
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gemgirl, that's such wonderful news!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Getting the call from Gemgirl was a shock! I expected to hear from her DH late this afternoon. When she called me around 2 pm with the news, I could hardly believe it. I was so relieved to hear about such a great news. It's time to celebrate, GG, and do something really nice for yourself :appl:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I was apparently playing in my playpen, and my mother was ironing when they broke into As the World Turns to announce Kennedy had been shot.

Announcing plans for a big GTG tomorrow afternoon. Ksinger, OUPeargirl, and I are meeting for dinner!!! I can't wait to meet Ksinger. We'll update you on the hilarity that ensues. :lol:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
I was apparently playing in my playpen, and my mother was ironing when they broke into As the World Turns to announce Kennedy had been shot.

Announcing plans for a big GTG tomorrow afternoon. Ksinger, OUPeargirl, and I are meeting for dinner!!! I can't wait to meet Ksinger. We'll update you on the hilarity that ensues. :lol:

I have (shamefully) flung most of my better bling and project stones in a bag for ooohing and ahhing. (Some of them are truly worth it).
I have also put on as much as my ears, neck, and fingers will tastefully allow.
I have also brought class project stones, my necklace completed last class, and my currently-in-progress chain.

I have also pulled my personality out of the glass I keep it in next to the bed.... ;))

I'm set! See you guys tonight!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

So very happy for you Gemgirl. I hope all stays well for you.
JFK- 4th or 5th grade. Our teacher's husband was a state senator. She was very shaken. That event made me a news junkie.
Monty Python- Thanks for the laughs. :lol: I haven't silly walked in years.
GTG- I wish I could meet you all!
Selling jewelry- I got myself my first diamond for our 25 yr anniversary. Since then, I've been able to get a few more pieces and I wear most on a daily basis. Not a big collection, but I'm in love with every piece. It would be really hard for me to let any go. I don't think I would make a big dent in our debt anyway. Sorry to hear that your'e letting some pieces go Uppy. Hope you don't love them.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good Mornin' Gals!! :wavey:

What a great morning and such great news to read while sipping my hot coffee finally in some nice cool weather! I had the best night's sleep I have had in a long while. Everyone sounds so cheery too.

Gemgirl, I am ecstatic to hear that everything went very well. :appl: I have heard great things about Curcumin and am now definitely going to incorporate it into my meals when I can.

My dad is doing better and he will be checked today for DVT which the doctors believe may have led to his pulmonary embolism. I do know that he has also been very sedentary since my mom passed away over 3 years ago and this could have led to the blood clots. We'll see.

I got the results of my tests, and the stress test was fine. Now you ladies know about those funny little red dots all over your body. Well the doctor was concerned about those. He said if you have them on the outside of your body, you can have them on the inside of your body which can cause hemmoraging. The term is DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) and luckily I do not have it! What my doctor did note is that some of my heart's own natural electrical conduction has been appearing. I am paced 100% in my ventricles because the electrical signal from the atrium to the ventricles do not exist (that is called 3rd degree or 100% heart block). When this all happened to me back in February it all came out of nowhere. I go back to my Electrophysiologist next week to learn more.It could either be good news or not. I have never heard 3rd degree heartblock resolving unless it was a result of a heart attack or a case of Lyme Disease that has been cured.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

When Kennedy was shot I believe I was in 2nd grade. I don't remember what we were told in school, but I remember my dad closing up the shop and we stayed home and watched the funeral procession on TV. I also remember my mom and dad crying.

I also remember the moon walk! Watergate! President Ford hitting someone with his golf ball! Jimmy Carter's brother, Billy and Billy Beer! I remember seeing color tv for the first time! Soda in bottles only. (I don't know when the first soda cans appeared). Odd/even days for getting gas back in the 70s.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Do any of you ladies remember your favorite tv shows when you were little?

