
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool|1291141900|2782970 said:
Matata|1291138705|2782877 said:
Congrats Uppy. That's quite an achievement. I'm still wonderin' whether it was the salesman who "got lucky" :devil: You must have some serious powers of persuasion. I inherited some $$ 2 years ago and bought a Lexus. My first luxury car. Love it to pieces and those heated seats, oh yeah, baby...nuthin' like warm toasty buns in the winter.

DH wonders why I linger in the car after we get home.

I know why you're lingering. It doesn't work, though. The heated seats will not melt the fat off your butt, and believe me, I've tried!

I,too, am impressed that Uppy's feminine wiles still work so well, we should all be encouraged. (and it also crossed my mind if it was the salesman that got lucky!!)

Enjoy that lovely new car!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata|1291138705|2782877 said:
Congrats Uppy. That's quite an achievement. I'm still wonderin' whether it was the salesman who "got lucky" :devil: You must have some serious powers of persuasion. I inherited some $$ 2 years ago and bought a Lexus. My first luxury car. Love it to pieces and those heated seats, oh yeah, baby...nuthin' like warm toasty buns in the winter.

Well done, Uppy! Another member joins the toasted buns club :bigsmile:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ah yes...heated seats are plush. many of you have been on seats that have little perforations in the leather, through which CHILLED air is the 105 heat of an average Oklahoma summer? I have, and it was an epiphany. There are darn few cars that have that though, and I wonder why there aren't more, because it was AWESOME. (a word I don't use often)

Congrats Uppy! The new car smell is gone from my 2007 Camry, so next outing is in YOUR car! ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Howdy everyone! Sure have missed you all. I've been away for almost two weeks and it feels like a lifetime. Seems like I must have missed some big stuff around here-will have to investigate further. Short story from me is that my hard drive crashed!! Luckily, I had the Applecare plan which replaced it for free and I got a bigger hard drive b/c they don't make my little bitty one anymore. I did have back ups and after only about 6-8 hours of time, DH and I managed to get all of the settings, documents, etc. restored yesterday. So I am finally back in the modern world.

Kaleigh, so glad to hear your good news! :appl:

And Uppy, many congrats on your new car. I am soooo ready to give up the minivan and am pining for the day when I reclaim my dignity.

Off to try and figure out what the Sam Hill is happening on this board!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger|1291208202|2783983 said:
Ah yes...heated seats are plush. many of you have been on seats that have little perforations in the leather, through which CHILLED air is the 105 heat of an average Oklahoma summer? I have, and it was an epiphany. There are darn few cars that have that though, and I wonder why there aren't more, because it was AWESOME. (a word I don't use often)

Congrats Uppy! The new car smell is gone from my 2007 Camry, so next outing is in YOUR car! ;))

Our first member of the cool buns club :sun: That's a new one for me!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Welcome back Gayletmom :wavey: Things around here have been in a hot mess! You are fortunate to have missed it.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Picked up my BGD diamond leverbacks yesterday. When DH watched me open the box, he said "That's it?" Then I tried them on and he said "Wow, they look so different on your ears." Exactly what I wanted. So back in the box they went and won't be seen again until Christmas morning.

Boy those heated car seat are coming in handy lately, even though I park my car in the garage.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm glad the earrings are just what you wanted!! You know, I have a harder time seeing earrings and imagining how they will look on me than I do rings! And lets give a big "CHEER" for another wonderful BGD experience!!

(and a little cheer for the heated seats, makes my butt oh so happy!!)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Soocool, I'm so glad you like your earrings. Please plan on posting some ear shots after Christmas. I just ordered some tiny hoops from them-we're working on the design. And I still haven't quite figured out what happened on the board while I was gone but yes, yaaayyyy for BGD!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

So, what's everyone doing this weekend?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I am being sick and agonizing over starting a project. I tried to lay down this morning and it's all I could think of so I got up.

Big plans down yonder Uppy?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Why, yes!! Thanks for asking!

University of Oklahoma plays Nebraska for the Big 12 title. OUPeargirl and her BF are coming over to watch with us. GO OU!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

That sounds like fun! Hope you guys have a good time!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Great fun, Uppy. We'll send good vibes OU's way.

I'm busy running the kids around all day. Basketball game, birthday party and Christmas party for the kiddos-just call me the taxi driver!

Tomorrow I'm going to an adult party where we'll watch the Saints play and celebrate the holidays all at the same time. We do this every year and it is a great way to celebrate.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Bad morning. :(sad

I can't get Paul to go to school. I mean, I CAN'T! He won't get dressed, and he's too big and strong for me to force him. I lay with him and talk to him and try to convince him, but he gets all sad and says, "No. Home." It is breaking my heart! ;( I know I need to be tough and holler and "be the grown up." But I just can't make myself get all upset just to get him all upset. So...... here we sit, pajamas on, he's in his room with no TV and no computer, but he's quite happy. Why do I feel like such a failure? :errrr:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm sorry you are having a rough morning, Uppy. You certainly shouldn't feel like a failure. I know it must be difficult right now because you feel like Paul "should" be going to school today, but apparently he has some important (to him) reason that he wants/needs to stay home today, even though he can't express it to you in a way you understand. You said he is happy, so that is a good thing, and I certainly understand you not wanting to get you BOTH upset. Some days you just need to fall back and punt - ya know?

Great big hugs to you and Paul.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks Cololuvr. Now, if everyone else could just see it the same way.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1291651049|2788855 said:
Thanks Cololuvr. Now, if everyone else could just see it the same way.

