
Has anyone ever lost a piece of jewelry and then found it?


Jul 27, 2007
To make a long story short, I lost a pendant and I have no idea when or where! I have never lost a piece of jewelry before and I'm quite careful with my things. That being said, I am menopausal :roll2: and I have put things in crazy places before. Generally speaking, items like lids to containers, etc. not something important. I keep a few pieces I wear the most in one jewelry box and when I went to wear it a few weeks ago it was simply gone. I don't know when I last wore it, as I have not regularly worn much of my jewelry since last March. It seems like if I put it on when I went out, I would have realized it was missing when I came home. The chain was not flimsy by any means, nor would I have had a scarf on, or tried any clothes on because I haven't been shopping. I have looked everywhere (or so it seems) a bazillion times and a necklace is not something I would casually take off and lay somewhere. So, just wanting to hear stories from others..maybe it will spark something. I often wish I just knew I lost it outside of my house because then it would be sad, but not quite so maddening.
I found the first ring that my mum gave me when I was about 11 or 12yo while clearing out my garage for it to be knocked down, 14 years after I had moved into my house.

Currently I have lost a bracelet that is very dear to me, and am hoping it will turn up one day. I last wore it in February 2020 on a business trip and could not find it afterwards.

DK :))
I’m a bit of a “lost thing” whisperer, I can just find stuff.
back when I was 16 a lady lost her sapphire out of her ring somewhere down at a park called The Glade, Wahroonga. There were notices posted up around the park
much to everyone’s disbelief but the owners astonishment and 17D40A59-AA99-4CEF-8C3B-BCCE2B65194E.jpeg1D1E6769-D1BE-4BE3-899C-B59287B531EB.jpeg48AF5E0A-5E4F-4916-BC63-C9C593E85851.jpegdelight, I actually found said sapphire (about as big as in the photo) within about 15 minutes of looking.
I found the first ring that my mum gave me when I was about 11 or 12yo while clearing out my garage for it to be knocked down, 14 years after I had moved into my house.

Currently I have lost a bracelet that is very dear to me, and am hoping it will turn up one day. I last wore it in February 2020 on a business trip and could not find it afterwards.

DK :))

Wow! 14 years later! I'm sorry to hear that you've lost a bracelet, especially one dear to you, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you find it.
I’m a bit of a “lost thing” whisperer, I can just find stuff.
back when I was 16 a lady lost her sapphire out of her ring somewhere down at a park called The Glade, Wahroonga. There were notices posted up around the park
much to everyone’s disbelief but the owners astonishment and 17D40A59-AA99-4CEF-8C3B-BCCE2B65194E.jpeg1D1E6769-D1BE-4BE3-899C-B59287B531EB.jpeg48AF5E0A-5E4F-4916-BC63-C9C593E85851.jpegdelight, I actually found said sapphire (about as big as in the photo) within about 15 minutes of looking.

Wow! That's crazy and super cool! Wish you were my neighbor :P2
My husband lost his wedding band for months. Despite looking all through the house and under everything we couldn’t find it. Well one night he jumped up and ran in the bedroom with his flashlight and came out with the ring! It fell off his finger at night and was wedged between the bed leg and the dresser.

I lost an 18K gold band as I was taking pictures of it to sell, it fell off the branch into the leaves below and I made the mistake of getting the rake out. Never found it.
This morning I couldn't find my rings in my jewellery box.

The last time I remember wearing the rings was two weeks ago, right before I got on my horse and had to yank them off my swollen fingers because that was a better option than riding with them. I put them in my tack locker. Then I THINK I remember putting them in my bag. But I also remember putting a water bottle that wasn't sealed in my bag, water getting everywhere, having to dump the contents of that bag all over my bathroom floor, and throwing most of it away. That's the last memory I have of that day.

So of course, after looking in every possible place, I sat down on the floor and cried. Like, really really cried. Because I love those rings so much. They are so special to me. My husband was hugging me and saying 'we'll find them, they didn't just wander off!' and offered to drive to the barn right now to look for them and I was like 'it's useless, they're gone forever!'

Then I looked in my jewellery box one more time, and there they were. It's not like I have a ton of stuff in that box. I have absolutely no idea how I could not have seen them. It's like I willed them into existence with my hysteria.
This morning I couldn't find my rings in my jewellery box.

