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Upgradable said:Okay, floors done, bookcase done, kitchen done.![]()
Just need to stay focused to finish the rest. I'd love to share a funny story with you, but my brain is apparently on "low" today. Sorry.
cnspotts said:Matata said:Hair, hair every where
Here a hair, there a hair
Everywhere a hair hair
I'm hairy noon and night, hair that's a fright
I'm hairy high and low, don't ask me why, don't know
And I got tired of making time to get it waxed, sooooooooo today I bought myself a wax warmer & wax. Tomorrow morning I will attack the peach fuzz on my cheeks, the unibrow, the chin hairs, and who knows, maybe even the hair on my big toes. Bwaaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaa, I am the mad waxing woman of Oregon.
Okay, I've spent most of life here lurking and this particular post has me rolling so hard that I'm going to peeeee in my pants if I'm not careful. Obviously you have not yet used that little home hot waxing device, lol, as I chuckle. I've been in the "biz" for years and thought it would be a good idea myself once, twice, maybe a couple times until there was that one day that I just couldn't bring myself to pull the strip of fabric slathered with too hot wax that was securely stuck to my special place. What a dilema that turns into because now you've got a mess on your hands and very little courage to endure the pain this last time and pretty sure that you're not gonna be able to get into your clothes so you can drive to a friends to get them to pull the painfull POS off either.
Matata said:cnspotts said:Matata said:Hair, hair every where
Here a hair, there a hair
Everywhere a hair hair
I'm hairy noon and night, hair that's a fright
I'm hairy high and low, don't ask me why, don't know
And I got tired of making time to get it waxed, sooooooooo today I bought myself a wax warmer & wax. Tomorrow morning I will attack the peach fuzz on my cheeks, the unibrow, the chin hairs, and who knows, maybe even the hair on my big toes. Bwaaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaa, I am the mad waxing woman of Oregon.
Okay, I've spent most of life here lurking and this particular post has me rolling so hard that I'm going to peeeee in my pants if I'm not careful. Obviously you have not yet used that little home hot waxing device, lol, as I chuckle. I've been in the "biz" for years and thought it would be a good idea myself once, twice, maybe a couple times until there was that one day that I just couldn't bring myself to pull the strip of fabric slathered with too hot wax that was securely stuck to my special place. What a dilema that turns into because now you've got a mess on your hands and very little courage to endure the pain this last time and pretty sure that you're not gonna be able to get into your clothes so you can drive to a friends to get them to pull the painfull POS off either.
ROFL -- Thanks for sharing your hairy horror story. I just finished waxing. No problemo. I'm waxing only my face, nothing south of the chin. Based on advice from my professional waxer, I don't use the wax that needs the cloth strips. I use hard wax, no strips, just wax & let 'er rip. Strangely it doesn't hurt as much when I do it to myself.
We're a hardy and handy group when it comes to self maintenance. Have you read Uppy's method of removing skin tags? I did need a wee bit of the amber joy juice the first time I de-tagged, just for courage and internal antiseptic reasons, but it was really easy and pain free.
+1 to this, Sister!! Though I'm more than a little bit heavier than I was in my glory days (John Cougar Mellankamp soundtrack playing in my head), when I doody myself up I can still look pretty good. However, the amount of effort it takes to try and get there IS NOT WORTH IT!!colorluvr said:Speakings of hair... it's now on to the eyebrows/eye lashes (or lack there of).... I've NEVER had hardly any eyebrows.... nor did my mom or sister or any of the women on my mom's moms (there's that hairless Dane again) side of the family. My mom was lucky enough to get some of her dad's (German) nice hair, but not the eyebrows. I used eye brow pencil when I was younger (yes, even when everyone else was sporting those Brooks Shield brows) and 10 years ago I got mine tatooed on.... They are still quite light and I would say look like I used a light brown pencil on them, but at least they are there when I wake up in the morning.
HOWEVER, I did used to have a pretty decent set of eyelashes.... They had to be coated with mascara to see them, but they were pretty long and average thickness, so in my youth (with a little help from mascarra and soft shadow) I used to have pretty decent looking eyes (if I do say so myself).
