
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1289996645|2769755 said:
I think we're trying a hostile takeover of FHH. Well, not so much hostile as just leaving our crutches and sweaty night clothes about where everyone else trips over them. Then maybe they'll give us a forum of our own to dirty up! :naughty:

Haha -- love the scary image of the sweaty night clothes! Vigilance, ladies -- onward to our own forum!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Pink Tower|1289605913|2763848 said:
What part of the country do you live in, Portree? We are in the South.

Basically, that determined it all for us. The newer surgery is the DaVinci. My husband's doctor had had PC himself at a young age, and he only recommended DaVinci be done at Cornell, Mt. Sinai, a place in Orlando, and a place in California. Even though our own teaching hospital does the DaVinci surgery, he felt it best to do it only at one of the four I mention. So, my husband had it done in our local teaching hospital using the other method, which is the Radical surgery. The doctor who did the surgery is renowned, and has done many famous people, worldwide. We felt the surgeon was more important than the DaVinci unless we could find someone who had done thousands of them. But we would have had to travel, and chose this instead. He did well. The surgery took about 4.5 hours. He is quite fit, and was back at work in eight days, though he had to wear the catheter 15 days. He has had to go back in for some scar tissue work, the last one took about 1.5 hours. But, no problem otherwise. We are very blessed.

First, you have to have the biopsy, and that is quite invasive. They take about a dozen samples. What you may not know is that there has to be a healing process from that, before the surgery I think it was a minimum of 8 weeks recovery from biopsy. So, nothing is going to get done right away. It is quite stressful; and everyone is different in their treatment options. And, of course, everyone wants to help and share that their friend or relative breezed through the process, but almost always, that person was older, and the treatment for an older person is, well, no comparison, so you learn to just smile and nod!!!! But, do your homework. I will hold you in prayer, and let us know back. We can ask the mod for contact information later, if you want more details, after you know more.

Thanks so much, Pink Tower. This information was so helpful. Here's the update (first, as an aside, yes, I've changed my screen name due to some privacy concerns -- Ella was very helpful). My husband just got the results of a repeat PSA (including free PSA level). His first PSA was 4.5 (free PSA not done). The most recent PSA is 1.9 with free PSA of 18% so while the overall PSA level is better (the test is inaccurate, I guess) the free PSA is a little low. We see the urologist next week to confer on whether to go ahead with the biopsy or wait and repeat the tests. As an aside, my uncle had the surgery your husband had (DaVinci) and he was up and around in a very short time with no long-term adverse effects. So, if it comes to that, that is definitely something we will push for, even if it means we need to travel to get it done (I agree with you that the choice of surgeon is just as important as the type of surgery). We live in the midwest, and we are near several large medical/research centers. Thanks again, Pink Tower, I very much appreciate your willingness to share your experience -- it helped me understand the options available, should he need surgery, and also reduced my anxiety level. I'll keep you all posted after we have the consult.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

UGH! I just spent at least 1/2 hour bathing the dog after he thought it was fun to roll around in what I thought mud, but was really mushed wet deer poop. What is it with dogs and rolling around in the stinky stuff?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool|1289999329|2769772 said:
Matata|1289971136|2769605 said:
OK Ladies.....I've created 4 topics in FHH related to BTDT issues. Let's see if we can get enough participation long-term to get our own forum. Feel free to add topics as you see fit.

Thanks Matata! :wavey: I just inserted my 2 cents in those 4 threads and will comeback later to jump right back in. Hopefully we'll get good discussion as well as laughs there.

me, too....... Hopefully the non-BTDT people will complain and plead that we get our own forum.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool|1290013354|2769999 said:
UGH! I just spent at least 1/2 hour bathing the dog after he thought it was fun to roll around in what I thought mud, but was really mushed wet deer poop. What is it with dogs and rolling around in the stinky stuff?

Oh there is nothing nicer than rolling around in poo. You must try it. Its ideal for when the in-laws pop round for coffee. They never stay long :bigsmile:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Could we have a thread for weight loss in older ladies? Am I the only one who thinks its way harder to lose weight the older we get? Especially if we are on medication.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Just popped in to check on everyone and am glad to see that you are all retaining your sense(s?) of humor! I always have a laugh here. I love the idea of a BTDT forum. Maybe we will scare everyone else off with our cheery descriptions of "maturity"? Or perhaps they won't get the random Monty Python references? I'm sure we have lots of unsavory topics to air. :lol:

Side note: I contacted Lesley at Brian Gavin Diamonds yesterday. Finally decided to use a bit of the small inheritance my grandparents left me for a pair of everyday hoop earrings. I'll let you know what we decide.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Uppy~ I went to the Suggestions subforum and added my vote in favor of a BDTD subforum. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law have a 30 year old son with Downs Syndrome. He still lives at home. He does have a job and his parents set him up in his own mobile home on their property. They cannot leave him unsupervised for extended periods of time, but this arrangement seems to be working out for them. He does spend a lot of time with his father and I think it has taken its toll on their marriage; however, they have been together for many years and plan to stay that way.

ETA: Thanks for the info on your wiry nipple hair. A few rounds with laser treatment will make those pesky things disappear :bigsmile:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

How lovely Gayle. I wish I had some diamond earrings.

I have been an emotional blob today. Can't stop crying. Not like me at all. :(sad
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Maisie|1290030443|2770400 said:
Could we have a thread for weight loss in older ladies? Am I the only one who thinks its way harder to lose weight the older we get? Especially if we are on medication.

Yes! I'm on several medications and am diabetic. It's become impossible to lose weight. To be honest, I put on a significant amount of weight this year, mostly due to my inability to deal with my brother's passing early this year. I don't eat a lot, and have no appetite which is more of a problem that you might think. I tend to eat whatever is available quickly and that is carbs, because my blood sugar often gets too low and throws me hypoglycemic. Then the result is it gets too high from treating with carbs. I know how bad this is, but the mental part has been the issue this year. :(sad My psych meds are necessary, but they only make the problem of weight retention worse. I have such a low opinion of myself now.

I don't know where I'm going with this sorry. Is there a BTDT for chronic diseases? I'm also dealing with arthritis in my shoulder and today my hip is completely out. Sigh. I will do my best to contribute to the new threads.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I am hugging you Lyra.

Its awful when you look in the mirror and don't like what you see isn't it. I don't think my problems will disappear if I lost all my weight but I would definitely feel a lot better about myself. My back seizes up whenever I try to walk further than a few steps. Why don't I have any determination to succeed? I always sabotage any attempts to lose weight just in case I fail....which I am convinced I will. I am my own worst enemy.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Maisie|1290114604|2771801 said:
I am hugging you Lyra.

Its awful when you look in the mirror and don't like what you see isn't it. I don't think my problems will disappear if I lost all my weight but I would definitely feel a lot better about myself. My back seizes up whenever I try to walk further than a few steps. Why don't I have any determination to succeed? I always sabotage any attempts to lose weight just in case I fail....which I am convinced I will. I am my own worst enemy.

To be very honest, I avoid looking in the mirror as much as possible. I really have no problem with looking older (although I actually look young for my age), it's just something else. Like I don't want to see that I look as bad as I feel sometimes. But thanks for the hug Maisie. I know I'm not the only one who feels like this. My good friend has the same mirror issue, and she's ideal weight. Maybe it's just that we're overly hard on ourselves, or disappointed or suffer from low self-esteem? I don't know. I know I could dress better than I do. I dress for comfort but it never looks put together. I'm not into fashion at all. A tomboy at heart I guess. :tongue:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi! I just wanted to post an update on gemgirl, who was scheduled for her procedure today. She said to tell everyone she is at home and feeling well. That is all I know at this point. She will be back to post more, when she feels up to it.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks Marian! Thinking of you Gemgirl!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra|1290118468|2771908 said:
Maisie|1290114604|2771801 said:
I am hugging you Lyra.

Its awful when you look in the mirror and don't like what you see isn't it. I don't think my problems will disappear if I lost all my weight but I would definitely feel a lot better about myself. My back seizes up whenever I try to walk further than a few steps. Why don't I have any determination to succeed? I always sabotage any attempts to lose weight just in case I fail....which I am convinced I will. I am my own worst enemy.

To be very honest, I avoid looking in the mirror as much as possible. I really have no problem with looking older (although I actually look young for my age), it's just something else. Like I don't want to see that I look as bad as I feel sometimes. But thanks for the hug Maisie. I know I'm not the only one who feels like this. My good friend has the same mirror issue, and she's ideal weight. Maybe it's just that we're overly hard on ourselves, or disappointed or suffer from low self-esteem? I don't know. I know I could dress better than I do. I dress for comfort but it never looks put together. I'm not into fashion at all. A tomboy at heart I guess. :tongue:

Oh amen to that. My coworkers immediately say, "'re having a bad day today aren't you?" It doesn't happen so much now that I'm on the right med to fight the pain, but pain shows all over you when you're in're face and body movements give it away. Having had my share, I can now spot it a mile away... :-\
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra|1290118468|2771908 said:
Maisie|1290114604|2771801 said:
I am hugging you Lyra.

