
Have you ever fallen head over heels for something that's a complete departure from your usual style?

All the time. ALL.THE.TIME.

That's what pinterest is for isn't it? ;) I have such a wide variation of pins for hairstyles, home decor, landscaping, and of course jewelry. Lusting after intricate, blingy pieces of jewelry is fun online, but in my real life I'd feel way to over the top. (Said while wearing pajama bottoms with toucans on them while I WFH.)

Because pics make a thread much more fun, here are things I love but wouldn't wear simply because they wouldn't go with my uber-loungewear.


I love the sheer audaciousness of those rings! Especially the solar system ring, and - at the other end of the spectrum - the green enamel ring right above it. I’d love to wear that solar system ring for sn evening out!
You're not alone, missy! See @Austina and @jaysonsmom's posts above. :bigsmile:

Ha I never read replies before I answer a post. What can I say. Great minds :)
@Kim N, It wasn’t just clothes and hair. Those earrings of the 80’s were torture devices on the ears. They were so big and heavy.

@Austina, You post made me laugh out load. My husband was also not my type. I think we are both very lucky and thankful we chose our husbands.
I just picture the dog running through that like wet cement...

Edit: I recently and inexplicably fell in love with a hand-knotted rug that has been in the remainder section of a downtown rug store for ~ 20 years (so they tell me) -- and the color combination supports this timeline. I can't stop thinking about it. We have no floor space for additional rugs! Spouse helpfully suggested that we could upgrade the one in our bedroom but it's not even the right size. I guess it's not a departure from the style of rugs we like -- but I honestly have not thought about rugs for a long, long time until I stumbled across this one.

And, yes -- seeing something in person or seeing it on your own finger or wrist (or earlobe...) can really cause a re-set in what you think you like! Decades ago, my wife asked me what type of watch I would want since we had a big anniversary in a few years. I said, I don't know; anything but a dive watch, I guess. Fast-forward: she surprised me with a dive watch (pretty sure she had no recollection of our conversation). And I just loved it and have worn it every day since -- it's indestructible -- and it has seen countless family adventures and most of the big oceans.

Enabling here: Is there a room you could do the "small rug on top of a large rug" thing in?
I remember you and I'm back with a photo. ::)


It arrived just today.

<Nov 6 2023>

It's gorgeous on you, Avondale! :love: The blues are stunning. Thanks for coming back to share!
bling in general I was never into it until 4 or 5 years ago. now I have been going nuts over it. I have always been more alt like which I still am but I do love a more classy look as well