The last time I remember wearing the rings was two weeks ago, right before I got on my horse and had to yank them off my swollen fingers because that was a better option than riding with them. I put them in my tack locker. Then I THINK I remember putting them in my bag. But I also remember putting a water bottle that wasn't sealed in my bag, water getting everywhere, having to dump the contents of that bag all over my bathroom floor, and throwing most of it away. That's the last memory I have of that day.

So of course, after looking in every possible place, I sat down on the floor and cried. Like, really really cried. Because I love those rings so much. They are so special to me. My husband was hugging me and saying 'we'll find them, they didn't just wander off!' and offered to drive to the barn right now to look for them and I was like 'it's useless, they're gone forever!'

Then I looked in my jewellery box one more time, and there they were. It's not like I have a ton of stuff in that box. I have absolutely no idea how I could not have seen them. It's like I willed them into existence with my hysteria.

im so releaved for you
i still have pieces missing

the only thing i ever really lost that i found was a pretty little junk beaded bracelet i brought at an accessories store down the mall for about $12
im happy i found it before the council law mower munched it up
i used to walk home from Porirua along this track between the stream and the railway line
i was carrying some bags of groceries and it would have fallen off when i switched hands
I discovered it as soon as i got home and immediately retraced my steps and found it at the very begining of the track where i know i had sat the procedure down to rearrange my load

I lost a silver belcher chain the same way that cost a lot more than $12
i never found that but hope someone found it before the council mowed the grass
I lost a large ornate cross pendant.We searched high & low,indoors & outside & couldn't find it. I had that awful anxiety over loosing it but had to accept that it had gone. A few weeks later I was sweeping outside my back door & I spotted the cross hiding under the over hanging lip of the back door step! No wonder I couldn't find it.
I had this bracelet that I once lost - I had put it in a bag to take to the bank, and I guess I just left it inside the bag by accident. Somehow that bag made its way into where I keep my linen and then I went on holiday and life basically meant that I’d forgotten all about the bracelet - in my head it was at the bank. And then I had to wear it and it was nowhere to be found. I was hysterical. I couldn’t remember which bag I used to take it to the bank so I checked all of them but since the bag was in a different cupboard I didn’t check that one. Basically nowhere to be found. I figured I’d dropped it at the bank and someone had kept it. Two years later when clearing out the linen I found the bracelet in the bag :D
My husband lost his wedding band for months. Despite looking all through the house and under everything we couldn’t find it. Well one night he jumped up and ran in the bedroom with his flashlight and came out with the ring! It fell off his finger at night and was wedged between the bed leg and the dresser.

I lost an 18K gold band as I was taking pictures of it to sell, it fell off the branch into the leaves below and I made the mistake of getting the rake out. Never found it.

Yada, so glad your husband found his ring! I keep hoping the same thing will happen to me.. although more likely, the band situation is exactly something that WOULD happen to me.
This did not happen to me, but it did happen to my sister-in-law. She lost her engagement ring. After the expected trauma and searching, she used the insurance money they had on the ring and she got a new one. Years later, the original engagement ring showed up in a zipped blanket case under one of the beds. She had to contact the insurance company and tell them. (She was happy to do so!)
I recently lost an earring at work, I realized this at 5pm, I had been in and out of several room with patients on isolation. The gown goes over my head, then pulled from the front to rip the neck portion to remove. I switch between 2 masks several times during the day. I had walked through several areas. The possibility of where I lost it was endless. I assumed it was lost forever. It was a set, of earrings, bracelet and pendant. In my grief I started looking online to replace them. Found it on ebay and put in an offer. I had everyone looking, called the hospital lost and found, I found them! I sat and thought about the last time I knew I had them on. Retraced my steps. Narrowed it to 6 rooms including walking through a back passage to the emergency room.
I got a notification that my offer was accepted! I decided to retrace my steps. And there they were on the floor, luckily no one had stepped on them.
I recently lost an earring at work, I realized this at 5pm, I had been in and out of several room with patients on isolation. The gown goes over my head, then pulled from the front to rip the neck portion to remove. I switch between 2 masks several times during the day. I had walked through several areas. The possibility of where I lost it was endless. I assumed it was lost forever. It was a set, of earrings, bracelet and pendant. In my grief I started looking online to replace them. Found it on ebay and put in an offer. I had everyone looking, called the hospital lost and found, I found them! I sat and thought about the last time I knew I had them on. Retraced my steps. Narrowed it to 6 rooms including walking through a back passage to the emergency room.
I got a notification that my offer was accepted! I decided to retrace my steps. And there they were on the floor, luckily no one had stepped on them.

