
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 1st Dec till 7th Dec

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Not even sure if you can see my hair since it is dark dark brown.

IMG0459 haircutCopy.JPG
Back from a 40 min fast walk; burrrr it is cold out. It is in 50 degrees right now. hehehe
Skippy he is doing well! He hates wearing his cone though! I find it funny.

Well, I am about to plug in my Wii Fit! Wish me luck! I have literally been a bottomless pit with food today
I am not even going to admit what all I ate. So I am going to try to counterbalace it some!
Hi Everyone!

I just wrote a long post and then deleted it because it was too long. I apologize if the wording isn''t as clear as it should be. I''ve had a long day and I''m too tired to back and reread. Let''s just say that I''ve fallen off the wagon big time and I need someone to kick me in the rear and help get me going again. I''ve begun to make excuses as to why I can''t go to the gym after school (the pool''s too cold [true!], I''m too tired, I just want to go home and veg...). I''ve also justified poor food choices and portion sizes at times. It''s funny, when I keep track of every single thing I eat, I''m able to keep to the usual 1500-1600 calories, although sometimes the portion of something I''m eating is quite large.

I saw the nutritionist today and she lowered my calories to 1228-1462 per day, given my new decreased weight. She said that lowering my calories could help, but I need to go to the gym at least 5 days every week. I''ve been slacking in this area also. I''ve gone 2-3x -- maybe.

It''s getting to the point where I''m overlooking things I know I need to keep doing. I''m very disappointed in myself and although I know I can always begin a new day tomorrow, how do I do that when it''s getting harder to make proper choices?

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Sorry for whining!
Hi All!

Zoe, it sounds like you''ve made some fantastic changes. I, too, do better when I count calories, but I don''t want to be stuck doing so forever, so I stop for a while, then return to it when I feel out of control. Please don''t beat yourself up, just consider yourself kicked (did you feel my butt in your rear) because you asked and keep going.

Miska, I missed that your dog requires a cone, hope all is okay.

Dee, sounds like planning will be complicated.

Skip, I missed checking in!

Marcy, stay warm.

I made it to the gym today, only to discover they''re working on the cardio room. So I drove home and spent some time on my elliptical here. We''re having eggplant parm lasanga for dinner (CL recipe). I was talking to a few teachers at lunch about baking and I made a comment about enjoying it, but not doing it often because I don''t want to weigh 200 lbs. again. They didn''t believe me. It was quite funny.

Have a great night, friends.
Hi everyone!

Thanks all for the congrats on the 8K. I'm still disappointed in my time, but proud of myself for actually showing up. :)

Yesterday I did my first day of bikram in, say, a year. WHEW!!! I've never gotten that dizzy before doing bikram, but I was SERIOUSLY loopy. It think it's kinda my fault for snacking all day. I was going to go again today, but my sister couldn't make the class and I'm not ready to face that heat by myself (in a motivational kind of way). So we're going to go tomorrow. I think it's good that I didn't go today because I snacked just a little too much, so I'm going to make an effort to do better tomorrow and hit yoga for real.

Dee, I go to yoga on Milwaukee Ave between Paulina & Wood. The website is I know of the Chicago Ave on you're talking about (on Chicago and La Salle) but this one is close to my sister too. Both have a unlimited classes for 30-days for first timers for $29. It's totally worth it. Sis and I went to the Milwaukee Ave place before so our month-log unlimited was $150. It's our job to make sure we hit yoga at least 3-4 times a week to make it worth it.
Kimberly, I'm originally from Florida, grew up in Miami. My folks now live in Palm Beach County.
Chargergrrl, hooray for your clothes being looser!
Rod, uber Tuesday indeed! That's awesome!
gecko, aw sorry about your cold. Feel better!
SDL, how's everything going at home with the in-laws and the crazy work etc. Hope it's getting better.
Skippy, TOTALLY love the haircut! I got a haircut Black Friday. My stylist put this smoothing stuff that made my hair really flat., so I didn't like it. So far I don't know if I love it, but I work from home so I have no motivation to blow-dry or style my hair every day. I'm going out with James and his schoolmates, so I'll have to blow dry it then and make a determination.
Date: 12/3/2008 2:38:54 PM
Author: Skippy123
Not even sure if you can see my hair since it is dark dark brown.

SKIPPY, I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!!!! You look adorable!!!! I got my hair cut today too, but it gets curly. All the natural curl comes back. The longer I let it go, the straighter it gets. HA!!!