Nowdays, however, they are 1/2 as thick as they used to be (the lashes, not the eyes), so even though they grow as long as they used to, the gray ones, and there are now several of them, grow at odd angles and refuse to be curled, no matter how hard I try, so once again, a process that used to take just a couple of minutes (slapping on some mascara) now takes 10 minutes.
Attempt to curl / curse because the gray ones won't/ attempt to put mascara on lashes (need 10x mirror to do this) separate / attempt to curl again / mess up mascara so start over / curl / can't get the gray ones to stay in the curler / curl anyway / attempt to put on mascara again on the ones that I missed the first two times / separate those few that actually curled so it doesn't look like I only have three / look in the mirror / get depressed and then say f**k it, no one cares or knows me around here anyway.... and leave the house looking like I forgot to put on mascara.
I used to NEVER leave the house without at least mascara on...... nowadays, putting on mascara seldom seems worth the effort, although I definitely do look better when I make the effort. I always "try" when I am going somewhere special, but that seldoms happens, so I usually just say to hell with it.
BTW, I did have very thin eyeliner tatooed on my eyelids several years ago and it definitely helped... it was just supposed to add to my makeup, not be a "stand alone" as it is today......
Upgradable said:+1 to this, Sister!! Though I'm more than a little bit heavier than I was in my glory days (John Cougar Mellankamp soundtrack playing in my head), when I doody myself up I can still look pretty good. However, the amount of effort it takes to try and get there IS NOT WORTH IT!!
Shower and shave (then have to wait 20-30 minutes to stop sweating AND bleeding), try to do something with curly hair (that is more stubborn than my 18yr old son with Down syndrome), slather on the makeup (I need my glasses to see, and it's damned hard to put on eye makeup while wearing the glasses). I totally empathize with the disappearing eyebrows and lashes. I'd try that Latisse crap that Brooke Shields has been hawking, but I have light blue eyes and I'd rather they not get muddy brown spots in them! Now, after all of this effort, I'm sweating again, and I haven't even approached my closet!!!!![]()
Oh, mylanta! Totally NOT worth the effort.![]()
colorluvr said:Good morning ladies (and any gents who lurk)
Once again, I want to thank all of you for your good thoughts and to give bigs hugs to all who need it (and to those who don't, cause sooner or later, you will)
Random thoughts and responses that I was going to make over the past few months, but never did.
Growing too much hair: Not here, I'm with the group that is pretty much almost bodily hairless these days.. I never was very hairy and now I'm even less. My DH laughs at me when I say I need to shave and he says "what, all 17 of them?". I guess the good thing is that I don't have to shave very often any more... It's a good thing because I have lots of fun (not) things growing in my armpits these days, so shaving becomes an ordeal of obstacle (sp?) avoidance. It used to take me 20 seconds to shave my underarms... now it takes 10 times that long and I have 1/10 of the hair I used to have. Same thing with my legs....used to just do it in the shower and not think about it.... now I have to put on my glasses (the ones I use to read), put my leg up on the sink (so there is enough light to see) and see if I can find the stragglers that I invariably missed in the shower. Those soft little suckers can still get to 1/2 inch in length, even if there are only 17 of them. The downside of being a semi-hairless creature (to those of you with quills on your face that hate me) is that I've never had gorgeous locks of hair... just fine, northern European (like my Danish g-ma) semi - curly PIA stuff that has NEVER been very pretty. I don't think I have any less on my head than I used to, I've just never HAD much. I would have gladly shaved my legs twice a day when I was young in exchange for a gorgeous mane of hair. So, I guess I feel like I kind of deserve the "not much hair anywhere" status that I now enjoy.
colorluvr said:Upgradable said:+1 to this, Sister!! Though I'm more than a little bit heavier than I was in my glory days (John Cougar Mellankamp soundtrack playing in my head), when I doody myself up I can still look pretty good. However, the amount of effort it takes to try and get there IS NOT WORTH IT!!
