
Gulf of Mexico ------>>>>>> Gulf of America

Wait….this a joke…right???

I wish. :blackeye:

Here's a paragraph from the above link.

"The change is set to be visible for users in the US only and will remain Gulf of Mexico in Mexico. Outside of the US and Mexico, Google Maps users will be able to see both names."
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I’ve come to the conclusion that a lot of what’s happening today is designed to spark outrage and distract us from the real problem. If we are busy fighting each other, then we won’t turn on the oligarchs robbing us blind.

There's so much it's impossible to know where even to focus your attention, which is part of the plan. I'm funded, ostensibly through 2027, by the National Institutes of Health as principal investigator leading a group of people to research how we might support older adults' cognitive recovery after surgery, and that funding is totally in question, let alone funding of new project ideas. The unexamined, sweeping, extreme changes are intended to confuse all, and delight certain segments of the population, but I'm here to share that they will certainly set back health research by years. It's not just current projects and experiments, it's the effect on smart people who would have wanted to be researchers, but who are afraid to put all their eggs in the publicly-funded, peer-reviewed scientific enterprise.

I've written to my Senators and my Representative, but the way this is frightening NIH grant-funded scientists - who, by the way, work 50-60+ hours a week, weekends, holidays, etc., for very little pay, little or no job security, and literally just want to help people by being really meticulous nerds - is pretty extreme.
My library friends just heard that their funds are frozen. My university students are panicking worried about their financial aid. My colleagues have their grant apps halted and panels canceled. Food aid (school lunches etc.). The list goes on. The names are the least of our worries. This is unforgivable. I am so enraged.
Yeah, I’m not ever using Google maps again.
That might be unfair.

FWIW, Google Maps' location naming policy has long been in place.
Location naming rights and disputes over border locations are as old as time.
This Mexico/America kerfuffle is just the latest fustercluck.

Persia (basically today's Iran) and Saudi Arabia have the longest border with a huge gulf.
Iran calls it The Persian Gulf (the name I am familiar with).
But Saudi and other Arabian countries call it The Arabian Gulf.
What Google calls it on their map service has resulted in a legal action.

Google Maps handles disputed national boundaries by using dashed, or grey lines, while undisputed borders are solid black.

This is why IMO it's unfair to "stop using Google Maps".
This is not Google's fault.

More here:

BTW I like this news source DW, Deutsche Welle.
It is Germany's public state-owned news service.

DW doesn't pester you for your email address, and there are no ads! :dance: even at the start of their news videos!
Take THAT CNN! :angryfire::angryfire::angryfire:
Let me be clear regarding my previous post.

I'm only reporting facts relevant to some posts here.
Posting Google Map's long-time policy does not imply or demonstrate anything politically related to this topic.

Unfortunately in today's highly side-polarized US vs. THEM culture people may think they've detected a dog whistle informing which of their jars that others belong in ... the THEM jar or the US jar. :nono:

Not so here.
Enraged and unforgivable sums it up perfectly @Mreader.

I’m not thinking refusing to use Google Maps is unfair. There is evidence of the Gulf of Mexico being called the Gulf of Mexico dating as far back as 1552. Google Maps didn’t need to stand with this foolishness.
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About my previous post here ...

I'm just reporting a fact relevant to reactions here.
Posting Google Map's long-time policy does not suggest anything about my political views.

Unfortunately in today's highly polarized US vs. THEM culture people can think they've detected a clue for which of the two jars they put others into ... their THEM jar or their US jar.
I came upon a meme today that gave me pause:

“It depresses the hell out of me that I people I grew up with or I am related to have turned into people I wouldn’t tell where Anne Frank was hiding”.
Enraged and unforgivable sums it up perfectly @Mreader.

I’m not thinking refusing to use Google Maps is unfair. There is evidence of the Gulf of Mexico being called the Gulf of Mexico dating as far back as 1552. Google Maps didn’t need to stand with the foolishness we are seeing now.

So should Google go as far back as possible to display show the names and boundaries of countries as the world was 100 years ago?
500 years ago?
1,000 years ago?
10,000 years ago.


Boundries and names are not handed down from on high.
They have been continuously changing, forever.

I just hope the administration doesn't return the Statue of Liberty to France.
We should call it the Pond of Octavia. ...

Careful @Karl_K Larry Parker law firm might sue you for a zillions bucks for making half of America going blind.