Dee: I love your haircut too!!! You look darling!!!
Date: 12/3/2008 9:14:35 PM
Author: Linda W

SKIPPY, I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!!!! You look adorable!!!! I got my hair cut today too, but it gets curly. All the natural curl comes back. The longer I let it go, the straighter it gets. HA!!!


Dee: I love your haircut too!!! You look darling!!!
Thank you dearest LINDA I want to see your picture! hehe Dee''s hair is super duper adorable!!! I bet yours is super cute too!

Lliang, I want to see your hair; post a pic. hehe thank you!!!

ZOE, do you give yourself rewards every 5 lbs? I treat myself to an ice tea or massage every 5 lbs. I am like you I have to write it all down; it helps keep me on track. At WW people say that keeps them successful but I know we are all different but I did read a study somewhere saying that those who write things down are more successful, just a thought. I will send you a little kick because I know you are doing so well so I know you CAN DO IT!!!

Miscka, yay for the wii fit! Glad the pup is doing better.

KIMI, yay for the gym!
Hey.......It was another long day at work and I didn't leave the office till nearly 6:30. I was on a conference call with a client of mine in Seattle and they made me feel so good. I've worked pretty hard for them and haven't placed anyone there, but they keep changing the requirements and I've done everything I could to adjust and find what they want. Then in the middle of the call the VP of Human Resources starts saying how nice her office is as they're right next to the Space Needle in downtown Seattle and then she says.........I'd bet you'd love my office?? So, I commented that I'm sure I would love the view and she says, no, you don't know what I mean and then she went on to say that I was the best recruiter they've ever worked with and they would love to give me this office in Seattle and hire me. Of course it's in Seattle and my non-compete with my company would prevent me from considering such an option, but it was such a terrific compliment and it really put a smile on my face. Of course when I told Charlie about this, he was like, let's pack and move to Seattle.........Charlie was off today, so he fixed chicken thighs for dinner, with steamed veggies. It was nice to come home to a nice hot dinner. We went out for a cup of coffee afterward, which was nice too. Tomorrow's an 'uber' day again as I'll go to the gym directly from work.

So, some real winter weather's heading your way Marcy?? Brrrrrrrr, stay safe and warm, OK? I did sleep pretty well last night after my 'uber' day. Thanks!

I'm sorry you've caught a cold gecko. I hope you feel better soon. Jewish Papa Rod says have chicken soup! Chicken soup cures all ills. Honest!

DeeJay, take care of that knee. Do you take Glucosamine/Chondroitin? It's really good for your joints. I take one every day. You can get it at your nearest GNC. Thanks for link on The Palm Chicago. We were actually talking about the Palm tonight as Charlie wanted to see if that's still where I want to go for my birthday lobster in a few weeks, and of course it is. We'd love to come visit you and Bill and go to the original Palm!! I'm betting you're going to have a lot of guests at your party! Wish we could come........

Skippy, I love the new haircut. You're just the cutest!! Did you see I posted my soup recipe for you in last week's thread? I'm betting hubby's soup was terrific! I'm sorry the X-Files movie was a bust. I was once into X-Files, but they ultimately lost me and I couldn't keep up. Kind of like Lost, the TV show. I missed a couple episodes and could never figure out what was going on........LOL

Hey Kimberly, sorry I didn't get to say hi yesterday. Knowing what you look like today, one simply can not imagine you being anywhere near 200 pounds. I'll bet those teachers were shocked you were ever a 'big' girl.

I hope you had fun with your Wii Miscka.........

Zoe, you can see the great things that have happened to you on the outside, but you can't see the benefits that exercise makes on the inside. So, the next time you think of blowing off your workout, think of your body being deprived of the great things that working can do for your heart, lungs, blood, organs, etc. Many of us have to push oursleves to workout. Trsut me, there are so many times after an 11 hour workday, that I think I would just rather go home and not go to the gym, but then I think of my body and all the benefits that my workout will give me and I'm scared not to go. Honest, sometimes it's fear that drives me to the gym. I remember how unhealthy I was before and how much better I feel and look and it pushes me keep up my workout schedule. I hope this helps some.........

Hey Lliang, I meant to congratulate you on the 8 K too! Thanks for the kudos on my 'uber' day........

Linda, you need to post a picture of your new doo!!

