
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Just thought I'd post an update on my pup that has cancer because you were all so caring and supportive when I first posted about it.

He finished his last round of infusion chemo three weeks ago (he had 5 rounds - one every 2 weeks for 10 weeks) and today was his followup. He had several xrays, some blood tests and an ultrasound. I'll find out the results of the bloodtests tomorrow, but the xrays and ultrasound were all postive, no signs of any nodules or internal bleeding, which means the chemo has been successful (for now) at keeping the cancer from re-occurring. If the blood tests are normal, then we will start him on low dose oral chemo and see how he does. If he doesn't have side affects (most dogs don't, but he was very sensitive to the other chemo, so we'll see how he does) we'll keep him on that plus a couple of more pills which are supposed to inhibit vascular growth (I think - so much info my brain becomes mush about 5 minutes into the conversation with the vet).

If we are lucky, we will have bought him an extra 6 - 9 months (maybe more). Had we not done the chemo, he would have been at the end of the normal life span from his type of aggressive cancer (without any treatment), so we are hoping that we made the right choice. He's been feeling/acting fine, so - so far so good....

My heart / thoughts are with all of you who are experiencing personal or family health problems or family issues, it is tough enough just going through it with a pet.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm glad he seems to be doing well. I'm praying for several months where he feels good and you thoroughly enjoy each other.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Colorluvr, I'm so happy things seem to be looking good for your pup. It is so difficult to be faced with the possibility of losing someone we love, and that is complicated when it is a pet. What do we do? What is too much? I'm glad the efforts you've made have shown to be positive!!! I know how much you love him!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hey! Where is everybody? Hibernating??
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ooo that's a good idea Uppy! It's cooooold here! Yesterday w/the wind it was like 20 below..not sure what it was the day before but I shudder to think b/c the wind was blowing 60mph!! You guys staying warm?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I won't make you cry by telling you about the weather here. My family/friends in northern Illinois, however, had automated calls from the state police telling them not to leave their houses because the weather was so bad. I figure that's pretty significant when the police call you to tell you to STAY AT HOME!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

And you know the bad part? People won't listen!!! People who've lived here their whole lives, spent 30-60 winters in the Midwest and *still* don't seem to grasp the danger. We actually were "lucky", being just under the line of the worst weather. When JD and Dad were driving home Saturday from hunting (1st day of 2nd season deer was Saturday and the weather was so bad they quit early), they had to roll their windows down and stick their heads out as they were coasting along to see where the road lines were. I took a couple pics during a lull in the wind..when it was swirling badly, it was kinda freaky b/c all I could see was part of our front/back yards..not across the street, not the being out all alone!

That night, we listened to JD's police radio to see what was going on in the area, and a woman called in b/c her husband had left at 4:00 to get a shovel (uh, duh?) and some groceries..and this was 7:30 and he wasn't back. He was not wearing hat/gloves/scarf/boots/COAT, just a sweatshirt and tennies. No blankets etc in the vehicle, and they live in the country, so it wasn't like he was driving a block. Wind was blowing 60mph and it was about 20 below. Idiot. Cops had to call a city payloader out to clear some of the gravels so they could look for him. Found him 1 mile from his house, stuck. Not totally sure, but JD thinks they'll charge you for the payloader time if the City has to come look for you and open up roads. Ha, and this one woman walked about 10 blocks (again, duh?) to get groceries, and then called the cops to come give her and her groceries a ride home. Niiiice.

Hahaha oh I have to tell you this Uppy. I have this friend I met when she moved up here from Oklahoma years ago (she's back down there now and we just reconnected on FB). She was telling me about this awful experience she and her 3 kids had in a blizzard their first winter here and she's like Missi, you people are crazy! Nobody should live in a place with weather like this! What is WRONG with you people?? Hahaha it just used to make me laugh-every winter she'd tell me how crazy we all are and she couldn't get her family to believe what the winters are like here. "I talked to my mom last night to tell her how much snow we got and she thinks you're all crazy too" :lol:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1292248872|2795501 said:
Hey! Where is everybody? Hibernating??

Hibernating and getting my head around my "new reality". My DH just got word that his "team" was selected for the job in Washington DC, so assuming contract negotiatons go as planned (you never know with these large public works jobs), we will be relocating to Northern Virginia (probably) for him to start work in DC in about a year. This will be a major change for an "ole broad" who has always lived on the West Coast!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I think that hibernating is an excellent idea-and I live in the South! It's not anything like what the rest of you are experiencing but it's cold for us. I'm sitting at the computer with my cup of tea and you are all making me feel thankful that it's not any colder!

Colorluvr, what a big change! How long do you expect to be in our nation's capitol?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I don't know what part of the US isn't experiencing the cold. Saturday it was a comfortable 44 degrees here so DH and I went to look at the gingerbread houses in Peddlers Village . Wished we had gone at night and seen the entire village lit up but we had other plans. Hopefully we'll go back there before Christmas. Yesterday it was in the mid 50s but rained a good part of the day. Today started out not so bad but right now at around 3:30pm it is just nasty cold outside. I was very grateful that my dog decided to squat and do his thing almost immediately. He did not want to be outside either and is now lying comfortably on the sofa snoozing. I am getting ready to go down to the basement and exercise and warm myself up that way. I'll check up on all of you later.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr|1292268136|2795773 said:
Upgradable|1292248872|2795501 said:
Hey! Where is everybody? Hibernating??

