
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 13th October till 19th October

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GL on the job! I''ll keep my fingers and toes crossed!
I know it''s squid tee hee I just was raised in a household that was veerrryyy seafood oriented. Oysters, squid, fish of all kinds, crab, lobster, you name it, we had it
Date: 10/17/2008 12:18:45 PM
Author: fieryred33143
Hi Everyone!

I''m down 5lbs!! Woo Hoo The total for this month so far is 8lbs and I''m really thrilled about that. I''m so nervous about the holidays coming up but hopefully it won''t be disastrous to my weight.

Anyway, I saw this article today on yahoo and found it to be Hilarious for some reason.

Banana Shortage in Japan

Congrats fieryred! I just weighed myself today and I''m down 2lbs. I''m so excited!

BTW, Smurysmiles... I''m glad the interview went well. Best of luck!
update: I have a followup interview at the company next friday after we move into town :)
Hi Friends!!! This morning I couldn't read my email too well, and thought wow my stigmtism (sp?) is getting bad. Well turns out I got a migraine
Don't you hate having migraines?!?! Well this evening I went for an hour walk and am feeling much better!

I am looking forward to watching House MD tonight. Hope everyone is doing well and TGIF!!

LADYPIRATE, I hope your back is better; I am sorry you hurt it. YIPEEEEEEEE, congrats on the job!!!! ah, thank you friend!!!

GECKODANY, thank you for the kudos! Yay for walking; and wooo hoo for a new ipod. I love my ipod; aren't they the best!! Happy walking!

SMURFYSMILES, sending you job ps dust!!!! Well try and trick your FI with healhty food but don't tell him it is health food. hehe

CROWNJEWEL, great idea; I lost 21.5 lbs over 1 1/2 years (I know I am slow). Yay for losing 10 lbs; that is so awesome! You are tiny! Hope you feel better soon!

TACORI, thanks friend!!! Aren't avocado's the yummiest! You are doing great. see you are thin; thank you for the kudos friend! Tessa, is just too cute!

SDL (MICHELLE) wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooo on the weight loss; that is awesome, friend!!!!
Thanks for the kudos!

JAS, YIPPEE, good to see you back! Hope the twins feel better soon!

APPLE, sounds like an inspiring lunch!

MARCY, howdy friend, thanks for the kudos! How cold is it? I am loving reading your WW!

ROD, hope you had a wonderful sushi night friend!!! Yay it is the weekend! Thanks for the kudos.

KIMI, Yay for your workout!!

DEEJAY, dang the hamstring! Hope they get better, hugs! I understand how you feel; I have a friend running a marathon and I would love to train w/her but these dang knees don't like running. Yay for the workout though! WOOOO HOOO on a 21 lb loss, awesome!

FIREYRED, yay for a 5 lb loss

DRAGONFLY what a gorgeous horse, thanks for sharing, thanks for the kudos too!

CHRGRGRL, hi there; yay for the boot camp! You are doing awesome!

Hugs everyone
Date: 10/17/2008 12:08:28 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Happy Friday kids! Just a quickie from me right now. Did 65 mins on the dreadmill at a slow pace and totally flat. Knee feels a bit better but now my hamstring is aching in protest. I feel like I spend my whole life icing one part of my body or another...

Was going to go to dinner with one of my clients but we''ve moved it to a late lunch instead.

The scale gods are smiling on me and I''m now down 21 lbs, and only 1.5 lbs from where I was before my surgery last summer. Woo hoo!

Hello everyone! And a special welcome back to you ***Jackie***!
OMG Congratulations Dee!!!
Date: 10/17/2008 7:17:13 PM
Author: Diva0413

Date: 10/17/2008 12:18:45 PM
Author: fieryred33143
Hi Everyone!

I''m down 5lbs!! Woo Hoo The total for this month so far is 8lbs and I''m really thrilled about that. I''m so nervous about the holidays coming up but hopefully it won''t be disastrous to my weight.

Anyway, I saw this article today on yahoo and found it to be Hilarious for some reason.

Banana Shortage in Japan

Congrats fieryred! I just weighed myself today and I''m down 2lbs. I''m so excited!

BTW, Smurysmiles... I''m glad the interview went well. Best of luck!

Congrats fieryred and Diva! This thread is shrinking fast!

