
hair cut this afternoon...

tyty333 said: do you like your hair? I was going to suggest bangs but I see that others were saying No to the bangs.
Seems like to me you have a forehead that would work well with bangs.

Hope you like your hair or hope that its at least getting closer to what you think you want.

I like it better than I did before getting it cut. It is closer to what I want but not really there yet.

So.... I guess I like it mostly but am looking forward to going in again to get it even better. Still not sure about the bangs though.

Oddly enough, the one person who noticed my hair at the office today said "Your bangs are really cute"
re scrunching with head down: i finger comb my hair. scrunching near the scalp helps to give some lift. us a light product to volumize at the root area. scrunch ends periodically. hold the "scrunch" for several minutes. the heat from your hands will help to dry your hair.

i let my bangs grow out. will never go back to them.

also, i've gone over to for my shampoo and conditioners. i have not spent the $ on the elixirs, etc.

it is pricey and very different than normal mudding the scalp. i've seen an improvement in the condition of my hair and the texture. a little goes a LONG way.

also, i take neem as a supplement as its good for hair, skin, nails. do some research and you might decide its good for you, too.

i've struggled with hair that won't hold a wave or body for years. i love a curly look on me but perms broke my hair off and i hated the contrast of the outgrowth when it didn't.

i get comments all the time now on my hair. i'm 62 and its about time!

I'd never heard of neem before --- that looks interesting. I just read the Wikipedia article. Wow... It is used for everything!
My skin and nails are awful too so I'll certainly look into this more.
Check out the supplement biotin. My derm recommended it a few years ago for my hair and nails and it really helps with the health of both. I take 5000 mcg of biotin a day.
yes, biotin does all kinds of good things for a person. i take that also

also, vitamin D is very necessary for a lot of things.........and most of us are deficient. [yes, i take this too: i was tested for D deficiency and was found to be under the acceptable range.

Look into the supplement named "Diatomaceous Earth". My hair is growing faster now that I am taking it than before...
Does a lot more than help hair,skin and nails...