I used to watch Romper Room, Captain Kangaroo (Mr GreenJeans owned a house not too far from me which has been turned into a bed and breakfast), Lassie, Mighty Mouse, Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny, Wonderama. I definitely don't remember many violent programs way back then unless you consider Road Runner a violent cartoon.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I was in my thirties the first time I watched The Wizard Of Oz on a color TV. I had no idea! Most of the movie is in color. :o

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I was in 7th grade (12 yrs old) when JFK was shot... I don't remember all of the details of how we were told, but I'm pretty sure it was over the intercom that came into each of the classrooms. We may have been told in an assembly, but I think the assembly was called after the initial announcement. Those who wanted to go home could call their parents to pick them up.
All I remember feeling was numb..... like it couldn't be real.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Upgradable said:
I was apparently playing in my playpen, and my mother was ironing when they broke into As the World Turns to announce Kennedy had been shot.

Announcing plans for a big GTG tomorrow afternoon. Ksinger, OUPeargirl, and I are meeting for dinner!!! I can't wait to meet Ksinger. We'll update you on the hilarity that ensues. :lol:

I have (shamefully) flung most of my better bling and project stones in a bag for ooohing and ahhing. (Some of them are truly worth it).
I have also put on as much as my ears, neck, and fingers will tastefully allow.
I have also brought class project stones, my necklace completed last class, and my currently-in-progress chain.

I have also pulled my personality out of the glass I keep it in next to the bed.... ;))

I'm set! See you guys tonight!!

I just had my rings cleaned last week.. And last night they still looked fabulous. Fast forward to this morning, and in my sleepy haze I wore them in the shower. Conditioner + aquamarine = sad little dirty stones. :(

Maybe I'll have time to go run and get them cleaned before. If not, I'll hide my hands and drool over your goodies!! Can't wait!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

OUpeargirl said:
ksinger said:
Upgradable said:
I was apparently playing in my playpen, and my mother was ironing when they broke into As the World Turns to announce Kennedy had been shot.

Announcing plans for a big GTG tomorrow afternoon. Ksinger, OUPeargirl, and I are meeting for dinner!!! I can't wait to meet Ksinger. We'll update you on the hilarity that ensues. :lol:

I have (shamefully) flung most of my better bling and project stones in a bag for ooohing and ahhing. (Some of them are truly worth it).
I have also put on as much as my ears, neck, and fingers will tastefully allow.
I have also brought class project stones, my necklace completed last class, and my currently-in-progress chain.

I have also pulled my personality out of the glass I keep it in next to the bed.... ;))

I'm set! See you guys tonight!!

I just had my rings cleaned last week.. And last night they still looked fabulous. Fast forward to this morning, and in my sleepy haze I wore them in the shower. Conditioner + aquamarine = sad little dirty stones. :(

Maybe I'll have time to go run and get them cleaned before. If not, I'll hide my hands and drool over your goodies!! Can't wait!

If you want, you can bring them to my house first and I'll steam clean them for you. OK, I'm jealous.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Have a great time at your GTG! Do take pics of the bling or I shall be quite cross :cheeky: Do keep an eye on Uppy and ksinger. They are quite a handful. Love the Eleanor Rigby reference, ksinger :bigsmile:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I got the results of my tests, and the stress test was fine. Now you ladies know about those funny little red dots all over your body. Well the doctor was concerned about those. He said if you have them on the outside of your body, you can have them on the inside of your body which can cause hemmoraging. The term is DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) and luckily I do not have it! What my doctor did note is that some of my heart's own natural electrical conduction has been appearing. I am paced 100% in my ventricles because the electrical signal from the atrium to the ventricles do not exist (that is called 3rd degree or 100% heart block). When this all happened to me back in February it all came out of nowhere. I go back to my Electrophysiologist next week to learn more.It could either be good news or not. I have never heard 3rd degree heartblock resolving unless it was a result of a heart attack or a case of Lyme Disease that has been cured.