Who is "everyone" else?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr|1291654036|2788897 said:
Upgradable|1291651049|2788855 said:
Thanks Cololuvr. Now, if everyone else could just see it the same way.

Who is "everyone" else?
Husband, daughter, school, grandparents, employer.....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1291656069|2788932 said:
colorluvr|1291654036|2788897 said:
Upgradable|1291651049|2788855 said:
Thanks Cololuvr. Now, if everyone else could just see it the same way.

Who is "everyone" else?
Husband, daughter, school, grandparents, employer.....

What does Paul's doctor or counselor or whomever you work with say about how to deal with him when he digs in his heels like this morning? Is it something that will pass tomorrow or are you setting a precedent by allowing him to get his way today? I'm only asking because I know Paul goes to the beat of his own drum, so dealing with his "moods" is most likely quite different than dealing with a strong willed child who is just testing mom.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Neither doctor nor school counselor have anything to say about it. He is 18 and has been going to school since age 3, and he's pretty sick of it. Right now he has Transition class for 3 hours in the morning, which is learning job skills. He hates it! He hates the teacher because she makes him do it! He'd rather be at home on the computer with his pencils, notebooks, and note cards. It is a stubborness thing right now. And there are times when I can make him go, but sometimes it wears me down and I let him have his way more than I should. But really..... what's to be gained? I really don't know. Today it is 2/3 him, and 1/3 me. And frankly, f*ck it! I'm thinking Arby's for lunch. Or maybe I'll have Domino's deliver. Is the world going to end?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

The world is not going to end and personally, I think the deliver sounds good to me (unless you want the hassle of getting together enough to go out to eat).... sounds to me more like a stay at home and veg day, but maybe going out would make you feel better... I'd do what "feels" best. There is something to be said for "mom instincts" that no father, sister, teacher, grandparents, etc. etc. are ever going to understand or get and from what you have said, you and Paul have a special connection.

I don't know anything about Paul (except what you have shared), but it just seems to me, that if he is continually forced to go somewhere that he hates, he'll just hate it more and want to go even less. I know he needs to learn these skills, but if he is pushed to go on a day that he refuses - will he really learn anything that day? The one thing I DO know, is that you want what is best for Paul, so I wouldn't beat myself up over one day that you gave in a bit.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm sorry that your morning was difficult, Uppy. I have to agree with Colorluvr that you have to go with your Mom gut. And sometimes, we all just need to veg. She is a wise woman. Sending hugs to you and Paul.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm also sorry that your day was difficult, Uppy. I don't think forcing Paul to attend classes is the best way to handle it. He needs positive reinforcement, IMO. Pair something positive with going to classes rather than something negative if he doesn't. I know that this is easier said than done.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh Uppy I'm sorry! I don't think it's a big deal for him to stay home now and again tho..Is there a way for a teacher to come to your house sometimes, so it's more comfortable/familiar for Paul?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Better start to the day today. Paul is on the bus to school! Of course, he is wearing shorts, so he may get hypothermia, but he's on his way! Time to schedule a conference with the teachers to see why he is so opposed to going. :nono:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1291732047|2789786 said:
Better start to the day today. Paul is on the bus to school! Of course, he is wearing shorts, so he may get hypothermia, but he's on his way! Time to schedule a conference with the teachers to see why he is so opposed to going. :nono:

I'm glad things went a little more smoothly this a.m. Uppy. This is certainly a stressful thing for sure. Good idea on the can't hurt at this point!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1291732047|2789786 said:
Better start to the day today. Paul is on the bus to school! Of course, he is wearing shorts, so he may get hypothermia, but he's on his way! Time to schedule a conference with the teachers to see why he is so opposed to going. :nono:

Good news, Uppy! I'm glad it was a better morning. I remember a decision I made years ago when it came to my son (and life in general) and that was to "pick my battles" and try not to sweat the small stuff (the shorts, etc.). I passed that "wisdom" on to my son when he got to an age that he had to start "picking his battles". Funny thing he told me years later, that that was some of the best "mom advice" I ever gave him - who knew???? I just need to remember to take my own advice on days that life overwhelms me.

He started a new job last week, and he really likes it - YAY. He got an apt. near his work (walking/biking distance) and will move in this weekend, so I've been gathering household stuff for him to use until he can afford to get what he wants. He brought his important stuff (his huge vinyl collection, high end audio system, bed and clothing) when he moved up with us and pretty much had to leave household items in CA because there just wasn't room to bring it all, so he's starting from scratch again in his apt. He lived on his own for over 10 yrs before he had to move back in with family, so he's more than anxious to get his own place again.

My wonderful husband gave him his first months rent as a Christmas gift so he wasn't completely broke before he got his first paycheck. He (my DH) can be such a sweetie. (that and he's quite excited to get his "man room" back when my son moves out).

Now I'm off to Kohls to pick him up some more work slacks (didn't have the color he needed at the store near his work). I saw online that they had a senior discount on Tuesdays and got all excited thinking it was like the one at Ross (over 55), but found out it's over 62 so I don't qualify (thank goodness), but I could have used the 15% off - oh well, they have a $10 in store cash thingy if you spend over $50, so I'm sure THAT won't be difficult to do. You ladies have a great day, and a lot of dust and good thoughts to those of you dealing with health issues.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Prayers for our friend Whitby today. :saint:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Please tell her that I am sending hugs and prayers to her right now. She's such a dear and I have been hoping that she is very well. I'm sorry to hear that might not be the case.