Hibernating and getting my head around my "new reality". My DH just got word that his "team" was selected for the job in Washington DC, so assuming contract negotiatons go as planned (you never know with these large public works jobs), we will be relocating to Northern Virginia (probably) for him to start work in DC in about a year. This will be a major change for an "ole broad" who has always lived on the West Coast!
DC?? What an adventure!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gayletmom|1292270675|2795807 said:
Colorluvr, what a big change! How long do you expect to be in our nation's capitol?

Looks like a minimum of two years, but a possibility of a lot longer. The overall huge project is set to span over 10 years, but DH's current project is only about two years. The hope is that once things get going his company will be chosen for more contruction management contracts down the road. They currently have two, the one he is part of and another longer contract that starts next year and could be four years long.

Upgradable|1292272449|2795841 said:
DC?? What an adventure!
That's what I'm thinking! There might even been a possibility of a position for me, but I'm trying not to get too optimistic about that just yet.

I AM however pretty excited about all of the fun stuff to visit in DC, starting of course with the gemstone/mineral collection at the Smithonian!!!! The prospect of moving all of our crap across the US is daunting, but I think THIS time we will be able to hire someone else to do it!!!!!! I know every time I touch something now I think "will I want to MOVE THIS????" - makes you look at your "stuff" in a whole different light!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Weather here is pretty normal for this time of year - gloomy, rain off and on, but not horribly cold - certainly not like what a lot of the country is experiencing.... in fact, there is a break in the rain, so it's time for a quick dog walk before it starts up again.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr|1292274228|2795862 said:
Upgradable|1292272449|2795841 said:
DC?? What an adventure!
That's what I'm thinking! There might even been a possibility of a position for me, but I'm trying not to get too optimistic about that just yet.

I AM however pretty excited about all of the fun stuff to visit in DC, starting of course with the gemstone/mineral collection at the Smithonian!!!! The prospect of moving all of our crap across the US is daunting, but I think THIS time we will be able to hire someone else to do it!!!!!! I know every time I touch something now I think "will I want to MOVE THIS????" - makes you look at your "stuff" in a whole different light!
That's why we collect jewelry..... easily portable! :naughty:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1292275912|2795877 said:
That's why we collect jewelry..... easily portable! :naughty:

Yep - my thoughts exactly!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr|1292268136|2795773 said:
Upgradable|1292248872|2795501 said:
Hey! Where is everybody? Hibernating??

Hibernating and getting my head around my "new reality". My DH just got word that his "team" was selected for the job in Washington DC, so assuming contract negotiatons go as planned (you never know with these large public works jobs), we will be relocating to Northern Virginia (probably) for him to start work in DC in about a year. This will be a major change for an "ole broad" who has always lived on the West Coast!

Congratulations on the upcoming adventure. It will be a culture change for sure. I much prefer the laid-back West Coast lifestyle but I miss the cultural diversity (and food, museums, decent public transportation) that comes with East Coast living.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

My gosh, I'm turning into a hermit. We had hubby's holiday staff party at our house on Saturday, only 30 people and it was catered so I didn't have to break a sweat. However, I was wiped out on Sunday and napped most of the day. I don't like entertaining big groups and found it exhausting trying to be hostess to that many people. Heck even 4-6 seems too much for me these days. Oh what the heck, confession time, I don't like to entertain at all, even people I really like. Don't mind meeting friends for dinner out but loathe the idea of doing it at home and I love to cook. Whatssa matter with me?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I have been hibernating. I'm so cold that I can't think straight. Also not feeling great. I'm trying to get into the holiday spirit and am in the process of sending out cards and gifts. I'm still here and I will try to post more often. It's nice see you all :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm joining you guys in hermit mode. Last night I discovered that my youngest two boys have a fever. DD needed a mental health day so the four of us are home and I'm still in my robe.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

So you are all pretty serious about this hibernating thing! How is everyone doing?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I have been in and out of hibernation. So very cold here that I started my holiday baking a few days early. Will finish my baking this weekend and I am done!

I don't know what was going on with me last night. I kept waking up every hour. DD made fudge in school yesterday and brought some home. I wonder if that interfered with my sleep. I think I will take a nice long nap this afternoon.

Also, need to find a morning to color my hair. These darn roots pop up less than 3 weeks after coloring. My hair and nails still grow fast. Also, for those who use Prescriptives, today, I think is the last day to get 25% off and freeshipping -use FRIEND10 code.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks for the code, Soocool. Just got myself a some new lipstick!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, I'm either hibernating, or running around with my hair on fire.

Last weekend was our "crew party"...with extra friends thrown in for good measure. We had about 16 people show, which is a full house when you only have 1100 sq feet! We had all sorts of yummies, and one couple continuously made mohitos for everyone. A good time was had by all.