I have those red dots, too. The dermatologist said they were nothing to worry about. How do you find out if you have DIC?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
I got the results of my tests, and the stress test was fine. Now you ladies know about those funny little red dots all over your body. Well the doctor was concerned about those. He said if you have them on the outside of your body, you can have them on the inside of your body which can cause hemmoraging. The term is DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) and luckily I do not have it! What my doctor did note is that some of my heart's own natural electrical conduction has been appearing. I am paced 100% in my ventricles because the electrical signal from the atrium to the ventricles do not exist (that is called 3rd degree or 100% heart block). When this all happened to me back in February it all came out of nowhere. I go back to my Electrophysiologist next week to learn more.It could either be good news or not. I have never heard 3rd degree heartblock resolving unless it was a result of a heart attack or a case of Lyme Disease that has been cured.

I have those red dots, too. The dermatologist said they were nothing to worry about. How do you find out if you have DIC?

I guess because I have been having the heart problems the doctor ordered a full blood enzyme workup. They did a complete blood workup with platelet count and something called a d-dimer. My d-dimer was high and so I need to repeat the blood work again this week. I am not sure (I'll find out when I have my doctor's appt) how they knew I did not have DIC, but I am happy I don't.

The doctor does stress that heart disease is the #1 killer of woman especially after menopause. My fibrinogen levels are high, which could be genetic and there is no medication or diet that can decrease it. This means I could have a predisposition to form clots and clots could lead to heart attack and strokes. My doctor may recommend I have an angiogram just in case to check for blockages even though my cholestrol levels are low. I think every woman should have a full blood workup done to check for all markers of heart disease, not just the regular cholesterol testing done. It is a little more expensive to do, but it gives you so much more information. My blood pressure needs to be checked as it was high the past few weeks whereas it has normally been low. The only thing I take right now is a daily baby aspirin.

I am so happy that my doctor is so thorough. My dad just had the pulmonary embolism and my doc said perhaps because of this they will check me for DVT too (lower body ultasound) as well. I kicked my sister's butt and she is going to the doctor as well for a full physical and blood workup.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ALERT: Really long, technical, and potentially boring description of medical condition ahead. Proceed with caution.

DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) is a bleeding/clotting disorder that is very rare and most times the end result of an acute and complex trauma or illness in which all of the body's blood clotting factors are consumed or used up and the blood can no longer clot properly. If not quickly identified and immediately treated the individual 'bleeds out' either internally or externally. I must point out it is very rare, and a consequence of other serious medical conditions. The reason they probably checked for it is because if it is not identified and treated immediately, there is almost certainly death.

The suspect red spots: they were worried about these being petechiae, or tiny little bruises under the skin where capillaries (tiniest blood vessels) burst. These can be a sign of a bleeding disorder. Or they can be a sign of a lot of other things too! TMI alert: sometimes having to strain during a bowel movement (or during childbirth) can cause small blood vessels in the face to burst, causing petechiae. Also, the next time you see a little old lady at church or grocery store (I mean 75+) take a look at her arms. It is likely she has some of the little red spots. The blood vessels become much more fragile as we age, and the thin skin shows the tiny bruises more easily.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

The things you learn on PS. I love when things like this are posted, I love to learn new things.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Gemmy, that must have been one wild three day cleanse!!! I can't tell you how amazing that news is. Good thing MoZo and I chipped in to pay the Big Man.

Seriously though, I am grateful to God for the miracles he performs when we have faith and hope.

Honey, when my husband blew in my ear yesterday, you could hear an echo coming out the other end!

I am now thoroughly convinced that miracles DO happen every day to normal people. A friend of mine just sent me an email this morning in response to the one I sent her about yesterday and my colonoscopy. She just told me that her MIL had a heart cath test to find the blockage in her heart that contributed to the two heart attacks she had in August, and had another test done to determine the size and density of the mass growing in her stomach (that they were sure would kill her). The long and the short of it is - her MIL Dorothy had no blockage in her heart and no damage as a result of having two MIs. There was no medical proof it ever happened. And the mass in her stomach they were SURE was cancer? Gone.

Only God.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Good Mornin' Gals!! :wavey:

What a great morning and such great news to read while sipping my hot coffee finally in some nice cool weather! I had the best night's sleep I have had in a long while. Everyone sounds so cheery too.