Dragonfly - what a lovely horse!!!!
Okay, this little iPod may be the best investment we have ever made. I''ve walked 2 days in a row. And Adam (DH) loaded a bunch of techno on it, I got hyper, plugged in and have been up, moving and cleaning my place for the past 2 HOURS. I have scrubbed. And vacuumed. And steam cleaned the freaking living room. And I am WORKING. So - clean house, and non couch potatoish Gecko.
Date: 10/17/2008 9:23:46 PM
Author: geckodani
Okay, this little iPod may be the best investment we have ever made. I''ve walked 2 days in a row. And Adam (DH) loaded a bunch of techno on it, I got hyper, plugged in and have been up, moving and cleaning my place for the past 2 HOURS. I have scrubbed. And vacuumed. And steam cleaned the freaking living room. And I am WORKING. So - clean house, and non couch potatoish Gecko.
LOL! When I first got mine I was so excited that I used to wear it to walk to work, which was about a mile in the heart of downtown Chicago. After almost getting hit by a cab several times in a row because I wasn''t paying enough attention (seriously; when you have Cheap Trick screaming "I want YOU to want ME"!!! in your ears how can you possibly care about something so mundane as the "walk" signal?) I had to retire it to the gym only. Good for you for using it to get motivated -- now just promise me to stay out of traffic!
Date: 10/17/2008 9:37:53 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 10/17/2008 9:23:46 PM
Author: geckodani
Okay, this little iPod may be the best investment we have ever made. I''ve walked 2 days in a row. And Adam (DH) loaded a bunch of techno on it, I got hyper, plugged in and have been up, moving and cleaning my place for the past 2 HOURS. I have scrubbed. And vacuumed. And steam cleaned the freaking living room. And I am WORKING. So - clean house, and non couch potatoish Gecko.
LOL! When I first got mine I was so excited that I used to wear it to walk to work, which was about a mile in the heart of downtown Chicago. After almost getting hit by a cab several times in a row because I wasn''t paying enough attention (seriously; when you have Cheap Trick screaming ''I want YOU to want ME''!!! in your ears how can you possibly care about something so mundane as the ''walk'' signal?) I had to retire it to the gym only. Good for you for using it to get motivated -- now just promise me to stay out of traffic!
LOL! That so sounds like something I would do. DH has scared the crap out of me twice because I didn''t hear him coming. I promise to stick to sidewalks, treadmills and non-intersection related areas.
Date: 10/17/2008 9:50:31 PM
Author: geckodani
Date: 10/17/2008 9:37:53 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 10/17/2008 9:23:46 PM

Author: geckodani

Okay, this little iPod may be the best investment we have ever made. I''ve walked 2 days in a row. And Adam (DH) loaded a bunch of techno on it, I got hyper, plugged in and have been up, moving and cleaning my place for the past 2 HOURS. I have scrubbed. And vacuumed. And steam cleaned the freaking living room. And I am WORKING. So - clean house, and non couch potatoish Gecko.

LOL! When I first got mine I was so excited that I used to wear it to walk to work, which was about a mile in the heart of downtown Chicago. After almost getting hit by a cab several times in a row because I wasn''t paying enough attention (seriously; when you have Cheap Trick screaming ''I want YOU to want ME''!!! in your ears how can you possibly care about something so mundane as the ''walk'' signal?) I had to retire it to the gym only. Good for you for using it to get motivated -- now just promise me to stay out of traffic!

LOL! That so sounds like something I would do. DH has scared the crap out of me twice because I didn''t hear him coming. I promise to stick to sidewalks, treadmills and non-intersection related areas.
Hahhaha watch out for the treadmills. I know I''ve had a couple of moments where nobody else was working out so I started singing along and I''d get so caught up in it that I would start to slide towards the back hahah
Hye.....Thank god it''s Friday. This week just couldn''t end fast enough. I only one day off last week and I so need a couple days to rest. It was actually a rough week at work. I worked til well past 6 tonight. It was not a Sushi night as Charlie had to work until 10. He''s working during the day tomorrow, but we will have Sushi tomorrow night. I''m not sure what I''ll do tomorrow, except sleep as late as I can. Otherwise, if I feel like it I''ll go to the gym since I missed a few days last week because of my business trip to Dallas. We''ll see........ asked how much some of us have lost, so I thought I''d post my loss. I started Rebuild Rod 3 years ago (literally 3 years ago this week!) and I lost over 70 pounds total, but have since put some of the weight back on, BUT NOT AS FAT. I''ve really been working hard at building muscle and any weight I''ve added has all been muscle weight - which as we all know, weighs more than fat. My body fat went from nearly 34% to below 15%.