I've been very busy and stressed at work. I work on government contracts and they are always stressful at changeover. Big on-going project too. When I'm not playing Sysiphus, the rock rolls back down, and I sit down and pound sand for a while. This last week had several meetings, 2 "parties", and an all day Orific...Oracle Technology Day that I attended. Anything presented by Oracle always turns into a major sales pitch. Good products, but I doubt they really WILL save the world, since they haven't done it yet. Off to another party in about 5 minutes, and yes, I think I'd like to hibernate some too....actually...

Still have outstanding Christmas shopping. I'm just not with it this year...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Last night my 60 yr old husband had a minor heart event. First time. He had some tests today (all normal) and will have more extensive tests on Thursday. Initial diagnosis was that a piece of plaque broke loose so he's on statins & baby aspirin pending any further results. Sure puts life in perspective and slaps you right upside the head with what's important.

Irony is that he's always taken great care of himself and has always been disciplined about diet and exercise.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

How frightening, Matata. I'm so glad that he is allright. Wishing you many, many blessings during the holidays.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata|1292889498|2802193 said:
Last night my 60 yr old husband had a minor heart event. First time. He had some tests today (all normal) and will have more extensive tests on Thursday. Initial diagnosis was that a piece of plaque broke loose so he's on statins & baby aspirin pending any further results. Sure puts life in perspective and slaps you right upside the head with what's important.

Irony is that he's always taken great care of himself and has always been disciplined about diet and exercise.

Hope your husband is doing better and finds out soon what the cause is. I had a heart event earlier this year and the doctors were baffled because I too take excellent care of myself with a good diet and exercise. I think once we pass 50 we can expect anything to happen. Great thing is that your husbnad did not ignore his symptoms and sought medical attention. Hugs to the two of you!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thought I'd stop by to say hello over here. Looks like you Yankees are all wrapped up & keeping warm if not joyous over it. I miss that weather, never thought I'd say it. I grew up in a village outside Rochester NY & hated winters then, but now I'd like some. We're in the south so no dice, though we do get cold weather; at least there are seasons here. I guess falling in love w/Siberian Huskies changed my attitude toward snow. It's fun to be cozy in the house too, provided can stay there.

Feeling my age today. I finally got around to decorating the tree; took 4 hrs to do the lights & I was so beat, I put off the rest till tomorrow. Used to be able to knock it all off in a day. Really ticks me off!

Plus I had brain fade tonight. Turned on the broiler to do some steaks, forgot I had stashed an empty pizza box in there to keep my pirate cats out of it till I took it to the trash. Damn, it was engulfed in flames by the time I went back to the kitchen, fire coming out the oven door, smoke all over the house. Yelled for DH but I had it out when he got downstairs. Windows all open at 30 degrees for an hour. He'll never let me live it down! With good reason, yack. Somebody come get me!

--- Laurie
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

JewelFreak|1292980589|2803375 said:
Thought I'd stop by to say hello over here. Looks like you Yankees are all wrapped up & keeping warm if not joyous over it. I miss that weather, never thought I'd say it. I grew up in a village outside Rochester NY & hated winters then, but now I'd like some. We're in the south so no dice, though we do get cold weather; at least there are seasons here. I guess falling in love w/Siberian Huskies changed my attitude toward snow. It's fun to be cozy in the house too, provided can stay there.

Feeling my age today. I finally got around to decorating the tree; took 4 hrs to do the lights & I was so beat, I put off the rest till tomorrow. Used to be able to knock it all off in a day. Really ticks me off!

Plus I had brain fade tonight. Turned on the broiler to do some steaks, forgot I had stashed an empty pizza box in there to keep my pirate cats out of it till I took it to the trash. Damn, it was engulfed in flames by the time I went back to the kitchen, fire coming out the oven door, smoke all over the house. Yelled for DH but I had it out when he got downstairs. Windows all open at 30 degrees for an hour. He'll never let me live it down! With good reason, yack. Somebody come get me!

--- Laurie

Yeah, I hear you on the seasons, the age, and the pizza box. We've had a fairly mild winter so far. I just don't decorate anymore, period. And if I misplace my debit card one more time and have to cancel it and order a new one, my husband will...well...heck, he doesn't let me live it down NOW. It's almost time for me to do it again....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata~ I hope your husband is feeling better soon! It's quite a frightening experience. My husband had a stent put in several years ago. It was all very stressful, but he is doing fine now.

Karen~ I'm trying to get a picture of you running around with your hair on fire :shock: Where is photoshop when we need it?

To everyone on this thread, I wish you a joyous holiday season :)) Take care and I'll be back soon!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good morning and Merry Christmas to all my favorite ladies!

Opened our presents (funny the dog knew which ones were his and tore right into them) and had a nice leisurely breakfast of Belgian waffles and just spending a few minutes on here. Going up to get dressed and put on my new BGD diamond huggies (I get to wear them officially now!!). We have an open house all afternoon and since the weather is nice we may get a crowd, but not all at once hopefully (sure hope I have enough food).