
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 24th Nov till 30th Nov

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Date: 11/25/2008 9:50:18 AM
Author: Skippy123
Hi Friends, can you please say a little prayer for my dad this morning; they are doing the little procedure this morning, thank you

Today I have my little nephew, hopefully it will warm up enough to take him to the park. It will be fun to see him and have the whole day together! I also bought him a new kick ball so we could play out back. hehe Oh one good note is that I fit in a pair of jeans that didn''t fit before and now they do!!!!! hehe
Hope you all have a wonderful eve eve of Turkey day!

DEEJAY glad you enjoyed the sushi! YUM

MARCY, thank you for your sweet anniversary wishes dear friend!!! I feel the same about you! Yay for a sale w/your friend! Woo!

MISCKA, I am trying to be good too, hehe Ah, you are so sweet!!!! You made my day dear friend!

Skip, my strongest thoughts and prayers are going your Dad''s way.
Hi all! Happy Thanksgiving, be safe, have fun, life is busy and I''ll be back next week!

Hey Lor and everyone! I got a new job in my company and we are training (or when we aren''t training I''m pretending I''m busy), so no poaching company time to post on PS. Not that I was doing the most stellar job in the fiiiirst plaaaace.

But I do like my excuses!

Just hanging in. I feel fairly craptastic about my lack of exercise and eating discipline. The only way to stop feeling crappy is to do things differently (or at least try to). I go to a little yoga and I do some lunges and squats per dragonfly (I haven''t forgotten you!), but no treddy o'' doom or buttstairs. EH. EHHHH.

Anyway I noticed no one had answered Rod''s (perhaps rhetorical) question re: chicken and beer. You literally sit the chicken down on the beer can, Rod, so it''s standing up in the pan. I didn''t read the prior thread so maybe this was explained already in painful detail (and if so, I apologize for the redundancy). I''ve made "beer butt" chicken before and it''s pretty darn good. I still prefer just a baked chicken in a bag with garlic and spices and veggies in there, but the beer chicken is a nice variation.

HOKAY better go before someone notices my subordination.

Happy Thanksgiving folks. Enjoy that pie, Rod. Is this the one diet "misstep" that you allow yourself during the year, or am I remembering incorrectly?
Date: 11/25/2008 10:53:41 AM
Author: Julianna
Hey Lor and everyone! I got a new job in my company and we are training (or when we aren''t training I''m pretending I''m busy), so no poaching company time to post on PS. Not that I was doing the most stellar job in the fiiiirst plaaaace.

But I do like my excuses!

Just hanging in. I feel fairly craptastic about my lack of exercise and eating discipline. The only way to stop feeling crappy is to do things differently (or at least try to). I go to a little yoga and I do some lunges and squats per dragonfly (I haven''t forgotten you!), but no treddy o'' doom or buttstairs. EH. EHHHH.

Anyway I noticed no one had answered Rod''s (perhaps rhetorical) question re: chicken and beer. You literally sit the chicken down on the beer can, Rod, so it''s standing up in the pan. I didn''t read the prior thread so maybe this was explained already in painful detail (and if so, I apologize for the redundancy). I''ve made ''beer butt'' chicken before and it''s pretty darn good. I still prefer just a baked chicken in a bag with garlic and spices and veggies in there, but the beer chicken is a nice variation.

HOKAY better go before someone notices my subordination.

Happy Thanksgiving folks. Enjoy that pie, Rod. Is this the one diet ''misstep'' that you allow yourself during the year, or am I remembering incorrectly?
THERE you are!!!!!! I missed you!!!! What are you doing with the new job, still playing with sparklies???
I must''ve skipped Rob''s post about Beer Can Chicken/Beer Butt Chicken. You can make it in the oven or on the grill (on indirect heat, that is make sure there is no burner lit under the chicken). Bake the same way. You can also do BC-Turkey using those 40 oz Fosters cans.

I like making BCC whenever James has beers in the fridge he doesn''t like. I also use beer in chili too. Apparently I have 10 bottles of Bass and a few bottles of Miller Light to use up. Darnit! Why doesn''t he just ask ppl not to bring those beers... A girl can only cook so much Beer-stuff. And I don''t even like beer! Perhaps I''ll try beer batter next.