Shower and shave (then have to wait 20-30 minutes to stop sweating AND bleeding), try to do something with curly hair (that is more stubborn than my 18yr old son with Down syndrome), slather on the makeup (I need my glasses to see, and it's damned hard to put on eye makeup while wearing the glasses). I totally empathize with the disappearing eyebrows and lashes. I'd try that Latisse crap that Brooke Shields has been hawking, but I have light blue eyes and I'd rather they not get muddy brown spots in them! Now, after all of this effort, I'm sweating again, and I haven't even approached my closet!!!!![]()
Oh, mylanta! Totally NOT worth the effort.![]()
I dyed my own eyelashes several years ago and I have considered doing that again, but it is quite time consuming and you have to be careful and not get it in your eye or on your skin, so you really have to be in the mood which I haven't been, but maybe soon. I had it done professionally once, but she didn't take the time to get all my tiny blonde ones (which make up easily half of mine) so I felt it was a waste of money because I did a better job than she did.
As far as the makeup thing, I suggest you bite the bullet and buy an "expensive" makeup magnifying mirror. They go as high as 15x and should work, even without your glasses on. The cheap ones aren't worth it because they distort... the only down side is you need to remember that you don't look "quite that bad" in real life, or the enlarged pores, wrinkles, etc. will send you running to your antidepressant drug of choice.
BTW, I've gotten my kitchen all sparkly and a couple of loads of laundry done so far, so at least the entire day hasn't been a bust (oh, and I'm packing away all of my "summer" clothes because I don't have much closet space in this house).... now it's off to the shower and attempt to make myself presentable enough for the post office / bank / and various other errands that I have avoided all week. It's raining again, so getting all of the forest products off the floor would just be a waste of time (well, that's my excuse anyway and I'm sticking to it!)
iLander said:Okay, I have a question:
One the first day of my period, for the last 2 months, I have (almost) fainted! What is this about? Is this about menopause? Or blood pressure?
First time, I was walking outside at a street fair and got so hot, it was unbearable! Then I had to sit down or I would have fallen down. I got really woozy, and couldn't walk steady for over 4 hours. I had to go home, the sudden exhaustion was overwhelming, and I napped, which I NEVER do. I've never really had hot flashes, but the weakness was the worst part. It wasn't hot enough for heat stroke, I've had that, that's not it.
The second time, I was especially tense and started to feel faint. I went to a restroom and threw up. Then I was so weak, I couldn't walk even a couple of steps. I had to have security take me to the car in a wheelchair, and when I was home I had tremendous chills and even the next day I couldn't walk more than a few steps. I wasn't normal again for 3 days!
Both times, I had trouble focusing, and kind of addled. I am only in my late 40's, and have always been able to push through minor discomforts. But the weakness was more than I could handle. Never had any blood pressure issues, usually it's on the low side.
So, what the heck is this?![]()
Next period, I'm just staying home!![]()
risingsun said:iLander said:Okay, I have a question:
One the first day of my period, for the last 2 months, I have (almost) fainted! What is this about? Is this about menopause? Or blood pressure?
First time, I was walking outside at a street fair and got so hot, it was unbearable! Then I had to sit down or I would have fallen down. I got really woozy, and couldn't walk steady for over 4 hours. I had to go home, the sudden exhaustion was overwhelming, and I napped, which I NEVER do. I've never really had hot flashes, but the weakness was the worst part. It wasn't hot enough for heat stroke, I've had that, that's not it.
The second time, I was especially tense and started to feel faint. I went to a restroom and threw up. Then I was so weak, I couldn't walk even a couple of steps. I had to have security take me to the car in a wheelchair, and when I was home I had tremendous chills and even the next day I couldn't walk more than a few steps. I wasn't normal again for 3 days!
Both times, I had trouble focusing, and kind of addled. I am only in my late 40's, and have always been able to push through minor discomforts. But the weakness was more than I could handle. Never had any blood pressure issues, usually it's on the low side.
