
Has anyone had a colonoscopy?

Thank you very much, @mrs-b. It's true I've had all kinds of tests - to eliminate all the possibilities. I am thinking it's GOT to be the mould; it really cannot be anything else. I've run out of body parts to test!! lol

I can't really see the mould, but the guy who came to inspect it drew my attention to the walls where there are tiny, near-microscopic bugs which apparently feed on the mould. The walls have now all been wiped down, with just soap and water and then dried. But he's proposed to treat the walls with a chemical which he claims is non-toxix. I don't believe him! I am super-sensitive to ALL chemicals and chemical/ artificial smells. Supposedly, I can stay in the house while they carry out the treatment but I have zero intention of doing so. So, now I am thinking I should move to temporary mould-free accommodation for a month, to see if my symptoms improve. If they do, then it's pretty conclusive proof that I am reacting to the mould. If that is the case, I will have the mould treated and continue to stay out of the house, or I may put up the house for sale. If it's the latter, I will have to disclose the fact to prospective buyers, unless the prospective buyer - whoever that is - knocks down the house and re-builds from scratch (the latter is very common in this part of the world).

I have to admit - I'd be out of there, too, and I think your idea of going somewhere else for a month is a good one. Mould is tenacious, and treating it once rarely eliminates it long term, from what I can see.

And I totally hear you re the 'it's fine lady - this stuff isn't toxic - you can still live here' thing. That's the fast track back to the dr, in my opinion.

Anyway, this is a pain in the butt for you, so I'm wishing you well and hoping this is all resolved to your satisfaction. Take care! :wavey:
I have to admit - I'd be out of there, too, and I think your idea of going somewhere else for a month is a good one. Mould is tenacious, and treating it once rarely eliminates it long term, from what I can see.

And I totally hear you re the 'it's fine lady - this stuff isn't toxic - you can still live here' thing. That's the fast track back to the dr, in my opinion.

Anyway, this is a pain in the butt for you, so I'm wishing you well and hoping this is all resolved to your satisfaction. Take care! :wavey:

I totally agree with you re the bolded parts, hence my thinking that I should just sell the house.

Many thanks for your kind and lovely words and wishes.

If you don't mind my asking, did you have the test to confirm whether you have gastroparesis? If you don't feel comfortable sharing, no worries.
So, I had the colonoscopy yesterday. They found some polyps and removed them for biopsy. I'm having a follow up tomorrow. Fingers crossed there is nothing sinister.

The procedure itself was a breeze (I was asleep, haha - they gave me only propofol as I am allergic to Dormicum), and woke up with lots of air which was very uncomfortable but not painful. The prep was the WORST!! For 2 days (ie. Saturday and Sun), I could only have white bread and cheese and soup. Rice was not allowed, nor were noodles or pasta. Obviously, vegetables and fruit were disallowed, as were meat - this was very hard for me. The "expunger" (is there such a word? lol) was very very uncomfortable and the Fortrans solution made me very nauseous.

Anyhow, I just wanted to thank everyone who chimed in and gave me very valuable advice.

@missy, I completely fell off the AP diet, as I was disallowed everything except white bread, cheese/ butter and soup. Will have to re-start yet again!! And incidentally, I had my heart and arteries and lungs checked out and everything is a-ok there! I strongly suspect my shortness of breath and dizziness have something to do with the mould in my house, which was confirmed by a "mould guy", albeit by a less-than-scientific method.

So relieved the colonoscopy procedure went smoothly @Phoenix and fingers crossed the biopsy is negative. It's very common (as you probably know) to find polyps. Greg always has at least 2-3 polyps and he has to have the colonoscopies more frequently because of them (I think every 5 years instead of 7 but not sure about that). And yup that prep is not pleasant. It's the one reason I have resisted doing a colonoscopy and I won't lie. I am not planning on having one done til I get other health issues settled. There is only so much I can deal with at a time if you kwim. Good for you for having the strength to do what is necessary and getting it done. Proud of you girl!!!

As for falling off the AIP wagon that is entirely understandable. I mean you had nothing else you were allowed to eat. No worries. You can get right back on it and start again.

As for the mold yes same here. Only thing is we do not know where the mold exposure is coming from and have to get someone to evaluate the home. Have you confirmed it is from your home? Sorry I might have missed where you wrote that.