OK.....It's now after 11 and I need to get some sleep so I can make it through my 'uber' Thursday. Sleep well everyone!
Rod, thank you very much, but I am not posting a picture of my 59 year old "mug"
tee hee.

Hi everyone!
It looks like we got 5 to 6 inches of snow.It’s big and fluffy snow; it’s very pretty.
Geckodani, get better soon.

DeeJay, sounds like you did some marathon shopping.I hope your knee feels better.My multiple layers of clothing did help keep me warm today.Tomorrow I am wearing tights under jeans and boots.It’s 8 degrees here right now.
Skippy, I love your new hairdo.The layers look great on you.You are beautiful girl!That is very nice of you to go visit your neighbor after hearing the sad news.I will take your 50 degree weather over my 8.

Miscka, I tried a Wii Fit this weekend.My balance wasn’t too far off.It was fun to play with.
Zoe, sorry to hear you’ve had a few rough weeks.When I feel myself getting off track I go back to writing down what I eat, weighing out my food and trying to get out and walk more.Don’t be hard on yourself, just work on getting back on track one day at a time.
Kimi, I will try to stay warm but it’s difficult.Too funny they didn’t believe you used to weigh 200 pounds.That puts a big smile on your soul.

Lliang, I am very proud of your for the 8K. That is a major accomplishment.
Linda, how nice to have naturally curly hair.My hair is very straight.I too want to see a picture of your new hairdo too.
Rod, what a wonderful compliment from the lady is Seattle.She knows how awesome you are just from working with you. I am trying to stay warm but right now I am very chilly.

Sleep well all those in HLTland.

LLAING, great pic of the snow thanks dear!!! It looks CHILLY there - yikes!!!!
Date: 12/3/2008 2:37:11 PM
Author: Skippy123

Or ice ice baby like Lorelei says.
Skippers.....I have a little surprise for you....

Hair looks gorge!!!!
Morning All,

Today is one of my long days, will go for a walk or jog in between jobs.

Rod, what a compliment! I don''t think you''d like Seattle much though, it''s very cold, wet, and grey.

Lliang, no wonder the snow is shell shock for you! My husband and I, Southern Californians through and through, almost moved to Chicago about a year ago. The snow/cold/wind would have been difficult for both of us to adjust to.

Skip, the hair is gorgeous!

Marcy, the compliment was nice to hear, quite funny not to be believed.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
well the Wii Fit was fun. Except there is this running in place part, and my dog flipped out! He could NOT figure out what I was doing and was barking his head off. It was annoying but hilarious!

Zoe-don''t apologize for whining. We all fall off the wagon. I did yesterday in a huge way. But I woke up this morning and decided to forgive myself and move on. I know I am trying, and I know that I will probably never be perfect at it. You have been working so hard, don''t allow yourself to backslide too much. I think it was Dragonfly who said "fall down 7 times, get up 8" or something like that. I really liked that. Also, I find exercise to be a serious habit thing. Keeping up the habit is the biggest part. Hugs!

Kimberly-I have enjoyed your ornament thread! I remember it from last year, and it amazes me what is out there. My dog had surgery on his eye, so he has to wear the cone till tomorrow to keep him from rubbing it. He is a small dog so the small cone cracks me up...except when he is trying to snuggle me at night and he hits me with it!

Liang-good for you for going to Bikram. I have never tried it, but I used to go to a yoga class that I loved. Unfortunately, it is crazy expensive here. I need to get back though, I still have some lessons left on my membership.

Skippy-love the 5lb reward idea! So much easier when you break it down to manageable goals.

Rod-what a lovely compliment. Good for you!

Hi Marcy!

Hope everyone has a great day!
hey everyone, sorry for the slacking yesterday. My grandmother''s birthday was yesterday so we went out to eat! Tuesday night I got in some serious abdominal work and did arms and worked my sides and legs a bit. Tonight I plan to do more sculpting work and add in more jumping jacks for cardio. Last night was so bad, I had lobster raviolis.... o...mmm....gggggggggg It was sooo delicious. Tonight my cousin is in town and we are going out again (ugh) but I''m just going to have salad I think. OK so here''s a peek of what our hiking trip looked like. I didn''t get a lot of us actually HIKING but I''ll post later with our snow man :)
Skippy - you have to share your haircut like I did!
Charger - grats on the loose pants
marcy - eek, dress warm!
gecko - vitamin c and fluids!!!!!!!!
DeeJay - GJ workout
Hi lorelei, liang, rod and everyone else!

