
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
soocool said:
Today I start my 24 hour Pee Party!

Ummm...good luck? I think. ;-)
You'll also understand if we don't attend...right?
And the doc didn't say WHY he/she was requiring this? ( nascent Dr rant in the works ... I can feel it )

At least it sounds like one of the more amusing (versus stressful) tests, and we're all for that. :)

I was just going to say "good luck" too, but thought hmmmm, luck? LOL! Just try to have patience. I hope you have a second fridge so you don't have to keep that orange container next to your butter and orange juice.

That's a new one on me too. I don't know what they're looking for or measuring (?)

Added: We must have been posting at the same time. I just read about your adrenals. Believe it or not, I had an adrenal disease diagnosed 21 yrs ago. Not the same as what they're testing you for. I have Hyperaldosteronism or bi-lateral adrenal hyperplasia. I produce too much aldosterone and adrenaline. I take meds for the aldosterone issue but the adrenaline part has to be dealt with symptomatically. Now I'll be curious how your pee test comes out because it may help to explain some of what's going on with your heart. Pee on! Maybe you'll get some answers.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool - would they not need separate progressive containers of it throughout the 24 hour period to note the additional or reduced production?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

dragonfly411 said:
soocool - would they not need separate progressive containers of it throughout the 24 hour period to note the additional or reduced production?

I don't think it is as much as additional or reduced production as it is total amount within a 24 hour period. Apparently the 24 hr urine capture is very reliable.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ahh gotcha. Interesting.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Wow, Soocool! I'd totally have you guest lecture in my Urinalysis and Pathophysiology classes, if I were still teaching instead of schlepping soda and ice cream to highschoolers!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Wow, Soocool! I'd totally have you guest lecture in my Urinalysis and Pathophysiology classes, if I were still teaching instead of schlepping soda and ice cream to highschoolers!

Uppy, believe me I'd rather be schlepping stuff to highschoolers than collecting pee right now. I just want my normal life back and with dad recovering form the pulmonary embolism I am not sure he will be able to go back to living in assisted living. He will go to rehab for a while until he can get some strength back and we'll see. I haven't told him anything about what has been going on with me because I don't want him agitated. I am staying home today to collect the pee and told my sister to tell him I was coming down with a cold and told it was better to stay away than get him infected. I will call him later instead.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
dragonfly411 said:
soocool - would they not need separate progressive containers of it throughout the 24 hour period to note the additional or reduced production?

I don't think it is as much as additional or reduced production as it is total amount within a 24 hour period. Apparently the 24 hr urine capture is very reliable.

I'll be thinking about you, soocool. I hope it all turns out ok. You've got us and this thread. There is always support available.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Pee update!!! :snore:

As you know I started my pee collection this morning. Got up at 6am and flushed 1st pee as directed. It is now 2:50 pm and so far I have peed a total of 625ml. I checked online and it said 1.5 liters or 1500 ml is normal urine output. I need another 875 ml by 6am tomorrow morning to be normal. I am not supposed to drink more or less than I usually do. Perhaps this is a sign that I do not drink enough????

Sorry for the disgusting posts. I can't wait until DD comes home and asks what the big orange jug is for. I put it on the refrigerator door down low. She never looks there. But DH keeps his beer nearby! :o
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Changing the subject for a moment, because if I don't do something that doesn't involve medical things or money, the top of my head is just going to fly off!

I got my loose estate diamond back from GIA yesterday, and although it graded lower than I expected, it was still a good deal for the money we paid. My Mom was to leave me her e-ring and my father's e-ring (which he in fact already gave me but my Mother took back), but my sister who hadn't been in my parents' lives for thirty years, stepped in a couple of years ago when I wasn't around and took over my Mother's affairs. Fast forward to last October, and my sister commited my Mother to a nursing home as a permanent resident, instead of sending her to rehab for six weeks (as recommended) after my Mom took a fall. When my sister admitted my Mom full time, she had my Mom sign her power of attorney over to my sister, and my sister took everything my parents ever owned, including all of our family jewelry. Needless to say, I will never ever see the pieces I was to inherit. My husband and I bought this estate ring some time ago, because the stone was from the same era or actually slightly before my parents got engaged. I only viewed the stone in the ugly mounting, so there was no way for really assess much other than color and clarity, and it looked clean as a whistle inside which is really what attracted my attention.

So now my oldie but goodie stone has a birth certificate. It's a 1.21 ct. round brilliant, cut around 1950 or so, J VS2 with a "Very Good" cut grade. The crown and pavillion angles are extremely close to today's standards. It's the depth and table that fall off our charts. But hey, it's an old stone. The table is so big, well, you get the idea.

I want this stone to have a permanent home in a custom mounting that would match the pendant I'm making now (that is if WF gets the shape of the halo absolutely right), but I wouldn't be able to afford the custom ring mounting until next year some time. Anywho, now it's back in the house and I'm itching to set it. So I'm asking for suggestions for an inexpensive way to set it, so I can wear it, until I can afford the beautiful setting that I'd like. It seems that even six prong Tiff type settings are $750- or more.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Pee update!!! :snore:

As you know I started my pee collection this morning. Got up at 6am and flushed 1st pee as directed. It is now 2:50 pm and so far I have peed a total of 625ml. I checked online and it said 1.5 liters or 1500 ml is normal urine output. I need another 875 ml by 6am tomorrow morning to be normal. I am not supposed to drink more or less than I usually do. Perhaps this is a sign that I do not drink enough????

Sorry for the disgusting posts. I can't wait until DD comes home and asks what the big orange jug is for. I put it on the refrigerator door down low. She never looks there. But DH keeps his beer nearby! :o

Honey, no post is disgusting here. Please don't think that way. I did want to ask if they were checking your sodium and potassium levels while they're checking all other adrenally oriented things, because before I was diagnosed and my electrolyte balance was corrected by my meds, I was retaining enough sodium to form salt crystals in my kidneys, and I was excreting all of my potassium. But the point is, when you retain your sodium, you don't pee as much as normal people do. Just some food for thought. You also might not be peeing as much because you're a little nervous about this whole measuring thing.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I feel your pain gemgirl. I had to do the orange jug thing a couple months ago and then had to repeat it because of iffy results. It was a pain.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
Changing the subject for a moment, because if I don't do something that doesn't involve medical things or money, the top of my head is just going to fly off!

I got my loose estate diamond back from GIA yesterday, and although it graded lower than I expected, it was still a good deal for the money we paid. My Mom was to leave me her e-ring and my father's e-ring (which he in fact already gave me but my Mother took back), but my sister who hadn't been in my parents' lives for thirty years, stepped in a couple of years ago when I wasn't around and took over my Mother's affairs. Fast forward to last October, and my sister commited my Mother to a nursing home as a permanent resident, instead of sending her to rehab for six weeks (as recommended) after my Mom took a fall. When my sister admitted my Mom full time, she had my Mom sign her power of attorney over to my sister, and my sister took everything my parents ever owned, including all of our family jewelry. Needless to say, I will never ever see the pieces I was to inherit. My husband and I bought this estate ring some time ago, because the stone was from the same era or actually slightly before my parents got engaged. I only viewed the stone in the ugly mounting, so there was no way for really assess much other than color and clarity, and it looked clean as a whistle inside which is really what attracted my attention.

So now my oldie but goodie stone has a birth certificate. It's a 1.21 ct. round brilliant, cut around 1950 or so, J VS2 with a "Very Good" cut grade. The crown and pavillion angles are extremely close to today's standards. It's the depth and table that fall off our charts. But hey, it's an old stone. The table is so big, well, you get the idea.

I want this stone to have a permanent home in a custom mounting that would match the pendant I'm making now (that is if WF gets the shape of the halo absolutely right), but I wouldn't be able to afford the custom ring mounting until next year some time. Anywho, now it's back in the house and I'm itching to set it. So I'm asking for suggestions for an inexpensive way to set it, so I can wear it, until I can afford the beautiful setting that I'd like. It seems that even six prong Tiff type settings are $750- or more.

Well, I too have something new to "fixate"? on. I pulled the trigger on an Excel 1.5 carat round. It's a SI1, Q color (remember I like color) and should be a real monster. Now I just have to wait. :sick: :blackeye:

Waitin' is HARD, ya'll!! ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
Changing the subject for a moment, because if I don't do something that doesn't involve medical things or money, the top of my head is just going to fly off!

