
Getting out of depression


Oct 28, 2012
I've been off work a couple weeks now on a recommendation of my family doctor. I broke down in tears at work a couple weeks ago and a colleague of mine was adament that I see my doctor STAT which is what I did. So now what? I am on an anti-depressant, not working, how do I get out of this? It's not like i am crying all the time, I just want to sleep all the time...the only thing I look forward to is my bed. I don't want to go out but I get my butt out there to pick up the kids form daycare and school and to buy food for the family...that is it. The rest of the time I sleep.

I notice that the things I used to really like and enjoy such as eating, going out, shopping...I just don't care to do anymore. I put up a more "normal" face for my 3 and 5 year old and for my hubby who is really being supportive but I am so afraid to bring him down too. How do I get out of this?

I see my doctor again in a few days and I have no idea what to expect. I am so numb and zombie like right now I cannot imagine returning to work and having to care for ill patients (I work in health care).

I honestly just feel like disappearing and being alone; Everything else just overwhelms I am overstimulated or something....

I used to be such a go go go person with such fire....i used to be fired up visiting my clients at home....always excited to meet new clients and see what kind of new case I get. Now, I really don't wanna see anybody.

Anyone been through this? How long does it take for me to get my life back? To get life BACK INTO me? I am also so afraid of the drugs my doctor prescribes me....I have never ever been on meds before....well. just asthma puffers ..that's it. :(
It takes a good two weeks for an antidepressant to kick in. You should see a psychiatrist not your GP. It Are you doing any talk therapy? Was this triggered by a life event or did it come out of nowhere?

I feel for you-I've been in your shoes.
I am so sorry that you're going through this. Hugs to you.
You're already on the right track - by acknowledging the issues and seeing a doctor, so kudos to you on that. I wish that I had better advice, but I don't and I just wanted to say that I hope that things get better for you soon.
Saw a physcologist for the first time a couple days ago. I next GP visit is Tuesday, next Psychologist visit is Wednesday. The psychologist is the only person that I have really spoken to ....I don't feel comfortable talking to people about how I am feeling....don't want to be such a friends are asking how I have been doing....I have been avoiding them in a way....cuz saying I am fine is kind of a lie. I feel like the anti-deprssants have sort of taken the "edge" off...but now I am just numb.
I edited my original answer and asked if you know what triggered this. Has it happened before? Are you taking an SSRI like Prozac-they can make you numb. A psychiatrist knows about all these medications and can help you best.
I saw a psychologist when I was 20 but have not as an adult. Over time I am managing my depression better.

There are certain things that I adjust to not exacerbate things.
1.) Diet. I may be eating more or less BC I'm battling a bout of depression but I try to make sure that when I am eating I am eating balanced. When I consume junk, I feel worse. I get acid reflux which messes with my sleep. It also exacerbates my eczema, which also keeps me awake. The lack of sleep that results makes me feel worse physically mentally and emotionally. So diet is the first place I try to get a handle of.

2.) If my skin is OK, I get a massage. It is probably a combination of touch, working out the knots and the quiet time that helps me destress and shift my mood.
If my skin is all jacked up BC I'm one big flare up from eczema, like this past year, I get reflexology done. My LMT works on my hands, ears and feet. It is amazing. I feel so good afterwards and I keep my clothes on too!

3.) The right medication. It may take a few tries before you and your MD find a med that works for you. I have never taken medication for depression but when my eczema was at its worse, I tried a handful of antihistamines before I found one that was not disrupting my life.

4.) Try to learn your triggers. My mother is one of my big ones. I have over time learned to hang up the phone without guilt or walk away/leave her house when the interaction gets nasty.

5.) Get out of bed. My DH let's me have a few hours to wallow in bed, but then he will suggest that we go for a walk or go to the mall. It definitely helps to get out of the house and the routine.

I am no expert, but I hope my suggestions, even if they don't work for you, maybe spark an idea of something that will work for you.
lulu|1449881611|3960421 said:
I edited my original answer and asked if you know what triggered this. Has it happened before? Are you taking an SSRI like Prozac-they can make you numb. A psychiatrist knows about all these medications and can help you best.

I agree with lulu. I think you should see a psychiatrist. It will be easier to only have to see one doctor who can talk to you about
whats going on and adjust your medication accordingly. They also have a lot more experience with anti-depressants. I have dealt
with general anxiety for many years. The right doctor can help you get back to your old, happy self. Don't putz around. Find the best
psychiatrist in your area and get yourself in to see them. ASAP.
Fi Z|1449881444|3960420 said:
Saw a physcologist for the first time a couple days ago. I next GP visit is Tuesday, next Psychologist visit is Wednesday. The psychologist is the only person that I have really spoken to ....I don't feel comfortable talking to people about how I am feeling....don't want to be such a friends are asking how I have been doing....I have been avoiding them in a way....cuz saying I am fine is kind of a lie. I feel like the anti-deprssants have sort of taken the "edge" off...but now I am just numb.