We have similarities for sure and remind me have you been tested for heavy metal exposure? That was also an issue for me but fingers crossed that is no longer an issue as I did take necessary steps to reduce my mercury and last time we checked I was in the "normal" range for mercury. My endocrinologist retested that yesterday and hoping that is still the case for me. The mold issue we have done nothing for at this point in time because as I wrote above I can only handle one thing at a time right now. And that is definitely a symptom of over active adrenals. Can cause hyper Type A behavior, anxiousness and worry. A case of physical issues causing emotional ones. Interesting right? But knowing it makes me calmer if that makes sense and I know we will both figure it out and deal with it the best way we can and we will come through the other side stronger and in better health. XO.

Sending you lots of good luck vibes Phoenix for a good news for your biopsy results!
@Phoenix, Funny you had your colonoscopy yesterday. I had my endocrinologist appointment yesterday. I am too tired to go into details but to say I have autonomic nervous system dysfunction, overactive adrenals (dangerous because that can lead to adrenal failure) and low thyroid functioning.

The adrenals overworking because my thyroid is not working as they are both linked. I knew my adrenals were overactive but glad the doctors finally caught up to what I knew lol. Anyway he doubled my thyroid meds and we will see if I can tolerate it as nothing has changed from last year when I couldn't tolerate the med. So hoping I can and hoping it is enough to help my adrenals and thyroid.

I foolishly decided to have my endocrinologist write the RX for the online pharmacy as I am tired of my local pharmacy messing up. Well, I just found out it takes TWO WEEKS to get a new RX (new for the online pharmacy) filled. OMG. So now I cannot start the new RX without fear of running out so will remain on the half dose until I get my new RX. And hopefully it won't be longer than 2 weeks. I feel like every step of the way is a challenge and it adds insult to injury yanno?

So that is my update. Thanks for listening and hope your journey goes smoothly from here on in and please keep me posted. (((Hugs))).
I totally agree with you re the bolded parts, hence my thinking that I should just sell the house.

Many thanks for your kind and lovely words and wishes.

If you don't mind my asking, did you have the test to confirm whether you have gastroparesis? If you don't feel comfortable sharing, no worries.

Not at all. :)) I haven't had the test yet for 2 reasons. Firstly, the gastro dr wants me on a gluten free diet for 3 months to see if that improves things. I'm sure you know all about that; what a bore! She's already pretty sure I have gastroparesis as I've already had stomach emptying tests due to my autoimmune. So we already have a bunch of info as a baseline. We also already know my vagus nerve was crushed in an accident when I was 14, and is now chronically inflamed (this has caused a bunch of issues for me health-wise over the last 10 years, so this is well documented), which is one of the key causes of gastroparesis. So she's not really guessing at this point and we've gone straight to management options - first being a gluten free diet.

But secondly, making progress with all things medical has hit a wall recently due to my having had pneumonia for the last 4 weeks. I'm going back to the dr today, as I seem to have developed chronic asthma; my airways are inflamed and are taking their sweet time getting back to normal. In the meantime, I'm on all sorts of stuff which make me sick in the belly anyway - gastroparesis or not.

My husband, on the other hand, has perfect health. So there's that.... o_O
So relieved the colonoscopy procedure went smoothly @Phoenix and fingers crossed the biopsy is negative. It's very common (as you probably know) to find polyps. Greg always has at least 2-3 polyps and he has to have the colonoscopies more frequently because of them (I think every 5 years instead of 7 but not sure about that). And yup that prep is not pleasant. It's the one reason I have resisted doing a colonoscopy and I won't lie. I am not planning on having one done til I get other health issues settled. There is only so much I can deal with at a time if you kwim. Good for you for having the strength to do what is necessary and getting it done. Proud of you girl!!!

As for falling off the AIP wagon that is entirely understandable. I mean you had nothing else you were allowed to eat. No worries. You can get right back on it and start again.

As for the mold yes same here. Only thing is we do not know where the mold exposure is coming from and have to get someone to evaluate the home. Have you confirmed it is from your home? Sorry I might have missed where you wrote that.

We have similarities for sure and remind me have you been tested for heavy metal exposure? That was also an issue for me but fingers crossed that is no longer an issue as I did take necessary steps to reduce my mercury and last time we checked I was in the "normal" range for mercury. My endocrinologist retested that yesterday and hoping that is still the case for me. The mold issue we have done nothing for at this point in time because as I wrote above I can only handle one thing at a time right now. And that is definitely a symptom of over active adrenals. Can cause hyper Type A behavior, anxiousness and worry. A case of physical issues causing emotional ones. Interesting right? But knowing it makes me calmer if that makes sense and I know we will both figure it out and deal with it the best way we can and we will come through the other side stronger and in better health. XO.

Sending you lots of good luck vibes Phoenix for a good news for your biopsy results!

@missy, thank you for your kind wishes re the biopsy result. I too am hoping that the polyps are just benign. Fingers and toes crossed!

Thank you too for the encouragement re getting back on the AIP diet wagon. I need all the encouragement I can get. I will re-start next Monday, in earnest.

The mould guy came round and declared I have mould, even though he only used a torch to look at the walls and showed me the near-microscopic bugs. I don't know whether to take his word for it. Regardless, I am taking precautionary measures and have started to take steps towards moving to a mould-free, albeit temp, accommodation soon. I would strongly urge you to have your house inspected for mould, bc as unsure as I am as to whether I have mould, the allergic reactions can be quite severe and the mould might very well be responsible for the my symptoms.

I tested for metal exposure many years ago and everything was fine. That was a long time ago though and I really out to re-test. I have a natural path, whom I will contact re testing for mould-exposure as well as for metal toxicity. I've yet to locate a new endocrinologists and I have a suspicion that these endocrinologists here old-schooled anyway.

So sorry to hear about your adrenals continuing to be over-active. I hope you get your prescription sooooon and that the new double dose will help with your adrenals, without giving you any side effects. How has the current dosage been for you thus far, in terms of heart palpitations? I'm with you re every step being a challenge....sigh...still, we need to keep your chin up!!

Aww thanks @Phoenix. I am doing OK and hanging in there. My biggest fear is that the med I am now on will not be available as it is not a commonly prescribed med and there are occasional shortages and back orders. So it's a waiting game and I am a bit concerned but will take it one day at a time because that is all I can do. Yes please get retested re heavy metals as a lot can change in a few years. I will look into the mold testing of the homes though I am not sure what I can do if they are positive. We cannot move. One of our homes is in a building from the 60s but there is nothing but old homes here and the beach house is right on the water so I would not be surprised if we had mold issues there either. Greg said we need to get the air tested because that would be where I might be getting the most exposure.

My heart every now and then goes into higher beats etc but that is adrenal related. It's all connected. Even on 1/2 grain I am affected right now so the new dose (when I get it) may not even be something I can tolerate. So many things are up in the air and you can see why I prefer taking it all just one day at a time. And not overthinking or over worrying. To the best of my ability that is. I am a thinker and a worrier as you might know. LOL.

Good luck re starting AIP next week. You can do it!!!!! And I am here for you for encouragement, support and any other way I can help. XOXO.
Not at all. :)) I haven't had the test yet for 2 reasons. Firstly, the gastro dr wants me on a gluten free diet for 3 months to see if that improves things. I'm sure you know all about that; what a bore! She's already pretty sure I have gastroparesis as I've already had stomach emptying tests due to my autoimmune. So we already have a bunch of info as a baseline. We also already know my vagus nerve was crushed in an accident when I was 14, and is now chronically inflamed (this has caused a bunch of issues for me health-wise over the last 10 years, so this is well documented), which is one of the key causes of gastroparesis. So she's not really guessing at this point and we've gone straight to management options - first being a gluten free diet.

But secondly, making progress with all things medical has hit a wall recently due to my having had pneumonia for the last 4 weeks. I'm going back to the dr today, as I seem to have developed chronic asthma; my airways are inflamed and are taking their sweet time getting back to normal. In the meantime, I'm on all sorts of stuff which make me sick in the belly anyway - gastroparesis or not.

My husband, on the other hand, has perfect health. So there's that.... o_O

I am very sorry to hear all this, @mrs-b. Having suffered from so many things, I can totally emphathise with you. Sending you lots of get well wishes and {{HUGS}}.
Aww thanks @Phoenix. I am doing OK and hanging in there. My biggest fear is that the med I am now on will not be available as it is not a commonly prescribed med and there are occasional shortages and back orders. So it's a waiting game and I am a bit concerned but will take it one day at a time because that is all I can do. Yes please get retested re heavy metals as a lot can change in a few years. I will look into the mold testing of the homes though I am not sure what I can do if they are positive. We cannot move. One of our homes is in a building from the 60s but there is nothing but old homes here and the beach house is right on the water so I would not be surprised if we had mold issues there either. Greg said we need to get the air tested because that would be where I might be getting the most exposure.

My heart every now and then goes into higher beats etc but that is adrenal related. It's all connected. Even on 1/2 grain I am affected right now so the new dose (when I get it) may not even be something I can tolerate. So many things are up in the air and you can see why I prefer taking it all just one day at a time. And not overthinking or over worrying. To the best of my ability that is. I am a thinker and a worrier as you might know. LOL.

Good luck re starting AIP next week. You can do it!!!!! And I am here for you for encouragement, support and any other way I can help. XOXO.

Continuing to send you lots of positive vibes. Hang in there!!

Thank you. And likewise, I am here for you.

@missy, I just came back from the Dr. I only had 1 polyp, about 6mm (I forgot to ask him if that was average, or large or small). I don't have cancer, phew!!

He proposed doing another colonoscopy is 3 yrs' time. And if nothing at that time, then maybe in another 5 yrs.
Pheonix, I think you will be hard pressed to completely get rid of the mold and bugs.

I have already washed down the walls in my current appartment twice to get rid of them (in the 1 year we have lived there). And we are the first people to live there -- it is brand new, I had to take sticky tape and manufactures packaging off a lot of things when we shifted in. It is also more than 30 floors up. Yet the little bugs got up here within months.

I have lived in a lot of brand new or quite new appartments in singapore (my husband cant tollerate mold, it sets off his asthma and alergies). They all had the bugs, usually they mostly inhabit rooms where you run the aircon a lot and rarely open the windows. If you want to help mitigate them, then consider how low you have the aircon set, how often you run it, and how often you open the windows. And continuously wash down the walls. At some stage I severely watered down some seally's anti mold stuff from the self fix it and sprayed that all over the walls-- that seemes to slow down the regrowth.
Pheonix, I think you will be hard pressed to completely get rid of the mold and bugs.

I have already washed down the walls in my current appartment twice to get rid of them (in the 1 year we have lived there). And we are the first people to live there -- it is brand new, I had to take sticky tape and manufactures packaging off a lot of things when we shifted in. It is also more than 30 floors up. Yet the little bugs got up here within months.

I have lived in a lot of brand new or quite new appartments in singapore (my husband cant tollerate mold, it sets off his asthma and alergies). They all had the bugs, usually they mostly inhabit rooms where you run the aircon a lot and rarely open the windows. If you want to help mitigate them, then consider how low you have the aircon set, how often you run it, and how often you open the windows. And continuously wash down the walls. At some stage I severely watered down some seally's anti mold stuff from the self fix it and sprayed that all over the walls-- that seemes to slow down the regrowth.

Thank you for letting me know about all this.

What "little bugs" did you get? What symptoms did your husband get?

I must say I didn't know about the AC thing. I used to run all the AC's all the time and then not open the windows. I only found out when the mould guy visited that this is the worst way, as mould thrives on moisture and lack of airflow, and that turning off the cold AC's and not putting it on "dehumidifier" straightaway only encouraged more mould growth. He also advised to keep the fans on at all time.

What did you guys end up doing, if you got mould all the time? It is scary to learn that even new or brand new apartments also suffer from mould.
The bugs are extremely small, they live in collonies on the walls (especiallly in the bedrooms where we run the AC) and usually once I found them I could also locate some mould on the walls which they were feeding on.

My husband has alergies and is asthmatic, so he shows a spectrum of symptoms from ones which look a lot like the flu through to not being able to breath in severe cases. But he has had it since childhood (I think this is typically the case) so while it is always a consideration when picking accomodation and needing to travel with an inhaler, otherwise life more or less goes on.