So, what the heck is this?![]()
Next period, I'm just staying home!![]()
Please contact your gyn to discuss these symptoms. I don't know what it is either, but it's best to find out for sure!
iLander said:Ugh! I don't wanna go doctor . . .![]()
I feel fine now . . .
Sigh. . .
Everybody has is so much worse than me, I really shouldn't have even mentioned it. Sometimes people just feel faint, when they get all riled up or overheated or whatever. I hate the doctor treadmill and sometimes they can't even figure anything out, so it's a waste of time AND money. I'm going back to the pearls thread. . . (where's a pouty emoticon when you need it?)
How did I get from the age of "It's probably nothing" to "It could be something", so damn fast?!!![]()
ksinger said:OMG. I am so laughing.I'm on the less end of the spectrum too. But then gen-u-wine menopause hasn't hit just yet either, so ask me again in a few years. But I suspect that I will stay pretty much this way. I'm just glad I never had the thickets to mow on my legs. For some friends of mine, it was this THING, fraught with pain and mental suffering. Luckily I'm still in the 30-seconds-in-the-shower-once-a-week camp. And ditto on the fine hair on the head. I always wished I'd had more. But at least it's on the red side, I like that.
Matata said:ksinger said:OMG. I am so laughing.I'm on the less end of the spectrum too. But then gen-u-wine menopause hasn't hit just yet either, so ask me again in a few years. But I suspect that I will stay pretty much this way. I'm just glad I never had the thickets to mow on my legs. For some friends of mine, it was this THING, fraught with pain and mental suffering. Luckily I'm still in the 30-seconds-in-the-shower-once-a-week camp. And ditto on the fine hair on the head. I always wished I'd had more. But at least it's on the red side, I like that.
HA! no doubt you'll likely remain hairless or nearly so on areas that are currently that way. However, the way it works with menopause is that hair grows in areas where it never before appeared -- tips of ears, inside ears, chin....and let's not forget to pay homage to the Menopause Mustache -- those quill like structures that can puncture tires and always grow in black even if you're a blond. You have much to look forward to.
I just dosed my coffee with a large measure of kaluha and cream. Maybe that will help.Upgradable said:If I am the butt of another joke, or my mother cleans another appliance, drawer, or closet and then comments on how much better it looks, I am going to have to kill someone. This is not going well!!!![]()
Upgradable said:If I am the butt of another joke, or my mother cleans another appliance, drawer, or closet and then comments on how much better it looks, I am going to have to kill someone. This is not going well!!!![]()
Gemmy, you are right. And thank you very much for giving me some much needed perspective! I do have so much to be thankful for, including the fact that she has now pulled everything out of my tupperware cupboard and is "organizing" it.gemgirl said:Upgradable said:If I am the butt of another joke, or my mother cleans another appliance, drawer, or closet and then comments on how much better it looks, I am going to have to kill someone. This is not going well!!!![]()
Hang in there Uppy. I'm happy your Mom is on her feet and is still able to do physical things. My mother is in a nursing home, (compliments of my stupid self-centered sister), confined to a wheelchair, wearing adult diapers and taking Aricept. I wish I could turn back the clock about fifteen years for her sake. I really wouldn't mind her being in the kitchen with me and taking the lid off a pot of something I was cooking to tell me that I should add a little more something to it.
Upgradable said:Gemmy, you are right. And thank you very much for giving me some much needed perspective! I do have so much to be thankful for, including the fact that she has now pulled everything out of my tupperware cupboard and is "organizing" it.gemgirl said:Upgradable said:If I am the butt of another joke, or my mother cleans another appliance, drawer, or closet and then comments on how much better it looks, I am going to have to kill someone. This is not going well!!!![]()
Hang in there Uppy. I'm happy your Mom is on her feet and is still able to do physical things. My mother is in a nursing home, (compliments of my stupid self-centered sister), confined to a wheelchair, wearing adult diapers and taking Aricept. I wish I could turn back the clock about fifteen years for her sake. I really wouldn't mind her being in the kitchen with me and taking the lid off a pot of something I was cooking to tell me that I should add a little more something to it.![]()