Oh gracious no! I haven''t worked for Jim for quite a while, I''m talking about my "real" job, which is in *gulp* insurance.

I wish I was playing with sparklies!!

Anyway, my NEW job here is HelpDesk, so I''m doing computer support, which is far more fun.

We have training for a very long time (at least 8 weeks), and then we''re off to the races. Woohoo! I do love my inanimate machines.

I wanted to relate to you also that I am still trying to get my hands on that perfume we were discussing. I had the weirdest experience with an online store wherein I ordered the perfume and went through the whole checkout process and got an order number and then realized I HADN''T PAID! Because they didn''t ask me to! I got a confirmation email and everything. That''ll teach me to order from sites that I''m completely unfamiliar with. Needless to say, that threw me off of the perfume-ordering trail. I''ll get to it though. Sheesh.

I missed you too! Glad to see your snowy avatar and cheerful santa-hat-wearing emoticon.
Date: 11/25/2008 11:20:40 AM
Author: Julianna

Oh gracious no! I haven''t worked for Jim for quite a while, I''m talking about my ''real'' job, which is in *gulp* insurance.

I wish I was playing with sparklies!!

Anyway, my NEW job here is HelpDesk, so I''m doing computer support, which is far more fun.

We have training for a very long time (at least 8 weeks), and then we''re off to the races. Woohoo! I do love my inanimate machines.

I wanted to relate to you also that I am still trying to get my hands on that perfume we were discussing. I had the weirdest experience with an online store wherein I ordered the perfume and went through the whole checkout process and got an order number and then realized I HADN''T PAID! Because they didn''t ask me to! I got a confirmation email and everything. That''ll teach me to order from sites that I''m completely unfamiliar with. Needless to say, that threw me off of the perfume-ordering trail. I''ll get to it though. Sheesh.

I missed you too! Glad to see your snowy avatar and cheerful santa-hat-wearing emoticon.
I did wonder as I hadn''t seen the JA logo for a while on your siggy. I know how you luuurve computer stuff, so I bet that is super fun for you!

Struth with the Habanita, if you need some other places to order, lemme know! You MUST get it!

Heheh! Glad you like my festivey av and santa man!
Date: 11/25/2008 11:57:23 AM
Author: Lorelei

I did wonder as I hadn't seen the JA logo for a while on your siggy. I know how you luuurve computer stuff, so I bet that is super fun for you!

Struth with the Habanita, if you need some other places to order, lemme know! You MUST get it!

Heheh! Glad you like my festivey av and santa man!
ACTUALLY if you know of any places where I might procure a less-than-fullsize bottle, I'd be much appreciative. I checked with fishbone but she seems to be downsizing, and anyway, I'm not sure if this one was "exotic" enough to start with.
Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't post last night. We did SO's 21st bday family dinner. He really enjoyed himself, and his mom came which made me so so happy! I just love when we get everyone together. Tonight I'm doing his surprise dinner, which I'm excited about as well!
I really wanted to take time to reflect on my thankfuls, there are a lot of things but I wanted to get the ones that mean the most to me. So here are mine
- I'm thankful each and every day that I am healthier by the day and live a healthy lifestyle. I see less and less of the "chronic" problems I had before like food allergies, shortness of breath, sinus issues, and my tendency to slip in and out of anemia (low iron). I have more energy and am HAPPY
- I'm thankful for the people that MAKE me happy, my so, family and close friends. My dogs, horses and piggy. They are the highlight of my days
- I'm thankful for my big blue eyes, eyes are the windows to the soul.
- I'm thankful for my smile, and hope it can warm the day of others
- I'm thankful for my ability to run a mile without stopping. This was not something I could do a year ago, and I have always truly loved to run.
- I'm thankful for my cooking abilities to help me learn to cook new things and not just stick with the same ole same ole
- I'm thankful for my family being supportive of my health goals
- I'm thankful for my long pianist fingers, my pretty toes, and my wonderful calves. I have horse back rider legs for sure and love that.
- I'm thankful that I am now beginning to see the tone I want in my body
- I'm thankful for my SO who accepts me no matter what, and has never said anything hurtful about my weight even when I was overweight.
- When it comes to fitness, I am most thankful for groups like this and my fitness group. You guys keep me inspired, help me set goals for myself, help me get ideas, and support me through and through. So Thank you.