I simply continuously cleaned the walls, whiping everything down pretty regularly. I usually ask someone else to clean most of the walls, and then go arround areas like the aircon units a second time myself. I also suspected the mould got into our fabric bed head, so that got routinely cleaned as well. I also try to avoid runing the aircon, or set the temperature quite high -- trying to make sure there is hardly any condensation. And I run several air purifiers -- although I suspect my husbands issues may be multifactorial, so I am mostly just trying to get everything out of the air. In the same vein I put a protectabed (special zipable cover which does not let particles pass through, some tangs outlets carry them) arround our mattress. I find it flares up ocassionally then settles back down again -- usually he is pretty good.
The bugs are extremely small, they live in collonies on the walls (especiallly in the bedrooms where we run the AC) and usually once I found them I could also locate some mould on the walls which they were feeding on.

My husband has alergies and is asthmatic, so he shows a spectrum of symptoms from ones which look a lot like the flu through to not being able to breath in severe cases. But he has had it since childhood (I think this is typically the case) so while it is always a consideration when picking accomodation and needing to travel with an inhaler, otherwise life more or less goes on.

I simply continuously cleaned the walls, whiping everything down pretty regularly. I usually ask someone else to clean most of the walls, and then go arround areas like the aircon units a second time myself. I also suspected the mould got into our fabric bed head, so that got routinely cleaned as well. I also try to avoid runing the aircon, or set the temperature quite high -- trying to make sure there is hardly any condensation. And I run several air purifiers -- although I suspect my husbands issues may be multifactorial, so I am mostly just trying to get everything out of the air. In the same vein I put a protectabed (special zipable cover which does not let particles pass through, some tangs outlets carry them) arround our mattress. I find it flares up ocassionally then settles back down again -- usually he is pretty good.

Thank you for all this extremely helpful information.

I had to look up mould colonies - I felt ill looking at them!:shock:. Also looked up protectabed too - I think it's an excellent idea to cover the mattress and pillows with this. I was actually thinking of getting a new mattress since this one is quite old, but the pricing is pretty shocking for a decent mattress and am sure prices have gone up quite a lot since I bought this one.

Another excellent point about running the AC at higher temps, though I tend to get quite hot. I've been putting them on the dehumidifier mode when I leave the rooms. Will buy some standalone dehumidifiers for when the windows are closed and AC's are running.

My breathing has been quite poor recently, in that I've been suffering for the last 3 to 4 months from shortness of breath. A recent CT scan of my lungs and heart has not revealed anything structurally wrong, so this may be yet another indicator that I am reacting to the mould. I don't think I am asthmatic though, since I don't have a coughing issue. Still working on moving to another mould-free place for at least a month and see if my symptoms improve.

Noted what you said re wiping down walls and AC's. The mould guy said the same too.

Oh, and has your husband ever seen a TCM Dr? I am thinking that it wouldn't hurt and might even help with my symptoms (though of course until I tackle the cause, my symptoms will never go away).

Thank you again. Your post is really helping.
@Phoenix -

Because we have multiple large dogs, and because of the dander that generates, we are planning to put *these* in the house. They're hospital grade and expensive for a whole house treatment, but I want super clean air. We only have dual room a split system air conditioner in our bedroom and our office at the moment, so we'll be putting in central air at some point. When we do, we'll be adding this.
I agree with getting out of your house for a month, it may give you some peace of mind and a break. You could even make part of it vacation -- since singapore is possibly the most expensive place for short term accomodation, and we are so close to so many spectacular places.

I am pretty sure my mother in law sent DH off to see a TCM pracrtitioner when he was a child (asthma is usually the worst at this stage of your life.). I think DH thought it was a waste of time. But then again I would not say either he or I was especially receptive to aternative medicine. (Also asthma is well understood, and there are good pathways for treatment in western medicine. So I guess we dont feel impelled to try other routes. He is pretty good at the moment anyway.).

On the flip side I am currently having some issues with type two rosacea which I cant seem to crack, so I can see the value in a wholistic approach to improving your health -- but I am thinking about looking to a nutritionist rather than a TCM practitioner.