Gemgirl, I am ecstatic to hear that everything went very well. :appl: I have heard great things about Curcumin and am now definitely going to incorporate it into my meals when I can.

My dad is doing better and he will be checked today for DVT which the doctors believe may have led to his pulmonary embolism. I do know that he has also been very sedentary since my mom passed away over 3 years ago and this could have led to the blood clots. We'll see.

I got the results of my tests, and the stress test was fine. Now you ladies know about those funny little red dots all over your body. Well the doctor was concerned about those. He said if you have them on the outside of your body, you can have them on the inside of your body which can cause hemmoraging. The term is DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) and luckily I do not have it! What my doctor did note is that some of my heart's own natural electrical conduction has been appearing. I am paced 100% in my ventricles because the electrical signal from the atrium to the ventricles do not exist (that is called 3rd degree or 100% heart block). When this all happened to me back in February it all came out of nowhere. I go back to my Electrophysiologist next week to learn more.It could either be good news or not. I have never heard 3rd degree heartblock resolving unless it was a result of a heart attack or a case of Lyme Disease that has been cured.

soocool, the Curcumin that I've been taking is almost exactly the same dose as the one they've been using in clinical trials. In fact my husband is taking the exact product they've used in clinical trials (the one in hard tablet form).
This the one he's been taking- ... ducts_id=1
If you click on "read the reviews", people are taking it as an adjunct to traditional cancer treatments for every cancer imaginable.
I'm taking the capsule version because my stomach doesn't seem to break down the hard tablet. It could be because my stomach acid has been reduced by taking Prevacid for my gastritis.
This is the one I take- ... id=UX-1004

I have read that a single dose in one of these tablets or capsules, is equal to the amount of tumeric you would ingest in thirty main dish Indian dinners. I'd rather take the capsule!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
ALERT: Really long, technical, and potentially boring description of medical condition ahead. Proceed with caution.

DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) is a bleeding/clotting disorder that is very rare and most times the end result of an acute and complex trauma or illness in which all of the body's blood clotting factors are consumed or used up and the blood can no longer clot properly. If not quickly identified and immediately treated the individual 'bleeds out' either internally or externally. I must point out it is very rare, and a consequence of other serious medical conditions. The reason they probably checked for it is because if it is not identified and treated immediately, there is almost certainly death.

The suspect red spots: they were worried about these being petechiae, or tiny little bruises under the skin where capillaries (tiniest blood vessels) burst. These can be a sign of a bleeding disorder. Or they can be a sign of a lot of other things too! TMI alert: sometimes having to strain during a bowel movement (or during childbirth) can cause small blood vessels in the face to burst, causing petechiae. Also, the next time you see a little old lady at church or grocery store (I mean 75+) take a look at her arms. It is likely she has some of the little red spots. The blood vessels become much more fragile as we age, and the thin skin shows the tiny bruises more easily.

I just looked the term "petechiae" and it says that it usually appears in clusters or look like a rash. I know what I have is called "cherry angiomas" also known "Campbell De Morgan spots," and "Senile angiomas", as they are not concentrated in one spot and just all over my body. The frequency of cherry angiomas increases with ages. Maybe my doc was being uber careful when he was checking for DIC.

Speaking of the doc he wrote 43 on my paperwork. I told him he got the age wrong. He said 42? I said 53, 54 next month. Maybe that's why he was concerned about my red dots. He thought I was too young to be getting them. Also, do guys get these red dots? My DH doesn't have any, though he has hair growing in his ear canal. ugh! I plucked them just a while ago.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool, I have those red things too, and I'm going to be 36. I've had them for a long time, tho only just recently noticed I have a LOT of them. Mostly on my legs.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

packrat said:
soocool, I have those red things too, and I'm going to be 36. I've had them for a long time, tho only just recently noticed I have a LOT of them. Mostly on my legs.

DD just showed me hers (all one of them)! I slapped her silly and sent her to her room.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Attention Ladies!!

