
Got CADs of band. Want opinions. :-)

Stone-cold11|1291632450|2788690 said:
Thanks, glad to be of help. :)

Nice pear ring but I think the non-symm of the pears would bug me though... :P

I think it would be pretty if they all faced the same way and the point fell alternately to one side of the fat part of the next pear and then the other. Then again, it could look a bit too much like sperm... :o

Gypsy - you are so good at this, really good at this. I'm really happy for you! I love steel and stone's suggestions, I might be inclined to tilt them even a little more, but not too much. I can't wait to see it! Brian's CAD guy is really good and so is stone! I bought a cad program a while back to try to help me since I suck so badly... but I have never installed it lol It skeers me.
I use the Rhino3D free evaluation licence, limited to 30 saves. Go play with it, just don't save. :D

Ya, I prefer more tilt too but not sure how much is the optimal.
Linky Linky!? I've never heard of that - is it a GOG thing?? I feel stupid asking that, but if I don't and it is, I'll feel stupid not knowing that lol
Sorry, not really clear, Rhino3D is CAD software. I use that for my CADs and concept design for my e-ring project.
Gypsy - this is going to be stunning!
Gypsy|1291583520|2788134 said:
Thank you everyone! Great comments. Stone, I'd love to see what you mean about the side by side diamonds being angled. You mean angled downwards away from each standalone. Hmm... I'm going to ask Brian about it.

Steal, you reminded me that I did want the 1/3 carats raised higher than the melee diamonds! Great eye. I will ask Brian about that today. (I wanted to read your comments before speaking to him).

This will be a standalone band for my ring finger.

Isaku, no I didn't win the lottery but something did happen. I'm actually not allowed to speak about it as I am under a non-disclosure agreement. But this ring IS a reward.

I neglected to say how thrilled I am that finally you're getting away from that dark cloud which was lingering for too darned long!!

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

PLUS, the ring will be beautiful!!!! :love: :wavey:
Gypsy it looks great! I think the open gallery and the slight height difference in the stones will be very cool! :appl: I personally like the proportions of the BN band, as it's a more seamless look to me, but your design makes for a more distinctive outline, if that makes sense? It puts more of the focus on the larger stones.
Anyone got any naming ideas for the band? I'm stumped. The Themis Band is the only name I've got, and it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue!

Hi Dragonfly and thank you! I am really looking forward to it! :wavey:

Isaku-- the cloud is definitely close to lifting! These next two weeks will tell the tale so I'm just holding my breath, crossing my fingers and hoping with all my might that everything ends up for the best. Thank you honey for being so supportive as always. I told John you popped in and he says "HI ISAKU!" :lol:

Gecko! Thank you for addressing my original question about proportionality (you've been so wonderfully helpful on RT, btw! I've really noticed how great your posts are! Keep up the great work!) . I thought about it some, then looked at cakelady's pics (she has a garland eternity band from BN) and decided to keep the larger melee instead of asking Brian to change the point size to 7 pointers (which is where I think I would need to be for the look of the BN Garland). I also think that with them set slightly lower and at a slight tilt it will look more seamless than the current CAD indicates.

But I also don't want it to look like this band. Verragio Eterna Collection Band. Which is too seamless to me and loses it's design by having those melee diamonds too small, and having it seem like one giant diamond cluster. It's nice if you want that look, but I definitely don't.

Gypsy|1291675015|2789176 said:
Anyone got any naming ideas for the band? I'm stumped. The Themis Band is the only name I've got, and it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue!

Gecko! Thank you for addressing my original question about proportionality (you've been so wonderfully helpful on RT, btw! I've really noticed how great your posts are! Keep up the great work!) . I thought about it some, then looked at cakelady's pics (she has a garland eternity band from BN) and decided to keep the larger melee instead of asking Brian to change the point size to 7 pointers (which is where I think I would need to be for the look of the BN Garland). I also think that with them set slightly lower and at a slight tilt it will look more seamless than the current CAD indicates.

But I also don't want it to look like this band. Verragio Eterna Collection Band. Which is too seamless to me and loses it's design by having those melee diamonds too small, and having it seem like one giant diamond cluster. It's nice if you want that look, but I definitely don't.

Aw shucks. Thanks m'dear. I leave the stone finding to those in the know, but try to help with what I can!

I think you're in a good spot as far as design goes. You tend towards more sculptural pieces, and I think the proportions will achieve that for you. Any smaller and you'd start to lose the distinctiveness of the outline/proportions. If that made sense?
Makes perfect sense. And what a lovely observation.

Is it terrible I'm already thinking about the rest of my bling wishlist and prioritizing the pieces in my mind? I'm such a pain.