Edit -- I just chuck the pillows and buy new ones, we do this pretty regularly. I think we also bought an inexpensive mattress, expecting to follow the same general pattern. But I like the protectabed covers with the special zippers and fabric which wont let dust mites etc through. As it allows me to isolate out one potential cause. It is an expensive exercise to throw the whole bed out just to find out if that is what is causing the problems.
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@Phoenix -

Because we have multiple large dogs, and because of the dander that generates, we are planning to put *these* in the house. They're hospital grade and expensive for a whole house treatment, but I want super clean air. We only have dual room a split system air conditioner in our bedroom and our office at the moment, so we'll be putting in central air at some point. When we do, we'll be adding this.

That's super fantastic. Thank you very much, @mrs-b!!:clap::clap:

I've been looking for some but wasn't sure what to get.

Do you happen to have a super duper vacuum cleaner by any chance? I need one of those too.
I agree with getting out of your house for a month, it may give you some peace of mind and a break. You could even make part of it vacation -- since singapore is possibly the most expensive place for short term accomodation, and we are so close to so many spectacular places.

I am pretty sure my mother in law sent DH off to see a TCM pracrtitioner when he was a child (asthma is usually the worst at this stage of your life.). I think DH thought it was a waste of time. But then again I would not say either he or I was especially receptive to aternative medicine. (Also asthma is well understood, and there are good pathways for treatment in western medicine. So I guess we dont feel impelled to try other routes. He is pretty good at the moment anyway.).

On the flip side I am currently having some issues with type two rosacea which I cant seem to crack, so I can see the value in a wholistic approach to improving your health -- but I am thinking about looking to a nutritionist rather than a TCM practitioner.

Edit -- I just chuck the pillows and buy new ones, we do this pretty regularly. I think we also bought an inexpensive mattress, expecting to follow the same general pattern. But I like the protectabed covers with the special zippers and fabric which wont let dust mites etc through. As it allows me to isolate out one potential cause. It is an expensive exercise to throw the whole bed out just to find out if that is what is causing the problems.

Yes, I am planning to go back to the UK to visit my family for a month or so. Get out of the house to see if my symptoms improve and see my family, esp my dad, too. I enquired about some serviced apartments here and they're so bl... expensive. So I might as well just go on holiday to the UK.

Ah, I see what you mean about your DH's asthma. If he's fine and you both feel the issue is manageable, then no need to do anything else. I'm just wondering if it'll help me...well I guess it won't hurt anyway.

I too am getting extremely dry flaky skin (as well as extremely itchy and dry eyes) - just these last few months. I think it may be due to my Hashimoto's and/ or the mould. In fact, I am wondering if my Hashimoto's has been caused or triggered off by the mould. If you find out any good solution from your natural path/ nutrionist that helps your skin, I'd love to know please.

Totally agreed re chucking out old pillows. I do do that from time to time, but prob not often enough. Might need to chuck the duvet too, even the mattress. I am seriously looking into anti-mite beddings and will buy the protectabed stuff you mentioned.

Many thanks again. I really appreciate all your help. x
That's super fantastic. Thank you very much, @mrs-b!!:clap::clap:

I've been looking for some but wasn't sure what to get.

Do you happen to have a super duper vacuum cleaner by any chance? I need one of those too.

No, nothing special, re vacuum cleaner. I did want to say tho - I have a portable IQ air purifier and it does an awesome job. It's permanently in my bedroom and I'm very happy with it.
No, nothing special, re vacuum cleaner. I did want to say tho - I have a portable IQ air purifier and it does an awesome job. It's permanently in my bedroom and I'm very happy with it.

Thank you, @mrs-b. I may just start by buying this portable air purifier first while waiting for the super duper industrial strength one. Thanks for the recommendation. x
Bumping this thread bc now that age has been lowered to 45, I am overdue at 48. I would appreciate new tips or findings from anyone who has recently undergone this procedure.
Make sure the person who's driving you home is prepared to stay there the whole time. When I took my husband, the plan was for me to drop him off, then give my youngest a ride to school, then go back and give my husband a ride home from the colonoscopy. Well, my husband's doctor threatened to reschedule the colonoscopy (making him have to redo the prep - ugh!), because they didn't trust that he had a ride home. I guess in the past they'd had patients lie about having a ride. It all worked out, but I'd make sure your ride is there the whole time.
Bumping this thread bc now that age has been lowered to 45, I am overdue at 48. I would appreciate new tips or findings from anyone who has recently undergone this procedure.

