I have to say - while visiting the toney beaches - AS A TOURIST - I enjoyed Santa Monica & the Venice Beach thing best - they leave instant memories.Date: 7/25/2006 7:17:54 PM
Author: lop
The street Flopkins was referring to in Hermosa Beach is Pier Ave, which turns into Manhattan Ave in Manhattan Beach. Definitely think those are two great beaches and towns. Manhattan is the more upscale town of the two, but both are fun and have nice wide sandy beaches with a strand to walk, run or bike along, and lots of authentic beach life as opposed to the shitick at Venice Beach or the tourists at Santa Monica. There are lots of good, local bars and restaurants all along there also up the side streets.
I think it all depends what Lizz likes to do. I like to play tourist and go to the touristy places. There is a reason they became touristy to begin with. Another touristy thing in SF is to take the boat around to see Alcatraz, etc. The view of the Golden Gate Bridge is worth it - a real architectural marvel.
Also, I''m going to chime in here - I haven''t said this because I do not know about the PCH south of San Fransico - BUT north of SF - I''m sitting here with my hair on ends as I even recall the event - Granted you have visuals of glorious vistas - but the moments of sheer unalterated terror aren''t worth it. That area of our country is like you fall off the continent - literaly. The drops on either side driving on a whindy two lane no shoulder no baricade at break neck keep up pace was absolutely terrifying. Not to mention - a part of the highway just dropped into the ocean - and all that marked it was a cone.

But, up until a certain point - the PCH wasn''t treacherous. I think just after Bodega Bay is got tricky.