Hope everyone has a lovely Thanksgiving if I don't see you guys after this!

Miscka - how's the candy challenge going?
Skippy - hi friend! How have you been!? I love my walks, but need to be jogging more and more and more
brrrr- it was cold at bootcamp this morning. Fall weather has finally hit L.A! I had never been so happy to begin our warmup routine, and see the sun come up.

We played a good-old fashioned game of tag and then worked on our abs and core. In between sets of these exercises, we''d get up and run 2 laps around our area of the park. Yep, all this warmed me up!

I''m meeting a friend for lunch today, and i''m checking out the menu online so that i''ll be prepared.

OK, gotta cut this short- work is calling!
Date: 11/25/2008 9:18:17 AM
Author: Lorelei
Hey Tac - made the mac! It went well so I will let you know the verdict when we have polished it off!

What did you think?
My dad is doing well, much to be thankful for here and thank you! THANKYOU THIS thread is so wonderful, I am thankful for Lorelei kicking it off rain
or shine!! I am Thankful for all you wonderful friends who CHEER each other on here

Be safe everyone!!! Happy Thanksgiving if you are leaving to see family or going out of town
Skippy, I''m so glad to see that your dad is doing well. I meant to tell you he was in my thoughts and prayers!

Julliana and lliang, thanks for the beer can chicken clarification. I will have to try it sometime, but I guess I''d need to buy some beer too. I''m not much of a drinker, though I do have a Sapporo beer with sushi, but it comes in bottles.

Thanks for the kind comments on the pics I posted. It is pretty terrific having such a wonderful view.

It was my usual ''uber'' long Tuesday. I actually didn''t leave work till after 6 PM, but still made it to the gym and got on the floor at 6:45, but it meant I didn''t leave till the gym till after 9:30. Dinner was an exciting Lean Cuisine and a protein shake. I''m off all day tomorrow. The office is open, but I was given the day off for placing the guy I''ve written about lately. So, I''m really looking forward to having 5 days in a row off. This is actually my first time to take anytime off since I started my new job last July! Tomorrow night we''ll probably have dinner out then, Charlie will want to come home and make his yearly cinnamon, clove/nutmeg pie with pumpkin flavoring!! It''s fun to see him enjoy making this pie and it does make the house smell like Thanksgiving!

Sorry, I can''t say hey to everyone individually. It''s now 11:30 and I''m beat and headed to bed.

I will check in tomorrow and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving then.
My 5 day vacation started at 5 pm today.Woo hoo!Marty ran our company’s V.P. to someplace 50 miles away to pick up a play house for his daughter (it barely fit in the back of the truck) right after work.Since I didn’t have to cook supper I made myself a LC and baked my cheesecake for Thursday.Then I walked on the treadmill and now I am just goofing off.
Miscka, my dad usually gets to the donut place before me and that is what he orders for me.I always get a bottle of water and a donut hole so my order is pretty predictable.I occasionally split a donut with my mom.I am glad you and your mom got together and planned out the menu for Thursday.An egg and English muffin sandwich for a dollar is a great deal.
Lorelei, I hope the macaroni was great.
Monnie, it is colder there than here.We have been in the 40’s; the cold and snow is moving back in on Thursday though.
Lliang, sorry to hear about your parents getting a divorce.Even if you aren’t around them much I am sure it will be hard on all of you.
Skippy, I was thinking of you and your dad today.I am glad he is doing okay.Congratulations for finding those jeans fit you now.
We ended up going to the sale at lunch today and I only bought the green pants I wanted and she bought 2 pairs of pants.We didn’t spend as much as we did a few weeks ago.
Gecko, Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
Julianna, good luck with your new job.

Dragonfly, have fun with your surprise birthday dinner tonight.I am sure he’ll love it.
ChargerGirl, rats for it being cold in LA.At least boot camp warmed you up.
Hi Tacori!

And I see Skippy beat me to this but I wanted to say that I am very thankful for all of my helpful and supportive friends on this great HLT!You guys ROCK!

Rod, I just hit refresh thinking it was about time for you post.I am glad you get 5 days off too.Enjoy them!

Have a great Wednesday.