Meds can take a while, so give it some time. Also, it can sometimes be tricky to find the right meds, so be patient and don't be afraid to talk to your doc if it's not working. You deserve to be happy and I hope that you feel better soon!
Fi Z|1449880764|3960410 said:
... a colleague of mine was adament that I see my doctor STAT which is what I did.

What does STAT mean?

It means right away - in this case, it means she went to her doctor as soon as she could
momhappy|1449886255|3960460 said:
It means right away - in this case, it means she went to her doctor as soon as she could

Isn't that ASAP?

What do the letters STAT stand for?
Kenny, it's just another way of saying ASAP. "Stat" is used as a directive to medical personnel during in an emergency situation. It means instantly or immediately.
You sound like me. :)

Honestly, an anti-depressant may not be enough - it wasn't for me. Luckily I found a wonderful psychiatric nurse practitioner (who can prescribe meds), and she nailed my issue immediately (and it's not "just depression"). I was on on an AD alone for years, and still I felt just like you. It wasn't until I added another med that I really started to feel better. And by that I mean more normal. I still cry at the drop of a pin, though!

Please get in touch with someone who is experienced with psych meds - not a GP. Either a psychiatrist or psych nurse practitioner, not a psychologist (who cannot prescribe meds). Really - the right med(s) can make all the difference!
momhappy|1449886951|3960466 said:
Kenny, it's just another way of saying ASAP. "Stat" is used as a directive to medical personnel during in an emergency situation. It means instantly or immediately.

Not being medical personnel, a watcher of TV shows, or psychic I did not know that.
This online dictionary didn't even know that.

Curious here, perhaps someone else knows what four words start with STAT.

When I introduce terms specific to my field I try to include a definition.
It is from the Latin word statim (again, meaning immediately, urgently, etc.)
momhappy|1449887588|3960471 said:
It is from the Latin word statim (again, meaning immediately, urgently, etc.)

Oh, but of course, DahLeeng!
Every PS member has studied Latin.


My apologies for not knowing Latin.

Pet peeve ... assuming everyone shares YOUR specialized knowledge.
momhappy, my annoyance is not directed at you but at the OP.
^I hope you don't think that I was trying to be know-it-all.... you asked for more details, so I answered. I have used the term before, so I was familiar with it. I thought the term and/or definition was pretty common, but your comments make me wonder if that's not the case?
Sorry, OP, for hi-jacking your thread....
kenny|1449887686|3960472 said:
momhappy|1449887588|3960471 said:
It is from the Latin word statim (again, meaning immediately, urgently, etc.)

Oh, but of course, DahLeeng!
Every PS member has studied Latin.


My apologies for not knowing Latin.

Pet peeve ... assuming everyone shares YOUR specialized knowledge.
momhappy, my annoyance is not directed at you but at the OP.


You are annoyed at the OP expressing herself? Really???

You are the net nanny, so this is tolerated?

Incivility at it's worst. :knockout:
I am a psychotherapist. Medication is a very difficult thing to get right. That is why I never have my patients see their PCP. You need to go to a psychiatrist. I think the right medication in combination with talk therapy is very effective. Losing interest in things you once enjoyed is a symptom of clinical depression. The cloud will lift. Another thing I find with my patients is they do not have healthy coping skills. We talk everyday about coping, limiting isolation, not self-medicating, and positive self-talk. One of my patients has found relief with a sun light. Mindfulness is all the rage now too. These are all things a therapist can help you learn. If your depression is external, than therapy is a great way to process some things that may have happened to you. You do not have to do this alone. Best of luck.
I'm so sorry. I don't have much experience in this area, but in addition to all the suggestions everyone has made, can I include making yourself do some exercise? Some movement, at some point or as part of the treatment?
canuk-gal|1449889824|3960493 said:
kenny|1449887686|3960472 said:
momhappy|1449887588|3960471 said:
It is from the Latin word statim (again, meaning immediately, urgently, etc.)

Oh, but of course, DahLeeng!
Every PS member has studied Latin.


My apologies for not knowing Latin.

Pet peeve ... assuming everyone shares YOUR specialized knowledge.
momhappy, my annoyance is not directed at you but at the OP.


You are annoyed at the OP expressing herself? Really???

You are the net nanny, so this is tolerated?

Incivility at it's worst. :knockout:
"annoyed at the OP expressing herself? "
Whatev! :roll:
Uhm no.
Annoyed when people assume everyone else also works in their specialized field or watches ER or whatev other TV show people learned this term from.

I didn't know what STAT meant and it wasn't in the dictionary that apple or Safari use.
Momhappy was gracious enough to post what it was.

I'll make a point of being psychic in the future ... or just know everything from every specialized field ... that or quite my job and watch TV for 5 hours a day like the usual American.

Watch, now posters will post how THEY don't watch 5 hours of TV but knew what STAT meant. :roll:
It sounds like you are on the right track, but it may take some time and possible adjustment of meds. Can I suggest one additional thing? Spend as much time outdoors (ideally in nature) as possible.
kenny|1449887686|3960472 said:
momhappy|1449887588|3960471 said:
It is from the Latin word statim (again, meaning immediately, urgently, etc.)