I desperately need your opinion on this. I am have had and continue to have the hardest time finding not only a comfortable bra, but one that puts the girls back to where they should be. I found the following online called The Bra Lady

The nice thing she is only 20 minutes away so don't have to go far.

Have any of you ever been professionall measured and wear a bra that actually fits? It costs $20.00 to get measured. Should I go for it?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I would do it in a heart beat! Even for $20, it's worth a shot at finding a perfect fitting bra. I've been fitted several times at stores but never "specialty" places, so I would totally do it.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

packrat said:
I would do it in a heart beat! Even for $20, it's worth a shot at finding a perfect fitting bra. I've been fitted several times at stores but never "specialty" places, so I would totally do it.

I just found another place, also 20 minutes away in Doylestown, PA, that is also a specialty bra fitting store. They say that a bra should be replaced every 3 months. I may try that first and if it doesn't work, I'll try The Bra Lady. Wonder if there are anymore out there.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

packrat said:
I would do it in a heart beat! Even for $20, it's worth a shot at finding a perfect fitting bra. I've been fitted several times at stores but never "specialty" places, so I would totally do it.

+1 So would I! I have never been to a speciality place and I think that's probably what I need, cause the "young women" (most of them are under 30) at VS have no clue! I hate underwires and I really don't need one as long as the bra is well made. .. The ipex at VS have come the closest, but they stopped making the one that fit me and the new style doesn't fit at all!

I'm in that camp that takes my bra off the minute I come in the door because they are so dang uncomfortable. I'd love to find one that really fits.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
ALERT: Really long, technical, and potentially boring description of medical condition ahead. Proceed with caution.

DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) is a bleeding/clotting disorder that is very rare and most times the end result of an acute and complex trauma or illness in which all of the body's blood clotting factors are consumed or used up and the blood can no longer clot properly. If not quickly identified and immediately treated the individual 'bleeds out' either internally or externally. I must point out it is very rare, and a consequence of other serious medical conditions. The reason they probably checked for it is because if it is not identified and treated immediately, there is almost certainly death.

The suspect red spots: they were worried about these being petechiae, or tiny little bruises under the skin where capillaries (tiniest blood vessels) burst. These can be a sign of a bleeding disorder. Or they can be a sign of a lot of other things too! TMI alert: sometimes having to strain during a bowel movement (or during childbirth) can cause small blood vessels in the face to burst, causing petechiae. Also, the next time you see a little old lady at church or grocery store (I mean 75+) take a look at her arms. It is likely she has some of the little red spots. The blood vessels become much more fragile as we age, and the thin skin shows the tiny bruises more easily.

Wow, I have some of those. And under my finger nails occasionally.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

For some reason I now have a very hard time finding comfortable bras. Ipex, huh? Sounds industrial. If I could get measured somewhere in this little town I'd pay $20. I wonder if they'll do it at the hardware store. I mean it really is a structural problem now.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I've been measured 3 times at VS and once at JCPenney's. This last time at VS was just last week, and the girl did a good job. I did get a new bra, the Player-it's a padded push up and I like it so far. Some bras it seems like they just cover them wherever they are, rather than lift them back up to the proper breasticle area where they're supposed to be. I don't necessarily think they should be up by my chin, but my boob elastic is worn out and stretched so it needs zero gravity thrusters.

I wish there were more bra ladies around. Or mobile bra ladies.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Victoria's Secret? Her name really is Victor!! :errrr:

These bras are NOT made to fit real women!! Do not be suckered into VS bras. They are cheaply made and do not fit well. That doesn't mean you have to go to a specialty store or pay $100 for a good bra. I'm a huge advocate of going to your local department store (I go to Dillards. But Macy's, or even a long established Sears make work) and going to the lingerie department and ask to speak with their trained bra fitter. If they look at you like they don't know what you are talking about, RUN!!

Last week I spent 2 hours at Dillards being measured, telling the woman what I needed, picking bras with her, then trying them on and having her check them. I bought one Wacoal, one Lunaire, and one Modern Movement.