Date: 11/25/2008 9:44:38 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Date: 11/25/2008 9:18:17 AM
Author: Lorelei
Hey Tac - made the mac! It went well so I will let you know the verdict when we have polished it off!

What did you think?
It was GREAT!! Hubby really complimented it so this recipe is a keeper for sure! Thanks Tac!

I will make llaing's next!

Jules, here you go, select women's perfume, then select the Molinard brand, then scroll down the page and they have 1.4 oz Habanita EDT for $28
Date: 11/26/2008 4:36:26 AM
Author: Lorelei

It was GREAT!! Hubby really complimented it so this recipe is a keeper for sure! Thanks Tac!

I will make llaing''s next!

Jules, here you go, select women''s perfume, then select the Molinard brand, then scroll down the page and they have 1.4 oz Habanita EDT for $28
Thanks Lor, will make attempt #2.
Date: 11/26/2008 7:55:42 AM
Author: Julianna

Date: 11/26/2008 4:36:26 AM
Author: Lorelei

It was GREAT!! Hubby really complimented it so this recipe is a keeper for sure! Thanks Tac!

I will make llaing''s next!

Jules, here you go, select women''s perfume, then select the Molinard brand, then scroll down the page and they have 1.4 oz Habanita EDT for $28
Thanks Lor, will make attempt #2.
Lemme know if you need any more purchase sources!
Lorelei I wish I knew as much about nice perfume as you do! I am pretty excited, I put my favorite on my Christmas list...Sweet Tea by Elizabeth W. It sounds weird, but I loooove it. It is just "me" and I hate buying it for myself. On occasion I wear No. 5 as well but I am pretty boring!

Marcy I just ate a donut
. I need to be stopped!! This week has not been NEARLY as good as my intentions. Ugh. I need to snap out of it. Where has my willpower gone? I need to carry around one of my "fat" pictures.

Skippy so glad to hear about your dad! It was sweet of you to comment on my dog.

Nothing much going on mom is driving me NUTS!!! I feel like such a Tgiving Scrooge but I just want it to be over with!
Date: 11/26/2008 9:44:09 AM
Author: Miscka
Lorelei I wish I knew as much about nice perfume as you do! I am pretty excited, I put my favorite on my Christmas list...Sweet Tea by Elizabeth W. It sounds weird, but I loooove it. It is just ''me'' and I hate buying it for myself. On occasion I wear No. 5 as well but I am pretty boring!

Marcy I just ate a donut
. I need to be stopped!! This week has not been NEARLY as good as my intentions. Ugh. I need to snap out of it. Where has my willpower gone? I need to carry around one of my ''fat'' pictures.

Skippy so glad to hear about your dad! It was sweet of you to comment on my dog.

Nothing much going on mom is driving me NUTS!!! I feel like such a Tgiving Scrooge but I just want it to be over with!
Misck, perfume is a SICKNESS with me, honestly I am obsessed with it and I fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat!!! I haven''t tried the ST but I do wear No 5 often!
I love having today off! I slept in, did a little shopping, and I''m about to have lunch. I still need to run to the store to pick up things to bring to our friends'' house tomorrow, but I''ll do that later. I have a feeling that I''ll be waiting in a looooong line -- I should have gone earlier. Oh well.

Skippy, I hope your dad is doing well. Good thoughts are being sent his way.

Tacori -- I''ll have to try your mac and cheese recipe. It sounds really good.

Rod -- I hope you''re enjoying your day off. The view from your house is gorgeous! It would be really hard to get any work done around the house if I had that view. I''d be on the terrace all the time!

Have a good day and a great Thanksgiving everyone!
Hi Friends, I have felt like a mad woman today, running all over town and now getting ready to bake pies and baklava. heehe I went for a 60 min walk with my cousin. It is an absolutely gorgeous day and gorgeous sunset
I am wishing everyone and also our overseas friends a Happy Thanksgiving since I am thankful for this group! Cheers!
Thank you all for the kind wishes for my dad. I saw him today and he is doing great!!!

DRAGON glad you are jogging! Yay! hugs


CHRGER, woooo hooo for bootcamp! hugs

Hi TACORI!! hugs

ROD, hope you are gaing a wonderful day, enjoy your day off tomorrow!!! hugs

MARCY that was sweet of your hubby to do that! Yay for days off! Hugs

MISCKA, glad we are friends and glad your dog is doing better. Hugs

ZOE, thank you. Yay for sleeping in and shopping!!! Hugs!
Hi Skippy! Is baklava hard to make? I know it''s basically layers of nuts, honey, and phylo dough, and it''s very tasty. It looks hard to make, but it might not be.