Skippy - nm just saw your hair above, TOO CUTE
I''M ALIVE! Sorry I have been MIA. I''ve been sick for the last week. Blah. The only benefit is I didn''t gain any weight and lost a few lbs so I am back at my low weight since pre-baby. Glass is half full. Haha! My goal is to leave the house today. It''s been DAYS. Luckily the monkey was spared my virus.

Skippy and Dee LOVE the haircuts! Very cute.

Dee*jay I am curious what your ideal weight is since we are almost the same height. It''s cool if you don''t feel comfortable to share. 15 lbs seems like a lot for you. You look small!

Lor, glad you loved the mac & cheese. I know I am addicted plus it is relatively guilt free.

Everyone else, hope you had a great thanksgiving! Sorry I am not addressing everyone put hope everyone has a healthy and happy day!
Date: 12/4/2008 11:09:49 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I''M ALIVE! Sorry I have been MIA. I''ve been sick for the last week. Blah. The only benefit is I didn''t gain any weight and lost a few lbs so I am back at my low weight since pre-baby. Glass is half full. Haha! My goal is to leave the house today. It''s been DAYS. Luckily the monkey was spared my virus.

Skippy and Dee LOVE the haircuts! Very cute.

Dee*jay I am curious what your ideal weight is since we are almost the same height. It''s cool if you don''t feel comfortable to share. 15 lbs seems like a lot for you. You look small!

Lor, glad you loved the mac & cheese. I know I am addicted plus it is relatively guilt free.

Everyone else, hope you had a great thanksgiving! Sorry I am not addressing everyone put hope everyone has a healthy and happy day!
Hey Tac, we missed you! I hope you feel better soon, what a double whammy with tonsilitis and the ear trouble. Great job on the weight though! And we loved the mac and cheese!

Hiya Dragon!
Good Morning all!!!! I am meeting a high school friend/coworker for lunch; I can't wait to catch up with her!!! I probably will be going for a walk this evening; I notice the days I walk I tend to sleep better. Thank you all for the sweet haircut compliments; you all are such sweetie pies and good for the soul. hehe

Have a Wonderful Wonderful Thurs, yay it is almost Friday

LLIANG, post your pic and wooo for yoga! I bet you feel great from doing it! Thank you for the compliment! Love your snow pic!!! I bet it puts you in the holiday mood. hehe

LINDA, I want to see your pic; I bet you look adorable! Thank you for the compliment!

DEEJAY, I am w/Tacori you look tiny to me there would be nothing left if you lost 10 or 15 more. You look great!!!

ROD, wow, what a sweet compliment but honestly it does NOT surprise me at all; you are a wonderful friend and I am sure a wonderful worker but I do know it is a nice reminder. Are you sure you don't want to move to Seattle? hehe That was cute what Charlie said. hehe Thank you for the compliment!

MARCY, 6 inches of SNOW! eeek! No thanks friend; I will keep my 50 degrees and don't want 8. We hardly ever have 8 degrees here only up north from my city. I am not a cold weather girl. hehe I have friends who live in CO and love it but I can't handle the burr. hehe I bet it is beautiful though!!! Thank you for the sweet compliment on my hair!

LORELEI, grrrrrr, will not open Vanilla Ice link; I was tricked before
but I know what it is coming this time. LOL
hehehehe eeeeh! Hugs, you made me laugh!!!

KIMI, Thank you for the compliment! Don't work too hard and enjoy the run/walk, great job!!! Yay for not gaining either; that is awesome friend!!! I bet it was so much fun to see your nephew!

MISCKA, lol to your dog; too funny! You are right the 5 lb thing is great for manageable goals. hehe Thanks!

DRAGON, glad to see you back. I LOVE LOBSTER raviloli; I am so jealous and i bet it was super fresh!! Happy bday to your sweet gram! Thank you for the compliment! Adorable picture of you; love the snow!!!! Where is that???

TACORI, woooooooooooooo HOOOOOOOO for being at your low weight, awesome!!!!
Yay for being my glass is half full friend, love that about you!! Yay that Tessa didn't get sick. I missed you and glad you are feeling better friend!
Due to the miracle of my own stupidity I just deleted a long post where I responded to everyone personally and I don't have the time or the energy to redo it. Argh!