I got my loose estate diamond back from GIA yesterday, and although it graded lower than I expected, it was still a good deal for the money we paid. My Mom was to leave me her e-ring and my father's e-ring (which he in fact already gave me but my Mother took back), but my sister who hadn't been in my parents' lives for thirty years, stepped in a couple of years ago when I wasn't around and took over my Mother's affairs. Fast forward to last October, and my sister commited my Mother to a nursing home as a permanent resident, instead of sending her to rehab for six weeks (as recommended) after my Mom took a fall. When my sister admitted my Mom full time, she had my Mom sign her power of attorney over to my sister, and my sister took everything my parents ever owned, including all of our family jewelry. Needless to say, I will never ever see the pieces I was to inherit. My husband and I bought this estate ring some time ago, because the stone was from the same era or actually slightly before my parents got engaged. I only viewed the stone in the ugly mounting, so there was no way for really assess much other than color and clarity, and it looked clean as a whistle inside which is really what attracted my attention.

So now my oldie but goodie stone has a birth certificate. It's a 1.21 ct. round brilliant, cut around 1950 or so, J VS2 with a "Very Good" cut grade. The crown and pavillion angles are extremely close to today's standards. It's the depth and table that fall off our charts. But hey, it's an old stone. The table is so big, well, you get the idea.

I want this stone to have a permanent home in a custom mounting that would match the pendant I'm making now (that is if WF gets the shape of the halo absolutely right), but I wouldn't be able to afford the custom ring mounting until next year some time. Anywho, now it's back in the house and I'm itching to set it. So I'm asking for suggestions for an inexpensive way to set it, so I can wear it, until I can afford the beautiful setting that I'd like. It seems that even six prong Tiff type settings are $750- or more.

gemgirl, what your sister did absolutely sucks. Too bad your mom did not give you her e-ring when she could have. A question, if your mom has a will and it is in her will, does your sister have an obligation to return it to you? My mother, when she knew she was dying ,asked my sister and me which pieces we wanted. There were a couple of pieces we each wanted but I took one piece I really wanted and she took several others that together were of equal value. I really did not want to get into a battle about who gets what as she and I were not close growing up, but did get very close after we were in our 20s. We have been pretty close the past 30 years but I still have 1 old friend (40+ years ) that I am extremely close to and most times I tell her things before I ever tell my sister.

As to an inexpensive temporary settings, I saw that James Allen has some beautiful solitary settings in gold for under $700.00. For a while I was thinking about selling some gold pieces I had but I really did not need the cash. But I talked with one reputable jeweler near me that suggested I get the gold melted and made into a custom setting. I am thinking about making a pendant and earrings from the gold for my DD as a graduationgift. The cost would be cheaper than if I sold the gold and purchased the pieces so it makes sense to me. I can't wait to see your pendant once it is made.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ok , Pee Party officially over. I voided 1600ml (1.6 liters) in a 24 hour period. It is amazing how much the bladder can hold through most of the night. So I guess while I drink all day long, my body waits until nightime to get rid of most of it awaking me in the middle of the night to release most of it. And I was having such a wonderful dream, too.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, I too have something new to "fixate"? on. I pulled the trigger on an Excel 1.5 carat round. It's a SI1, Q color (remember I like color) and should be a real monster. Now I just have to wait. :sick: :blackeye:

Waitin' is HARD, ya'll!! ;))[/quote]

Hey k, congrats on your new stone too! How long do you have to wait to see it? A carat and a half is a nice size.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Ok , Pee Party officially over. I voided 1600ml (1.6 liters) in a 24 hour period. It is amazing how much the bladder can hold through most of the night. So I guess while I drink all day long, my body waits until nightime to get rid of most of it awaking me in the middle of the night to release most of it. And I was having such a wonderful dream, too.