I''ve been a slacker today. I never made it to the gym today, AND we''re having pizza for dinner. We''re ordering chicken fajita pizza, made with half the amount of cheese. We really need to go food shopping but we never made it to the store, so delivery it is.
Happy Thanksgiving Eve Everyone!!

Charlie''s cinnamon clove/nutmeg pie with pumpkin flavoing is in the oven!! The house smells like a holiday baskeshop!!

I had a terrfic day off today. I got to sleep late, have a nice leisurly lunch followed by coffee at Sbucks under the oak (truth be told twice!). After lunch and my first cup of coffee, I came home and our realtor called to schedule a showing of our condo this afternoon, so I went out and had another cup of coffee under the oak. Charlie got off early this afternoon, but he wanted to go to the gym since he hadn''t been in a few days. When he finished his workout, we went to favorite sushi place #2 for dinner, then right home to bake the pie!

There are so many things I am thankful for this year. I couldn''t possibly list them all, but the highlights are as follows:

My life with Charlie and our special cat Sakai
My health and how I''ve Rebuilt Rod over the last 3 years
My job and the fact that at my age, I was able to get one and find out I still have value in the workplace
Our home (even though we still need to sell it)
The fact that we are still solvent financially, even though we both lost our jobs this year
AND ALL MY FRIENDS HERE ON THE HLT!!!! From the bottom of my heart, thanks for being here everyday and for being such inspiration and support!!

Tomorrow, we''re going to have a really nice day. To heck with dieting tomorrow. We''re having blueberry waffles and fresh country sausage for breakfast. Then we''ll get the turkey in the oven and while it''s cooking, we''re going for a nice run along the bay. When we get home, I have a pound of Collosal Jumbo Shrimp (and they are really big) as an afternoon treat. Then we''ll have our traditional Thanksgiving dinner, which includes the tureky full of sage stuffing, real mashed potatoes (with real butter), green beans and mushrooms (steamed), homemade giblet gravy and whole wheat yeast rolls. Dessert as you know will be Charlies pie with fresh shipped cream on top! I won''t overdo the eating, but I won''t deny mysefl anything either.

I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow. Just enjoy yourselves and don''t feel guilty if your pants feel a little tight at the end of the day.
Hi everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving.
I walked and walked and walked today.Needless to say I am not going to walk on the treadmill tonight.I need Advil.
I did get lots shopping done today but I also ate a few fattening things.My office is going to buy gifts for a 5 year old girl for the Angel tree the Salvation Army does every year. I got her a pink down coat, pink insulated mittens, some my little ponies and a Barbie doll.One of my sister’s makes Barbie clothes to sell so I will buy some clothes from her to go with the gift.It was fun shopping for it today but hard to buy for someone you know nothing about.
I met my dad for coffee and donuts – today he bought me a chocolate frosted donut and no one wanted ½ of it so yes I ate it.For lunch I stopped at a pizza buffet and ate 2 pieces of cheese pizza.Then I met my parents for afternoon coffee break (my dad lives for coffee breaks) and had a muffin.Then for supper we had Mexican so while my tacos weren’t bad the chips and salsa were.Even though I walked the entire mall, Kohls, a discount store and a strip mall today I told Marty after supper we had to go walk some more so we walked around Sams, Circuit City then walked the entire mall again.I told Marty that is another indication of why I’m in the 3% - the old me would NEVER have walked that much let alone go walking again after all the walking I did today.Yippee for trying to burn off some calories.

I got my perm this afternoon and love it.I am very excited.