I'm so happy you were able to find them! Yay!
I lost my Harry Winston small diamond cross necklace for almost a year - I was sure I had lost it for good on during a trip to see Sweetie’s daughter. First I thought I had left it in the room we stayed in in her house - that it must have fallen behind or under something. She gave me a definitive “no” a few months later after they repainted the room. I considered calling the hotel we had stayed in on our trip home, but Inertia interfered, and I was embarrassed to inquire so long after the fact. I just hoped whoever it was enjoying it.

I found it just recently - about 10 months later - hanging on my “jewelry tree” :lol-2: Hiding under another necklace.
Wow, such appropriate timing to see this thread. Last night I lost my e-ring while cleaning out the lint trap of my LG dryer. I was sticking my hand down the slot where the lint "trapper" goes in because a lot of link was at the bottom of the slot and doesn't come out when I pull out the "trapper". Anyway, I removed my e-ring and put it on top of the dryer, and started piling pulled out lint on top of my ring without realizing it. Well, my dh decided to come come help me, and swooped everything in a waste paper basket and dumped it in trash can outside. An hour or two later, I realized I didn't have my e-ring, and panicked. When I realized what I had done I had dh being in the trash he dumped and I sorted through the entire trash bag with coffee grounds, vegetable peelings, lint etc until I finally found my ring. I was also a crying sobbing mess while digging through the trash. But I did find it eventually!
So happy to read of the many lost, then found items!

Just this past week I realized that I've not worn (or seen...) a favorite pair of earrings for quite some time. When I looked in the two usual places I keep jewelry, the earrings weren't in either place. Ugh. Last time I (very vaguely) recall wearing them, I had tucked them away for "safe keeping" and naturally, they're now AWOL. I too, wish @Bron357 was my neighbor! :bigsmile:
Wow, such appropriate timing to see this thread. Last night I lost my e-ring while cleaning out the lint trap of my LG dryer. I was sticking my hand down the slot where the lint "trapper" goes in because a lot of link was at the bottom of the slot and doesn't come out when I pull out the "trapper". Anyway, I removed my e-ring and put it on top of the dryer, and started piling pulled out lint on top of my ring without realizing it. Well, my dh decided to come come help me, and swooped everything in a waste paper basket and dumped it in trash can outside. An hour or two later, I realized I didn't have my e-ring, and panicked. When I realized what I had done I had dh being in the trash he dumped and I sorted through the entire trash bag with coffee grounds, vegetable peelings, lint etc until I finally found my ring. I was also a crying sobbing mess while digging through the trash. But I did find it eventually!

Been there, done that! Unfortunately, I did not find mine. I believe it was in the last load before the garbage men came. Now two of my rings are
in the dump somewhere where no one is enjoying them. :-( Lucikly I had insurance.

Also, lost a stud earring. My DD found it about a year later in the bottom of the couch that we had to open up to get her hamster out. It was in
the thin fabric they put on the bottom of the couch.
When I was in high school, I had some friends over for a party and my mom’s engagement ring went missing. She was positive that she left it on her nightstand, and her bedroom door was open so anyone could’ve gone in to steal it. A few weeks later, she found the ring in the living room inside the remote control caddy. We have a suspicion about which of my “friends” had sticky fingers, but never confirmed. Everyone who was at the party heard about the missing ring and we think the culprit returned it out of guilt.
I lost a small diamond huggie. I noticed it gone after church when I changed out of my clothes. Of course, it was dead of winter. I figured I’d lost it for good after searching. Next spring, I found it as I was walking up to our front door. It had apparently spent the winter on our walkway!
Wow, such appropriate timing to see this thread. Last night I lost my e-ring while cleaning out the lint trap of my LG dryer. I was sticking my hand down the slot where the lint "trapper" goes in because a lot of link was at the bottom of the slot and doesn't come out when I pull out the "trapper". Anyway, I removed my e-ring and put it on top of the dryer, and started piling pulled out lint on top of my ring without realizing it. Well, my dh decided to come come help me, and swooped everything in a waste paper basket and dumped it in trash can outside. An hour or two later, I realized I didn't have my e-ring, and panicked. When I realized what I had done I had dh being in the trash he dumped and I sorted through the entire trash bag with coffee grounds, vegetable peelings, lint etc until I finally found my ring. I was also a crying sobbing mess while digging through the trash. But I did find it eventually!