Oh that annoys me so much when a great dream is interrupted because I have to pee. I always try to get back to bed right away and think about what I was dreaming about, hoping I could pick up where I left off. It's only worked a few times in my whole life..... :-(
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

an interesting article in the AARP daily news: Health Screenings: What Tests Do You Really Need If You Are Over Age 50?
Key tests the experts recommend, along with some caveats

foot for thought or a starting point for research......again, it will be a COLD DAY IN HELL before i get knocked out for them to check my colon again. however, i'm game for the pap smears until i die no matter my age. and given there is no breast cancer history in the family and i have those large dense mammary glands, i'm going to pass on getting them squished yearly, thank you.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, until the next big spasm of health rants (I guess we're all getting tired...literally: ranting wears me out no matter how necessary it may be) I just have to say that tomorrow I shall visit my local B&M stores and drool on the counters......

and do a potluck with friend tomorrow evening. I have a massage and then a family birthday party on Sunday.

Anyone else got a pleasant weekend planned out?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Asking you gals for some thoughts, prayers, or good vibes. I saw my neurologist today... I was diagnosed with a disorder... I am trying to keep my chin up.. I have a nerve disorder from my herniated disks in my neck, and it's traveling up to my face... Yeah it sucks. I am on new medicine... This is all new to me... I am hoping the nerve calms down, and it will go away...
But am scared stiff. ;(
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
Asking you gals for some thoughts, prayers, or good vibes. I saw my neurologist today... I was diagnosed with a disorder... I am trying to keep my chin up.. I have a nerve disorder from my herniated disks in my neck, and it's traveling up to my face... Yeah it sucks. I am on new medicine... This is all new to me... I am hoping the nerve calms down, and it will go away...
But am scared stiff. ;(

Sending big puffs of good vibe dust your way!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Anyone else got a pleasant weekend planned out?

Our weekend will be getting packed and ready to take a short mini vacation with our pups starting on Tuesday. My dog got his stitches out yesterday and we have an appt with the cancer vet on Monday to find out our options, then hopefully, we are taking off (with the dogs of course) for a trip to Southern Idaho.... My hubby (who is a geologist) found a destination for us that should fit the bill.

Fresh air, hopefully some sunshine, and some good quality time with the pups.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
Asking you gals for some thoughts, prayers, or good vibes. I saw my neurologist today... I was diagnosed with a disorder... I am trying to keep my chin up.. I have a nerve disorder from my herniated disks in my neck, and it's traveling up to my face... Yeah it sucks. I am on new medicine... This is all new to me... I am hoping the nerve calms down, and it will go away...
But am scared stiff. ;(

Oh! I'm so incredibly sorry to hear that!

I have 1 herniated and 2 slightly compressed in my neck too, and I had no idea that something like that was possible. :eek: Mine is annoying, but it doesn't seem to be getting worse as I've had it for almost all my adult life I think. I used to think all the pain in my neck was from the vertabrae, but now I think a goodly portion of it is from the fibro, while the discs have just reduced my range of movement and made me more "delikit". I have had a super chiro for years and I give her credit for keeping me functional for the last 17 years.

So neck problems, I can so relate, and it does sound very scary! Dust and love to you!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
Hey k, congrats on your new stone too! How long do you have to wait to see it? A carat and a half is a nice size.

Well, they said it would likely go out Monday and be here by Tuesday. The trick is to be home before my teacher husband so I can intercept. ;-)

I did start a thread over in RT asking opinions, so you can see stats and scans over there if you're interested.

Now, what am I going to DO with it? I have now seen Uppy's James Meyer ring, and I just love the beautiful hand-made craftsman look of his work. Anybody else thing that would be kickin' in one of his settings? I'm just all over the map with this. (as usual) I love so many! I like THAT! No, wait...I really like THAT!! Hopeless. I'm also running out of fingers, so to speak. I have more rings than I can wear on both hands even if I stack. Many would call that a happy dilemma, but it makes me wonder if I should have this made into a pendant.

Gaaahh! I'm indecisive. :sick:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr said:
ksinger said:
Anyone else got a pleasant weekend planned out?

Our weekend will be getting packed and ready to take a short mini vacation with our pups starting on Tuesday. My dog got his stitches out yesterday and we have an appt with the cancer vet on Monday to find out our options, then hopefully, we are taking off (with the dogs of course) for a trip to Southern Idaho.... My hubby (who is a geologist) found a destination for us that should fit the bill.

Fresh air, hopefully some sunshine, and some good quality time with the pups.

I just checked it out. I had no idea that place even existed. There are so many places like that in the US it seems. My ex and I hiked Grand Gulch in Utah, and it was BLM land too.

Yeah, with all the unique geological features, you hubs will be in heaven no doubt. :)) It sounds like fun exploring for both humans and hounds.

You'll have to post a pic or two when you get back!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
Asking you gals for some thoughts, prayers, or good vibes. I saw my neurologist today... I was diagnosed with a disorder... I am trying to keep my chin up.. I have a nerve disorder from my herniated disks in my neck, and it's traveling up to my face... Yeah it sucks. I am on new medicine... This is all new to me... I am hoping the nerve calms down, and it will go away...
But am scared stiff. ;(

Dearest Kaleigh, I am sending you a tremendous hug and many prayers your way. Just remember you are one strong woman, as we all on are here, and will get through this. At least you have answers now and can tackle the battle to get better.

I got the results of my blood work yesterday and my PTH levels (parathyroid) were high, but my calcium was normal. Going to call the endocrinologist who was recommended on Monday for an appointment (I wonder how long I'll have to wait?) and hopefully the results of my 24 hour pee collection is negative. I also see my cardiologist on Thursday. That is my social schedule thus far.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Well, until the next big spasm of health rants (I guess we're all getting tired...literally: ranting wears me out no matter how necessary it may be) I just have to say that tomorrow I shall visit my local B&M stores and drool on the counters......

and do a potluck with friend tomorrow evening. I have a massage and then a family birthday party on Sunday.

Anyone else got a pleasant weekend planned out?

Well if I can get my car out of the garage(garage door opener broke yesterday) I am going to a local place do some "window" shopping and check out the scarecrows. Every Sept - Oct the entire shopping village has scarecrows and whirly-gigs on display that are part of a competition. The shoppers get to vote who wins in which category. Over the years there have been quite a few creative ones made by people of all ages. They also have a scarecrow workshop that teaches you to make one. You just need to supply the clothing you want to use.

This place also has a Grand Illumination the Friday before Thanksgiving that draws huge crowds now. Used to be perhaps a couple of hundred people, now about a thousand or so. The entire village which is surrounded by shops is decorated for the holidays and they have a gingerbeard competition and all the participants items are displayed. If I can get on my other computer I will post some of the ones I have photos of.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
ksinger said:
Well, until the next big spasm of health rants (I guess we're all getting tired...literally: ranting wears me out no matter how necessary it may be) I just have to say that tomorrow I shall visit my local B&M stores and drool on the counters......

and do a potluck with friend tomorrow evening. I have a massage and then a family birthday party on Sunday.

Anyone else got a pleasant weekend planned out?

Well if I can get my car out of the garage(garage door opener broke yesterday) I am going to a local place do some "window" shopping and check out the scarecrows. Every Sept - Oct the entire shopping village has scarecrows and whirly-gigs on display that are part of a competition. The shoppers get to vote who wins in which category. Over the years there have been quite a few creative ones made by people of all ages. They also have a scarecrow workshop that teaches you to make one. You just need to supply the clothing you want to use.

This place also has a Grand Illumination the Friday before Thanksgiving that draws huge crowds now. Used to be perhaps a couple of hundred people, now about a thousand or so. The entire village which is surrounded by shops is decorated for the holidays and they have a gingerbeard competition and all the participants items are displayed. If I can get on my other computer I will post some of the ones I have photos of.

Ooo! That sounds fun! Yes do post some pics! And where are you Soocool? Generally, I'm not trying to pry. You said 'village', a term that ain't yewwwsed out here in Okie land. ;)) We don't have villages, we have "small town Amurca" out here...

Yeah, sorry on the garage door thing. Don't get me started. We've been having "issues" with ours. I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the fact that my petrolhead hubs ran INTO it. :rolleyes:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm sorry Kaleigh! Lots of dust to you!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger, the village is actually a shopping center called Peddler's Village in Lahaska, Pa. It is near one of the oldest outdoor flea markets (100+ years) called Rice's and close to New Hope, Pa which attracts tons of tourists. We locals usually stay away on the weekends.

Here are a couple of photos of scarecrows and gingerbread houses from past events.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Another scarecrow