Hi Lorelei and Julianna.
Miscka, it looks like we both had donuts today.I have my fat picture in my purse too.
Zoe, that devil’s food cake will satisfy your sweet tooth.It is divine.How fun you got in sleep in today.
Skippy, it sounds like you had a busy day.I am glad you enjoyed a nice walk and gorgeous sunset.
Rod, I am sure your house smells wonderful.Blueberry waffles sound like a great way to start the day.I decided tonight I am reaching a critical point in my rebuild Marcy phase – (if you don’t mind me stealing your phrase) – I told Marty tonight I’ve been working on getting my hair done this way for almost as long as it took me to lose weight.My hair was more annoying along the way too.
Well, I must get ready for bed, paint my nails and try to get to bed by 11.
Take care and have a great day tomorrow!
Marcy: That was so sweet of you to buy that little girl so many wonderful things. The coat and gloves will keep her so toasty warm and she will love the ponies and Barbie doll. You were her guardian angel this year.

I am sure you walked off, all of the calories you ate today. I am dreading tomorrow, I just have to watch my portions too. Too many good things to eat. My daughter is the baker in our family and she has been baking all day

Hi Everyone
I wish you all a Very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Hi Linda. I really spent a lot of time picking out the coat today. I thought pink and warm was ideal for a 5 year old girl. I was very happy to get her some nice things for Christmas. I am the family baker but I only made cheesecake. I will have to start on my Christmas cookies soon. We''ll both have to watch our portions tomorrow. No matter how much I eat tomorrow I know it will be a lot less than I used to eat. Have a great day.
Happy Thanksgiving! I did my 30 min walk/jog routine this morning, and I also worked out with my workout partner on Tuesday.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING FRIENDS. We went for a walk that turned into a run because it was hailing outside after we got started. lol I guess I can run for one mile no problem.
Off to my families home for Turkey/ham dinner. Hugs to all for a blessed day!!!!

MARCY, yay for all the walking!!! Happy TG!!

LINDA, great to see you!!! Hugs!

APPLE, happy TG!

ROD, have a great TG w/Charlie!

LORELEI, give the chickies a hug for me

DEEJAY, where are you??? I miss you!

KIMI & SDL enjoy time with your family!!
Happy Thankisgiving Everyone.......

We had just the nicest day day today. We got up and did have to change one thing. We had forgotten we got rid of our waffle maker some time ago. I guess we haven''t had waffles in a few years. So, we had pancakes and country sausage, which was fun. We got the turkey stuffed and in the oven, then headed outside for a wonderful 4 mile run. It was just spectacular weather here in Tampa today. It probably hit the high 60s without any humidity and absolutely not one clound in teh sky. It was perfect running weather. Lot''s of other people must have decided to burn calories before dinner as there were lot''s of people out running. For me, it''s just such a wonderful feeling to be my age and able to run. It''s something I couldn''t have done when I was 20. Afer our run, we came home and enjoyed the collosal giant shrimp I bought as an appetizer and opened a bottle of white wine we''d been saving for a nice day and then we had our dinner, which just turned out perfect. Either I''ve gotten accustomed to Charlie''s spice pie, or he really outdid himself this year. The pie was so tasty. It was spicy as that''s the way he makes it, but not over the top and I could actually taste the pumpkin.........LOL

I''m really going to enjoy the next three days off. I''ll go to the gym some, run some and just relax.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and guilt free Thanksgiving.
Hi everyone!
I hope those celebrating Thanksgiving had a great day.We sure did.I did eat a lot today yet I am pretty hungry right now.BF was cinnamon bread, dinner was raw veggies, corn, mashed potatoes, pickles and rolls.Since I didn’t have protein I was pretty hungry so I moved on to wine and a margarita.When the pie and cheesecake came out of hiding I had a small piece of cheesecake and small pieces of apple and cherry pie.I had a lot of empty calories, too much sugar, no protein so now I feel yucky and hungry all at the same time.At least everything I ate tasted wonderful and tomorrow I will go walk off some calories on black Friday and watch those calories.I told Marty I’ll just stand in line and when I get up to the front they will ask me what I am buying and I’ll say “nothing, I am just burning off some calories”.

I do plan on getting myself a green purse.One of the department stores has a purse trade in special so I’ll get $40 off the purse I’ve been eyeing for awhile.I plan on looking at blu ray movies on sale and pick up a PS3 game and some tools for Marty.
Appletini, that is great you got in a nice walk this morning.
Skippy, running in hail is always fun.It will sure hurry you along anyway.
Rod, the weather in Tampa sounds terrific.We had big snowflakes this morning but it didn’t last long.
Have a great Friday.Is anyone getting up at 4 am?
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