
Green Jade or nice Tournmaline


May 17, 2014
Ladies so I'm having a crisis.

Went to look at jade cab rings today with hubby. They wouldn't let me take a photo.

Found one that I really liked. It's 3 carats and is a nice deep green with decent translucency (well to me anyway). It's set in a ring and comes in at $3150 (that's my usd conversion for you ladies).

Thing is I don't know if that's a fair price or not. It comes with a certificate from the Hong Kong body.

To make matters worse I had hubby with me who told me he doesn't believe in jade and thinks I should buy a nice precision cut tourmaline or "sparkly rock" because they are much prettier in his opinion.

I have been eyeing off 2 green tourmalines.....

I'm torn......

Help me work this out via jewellry therapy please!
I understand where your husband is coming from. Jade is very expensive, but chances are...Your friends have never heard of it! In terms of value for money, you can definitely get a flashier, sparklier, larger tourmaline stone for a fraction of the price on an imperial jade cab.

That being said, there is something magical about jadeite and its unique look. Its history is rich and its green is like nothing else. It really depends on what you want.

Is it similar quality to this piece?

More like this?

Unlike emerald and tourmaline, top quality jade is almost pure green. Emerald tends to run bluish and tourmaline tends to run bluish as well and has blackout issues at the dark-end of the green spectrum.

Overall, I would recommend going with whatever makes you happy!

@Muhammad_Ali thank you! Your post is most helpful!

Okay so if I subtract $1000 which is what I'm confident the setting would be priced at this leaves the jade at $2,150.

It's definitely not as clear as the first stone or as bright. I would say the green shade veers more to the second stone but it is clearer than the second stone and I find the stone I saw a deeper green than the second stone.

As for me I'm a terrible person when it comes to green. I could happily spend the rest of my live collecting green gems so I'd eventually want a green jade cab for the collection. I feel like it's a bit of a classic.

Probably shouldn't have dragged the hubby along. He reckons he understands why I like jade he just personally won't buy anything that's not sparkly. But he's very random.......... and loves pink so I don't think a non sparkly green rock does much for him.

There was something shiny and green that really attracted me to that stone today.
@Muhammad_Ali thank you! Your post is most helpful!

Okay so if I subtract $1000 which is what I'm confident the setting would be priced at this leaves the jade at $2,150.

It's definitely not as clear as the first stone or as bright. I would say the green shade veers more to the second stone but it is clearer than the second stone and I find the stone I saw a deeper green than the second stone.

As for me I'm a terrible person when it comes to green. I could happily spend the rest of my live collecting green gems so I'd eventually want a green jade cab for the collection. I feel like it's a bit of a classic.

Probably shouldn't have dragged the hubby along. He reckons he understands why I like jade he just personally won't buy anything that's not sparkly. But he's very random.......... and loves pink so I don't think a non sparkly green rock does much for him.

There was something shiny and green that really attracted me to that stone today.

It definitely seems like you want to add a jade cab to your collection. It's definitely a stone worth collecting...I'm fairly addicted myself!

I would just ensure a few things are in order:

1. GIA, AGL, etc. top lab certification. It has to be "Natural Color," "No indications of [polymer] impregnation," etc. You have to be 100% confident it is Type/Grade "A," untreated, natural jadeite jade.

2. Make sure it's "jadeite," and not nephrite or other similar stone.

3. Make sure it's translucent at least. Ideally, "semi-transparent." This will be mentioned on most reputable lab reports.

4. Make sure you're 100% happy with the stone.

Jadeite has probably the best green of any stone and definitely commands a lot of :$$)::$$)::$$): as well, but when you find that perfect stone, it just steals your heart!

I took these pieces into a large jeweler to get his thoughts. He made me an offer I couldn't refuse and I had to part with them on the spot, but these are not "imperial" jade by any measure:


The first stone I linked, I would consider imperial jade, especially because of the transparency.
Jade is personal. If none of the store pieces grabbed your heart, keep walking and looking :)

From his links, the first has better colour. The 2nd is uneven and has more impurities, perhaps towards the blue spectrum of green jade.

For the price, I will pass on both pieces. The first is similar to imperial green in colour but fails other criteria to render it imperial jadeite hence the price. These being dome, lack of veins/impurities and it's really too flat.

@Seaglow and @Bluegemz ought to chime in soon :)
@Burmesedaze can you give me how much you'd pay for the first piece?

I think in my case I will need to settle because I doubt I can afford the perfect cab.

But the stone I saw today has the most delicious dome! I really did like it a lot, I'm just iffy on price and certification.
@Burmesedaze can you give me how much you'd pay for the first piece?

I think in my case I will need to settle because I doubt I can afford the perfect cab.

But the stone I saw today has the most delicious dome! I really did like it a lot, I'm just iffy on price and certification.

