
Has Obama''s Presidency Already Failed?

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Date: 2/10/2009 8:39:11 PM
Author: strmrdr
Date: 2/10/2009 8:34:48 PM

Author: luckystar112

Date: 2/10/2009 8:25:59 PM

Author: strmrdr

not yet, but having to go on prime time national tv and to scare 3 republicans into voting for his plan shows a very large lack of leadership ability.


Two of the Republicans, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, are from Maine and I''m sure didn''t need too much nudging. They are def more moderate.

RINOs, they need to get some strong candidates to run against them in the primaries and knock them out of the senate.
So they can be replaced by Dems? Not trying to be partisan here, I would be happy to get actual Dems in their seats, but it sounds like you wouldn''t. Maine has been trending blue, and Collins just won reelection strongly. Seems like Maineacks approve of her, even if she is member of that dying breed, New England Republicans. If that makes her a RINO, its because the Republican party moved right and the moderate Republicans were driven or voted out. There used to be a place for people like Collins/Snowe/Spector/Chafee in the GOP, but it is clear they are not so welcome anymore.

As to the OP, I think its a bit early/highly partisan to suggest the presidency has already failed. Have Obama and his surrogates stumbled? Yes. Were they unrealistic in many of their assumptions? Yes. Are they learning some hard lessons about Washington? Absolutely. But the real test comes in the days ahead - will they learn from their mistakes, adjust, reposition themselves, etc.

One of the failures of the Bush adminstration was intransigence and inflexibility - staying the course even though it was clear it was the wrong course. Its too early to tell if/how well Obama will learn from his missteps. Clearly he has squandered some of his momentum, but what he does from here is most important.
Date: 2/12/2009 3:20:49 PM
Author: AGBF

2/11/2009 9:35:42 PM
Author: Rank Amateur

The perspective is that of a lap dog.

You''re entitled to your opinion, R/A. Bob Herbert does criticize Obama when Obama sells out to the right wing, however, and it is for that vigilance that I value Mr. Herbert. He is, in my opinion, a great man.


I read his last 20 pieces and saw no Obama criticism. Not one iota. All I saw was a lot of Bush bashing and lapping at Obama''s feet.

I see why you adore him, but he hardly supplies any real perspective.

Disclaimer: I have not read all of the comments.

However, I need to tell you that, as I mentioned to DH the other day, there was something I had said many years ago when I was a university professor. I said [on multiple occasions]: "Holy cr@p, these people are going to be running this country one day. This is not good." [They were undergraduate and graduate busines school students.]

Here we are . . . not good . . .
He has had to start at the very rock bottom to clean up the mess. It can only get better from here.

...and the answer is: no!!!

If you want to continue the discussion of whether Obama''s Presidency Has Already Failed in another thread, you may click on the above link. I thought that I should make the information in the new thread available for the edification of people reading this one. Frank Rich has some good insights into the way Washington works and the reason that Mr. Obama has been underestimated in his "The New York Times" column today.

Failed? Of course not. It''s silly even to think such a thing at this stage.
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