Anyway, I did a medium hard 65 mins on the hampster wheel this morning, which was my compromise with myself in terms of wanting to get a good workout in and still be able to walk later on today.

Tacori, according to my wacky wonked out scale this morning I'm at 128.5 (but as you know I have limited faith in the numbers that thing produces!). The girl at the gym is at about 115. I would LURVE to get to 110, but even at 115 I'm doing the happy dance. (In my tie dye thong no less!
) Clothes-wise right now I'm about a 4 regular or a 6 petite, depending on what it is. If I ever get to a ***2*** or--GASP!--a ZERO everyone will hear an angel chorus when then open the WWT that day!!!

Skippers, super cute do girlfriend!

Gotta hop. Be back later!
Skippy, not sure how I would have handled a sick baby while sick. Good thing I didn''t have to.

Dee*Jay, you are crazy! Haha. I haven''t seen 110 since college. I was around 118-120lbs (size /4)when I got married and that is my ideal weight. I felt good about myself there. However my short term goal is 125lbs (size 4). That is what I was when I got preggo. Currently I am 133lbs (size 6) so I have a ways to go
I just cannot WAIT to break the 130 mark. THAT will be a happy, happy day.
Hey everyone!

Okay I''m all set to do yoga today. Snacking has been down to a bare minimum and I''ve got leftovers in the fridge for James to heat up for dinner. I''m going to dinner over at sis''s after yoga and head back after that. James invited a school friend to crash @ our place on Friday night (after we all go out) so the dog''s having a sleepover at sis''s this weekend.

It. Got. Freaking. COLD!!!!!! It''s like under 20F here. BBRRRRRRR! Hot box yoga sounds good. My hair''s so much shorter now I need to figure creative ways to keep it back. it''s actually not that much shorter from the front, but a good few inches got cut from the back. It''s still long-ish because my stylist knew I''d be getting married in a year and didn''t want to set me back too much. I''ll post pictures of my haircut after tomorrow, when I finally have a reason to blow dry it. Somehow i dont'' think my dog will be too impressed with me blow drying my hair for work. A part of me feels bad, like I should blow dry it for James at least, but then I figure that''s a pretty pointless reason.

I''ve been drinking at least 2.5 liters of water every day since I''ve started the bikram stint. I usually do 1.5-2L.

Rod, wow that''s a great compliment you got on your conference call. Good luck on your uber day today.
Kimberly, I''ve been in Chicago for about 10 yrs now, counting college, so I''m used to the miserable Chicago winters. But it still wears on me. I keep wistfully dreaming of the day I move to somewhere that''s actually WARM during Easter...
Miscka, doesn''t Wii Fit have a yoga program? You should try that.
Tacori & Dee, wow, I''m with you guys on my ideal weight. I was 125 in high school (but in really good shape), lost ALL my muscle weight from a surgery and was down to 105. Gained weight back to 115-ish during college, but none of it was muscle. Was stuck @ 125-128 through most of my post-college days. Crept up to 130 when I turned 27 (probably from drinking- I didn''t drink in college). Now I''m at 140 even though I work out more now than I have in since high school. I don''t get it
Lor, forgot to say I missed you too friend!

lliang_chi, how tall are you? I got down to 116lbs before my wedding but it was HARD! As horrible as this sounds I want to enjoy my life. So if that means not being skinny again (I was like 105lbs in high school...sick. Haha) than so be it. I''ve always been content with thin over skinny. I think I look good around 120-125lbs and it is more realistic to me. To get back into the teens seems impossible! My pants did feel loose on me today! But I know weight loss due to illness usually comes back. Since I have been less hungry I am hoping to keep my food intake like it is now. We''ll see. Also want to try the gym thing again.
OK. Let me just say that this evening I have eaten not one. Not two. Not three. But FOUR Walker shortbread cookies. Just becuase they were there. I CANNOT WAIT for this party to be over with!!![ :cry:]
Date: 12/4/2008 3:09:36 AM
Author: Lorelei
Date: 12/3/2008 2:37:11 PM

Author: Skippy123

Or ice ice baby like Lorelei says.

Skippers.....I have a little surprise for you....

Hair looks gorge!!!!