Oh, but of course, DahLeeng!
Every PS member has studied Latin.


My apologies for not knowing Latin.

Pet peeve ... assuming everyone shares YOUR specialized knowledge.
momhappy, my annoyance is not directed at you but at the OP.
You learned something new. Since when is that reason for annoyance? This is a most inappropriate thread jack. FWIW I hear STAT in the common vernacular with frequency. I.E. "someone get this thread back on track, STAT!"
Oh for Pete's sake, kenny, STAT is scarcely esoteric, "specialized knowledge." But even tho' I myself am annoyed at your peevish criticism of Fi Z (and the fact that you didn't let it go, after momhappy clued you in), here's a tip for you: instead of consulting an online dictionary, type STAT (or whatever) definition into your browser bar or the Google search box -- and voila!

Fi Z, sounds like you're on your way to assembling a good, multi-faceted support team. I am deeply hoping that you don't have to audition a number of meds in order to find the best fit for you... and that the "talk therapy" component soon seems less weird for you. All the very best ~ Molly
Eat well. Lots of fresh food, avoid carbs and especially sugar.

WALK! Get moving, get your heart pumping, get sunshine and fresh air. Even if all you want to do is sleep, walk for at least 30 minutes.

Take your medication. If it isn't working after about 6 weeks ask your doctor about an alternative or a possible medications boost or supplement. Sometimes it takes a few tries to get it right.

FWIW Zoloft helped me with the tiredness. It also has anti anxiety properties which helped take the edge off.

If you drink, try not to. Alcohol is a depressant and aside from that it can have adverse side effects with medication.

Get on a sleep schedule. Sleeping too much can make you more tired.
You've recieved great advice here, but I'm guessing even this thread is overwhelming you at the moment. Take time. Come back and re-read. Combo of medication AND therapy is the most effective.

Big ((hugs)). I know everything feels overwhelming and you may feel alone. But remember 1 in 4 have depression. People just don't like to talk about it. TALK about it. If your friends want to talk, and you don't, just tell them you want their company but don't want to talk. It was extremely helpful to me to be around people, even if we were not conversing. Being alone sent me on a quicker spiral :/

Here's a comic that I shared with my BF when trying to explain depression to him. This comic helped ME make sense of how I was feeling.

Kenny: what a very inappropriate time/thread for you to thread jack. Please. OP is reaching out during a very difficult time. Don't make her feel guilty because it wasn't convenient to you.
Fi Z - I'm so sorry you're going through this. I've dealt with serious depression myself. I know how frustrating and even frightening it can be. I'm glad you're getting help, and hope you and your doctors will soon find the right combination of treatments to let you re-emerge.

My experience is that anti-depressants vary, and different people can respond differently to the same medication. Add the fact that it takes time to ramp up and ramp down with most AD's, and it can become a bit of an ordeal to find the right med. But when you do find the one that works for you, it can make a world of difference! :))

Tacori E-ring|1449889871|3960494 said:
I am a psychotherapist. Medication is a very difficult thing to get right. That is why I never have my patients see their PCP. You need to go to a psychiatrist. I think the right medication in combination with talk therapy is very effective. Losing interest in things you once enjoyed is a symptom of clinical depression. The cloud will lift.

In my health plan you have to start with the Primary Care Physician. When I first started dealing with depression, many years ago, the mental health services offered by my health plan were limited, very costly (this was before I could afford diamond jewelry ;)) ) and frankly not very good. I know my current health plan is a bit better about this. I hope access to good mental health professionals has gotten better under the ACA.
Hi Fi Z,
Exercise has been mentioned and it really is supposed to help increase serotonin levels. My doc recommended 40 minutes of sustained exercise daily and to make sure that I break a good sweat to make the exercise most effective. I walk on the treadmill while watching tv and the time goes by pretty quickly. I really hate exercising and have to force myself to do it, but it does makes a huge difference after about two weeks of doing it daily for me. You had mentioned asthma inhalers, so I don't know if aerobic exercise would be a problem for you or not though. A good multi-vitamin, sublingual B12 and Vitamin D supplements always make me feel a bit better and might be worth a try.
It's that time of year when seasonal depression kicks in for some people in parts of the country with four seasons. I don't know if that might be an issue where you live, but it's something to keep in mind if it is. It has been pretty gloomy outside already in my part of the country and the winter has just begun. I hope you start to feel better soon.
Hi FiZ, I am sorry you are going through this challenge and I am glad you are getting professional help and also feel comfortable enough to share and vent here in order to get some more helpful suggestions and more importantly support and comfort from your fellow PSers. There have been some excellent suggestions posted here and I know you will find what works for you. It takes time.

In the meantime sending you bucket loads of PS DUST and lots and lots of (((Hugs))). I find exercise outdoors to be a big boost to my sad and overwhelming feelings and emotions when I get down and hope it helps you too. (((HUGS))) and love being sent your way.