thing he sends me to another specialist for more waiting and poking/prodding.

I have an MRI in a few weeks for my shoulder, and I forgot to make the follow-up appt. with the orthopedic surgeon. There'll be hell to pay for that--he's super type A and very uppity. I don't even WANT to see him to find out the results at this point. I just want to hide.

I need to get a mammogram, but it petrifies me because my first one last year didn't go smoothly. Eep.

Getting older and disliking doctors is getting harder to handle. I think I should have a colonoscopy too. My brother died of colon cancer this year in January after fighting it for a few years. If I tell my doctor that, I'm off to see another specialist I guess. I don't mind the actual tests, but I feel a lot of stress in the process. It doesn't help that my doctor is a 45+ minute drive away.

Yes, PS is definitely providing some food for thought these days! I need to find the courage to confront these issues like so many of you already have. :errrr:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Bah, it's that time of the year again -- the full body medical exam whereupon I'll hear over & over again -- "well, that's normal for a woman of your age." Boob squish, analysis of the lady bits, need to get the hormones tweeked and something done about the insomnia, will definitely tell a fib about whether I leak when I walk, talk, laugh, sneeze, cough, bend over, stand up because I haven't been faithfully doing the kegels and don't want a lecture. Have to lose 30 pounds before I go because I don't want a lecture. Will stop consuming alcohol the night before because I don't want a lecture.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Here's one for you. I have to do a 24hr urine capture starting tomorrow morning. First pee of the morning gets flushed away and then I have to save all my pee for 24hrs in a humongous orange container that has to be refrigerated and brought back on Friday. I have no idea what for, but it is better than getting blood drawn which I had done anyway to check for d-dimer levels. Now I have to find a cup to pee into then pour into the jug. How about a measuring cup? What size? I can pee a lot and have to save it all... :errrr:

Did get my flu shot and this year's blend contains vaccine against H1N1 (and another H?N?).
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata said:
Bah, it's that time of the year again -- the full body medical exam whereupon I'll hear over & over again -- "well, that's normal for a woman of your age." Boob squish, analysis of the lady bits, need to get the hormones tweeked and something done about the insomnia, will definitely tell a fib about whether I leak when I walk, talk, laugh, sneeze, cough, bend over, stand up because I haven't been faithfully doing the kegels and don't want a lecture. Have to lose 30 pounds before I go because I don't want a lecture. Will stop consuming alcohol the night before because I don't want a lecture.

I have to schedule 2 boob squishes. One the mammogram and then the annual "gyni visit". Waiting to see the cardio next week before I schedule in case she wants more stuff out of me.

BTW, do you ladies get pap smears every year?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Here's one for you. I have to do a 24hr urine capture starting tomorrow morning. First pee of the morning gets flushed away and then I have to save all my pee for 24hrs in a humongous orange container that has to be refrigerated and brought back on Friday. I have no idea what for, but it is better than getting blood drawn which I had done anyway to check for d-dimer levels. Now I have to find a cup to pee into then pour into the jug. How about a measuring cup? What size? I can pee a lot and have to save it all... :errrr:

Did get my flu shot and this year's blend contains vaccine against H1N1 (and another H?N?).
Well, you have those instructions down. Make sue at the 24 hour mark you collect whatever is left in the bladder and add it to the jug. And to collect during the day just use a clean Cool Whip. Margarine, or butter tub.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
I have to schedule 2 boob squishes. One the mammogram and then the annual "gyni visit". Waiting to see the cardio next week before I schedule in case she wants more stuff out of me.

BTW, do you ladies get pap smears every year?

I don't, but then I had my uterus and cervix removed many many years ago, so no.... I don't even remember the last one Maybe about 5 years ago.

I do get my boobs squished every year or two.... It is really painful because I have "dense" breasts (I've been told).... good cause they still "kinda" stay up where they belong, not good when getting squished. I had a spot on one test about 9 years ago and they sent me to a cancer center in SF to get rechecked.... the amount of pressure they used was easily double of a normal one... I almost passed out... The good news was the first test was a shadow because the second one came back clean, and I've had several clean tests since then, but it was certainly a scary wait for the results... The majority of the women waiting for results were not getting good news.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Gayletmom said:
I'm so glad that you three had such a great time last night! I'm just envious that I couldn't be there. I can't believe that one of you didn't have a camera-I suppose it just means you'll have to do it again.