Checked with my jewellers. Below 1000.
The height of dome makes a difference. It can add a 0 to the stone.
Mellowyellow, take your time. No shortage of jade. Just the pricepoint.
Thanks @Burmesedaze

We might head to Singapore for a holiday next year. Do you think there will be more variety and better prices there?
HK would probably be a better choice but Sg does have a few shops. Let the shops know in advance what you are looking for so they can bring them in too.
Jade is personal. If none of the store pieces grabbed your heart, keep walking and looking :)

From his links, the first has better colour. The 2nd is uneven and has more impurities, perhaps towards the blue spectrum of green jade.

For the price, I will pass on both pieces. The first is similar to imperial green in colour but fails other criteria to render it imperial jadeite hence the price. These being dome, lack of veins/impurities and it's really too flat.

@Seaglow and @Bluegemz ought to chime in soon :)
Mellowyellow, I agree with Burmesedaze here. The first is too flat. I suspect that's why they don't show the dome profile in pictures. It has a lovely color but texture could be more even.

I gathered from your posts that you are looking for a deep, pure green with even texture so that the green color has no visual competition. The second one the color seems tainted to me. I think I see a slight hue of brown and a grey tone in the green, and the texture might be distracting. I don't think it warrants the price, either of them.

I agree that jade is highly personal and has a deep, and complex magic to it that other gemstones do not have. I also believe that there is beauty in all jade. You must decide which quality combinations are most wanted. When you see the right piece, you will know it immediately because you will likely become obsessed with it until it's yours. So keep looking looking looking!
Thanks @Bluegemz!

My issue is I am too scared to like anything because in the back of my mind I'm worried about being ripped off! Can I ask you ladies for a huge favour?

If you run into any jade cabs online that you think is good looking (or even ones you don't care for), can you post it in this thread, give your 2c on how much you think it's worth etc

Even if it is wildly out of budget I think it will help me get a feel of how things should be priced. I have been studying @Burmesedaze's thread heaps whenever she posts something jade up!
Thanks @Bluegemz!

My issue is I am too scared to like anything because in the back of my mind I'm worried about being ripped off! Can I ask you ladies for a huge favour?

If you run into any jade cabs online that you think is good looking (or even ones you don't care for), can you post it in this thread, give your 2c on how much you think it's worth etc

Even if it is wildly out of budget I think it will help me get a feel of how things should be priced. I have been studying @Burmesedaze's thread heaps whenever she posts something jade up!
Definitely will do!
Wow that stuff looks incredible if it's real!
Found these while browsing. They have beautiful shape and dome. Though earrings, they come down to about 3000 for each earring, 6k total.
3000 per piece? :cry2:
Look at that colour though!

Based on that the stone I'm looking at is overpriced!

This is what I mean ladies! I learn from your random browsing!!!!
Look at that colour though!

Based on that the stone I'm looking at is overpriced!

This is what I mean ladies! I learn from your random browsing!!!!
Exactly....the color and texture is superb, and they are very thick and the cabs are almost 15mm long. I would say that they are very nice quality for green translucent jade .
Most b&m will be overpriced. They have to, given the capex, opex, tax and also shipping, customs, salaries, insurance.

Take a walk on the wild side and get in touch with the traders. Or gem fairs. You can always negotiate some.
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Most b&m will be overpriced. They have to, given the capex, opex, tax and also shopping, customs, salaries, insurance.

Take a walk on the wild side and get in touch with the traders. Or gem fairs. You can always negotiate some.

There is nothing in Australia! No gem fairs that I know of! I went to Chinatown today :oops:
The trouble with buying online is the saturation and colour disparity. If a pricey purchase, it's always better to see irl. Unless it's like opaque black or white, white.

I buy semiprecious stones online now and then. There is always a difference.
If you negotiate a return window of time, that's the best way to protect ones self with online buying.
There is nothing in Australia! No gem fairs that I know of! I went to Chinatown today :oops:
I know just how you feel! I live in a place where practically no one wears jade, and goldsmiths are afraid to work with it!!! When I visit the San Francisco Bay Area in California, with the large Asian population, I feel like a kid in a candy store because there is jade! I've made at least 2/3 of my jade purchases online. One needs to keep an open mind about an item because the energy of it is always a mystery until one sees it in person.
Mellowyellow, if you do visit Singapore next year, just hop on a budget flight to Yangon. It's 2.5h-3h away and a weekend suffices. If I'm in town i will be happy to host you.
Mellowyellow, if you do visit Singapore next year, just hop on a budget flight to Yangon. It's 2.5h-3h away and a weekend suffices. If I'm in town i will be happy to host you.

ohh that would be crazy awesome!

hehe would have the convince the boys who do not let me fly or stay overnight away from them for fear I will drop dead and no one will make their dinners!

On another note:

Sooo pretty!
Nice size though flat. Probably a few hundred for the jadeite as they are opaque and uneven.

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