Arrgghh! I''m not the one who this was directed to but once again, I got sucked in by it! The funny thing is I just UN-bookmarked this link last week! DH thinks he''s SOO cool for knowing all the words to 80''s white rap!
Hey........yesterday was a good day at work. Today just sucked..........I had a candidate who was supposed to get an offer today. He was laid off from his job with a major computer corporation after 12 years and he was so excited about the opportunity I had for him, but instead of calling him to make him the offer, the client called and said they lost the funding for the position and they wouldn''t be able to hire him. They thought he was fantastic, and the truth is, he was a perfect fit for their need. It was just awful to have to call someone who was waiting for my call, who was thinking he was getting a great offer, only to hear from me they won''t be filling the position. Perhaps I get too emotionally wrapped up in my candidates, but I so care about them and this just sucked.

So, I really really really needed my workout at the gym tonight. I left work around 6 PM and hit the gym by 6:20 and didn''t leave the gym until about 9:15. I worked out hard and did my best to just erase this not so great day. At least tomorrow''s Friday and Charlie''s not working tomorrow night, so we''ll have our regular Friday night Sushi dinner.

I''m sorry I can''t say hey to everyone individually. It''s after 11 PM and I need to wind down and get to bed soon.''re adorable!!
Marcy, I hope you took pics of the snow and are going to post them!
Oh come on Linda........I''m betting you''re absolutely beautiful!

To everyone else.......Hi and thanks for the kind words on my call with my client yesterday. And Kimberly, I''m sure you''re right that I would not like the weather in Seattle. I''m not a cloudy day/rainy day kind of guy, so I know it wouldn''t be the place for me..........

Hi everyone.Tomorrow if finally Friday!I am so excited.I am within ½ of a pound of where I was before my 5 days of vacation and Thanksgiving.Yippee.We have about 6 inches of snow here and it’s very cold.I wore tights under cords today, big fuzzy socks in some thermal hiking boots, a thermal top, sweater and flannel shirt to work so I was pretty warm.

Lorelei, our snow is pretty here but it sure is cold.

Kimi, long days are not fun.I am looking forward to my last week of campus classes next week.It is funny to run in to people to have no idea what you used to look like.Nice though.

Miscka, too funny about Wii Fit freaking the dog out.I would get annoyed at the sounds after awhile myself.

Dragonfly, great photo.You are so cute.I am trying to stay warm.

Tacori, glad to hear you are feeling better. That’s a heck of a way to lose weight but it’s still nice to see anyway.

Skippy, I hope you had a fun time at lunch today.I’m not a fan of 8 degree weather either.Tomorrow we should be back near 40 again.Woo hoo!

Lliang, it is colder there than here.Stay warm.

DeeJay, the cookies sound good. When is your party?

Hi Somethingshiny.

Rod, that stinks about working so hard with and for that guy then to have the position fall through.That is why you are so good at your job; you put your heart and soul in to helping them. Here is my snowy front yard.



Hi everyone,
I haven''t checked in for awhile. Things have been insane lately. I am soo excited. My trainer weighed me today and I lost another pound. I lost an inch off of my waist and an inch off of my chest. I knew I was getting smaller and my body fat percentage is at 28%. I am soo stoked right now. If only I could stop eating like crap and actually start running like I tell myself I am going to then those numbers would be even better.

Skippy, I love your haircut it looks awesome.

Rod: Congrats on getting that compliment from your client, that is awesome.
I''m sorry that I haven''t been able to check in this week, other than to complain about my situation. It''s been a busier week than I had planned. I''ll have time to check in later though.

Hi Kim, Skippy, and Miscka -- thanks for your words of encouragement, and for the kick in the rear. I like Dragon''s advice, and I''ll have to remember that.

Hi Rod -- thank you! It''s weird -- I know I''ve lost weight because the scale says so (and others have commented), but I can''t see a difference and my clothes aren''t really fitting much different. When I buy clothes, I think I buy ones that fit a tad loose to begin with. If I could see a difference, I guess I wouldn''t be so bummed. I am flattered that others have begun to notice. One teacher that I work with commented on it not too long ago, and it was on a bad day I was having. Her comment made my day, and I told her that. I''m planning on going to the gym later and definitely this weekend. I''ll keep in mind your words of encouragement. Thanks!

By the way, you had asked a couple weeks ago what my husband does, and I replied in that week''s thread. I''m not sure you''ve seen it, so I''ll post it again later. My husband and I have a few questions for you too, if you don''t mind. I''ll check in later tonight.

Thank you Marcy!

Okay, I have to run but I hope everyone has a good day.
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