As for your posts on RT. Your posts are knowledgable and you explain your reasoning and your reasoning is sound. As for recommending stones... Sometimes rejecting stones is as important as selecting. Especially if you lead the person to vendors who can help them find what they need. You remind me a little of Dreamer when she was first making her 'voice known' on RT. Just being truly helpful and not settling for dittoing everybody else is a huge help, I think.
Thanks Gypsy. That means a lot coming from you.

ETA: I miss drag and drop emoties.

And no, it's not terrible to prioritize your wishlist. You have the means, you prioritize, you put things on hold if circumstances warrant it ((HUGS)), so you can play all you want!

I'm saving for studs. It's going to take forever, LOL!

Anytime hon.

I miss the drag and drop too. Eh, everything changes sometime.

Studs! What size and what setting? What specs?

I'm trying to chose between a bezeled pear solitaire pendant (with the finest milgrain imaginable on the inside of the bezel) and bezeled studs. But the studs keep losing out cause at the size I want it would cost too much. And if I get upgradables, I'm not paying for bezels till I hit the right size.

I think just because of the (significantly) lower cost of a single .8-.9 pear I will likely end up with the pendant first.

But tell me about your studs! :Up_to_something:
You know me, I'm pretty simple. :bigsmile: Shooting for .6 - .8 tcw in good 'ole martinis. I wish I loved bezel studs on my ears, but they just don't do it for me, LOL!

I really, really like the Beachstone band you were looking at for a while there, but it's way too thick (7.5mm) for my wee paws. :loopy:

I love the idea of a bezeled pear! Such an elegant shape and design.

ETA: Andrey says drag and drop emoties are on the list.
.8 ctw is lovely with a martini setting. What color and clarity, and do you want H&A and upgradable, or are you looking at something different?

I've had my eye on a pear since July and it is still available. I keep telling myself that it is not a sign. But if it's still there in July 2011, I might have to see what I can do. Bugger is expensive though. It's got perfect cut, is colorless and has VS1 clarity. Darn it. I keep wishing it was an I color SI1 so the price would be more palitable. Ahh well.

I'm glad to hear drag and drop are on the list. I'd like to see that list.

I like the beachstone band too. I really love the pendant of all the pieces in the collection. But it's too similar to my current pendant, and I keep seeing this pear pendant (bezet collection) every time I go to Tiffany and can't resist the coveting. Super thin bezel.
Color I or higher, clarity SI1ish (as long as they are eye clean I'm good) or higher. H&A... Well... Honestly, my ER is a GIA (not sure if it's triple ex or very good, I'd have to pull the cert) and I adore it. No clue what it scored on HCA, since the cert is old enough not to have angles, LOL. I have this nagging fear that if I get larger H&A studs I suddenly won't love my engagement ring as much. Silly, I'm sure, but it's there...

If that pear is still there in July 2011, I'd take it as a sign too!
I think if you aren't looking for upgradables, then go for EX/EX non H&A. On the ear as long as the light return is great and it is under 2 in the HCA they look fabulous. Or you can get the pre-set earrings some of the vendors have and save that way. I know what you mean about your center stone. I SI is a sweet spot for earrings. Neatfreak and Asscher girl both have J/SI and I swear you can't tell. Their are .8 ctw too.

The other reason the studs keep losing out for me is because what I REALLY want are transitional or OEC cuts. And GOG's premium for their vintage OEC is too much for me. So I'm trolling ebay and vintage stores to see if I might get lucky with a pair of real vintage stones. Well, I'm not CURRENTLY trolling, cause I'd probably find a pair NOW and not be able to buy them. But when I have a little room, I troll.
I troll all the time. If I ever see anything, I'll let you know. :naughty: The GOG markup is kind of steep. :loopy:

I really don't care about the stones being upgradable. I'll have a daughter or niece or niece-in-law someday that I can hand them over to if I ever get bigger ones for some reason. I know D&T sourced some stones and got earrings in the size I want for under $750 out the door since she didn't care about the upgradable/branded stones. Believe me, when I've got the cash, there are going to be all sorts of "Come help the gecko!" threads. I was looking at BGD's pre-sets, but I have this mental block on the SI2s, LOL! I'd have to have Lesley swear they aren't fugly. :mrgreen: It's hard enough going for Is with this D on my hand. I am spoiled. Thank you for understanding about the e-ring. I love it just the way it is and don't want any reason to change that. ::)

ETA: Total threadjack, LOL!
I have an F VS1 so I know what you mean-- going with SI1's for the five .32's on this band was a hard thing once it got time to actually commit to them. In the abstract it was fine, sure... G SI, save a ton of money since I am buying 5 of the suckers. But I had a couple of moments of panic Brian talked me through when it came time to really say, "Yes, I'll take them" . Which is hilarious because I see AMAZING SI's all the time at GTG's. Good thing about BGD pre-set is that they aren't custom so they are refundable if you do spot a blemish you don't like.

750 out the door is perfect! I may have to reconsider my parameters for studs after this talk!