I still marvel and luxuriate daily at the magic on my finger.
Thanks a zillion.
@kenny, I deleted my post. I have no idea if I’m crossing a line or not and I definitely don’t want to make anything a problem for Ella or get banned.
@kenny, I deleted my post. I have no idea if I’m crossing a line or not and I definitely don’t want to make anything a problem for Ella or get banned.

A few days ago @Ella posted the screen capture below in the Bird Flu and Cats thread.
Perhaps you didn't see it.

As this thread demonstrates, fear resulting from the previous officially posted forum policy endures.
Your post last week has not been seen by all.

In fact, the last update to the official forum policy is in this screen capture that I just took:

PS policy Oct 24.png

@Ella So, I respectfully request that you kindly update the official Forum policy to reflect your post.
Additionally, please pin a new notice about the new policy at the top of every forum in flashing large Red font :bigsmile:, to help the word get out.

Otherwise lingering fear and unawareness of your 1-24-25 update to PS policy on politics may cost us traffic.

Thanks Ella.
I'm trying to keep PS traffic vibrant in this dramatically changed country and world, instead of PS withering away from fear of getting banned for discussing the largest number of the largest elephants that have ever appeared in the living rooms of America.

Ella's msg.png
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Thanks @kenny! Now I’m sorry i deleted my post.
What’s next? Is New Mexico going to also get a new name?

Actually, if the aim is to achieve total chaos, Mexico could rename the Gulf of California to Gulf of Mexico. :lol-2: Glad they're reasonable enough not to do that.

I'm with @kenny here - this isn't Google's fault, Google is just following the rules implemented by the current administration regarding what the Gulf is to be called within the borders of the US.

For the rest of us it's still Gulf of Mexico, and it will remain so.
Hey, I'm just shocked that he didn't name it after himself!
What’s next? Is New Mexico going to also get a new name?

From Google:
The Navajo name for New Mexico is Yootó Hahoodzo.

  • Yootó Hahoodzo
    The Navajo name for New Mexico, which is pronounced "jòːtʰó hɑ̀hòːtsò"

I say we do it!
It sounds beautiful.
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Hi folks, we're not going to get deep into this because the whole point of the politics ban is that we cannot be tasked with moderating these threads. We get constant reports and complaints about them from both sides of the political aisle no matter what the topic. No one ever thinks we are being fair, and we don't have the bandwidth for that.

We do allow discussions on policies, programs, etc. We do not allow thinly veiled attempts at talking about politics. We've removed some posts that violated this and may remove more. Before you make a post think to yourself if your post is violating the spirit of the policy, if it is, don't post it. We expect everyone to respect both the spirit and the letter of the policies here.

We understand this is a fine line, but please do not make us become stricter about this. We want people to be able to discuss current events, but that cannot come with comments that seem to be berating one political party or another.
I think the problem here with the past political posts is that people got offended or had their feelings hurt and turned to the administrators to referee. I can certainly understand @Ella that these folks have better ways to spend their time.
If we want these discussions to continue, monitor yourself first and foremost. Secondly, if you are offended or dismayed by a response, just click it off. Admin cannot be the nanny net here and adults should be able to control themselves - either in their posting or by their reactions to response. If you are sensitive to others comments, might be best to leave the thread alone.
I'm too old to start calling it anything but the Gulf of Mexico......
Just a question….

Why can’t people just act like adults and not go running off to Ella.
I deleted a post last night quickly that didn’t cross any boundaries because I didn’t want someone bothering Ella. The post was not insulting and it wasn’t disrespectful to Pricescope members. Most of us have been on this site long enough to know we have differing views. it’s not that hard to stay in the parameters that are being set here so we can have conversations about important things. Ella has given us leeway.

I will never understand how adults can’t just leave the thread if something bothers you or if a poster’s views are bothering you. We don’t have to respond to everything post. Surely adults should be mature enough to have impulse control.

Is it really that hard to treat this the same way you would if you’re speaking to a friend whose views aren’t exactly as your own. I have friends and family who have different views. We still all get along. We still love each other.

After all the years many of us have spent here I think most people here are very supportive of each other even if we don’t agree on everything.
I agree with you. If there's something I don't agree with, and it's not about liking a piece of jewelry generally, then I just keep my mouth shut. The other thing I do is skip threads in Hangout if I don't like the title for one reason or another. It's pretty easy for me to do both.