Good for you pushing yourself hard Kimberly!! It''s a good feeling afterwards, don''t you think? Say hi back to John from me!

I have no advice for you Smurf, but wanted say hey! Good luck on the in-person interview btw........

Isn''t great when the scale gods smile on you DeeJay??!! You''re doing great at losing too!! 21 lbs......WOO HOO!!!

WOW fiery!!! 8 lbs this month is something to be very proud of for sure!!

dragon, your boy is just beautiful. I think horses are beautiful, but they can sense that I am frightened of them. I was thrown from a horse when I was a youngster and have had a real fear of them ever since. I tremble, just walking up to one.

Charger, you should be proud of the fact that you''ve made it halfway through bootcamp! And I''m sure it makes you happy to see the difference after just 2 weeks on the huffing and puffing side. You go Charger!!

I''m sure you''re looking forward to Monday and start of YOUR weekend Michelle! I''m trying not to wear myself out. I live for the weekend and sleeping late. I don''t plan to get out of bed until after 9 AM, which is late when you have to get up at 6 ish during the work week. Woo Hoo for 11 Pounds. GO MICHELLE GO!!

YAY for being down 2 pounds Diva!!

I''m so sorry you had a migraine earlier Skippy, but it sounds like you''re doing much better this evening! I''ve had bad headaches before, but never a migraine. No Sushi tonight, but we will definitely have it tomorrow nigh.

Isn''t it amazing how quickly one can become addicted to using an iPod while exercising? I don''t use mine while lifting weights as it gets in the way, but I couldn''t imagine getting on the elliptical without my iPod. I''m glad you''re benefiting from yours.

I guess that wraps it up for me for this Friday. I''ll check in again over the weekend. I hope you have a great weekend!!
Hi all -- right now my posts will be catch as catch can. This group has grown significantly since I was here. That''s excellent!!!! I''ll try to "chat" with y''all as much as possible. Right now I have 2 slightly sick 7 week olds, so i''ll type quickly.

Thank you all for the lovely reception. I feel so popular! And Marcy, the babies are just fine. They are my cardio right now (although certainly not my relaxation!)

I am officially done nursing (my body just isn''t producing a thing right now), so my full-on shape up is beginning in earnest. For the last two weeks, with the dr.''s ok, I''ve been working on weights and stretching.

It''s tough...I cannot, right now, do extended cardio (or any, really) so I''m trying to turn regular activities into fitness activities. Putting laundry away I try to walk around the house as quickly as possible; taking babies/dog for walk, I try to do intervals; nagging husband, well, I''ve upped that workout by 50%.
(That''s a full body workout).

No batliptical for awhile until I can find 20-45 minutes uninterrupted. I figure a few months or so. I look at the Yoga Booty Ballet tapes longingly.

What I CAN do is a set of free weights or situps or other moves. What would take 15-25 minutes if I had a lump of time is taking sometimes 4-5 hours to complete, but it''s working.

I''ve been doing weights and ab work for 2 weeks. My back is pretty messed up, so I need to strengthen the core. I swear it''s working...I''m seeing the outline of ab muscles just the perimeter. NO 6 pack. More like a half keg).

My goal is staying healthy (I got into great eating habits this year), and getting fit. Fitting into my pants would be nice too, but I know my body is still re-adjusting.

I have about 4 pounds to go until I''m at a comfortable weight, and would like to lose 2 more on top of that. However, that''s going to happen as a result of the other two goals, so I''m TRYING not to obsess over scale numbers. Yeah, that will last.

My local grocery store just started stocking Le Fage (as I call it) and I''m going to take the plunge.

My homage to DeeJay, however, is to have a lovely stash of Reese''s. Of course they are for Halloween trick-or-treaters, tho.

(Full disclosure -- we get 3 trick-or-treaters. I have a 5 pound bag of candy.)

Off to work the abs!
Hi FRIENDS; just a quick check in for now (back later)! I have a birthday party to go to and hopefully hubby and I will ride bikes later on today! Have a wonderful day all
I went for my walk/jog routine this morning...its so pretty outside!
bleh- i had typed out a long reply to everyone and got an error message after i hit SUBMIT

here''s to a great weekend!
Morning All,

Had a quiet night at home last night, pork chops, low-fat risotto (made without cream and it was amazing!), and fruit salad for dinner. We hiked the lake this morning, haven''t done that in a long time. It was a great workout. We''re going to the movies this afternoon and then out to dinner.

Dee, you are doing fantastic! Congratulations to you.

Fier, you are making awesome progress. Don''t worry about the holidays. If it helps make a plan: I can splurge on the following days (e.g. I can splurge on Thanksgiving, at X Party, on Christmas Eve, and New Years Eve).

Dragon, gorgeous horse! My husband won''t eat sour cream, cream cheese, or mayo either. He also detests milk (I''ve actually pretty much stopped drinking milk). He loves fast food, but also loves his veggies and fruit. I''m lucky he''s so balanced.

Charger, good for you for doing so well at the shower. DOn''t be sad about being last, I''m a slow exerciser. When I ride bikes with my girlfriends I''m always bringing up the rear, I just have to remember it''s not about who''s first, we''re all out there to maintain health first and foremost. But I know how you feel.

Skip, so sorry about the migraine.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day.
Hi all! I managed 30 mins on the treddy today so pleased that I did some cardio on a Saturday. Eating is going quite well, so not bad overall.

DF your boy is beautiful!
Hi everyone. It's a gorgeous Saturday. Happy weekend! I'm at the trail end of my bronchitis so I had to cancel my swim lesson for today, which just breaks my heart. But I think it may be necessary to stay out of the pool for a little while so I can let my lungs rest.

So I am keeping track of the Healthier Lifestyle Thread and so far we've got:
CJ, LP, Kimi, DJ, FieryRed, DragonFly, SDL, Diva, Skippy, and Rod on the weight loss scale for a combined team total of 191.5 pounds lost with the support from this thread!

Kimi, I put you down for the full 13, because that is indeed how far you've gotten with the help of this thread. There is no "undoing" of your successes once you start posting on this thread. So basically, everyone's starting point is whatever you weighed when you started posting on the Weekly Workout Thread. Then whenever we have a progress checkpoint, we subtract from our starting weights.

Did I miss anyone?

Where are my yoga buddies? I'm gonna have to pull out that yoga DVD for today since I can't swim.

Smurfy, yes you can sneak veggies and healthy stuff into your FI's food. About a year or two ago, my FI (now husband) was sort of the same way. Even though he knew how bad some foods were for him, he said "but it's so TASTY!" So I guess I would schedule our dinners. Instead of him eating out all the time, I would ask him to have dinner with me. And I would cook something yummy. Anything you cook at home will almost always be healthier than food from a restaurant or fast food chain. As long as your FI knows that there's a healthier option for everything he eats, I think he'll learn to make better choices. For example, instead of eating french fries from McD's, roast potato wedges in the oven with olive oil, salt, pepper and rosemary. Make a salad with stuff he likes, pieces of cut up bacon (fat drained away after cooking), mushrooms, skirt steak, sundried tomatoes - whatever he thinks is tasty and flavorful.

There's this salad dressing by Annie's Organics, something like Asian sesame ginger and when I put it in a salad for DH, he decided that he would eat anything if it had that dressing on it. And ever since then, he has loved getting salads. :) My work here is done! Well, not really - we're definitely still working on eating healthy.
well he LOVES salads
problem- i hate them haha
thanks for that suggestion though :)
Super quick -- gotta get a contract negotiated before the HH finishes dinner, and he's very close!

Did 65 mins on the hampster wheel this morning, but I took it rather easy in deference to my aching knee...

Picked up my wedding dress from the tailor this morning. She managed to take it in a bit when she put the zipper in so as long as I don't lose any ridiculous amount of weight in the next three weeks I should be fine for that charity event. The one time I don't want to drop any weight though I'm sure I will.
I also went by and tried on some pants at Talbots on my way home from my second client. Their sizing is a bit wacked out because the things that fit me today were a 4 and I highly doubut that I'm really a 4.

Ate OK today, but who know what will happen when the HH puts that big plate of whatever it is making up there in front of me LOL because I'm suddenly very HUNGRY.

Hi to everyone! Maybe back later!
I walked today but ate too much and ended up eating lots of bread. Thank goodness I don''t do that too often but I did eat ice cream cake and toffee too. Back to normal life tomorrow. I should have brought a healthy side dish to fill me up; better planning on my part next time!

Have a great evening all
Hey.......It was a decent Saturday. Charlie had to be at work by 10 AM, so I was on my own for most of the day. I did some things that needed to be done, like clean the sliding glass doors, which is a major pain, but oh so nice when they''re nice and clean. Then I went out and had a sandwich and a cup of soup at Penera, followed by a cup of Sbucks under the oak. Then I hit the gym around 3 PM and had a terrific workout. I do love working out on the weekends. The serious guys are always there, but they are very considerate of others and will let you work in with them if you''re waiting for a machine. It''s nights during the week that are just awful and there are some really rude people who speak on their cell phones and chat with friends and pay no attention to the fact that someone is waiting for a machine......ugh. So, weekends are a great time to workout. And I really pushed myself hard and had a great workout. Charlie works tomorrow too, so I''ll probably go to the gym tomorrow too. Dinner tonight was great. We had Sushi at favorite Sushi place #1, followed by a cup of coffee at the Sbucks closer to our condo. Charlie insisted on splitting a cookie, but I only had a very small piece.

Jas, it''s great to hear the babies are doing great as are you. I''m sure you''re looking forward to getting back on the elliptical, but take your time and make sure you''re really ready. I can imagine taking care of the babies is a cardio workout in itself!

Hope you had fun at the birthday party Skippy and you an hubby got to go for that bike ride!!

Yay for your walk/jog Apple!!

It''s a bummer when you lose a nice long post Charger.........hope you had a nice day as well.

Yummm to pork chops and low-fat risotto Kimberly. What movie did you and J go to see? I''m interested in seeing "W" with Josh Brolin. It looks funny......Sad because there is some truth to it, but funny.

Sounds like you had a frustrating night at 911 Michelle. Wow, you have to ask for the caller''s race? I would have never imagined that, but I guess if you have to dispatch help, it helps for them to know. I still think what you do is remarkable. Stressful, but remarkable!

Yay for 30 minutes on the treddy Lorelei!!

CJ, Maryc needs to add her weight loss. She''s OUR WEIGHT LOSS CHAMP HERE......I believe the last count was something like 163 Pounds all by herself!!

Hey Smurf, I''m sorry you hate salads. I can''t tell you how much salad I''ve consumed over the last 3 years. I eat one pretty much everyday at work and often we have them for dinner too.

OK......that''s enough from me. I hope everyone had a very nice Saturday........
I think I will try the elliptical today to mix it up a little. Not much else to report!
Date: 10/19/2008 7:46:12 AM
Author: Lorelei
I think I will try the elliptical today to mix it up a little. Not much else to report!

Good idea. I''m going to take it a little slow and do some yoga. Oh, and I''m suppose to weigh myself later tonight. Keeping my fingers crossed hoping I lost either more weight or at least kept off the 2lbs I''ve already lost.
*sigh* Well, I didn''t lose this week, but I also didn''t gain, so I''ll take it! Off to shop with my mom, should be fun!
Hey everyone. I know I haven''t been on here in awhile. I have still been working out just no time to post about it. Anyway I am soo excited. I''ve lost four lbs and my body fat percentage dropped by 3%. Yeah!!! When I was working out on my own it took me a year and a half to get my body fat % from 36% to 31%. Within a month and a half of working out with my trainer, I have dropped down to 29.8%. I am soo excited about that. I don''t know why. This is the even weirder part. I found out that I lost a whole inch in my chest (boobs). I used to be a B cup but when I gained weight I went up to almost a D cup. My goal is to get my body fat percentage down to 20%, get down to 148 lbs and go back to being a B cup. I know that I am going to blow these goals out of the water. I can feel it. Anyway I have to start my homework so I will talk to everyone later. Have an awesome week!!!
Hi all; no exercise for me today. I was suppose to walk w/my cousin but got hit with a bit of the stomach bug. I am feel better now and hubby is taking good care of me; eating light today. Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend! You all Rock! Rod, I think I will watch DHW tonight. hehe Hi there SDL, Lorelei, Diva, Gecko, Museikchiki, wonderful news on the body fat (loss)!
Happy Sunday kids!

This morning I had to get up EARLY and go to the gym (think: Dee on the dreadmill BEFORE 7:30
) because my first open house started at 10. Ug.

Now the HH is off to some conference on the east coast and I''m at home with LC pizza and his cold from last week.

Not much else to report. Going to take some cold medicine and veg out with a book. Will catch up with everyone next week.
Hello Friends!

Geez, the weekend sure flew by...

I was hoping to do some kind of activity this weekend, but couldn''t fit it in. However, my eating was good- I kept things in check at a dinner party last nite, and the movies today.

Our pumpkin kick is still going strong- we made a scalloped pumpkin dish from CL. We paired it with salmon for dinner tonite. yum! We''re now watching the ALCS game, hoping the Red Sox will take game 7 and head to the world series.

Tomorrow is my weekly weigh-in and day 1 of my third bootcamp week.

Kimberly- sounds like you had a fab weekend. your dinner sounds delish
SDL- kudos to you for "listening" to your body and making changes to de-puff. i too get the carb bloat!
Lorelei- YAHOO for 30 treddy minutes and eliptical time today!
Crown- i weigh in tomorrow, and will post how much i''ve lost. it''s only my 2nd weigh-in, so my number is low. how cool that you''re keeping track!
Rod- i hope you were able to get in another weekend workout day!
Skippy- Glad to hear that you''re feeling better. stomach bugs are no fun
Diva- how was your weigh-in?
Geko- good for you for maintaining this week
museikchik- i dig your positive attitude! sounds like you''re well on your way to blowing your goals out of the water!
DeeJay- yuk on the cold. take it easy!
Hey.......I had a nice Sunday. Nothing out fo the ordinary, mind you, just a nice day. First of all, the weather.....O M G, it finally happened. The first cool front of the year finally blasted through while we slept last night. And from now through the end of May, we will be treated to some of the most sublime weather once could ever hope for. It''s why we live in Florida. So, today was the first of what will be many days of blissful weather. The high was only in the upper 70s, it was breezy and sky was the most perfect shade of blue one could ever hope for. OK...enough of me blabbering on about the weather. Charlie was off this morning and we really enjoyed having coffee, fruit and scone on the terrace. Then we headed out for a quick lunch and coffee under the oak. Charlie went to work and I hit the gym around 2 PM and even though my muscles were still sore from yesterday, I had a truly inspired workout today. I did all sorts of things I don''t usually have the time to do and I just really enjoyed myself. I did lot''s of lunges and squats and leg work, followed by free weights and very strong upper body workout. I ended my session with my usual 30 intense minutes on the elliptical. I traveled over 5 miles in 30 minutes. From the gym, I went grocery shopping and bought our dinner for tonight. Mr. Charlie who rarely if ever eats red meat, actually suggested we have filets for dinner with steamed veggies, so I was more than happy to oblige and I bought two really nice filets at Fresh Market, plus some jumbo shrimp for an appetizer. After dinner we headed ot enjoy a cup of decaf at the Sbucks closer to home and we had a couple pieces of 70% dark chocolate for dessert. Charlies off tomorrow, so we''re going to favorite Sushi place #2 for dinner after work. After two really hard days at the gym, I need a day off anyway.

I hope you enjoyed the elliptical today Lorelei!!

I hope the scale gods smiled on you today Diva!!

Good for you not gaining any weight this week Gecko!!

I''m sure it''s super stressful to do what you do Michelle. I hope you enjoy every minute of your three well deserved days off!

I''m betting you are going to achieve your gaols and then some Museikchik. I was once over 34% body fat and I thought if I could just get below 30% I''d be so happy. So I hit that goal and picked a new one and then a new one and then.......well you get the idea. I''m now below 15% body fat. So, my point? Hit your goal, then set a new one.

I''m sorry you''ve got a bit of a stomach bug Skippy. Feel better, sweetie! I missed DHW, becuase True Blood is the same time. But, I recorded DHW to watch later. I hope this week was better than last week, which was kind of silly to be honest. As I''m tying this, we''re watching Brothers and Sisters, which I think is a really good show too.

Oh no DeeJay........Working out in the early morning is just wrong to begin with, but doing it on a Sunday morning.........rediculous......LOL I''m sorry you caught Bill''s cold. Feel better and take care of yourself, OK?

Sorry Charger, Rod hopes the Rays win and we play in the World Series!! No offense mind you! Have fun at Bootcamp tomorrow.

OK........time to get some rest before the new week gets under way. Here''s wishing everyone a great new week!
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