My 1.0 ctw 'clover' earrings with 12 pointers (or 13 pointers or 12.5 pointers, whatever) aren't H&A and they are really super blingy. Wouldn't change a thing about the diamonds (would thin out the bezel settings, but I'm a PITA about any settings).

ETA: Some of the best PS conversations ever have been threadjacks so I, personally, am a huge fan of them in MY threads. In engagement ring hunting newbie threads, not so much.
Good point about the returnable pre-set studs. I hadn't thought about that. Interesting. Veeery interesting. (I am trying not to dwell. I've got $200 saved up and at the tune of around $100 a month, this is going to take a while, LOL!!!)

I don't think I'll ever do custom again. Got burned the one time, albeit with a local vendor. I lack the ability to convey what I want. I'll just let you design the gorgeousness and then swoop in behind you. :devil:

Too funny on the SI1 .32s for your ring! When you're used to the VS clarity though (I understand, mine's a VS2) it's like this whole uncharted territory. You know you can trust Brian and Lesley though, so I'm positive they will be gorgeous!

ETA: Good point about the threadjacks. :bigsmile:
SHOOT. SHOOT. SHOOT. Now you've got me thinking.

We have a pair of these set aside with BGD for John's mom.

But now that you've reminded me about non-H&A GIA studs being a potential deal. And knowing that stuller martini's are pretty reasonable. I'm wondering if I should do a little hunting and see what I can turn up and just get his mom straight studs in the .75 ctw range. Wanna help me look? :naughty:
Gladly! But not tonight. I am freezing (thus the Gecko) and it's time to get warm. I see hot chocolate and a bath in my future. I'll troll for stones tomorrow and see what turns up. Muah hah hah! Have a good night m'dear!

ETA: The stock martini settings are only $175 with BGD. Just sayin. :devil:
I found a pair that are maybe's and asked BGD to out the door them for me including martini's. You evil Gecko. ((WARMTH)). Go and get some hot chocolate. Thanks for the chat hon. I appreciate it.

ETA: The fact that I can get her jackets for these for her birthday in May is a HUGE incentive to get the regular studs instead of the present clusters. Thanks Gecko!
W00t! I hope they work out! Being able to add jackets would ROCK. Glad to have sent your curiosity in another direction! Plus, this way she'd end up with 2 pairs of earrings (studs and then studs with the jackets) for two very different looks! What a nice daughter in law you are.

Ahhh, warmth. I'm a warm weather critter living in MI. Doesn't always work out so well, LOL.
YAY. B&L will find out tomorrow if the pair are still available and then give me a price for them. They are G SI2's. So I have to add a bit to the budget, but it's doable. Her engagment diamond was a D (that I would love to get my mits on) so I wanted a higher color for her.

Thanks Gecko. I feel like I'm getting her a better gift. And that's important to me.

Now to figure out MY mom's gift. I've got plans for a gift for her. We'll see. But I have till March for her gift since she doesn't celebrate Chirstmas.
Gypsy, your band is going to look stunning!!! I love the few mods and can't wait to see the finished piece. YAY!!
Stone-cold11|1291653960|2788895 said:
Sorry, not really clear, Rhino3D is CAD software. I use that for my CADs and concept design for my e-ring project.

very cool! I'm resetting my diamond and I suck at explaining myself :P

thank you :)

end threadjack (sorry gypsy!)
For a name I like Prevail - it is a tribute to your situation. But I'm gonna keep looking lol
Gypsy|1291695381|2789585 said:
YAY. B&L will find out tomorrow if the pair are still available and then give me a price for them. They are G SI2's. So I have to add a bit to the budget, but it's doable. Her engagment diamond was a D (that I would love to get my mits on) so I wanted a higher color for her.

Thanks Gecko. I feel like I'm getting her a better gift. And that's important to me.

Now to figure out MY mom's gift. I've got plans for a gift for her. We'll see. But I have till March for her gift since she doesn't celebrate Chirstmas.

Yay! I'm glad that you found an option that makes you happier. :appl: What are you thinking for your Mom?

I'm going to order some cheapies just to check on diameter sizes for studs. Watch me like the .5 tcw the best, LOL! That would track with my record. We shall see...
Cehra, thank you for your comments before, sorry I thought I responded but didn't!

Gecko. I'm not sure. She's been in love with this David Yurman bracelet for a WHILE now. And I want her to have it. But new it is such a stinky deal. And ebay is FLOODED with them. But my mom is very much into appearances so getting her a used one really isn't an option, at least not as a thank you for helping us when we were drowning gift. But having to go to Nieman Marcus and pay 1000 for a silver twisted rope with a tiny gold cap and some diamond chips sprinkled on the end is sticking in my craw. My alternate idea is to get her a DBTY. But... honestly she'd prefer the stinking bracelet.

.40's are really close to .50s. LOL.