Still the same old routine - the prep is the worst of it. One the proprofal starts, you won’t know or remember a thing until they wake you. Don’t put it off out of fear or dread - the test itself is a breeze. The day before not so bad either if you keep to a light, liquid diet. Good luck!!
The secret to a easy prep is to start modifying your diet a few days before your scheduled procedure:
Bumping this thread bc now that age has been lowered to 45, I am overdue at 48. I would appreciate new tips or findings from anyone who has recently undergone this procedure.

My husband had a colonoscopy a few months ago. It was an entirely different prep this time. He has colonoscopies every five years due to multiple polyps always popping up and a family history. This time instead of that awful prep drink the gastro gave him pils and water. It was super easy but for having to wake up in the middle of the night to take the last bunch of pills with water. Greg said easiest prep he ever had and it got his colon whistle clean so they were able to see five new polyps easily and removed them. Good luck Nala
My husband had a colonoscopy a few months ago. It was an entirely different prep this time. He has colonoscopies every five years due to multiple polyps always popping up and a family history. This time instead of that awful prep drink the gastro gave him pils and water. It was super easy but for having to wake up in the middle of the night to take the last bunch of pills with water. Greg said easiest prep he ever had and it got his colon whistle clean so they were able to see five new polyps easily and removed them. Good luck Nala

So lucky to have pills! I had my first one a few months back (bad family history) and the prep is the worst part. Procedure is easy compared to prep. I asked for pills but they said they didn’t do it only the liquid. I was so nervous about it because I have a very sensitive gag reflex. What helps me the most is I ended up mixing it with a Gingerale drink which made it easier to drink and I would drink a small sip of the prep and then a sip of Gatorade or Ginger ale. Back-and-forth back-and-forth. It took hours for me to choke it down! But it was the only way for me to do it. Next time I’m going to push for pills because the drink is definitely the toughest part. Once you get through that the rest of it is so easy.
Nala, don’t be worried about getting a colonoscopy.
It’s such an important screening to have and it’s really very easy. The secret to a more comfortable prep is to start a soft/ liquid diet a few days out. I encourage you to schedule it soon. I’m confident you’ll come back here after and say, “That wasn’t bad at all!”
@nala I have a bad family history too for colon cancer..I’ve been going every five years since I’m 40. That’s a lot of colonoscopies. I’ve had tons of polyps removed..Some were precancerous..They got them before they turned into cancer so good news. Don’t be frightened if any come back precancerous.
Three days before I start eating seeds, nuts, grainy bread, peas, anything with a skin, couscous, steak, really meat in general. The seeds, nuts, and grains can stick to the scope making it hard for the gastro to see everything. Eat a low residue diet..Drink lots of fluids to flush yourself out. The day before the fast (two days before the procedure) eat very light..Pasta with white sauce or pasta with butter is good..No red or purple anything. It colors your bowel making it look like blood. I do this the three days before. You need to especially do it the day you are fasting..and just drinking clear liquids..Drink only clear liquids..nothing with pulp. I find clear ice pops in green to chew on.
Some preps are better than others..I can say they are MUCH better than when I started. I wouldn’t mix the solution with more liquid than the directions. That will just make you have to drink more..and it doesn’t really dilute the taste anyway..I drink a large gulp of prep and then chase it with ice cold water after each gulp of prep. Once you do the prep..the rest is easy. Stay home close to the bathroom.
The actual colonoscopy is a non event. You sleep through it and wake up not remembering a thing. Stay home in your pjs, relax, and sleep for the rest of the day.
My husband had a colonoscopy a few months ago. It was an entirely different prep this time. He has colonoscopies every five years due to multiple polyps always popping up and a family history. This time instead of that awful prep drink the gastro gave him pils and water. It was super easy but for having to wake up in the middle of the night to take the last bunch of pills with water. Greg said easiest prep he ever had and it got his colon whistle clean so they were able to see five new polyps easily and removed them. Good luck Nala

I guess it just depends. I had the stool softener pills and the miralax in gatorade, and I just barely got done with the cleanout - probably an hour or so before the procedure. I called them to tell them I might have to reschedule, but I finally finished. Good thing, because I didn't want to do the prep again, lol.