
Halo a Cushion? Don't Mind if I Do!

Sooooo beautiful! Congrats! :appl:
vespergirl, Yimmers, Echidna, miraclesrule, and stci - thank you! I'm so flattered about the too-kind compliments on Sparkles de Lafayette (yep, it has a name).

It's funny - I did exactly what was recommended not to do when picking out the ring. I only looked at cushions brought in a by a brick-and-mortar jewelry store, and not all that many to boot, and then picked the one that made me giggly uncontrollably. I chose a setting I tried on last summer and then hadn't seen in person since. I doubted myself afterwards, as I wondered if I could have made a HUGE mistake by just picking a modified brilliant (which is generally not preferred on PS) without using all the resources available (like contacting all the awesome PS vendors, ASET images, and the wisdom and knowledge of the boards).

But then I saw the final product. Maybe I could have done "better," but I LOVE the stone and the setting and honestly feel like I avoided some of the sturm and drang that comes from endless discussion. I felt like reading PS for a year gave me the tools and confidence to make the decision. I have a way of making myself crazy second-guessing, so It was nice to just DO IT and then be done with it.

(if it sounds like FI didn't have a lot to do with the ring decisions...well...he still gets the public credit! :D )
Here are a few images that came out of my engagement photos! I was kind of hoping to do full-on glamour shots, but I guess it will have to wait until the wedding!


Oh wow - that's gorgeous!
Ohh I missed this, GORGEOUS ring sb!!

:love: :love: :sun:

And that's such a cute photo of you holding hands :))
It's just perfect - great look and great size!

What are you thinking in terms of a wedding band?
Thank you geckodani, yssie, and MissGotRocks!

For a wedding band, I would like to do the matching three-sided pave band (I'm into the matchy-matchy look!)...not sure whether to do the eternity band or a half-band (factors being pretty and not caring about spinning versus cost and ease of resizing). Depending on whether we want to spend the money, maybe a plain band for now and upgrade later.

I just don't know - decisions, decisions!
So beautiful! The engagement pics look great. You have the exact amount of finger coverage I would love to have but your finger is a little smaller than mine (size 6 ring here). :love:
Ok... may I just say that both of you have gorgeous hands?
wow :love: i love your ring
engagement pic are cute (he he :naughty: esp in real life perspective forum)
Wow, congratulations, your stone and ring are gorgeous. The real life shots are amazing. Nice to see pictures while they're on people's hands.
Congratulations! All your pictures are great! And your ring....GORGEOUS!
Beautiful new pictures! WOWZA... the ring is just STUNNING! :appl:
Thank you AdanaEsq, missdebby, hansenhorsens, katedrac, tigian, and cushioncutnut! Your comments are so incredibly nice.

I still get giddy everytime I look at my hand - I feel like the luckiest girl out there. It's totally cheesy, but totally true.

oh, and missdebby, I have to laugh - you'll notice there are no pictures with his fingernails! I'm on a mission to get him to stop biting them, but failing miserably. ;( So they were carefully hidden!
Sillyberry - that is such a stunning ring. Congrats on your engagement and best wishes for your upcoming wedding!
That ring is stunning! In my world the diamond that makes you all giggly and warm inside is the one that should go home with you.
I know I had expected to be looking for months but the ring winked at me and I was lost. You made a lovely choice.
I love the proportions of your halo, do you know what size your melee is?
Thank you violet3 and natascha! It's always the giggly winky ones! :lol:

And I'm sorry, but I have no clue the size of the melee. It's a Mark Patterson setting - they may be able to help if you're really curious!
It is Beautiful!!

Wear it in good health!
We just got our wedding photos today, so I thought I would share a few more pictures! :)) This is my ring, my wedding band (the matching Mark Patterson three-sided half-eternity), and his titanium band.


CR-3008-M Redacted.jpg

They look beautiful but you know we need a handshot of your set! Sillyberry!
Beautiful!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love:
Your e-ring and band are beautiful! Congrats~ I love love love your setting and stone!
Just came across this thread and I cannot stop looking at this beautiful cushion halo diamond. This ring is absolutely stunning!
Congrats on this beauty! :appl:
stunning, the cut is brilliant~!! :naughty: