
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 16th Feb till 22nd Feb

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Happy Sunday everyone!I went to the health clinic today and I have a sinus infection.They gave me antibiotics and some Muscinex D.I at least am not freezing tonight.Hopefully I will start to feel better in a few days.I am still really tired.

Today was a lazy day around the house.I worked on laundry and cooked breakfast and lunch but that is about all.We went to visit grandma this afternoon.She isn’t doing well; I am worried she has pneumonia.Marty is going to call tomorrow and talk to someone.

Lorelei, I hope to feel up to walking on my treadmill this week.I want to help with Skippy’s numbers for the week.

Kimi, glad you had a lovely time on your trip.

Skippy, yeah for getting so many taxes done today.I need to finish up mine.I guess I am avoiding it since we have to pay (we usually do) so I am in no big rush.Wow, you and your friend went for quite a long walk today.We are going to be in the 50’s here this week but of course that will be during the day so hopefully it will be nice after work.Thanks for the well wishes.

PhoenixGirl, it’s nice to hear from you.Congratulations on being pregnant.

Have a great evening.
Hey.........Sorry I was missing for a couple days. I'm alive and well in Sunny Florida. Friday was a long day, but we did end it with our usual Friday night Sushi date and we just came home and relaxed and I just didn't want to open my laptop, so we just chilled. Yesterday was a relaxing day. I slept in till nearly 10 AM. Charlie worked till 3 PM and I just did some chores, grocery shopping and had my car washed. Last night we met two dear friends for dinner and a movie, then we did something we haven't done in years and went to a club afterwards. It was interesting, but oh so smoky. We had a nice time and we probably won't be in any hury to go clubbing anytime soon. At least I didn't feel like an out of shape fat old man. I just felt like an inshape older man. Everyone was SOOOOO young. Today was a nice normal Sunday. We had coffee and a bowl of fruit for breakfast. Lunch at Panera. Coffee under the oak, then a really nice long 3 hour workout at the gym. Charlie was off all day, so the gym was more fun. I always enjoy my workouts more when we can do them together. Even the elliptical was more fun. We were side by side and we could push each other harder. At one point I noticed we were traveling at about 11 MPH. We both went over 5 miles in 30 minutes. Woo Hoo! Dinner was baked chicken and steamed veggies. Yuck.......tomorrow's Monday and the start of what will likely be another 'uber' long week, but what can one do. Winning the lottery's not working out too well............LOL

Skippy, I'm sorry you had a rough day. I'm hugging you from afar dear friend........I agree that we can't take friends and family for granted, but we often do. Yay for being sore though. It means you accomplished good things in your workout!! I'm certainly in for the workout challenge, but I can't compete if we're counting individual sessions. I couldn't possibly do back to back 3 hour workouts. So, you can count on me to do my usual Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday workouts this week which will add up to a minimum of 12 hours working out. I'm glad you saw Slumdog. It's pretty much sweeping the Oscars as I type this!

Marcy, I'm so sorry your cold has come back with a vengeance. I hope you're feeling better soon.

lliang you don't have to avoid the HLT just because you didn't work out. Being healthy is more than just working out. So feel welcome, even if you don't think you've done much on the fitness front.

apple, we all have splurgathons and it's OK. Life would be too boring if we were super good 100% of the time. It took me a long time to figure that out. Now if I splurge, I don't feel bad. I just go back to my healthier eating ways and get on with things...........

Woo Hoo for 4 workouts this week Lorelie!! You go girl!!

I hope the pool was good stephbolt.......

Sorry for the shin splints DeeJay. I've been having pain in my hamstrings in my right leg for the last couple weeks. I had been doing legs a bit hard and have had to cut back. Even my toes have been tingling. Today, I found a new machine in the corner of the gym that works your hamstrings and even though it hurt, it seems to have had a good effect. I'll do more with each workout this week and hopefuly won't have to go see the orthopedist..........Anyway, take care of your shins. The last time I had that, it lasted several weeks.

I don't know yoga, but am glad it was good for you dragon! I am so sorry about your friends cancer. Cancer is a hideous disease.

Tacori, you might want to reverse your workouts. I do cardio after all my core, pushups, chinups, dips and weights. Our trainer and articles I've read have indicated it's actually more beneficial to do cardio after working out. I end every workout with 30 intense minutes on the elliptical. Plus, believe it or not, lifting weights burns more calories than cardio and it might your scale budge a bit........

I'm glad you had a good time Kimberly!!

Hey Phoneix.......It's nice to see you and how exciting to see that you're expecting! I'm sorry you had difficulty watching Slumdog. It was one of the all time best movies I think I've ever seen, but do admit there were parts that were so profoundly sad. But the sum total of the parts were just stunning. At least to me. And I'm a sucker for a love story with a good ending.

I guess that does it for me. I hope everyone had a great weekend and is looking forward to a nice week ahead. See you in next week's thread!


Hi everyone.

The Muscinex is making me cough but hopefully that will help.I am boiling a big pan of water to help up the humidity but set the timer for fear I’ll forget it.

Rod, thank you for the well wishes.I am sure I’ll be back to normal in a few days.It was nice at the doctor today when they took my vitals; the only comment was everything looked great.That was quite a change from what I used to hear.

It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.We went to the bar both this week and last week and yes it’s definitely out of our element anymore too.Our bars and restaurants are all smoke free so that makes it nice for us non-smokers.Good luck winning the lotto.

See you tomorrow.


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