Where did you guys meet? I would love an excuse to join you sometime soon.
Gayle, I didn't know you were an Okie too?

Oh wow! Dare we hope for a quartet?? :appl:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Gayletmom said:
I'm so glad that you three had such a great time last night! I'm just envious that I couldn't be there. I can't believe that one of you didn't have a camera-I suppose it just means you'll have to do it again.

Where did you guys meet? I would love an excuse to join you sometime soon.
Gayle, I didn't know you were an Okie too?

I'm actually from way down south (New Orleans) but I would love an excuse to join you guys. I do travel fairly often so I thought I should at least get the scoop on where you meet. Oklahoma City?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gayletmom said:
Upgradable said:
Gayletmom said:
I'm so glad that you three had such a great time last night! I'm just envious that I couldn't be there. I can't believe that one of you didn't have a camera-I suppose it just means you'll have to do it again.

Where did you guys meet? I would love an excuse to join you sometime soon.
Gayle, I didn't know you were an Okie too?

I'm actually from way down south (New Orleans) but I would love an excuse to join you guys. I do travel fairly often so I thought I should at least get the scoop on where you meet. Oklahoma City?

OKC, Norman, points in between: it's kinda one huge sprawling metro here - so just call it the "big town" (local joke) and let us know when you're planning on being in town and we'll move heaven and earth for a GTG!! :)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

If anyone is a believer in euthanasia, I'm volunteering.....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Today I start my 24 hour Pee Party!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Today I start my 24 hour Pee Party!

Ummm...good luck? I think. ;-)
You'll also understand if we don't attend...right?
And the doc didn't say WHY he/she was requiring this? ( nascent Dr rant in the works ... I can feel it )

At least it sounds like one of the more amusing (versus stressful) tests, and we're all for that. :)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
If anyone is a believer in euthanasia, I'm volunteering.....
I see your misery, and raise you one really nasty period (I bled through 2x last night).
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
soocool said:
Today I start my 24 hour Pee Party!

Ummm...good luck? I think. ;-)
You'll also understand if we don't attend...right?
And the doc didn't say WHY he/she was requiring this? ( nascent Dr rant in the works ... I can feel it )

At least it sounds like one of the more amusing (versus stressful) tests, and we're all for that. :)

The doctor is testing me for pheochromocytoma -( Pheochromocytomas are tumors of the adrenal gland that produce excess adrenaline.) because of an adrenal mass that showed up on CT scan of my chest while I was in the hospital for a very low heart rate. With the current symptoms I have been having of random episodes of heart rate and soaring bp, etc. my "smart" doctor went back to review all my tests and ask the radiologist to review the scan. Right near the edge of the film they found a 3mm mass on my adrenal gland. No one picked up on this before. It was an incidental find.

So to check they are making me do the 24 hr urine capture to check for This test is designed to measure production of the different types of adrenaline compounds that the adrenal glands make. Since the body gets rid of these hormones in the urine, they collect a patient's urine for 24 hours to determine if they are over-produced. This test measures different types of adrenaline (epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine), as well as the breakdown products of these compounds that the liver and kidney have degraded. Since these compounds are concentrated in the urine, this test is very good at making the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma.

Here are the symptoms, many of which I have been experiencing and so with the 3mm mass perhaps?

Symptoms of Pheochromocytomas
The classic symptoms of pheochromocytomas (or pheos) are those attributable to excess adrenaline production. Often these patients will have recurring episodes of sweating, headache, and a feeling of high anxiety. The following symptoms are listed from the most common to the least common:

•Headaches (severe)
•Excess sweating (generalized)
•Racing heart (tachycardia and palpitations)
•Anxiety and nervousness
•Nervous shaking (tremors)
•Pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen
•Nausea (with or without vomiting)
•Weight loss
•Heat intolerance

I know too much information, but I am so happy that my doctor had the intelligence and patience to listen to me and go the extra mile to find out why I have been feeling so lousy.