Its awful when you look in the mirror and don't like what you see isn't it. I don't think my problems will disappear if I lost all my weight but I would definitely feel a lot better about myself. My back seizes up whenever I try to walk further than a few steps. Why don't I have any determination to succeed? I always sabotage any attempts to lose weight just in case I fail....which I am convinced I will. I am my own worst enemy.

To be very honest, I avoid looking in the mirror as much as possible. I really have no problem with looking older (although I actually look young for my age), it's just something else. Like I don't want to see that I look as bad as I feel sometimes. But thanks for the hug Maisie. I know I'm not the only one who feels like this. My good friend has the same mirror issue, and she's ideal weight. Maybe it's just that we're overly hard on ourselves, or disappointed or suffer from low self-esteem? I don't know. I know I could dress better than I do. I dress for comfort but it never looks put together. I'm not into fashion at all. A tomboy at heart I guess. :tongue:
Lyra, Did you once have a Bouvier? If you did, I'll post a photo from this am guaranteed to cheer u up!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Yes Pink, we did have a Bouvier. He passed away a year ago. We sure miss him!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

LYRA!!!---Here is our labradoodle this morning in the park. The dog bowing down is a Bouvier. The white one is a Great Pyrenees. They played and played--total strangers before this!!!

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Awww thanks Pink! I wish I could hug each one. I love my little dogs, but there's nothing like hugging a big old bear of a dog--just isn't the same. Our Bouv could hug back, you know? ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Pink Tower|1290302114|2774288 said:
Here is our labradoodle this morning in the park.

Your pup is so cute!!!! His/her face looks a lot like the standard poodle that my mom had (actually, she had two, but not at the same time).
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Update on my pup - had his last (5th) round of chemo last Friday. So far so good. We go back in three week for tests and probably an Xray and/or scan to see if they see any tumors. He's such a happy dog and such a sweetheart.

I love his sister just as much, but she's not a snuggle dog like he his, he's momma's lap dog (all 55 lbs) :errrr:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm so glad to hear that your pup is doing well. Each day with our fuzzy babies is a balm to our souls. I hope you continue to get good reports.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra|1290401615|2775224 said:
Awww thanks Pink! I wish I could hug each one. I love my little dogs, but there's nothing like hugging a big old bear of a dog--just isn't the same. Our Bouv could hug back, you know? ;))

Yep that same fellow owned both the Great P. and the Bouv. He, his wife, and them in a condo. That's a lotta dog in a high rise, but I think he felt it was worth it. The Bouv was so fluffy and well brushed.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr|1290403164|2775241 said:
Pink Tower|1290302114|2774288 said:
Here is our labradoodle this morning in the park.

Your pup is so cute!!!! His/her face looks a lot like the standard poodle that my mom had (actually, she had two, but not at the same time).

She is an F4 Labradoodle. (she is a rescue)
That is a fancy way of saying she is a long way down the pipe from just breeding a lab and a poodle. So, they end up looking more standardized. We also have a white standard poodle. The doodle is shorter and wider than the standard poodle because of the lab element. But the two of them look so much alike that people often mistake them for mother and puppy. Here's the poodle, grooming the cat. She is big on grooming other animals; it must be a sign of affection.

marne and sunny.jpg
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Been gearing up for Thanksgiving this week. Made the cranberry sauce today and the pies tomorrow. Getting up early on Thursday and then sleeping until noon on Friday.

Hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm going to wish you all a sane and Happy Thanksgiving a couple of days early in case I'm not here by Thursday. Happy Holidays. Hope everyone's stress levels will be okay. Take care! :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

This board is decompensating fast. I hope we can keep our little corner of it safe and alive as long as possible. I don't have a lot of hope. Although I think we go pretty much unnoticed in this thread at least. **edited by moderator. Uppy, you know better. Last warning**
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

What did you get moderated for? Are you bein naughty?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Yes, I was naughty. I was being passive aggressive and posted something that I knew was against rules as a protest to all that is going on right now. It was a poorly made decision in the late of the night. Thank you admin, for seeing it for what it was. I will be good. God knows I've read the Terms of Use enough to recite them forward and backward. Mea culpa :sick: .
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Happy Thanksgiving to all a day early, cause I doubt I'll be on here tomorrow...

Oh, and REALLY GOOD NEWS! My son got a job - woo hoo.... starts on the 6th of Dec. because it's a tech company and they have to get drug test and background check results which will happen next week. He's already looking at apartments so he can move out of mom's house - LOL... He'll only be 20 minutes away, so that's a nice distance :appl:

I imagine he'll move after the first of the year if the job works out. WAY good news for a young man (33) that's been out of work for over a year and had to live with his mom and step dad!