OMG! I'm glad you realized so quickly what had happened, before the garbage had been taken for the week! Sorting through trash is no fun, been there, done that, but at least you found it!! I actually went through the hepa bag of my vacuum cleaner which was packed and that was quite an experience. So much fine dust and cat hair.. ugh!! I felt like I had too.. I felt like I had heard something get sucked up at one point but never considered it was anything important. in my case, it was not.
Been there, done that! Unfortunately, I did not find mine. I believe it was in the last load before the garbage men came. Now two of my rings are
in the dump somewhere where no one is enjoying them. :( Lucikly I had insurance.

Also, lost a stud earring. My DD found it about a year later in the bottom of the couch that we had to open up to get her hamster out. It was in
the thin fabric they put on the bottom of the couch.

Oh dear.. the garbage is the worst. Nothing to be done and no one benefits. I feel like I wish I knew for sure I lost it outside my house and then I could hope someone was at least enjoying it! My DH says the sooner I order a new one, the sooner I will find it, lol..
I lost a small diamond huggie. I noticed it gone after church when I changed out of my clothes. Of course, it was dead of winter. I figured I’d lost it for good after searching. Next spring, I found it as I was walking up to our front door. It had apparently spent the winter on our walkway!

Wow! That's so crazy that you found it outside after all that time! Yay!
i thought i would post a picture (in fabulous fashion jewlery of course) of the braclete i lost and found down by the stream walking home with the groceries that day
guess what ?
now i can't find it
i swear a big black hole follows me around
i thought i would post a picture (in fabulous fashion jewlery of course) of the braclete i lost and found down by the stream walking home with the groceries that day
guess what ?
now i can't find it
i swear a big black hole follows me around

lol..this sounds a little too close to home
When my daughter was 2, I came downstairs and she said, “I have your rings.” She’d gotten them down and was wearing the wedding band. The engagement ring was nowhere to be found. We searched the house several times and went through the trash. No luck. We didn’t file an insurance claim because I knew it had to be here somewhere. Three weeks later, I pulled one of the last tissues out of the box and heard a “clunk”. There was the ring in the bottom of the box. She must have gotten a tissue when she was wearing the rings and the one fell off. It took us that long to get to the bottom of the box of tissues!
Yes and I still cannot find it. Usually I say “Tony Tony Look Around, Something’s Lost And Must Be Found.” Then it shows up - ultimately somewhere I have already looked. But this one still has not shown up. It was a ring I got when I went to Greece. I thought it went into the washer grabbing clothes out, because it was a thumb ring and probably just a smidge too large. And I have since moved house. Ten years ago.

I’d be happy to realize that it is in something that I moved when I moved house. Still hoping I may one day find that ring which I loved as not only a memory of my trip to Greece for my 40th birthday with my mom (who raised me), but a visual a symbol of my greekness (Greek blood, raised by ‘whites’) after we found my Greek side of my family. Any visions would be welcomed @Bron357 :)

Then there was the time after my divorce... my son, when he was in second grade, took my engagement and wedding band (soldered together) to school to show off (without my knowledge) and it fell out of his pocket in class and then it was the long Christmas break. I found out it was gone on New Year’s Eve.... panicked... for a week and a half. The teacher had it. I have since gotten a new husband and diamond to set in the setting (my mom’s from my dad). She would have been as devastated as I had it not been found. Little rascal :)
I lost a ring. Whined about it for weeks and wound up replacing it with a poor substitute from eBay.

I found it about 2 days later in the pocket of my bathrobe :wall:
Yes and I still cannot find it. Usually I say “Tony Tony Look Around, Something’s Lost And Must Be Found.” Then it shows up - ultimately somewhere I have already looked. But this one still has not shown up. It was a ring I got when I went to Greece. I thought it went into the washer grabbing clothes out, because it was a thumb ring and probably just a smidge too large. And I have since moved house. Ten years ago.

I’d be happy to realize that it is in something that I moved when I moved house. Still hoping I may one day find that ring which I loved as not only a memory of my trip to Greece for my 40th birthday with my mom (who raised me), but a visual a symbol of my greekness (Greek blood, raised by ‘whites’) after we found my Greek side of my family. Any visions would be welcomed @Bron357 :)

Then there was the time after my divorce... my son, when he was in second grade, took my engagement and wedding band (soldered together) to school to show off (without my knowledge) and it fell out of his pocket in class and then it was the long Christmas break. I found out it was gone on New Year’s Eve.... panicked... for a week and a half. The teacher had it. I have since gotten a new husband and diamond to set in the setting (my mom’s from my dad). She would have been as devastated as I had it not been found.