
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 27th April till 2nd May

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Date: 4/30/2009 12:29:17 PM
Author: BeachRunner
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

dragonfly- Thanks for the info on peanut butter. Now I don''t have to feel so guilty when I eat it!
40 minutes of abs?? That''s crazy! I don''t want to come off sounding rude, but this is a general question because I don''t know.. is 40 min of abs really necessary?

lliang- I''m sorry to hear about your bike
People do SUCK!

El- Yay for you going to the gym even though you did not want to! And weight fluctuates easily, so don''t get too discouraged. Hang in there!

Tacori- Do you love Zumba? I''ve always wanted to try and never have.

Skippy- Happy Anniversary!! I hope your dinner was fabulous.
OMGoodness, how did I miss that---Hope you had a great birthday
I had a great PT Session today. Although I did wake up with a bit of throat tickle morning so I''m really hoping its just allergy and not the swine flu. The high school across from my office was shut down today b/c one of the students has it.

beachrunner, Happy Birthday!
Hi HLT Friends! I might just go for a walk today instead of boot camp; I am just feeling a little pooped out today for some reason.

Last night hubby and I had Italian for dinner; I had a mussels, scallops and shrimp w/linguine and then afterward hubby and I passed on the desserts at the restaurant and went for Gelato, yum! It was a nice 9 yr anniversary (thanks for the sweet wishes) and he was so cute and bought me a teapot; I thought that was super sweet. I guess I was a bad wife and didn''t get him anything; he knows I adore him though and maybe something will jump out at me and I can surprise him when he least expects it.

I bought a rotisserie chicken at costco so I might shred that up and do chicken tacos and then use the rest of the chicken for a bean and veggie soup. Hope everyone is having a great Thurs

APPLE, hope you aren''t getting sick and it is allergies. I am suffering from allergies too; it is mulberry season here. glad your burn turned into a tan!

ELMORTON, I agree w/Marcy I think it is water weight.

WHITE ORCHID, glad you looked at the pic w/a fresh set of eyes, that is great and size 8 is small!

MARCY, yay tiny lady! I am doing the same; I have 7 more lbs to go. My friend is looking for a round but they sound like they are working hard for her which is great!

KIMI, thanks dear friend; aww, that is so sweet you and J went walking together. Great job!

ROD, thanks; I know time flies so quickly when you are having fun being with a wonderful mate. hehe I hope your leg is doing better.

STEPHCUTNUT, hi there, I love lentils; are you eating those?

LISA, have you looked at Craigslist; sometimes they have good deals on bikes. I am sorry. thank you! mmmm to pho; I told hubby I need some next week so we have a lunch date. hehe Yum to spaghetti, heehe to eating James meatball. Oh I tease my hubby he might have the swine flu too because he was sick, funny.

DRAGON, hi friend; good to see you! Yum to smores, you are tiny so I am sure a few won''t hurt you. Sounds like you are doing awesome in the healthy dept

BEACHRUNNER, what did you do for your bday? Hope it was fab, thanks!
i''m stuck in a plateau. my weight hasn''t budged for the last 10 days- since i started bootcamp. i''m trying not to get discouraged, but it''s tough. i don''t really think i can up my activity- i already work out every single friggin'' weekday morning! maybe I can add in a run over the weekend.

i''ve been evaluating my eating, and am thinking that i''ll start doing more lean protein and veggies- try to lay off the starches and carbs. crap, i have a business trip next week- at least it''s an overnighter. i''ll be able to go to BC the day i leave, and will workout at the hotel the next day.

i was hoping to lose 5-ish pounds before heading off on vacation next month, as i think i''ll need a "buffer"! I''ve got 13 days until we leave, so i''m planning to step up my game.

sorry for the woe-is-me post. i''m just sooo bummed
It is Friday morning for me, Thursday was a so-so day - great cardio with an hour singles tennis lesson - he runs me into the ground! And on my HRM it''s about 650 calories in an hour; the bad part, I didn''t have a great diet day and had pizza with my kids for dinner since I didn''t plan well. But, am trying to jump back in, it''s a new month! And it was only one bad day so couldn''t have done too much damage. Hope everyone was a great weekend!

KimberleyH - hope you are feeling better from your fall, and Lliang - hope your wrist is better - Rod, hope your doctor''s appt. went well (it is such a bummer to be hurt)
Skippy - Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you had a gorgeous dinner
and Beachrunner - Happy B''day!
ElMorton - it is crushing when the scale moves up, but it is usually temporary bloat, seems like bad diet days can usually include carby things or alcohol or salty stuff or all three and they ALL bind water and can rocket the scale up - hang in there! It will drop back
Dragonfly411 - I love Vitamin water! I am overseas right now and we can''t get it here, I can''t wait to get a case when we are home this summer!
Appletini - hope you feel better and that it is just allergies!
ChargerGrrl - if your weight hasn''t budged it might be your body getting used to BootCamp, esp. since you are working out each day - there is something about muscles holding water as they repair and build, but you might notice - boom - suddenly 3-4 lbs comes off. Maybe try really pushing water intake for a few days days, too, and lean protein is a good idea, you need it to sustain all that hard work - good luck![
Hey.........I went to the orthopaedist this afternoon. It was somewhat disappointing to be honest. He kept me waiting forever. Then when he did come in, he seemed totally distracted. He said I have Lumbar Reduction (or at least that''s what it sounded like). I guess it''s a fancy way of saying a pinched nerve. And he suggested the same stretches I read about and am currently doing and he gave me a prescription of Naproxen to relieve the pain. Then he wrote a scrip for an MRI and said if it doesn''t get better after taking he pain reliever, I should get an MRI. Then he opened the door and that was it. So, I''ll give this a try, but am not convinced............I didn''t sleep well last night, so I decided to get my scrip filled and come home and have dinner with Charlie. I''m going to take off from the gym and then go on Sunday with Charlie........

Sounds like you had a wonderful Anniversary dinner Skippy!

Hey to everyone.......Have a great Friday. Charlie has tomorrow night off, so we''re having our usual Friday night Sushi.......

Hi everyone!

We didn’t go out for supper tonight because Marty worked late.
We picked up a few tacos on the way home.I ended up at the high end of my calorie range but still did okay and NO extra snacking.I ran out to the mall afterwards. Now don’t fall on the floor laughing but Zales was having a diamond remount sale so I went because I wanted to see a half carat EC diamond in different styles of rings.The ½ carat was pretty much “EWE” but they had a 1 carat EC that was gorgeous and way over priced.I decided I like a 3mm solitaire band with the half carat EC.

Tomorrow night we are going to the in-laws for supper.Pizza, wine and ice cream.

I will have to really be singing that No, No song in my head.Aak.

Kimi, how are you feeling?Good advice not to compare ourselves to others.

Rod, sorry to hear the doctor wasn’t very helpful.I hope the medicine helps.You are so right I have enough sparkles.I know my conscious is bothering me about spending money right now.I have been steadily dropping weight this week and will make every attempt to not overdo on the weekend.

Stepcutnut, the dextox program sounds very interesting.

Lisa, did you report your bike to the police?Maybe it will show up.Your spaghetti sounds great.

Dragonfly, we have PB sandwiches for lunch every Friday.It’s a treat lunch in my book and I can still stay in my calorie range.We have that with baked lays.

BeachRunner, I hope you had a great birthday.

Appletini, this is the season for allergies.I hope that is all it is.Mine are sure starting to kick it up a notch.I get really tired then.

Skippy, sounds like you had a lovely anniversary.Chicken tacos are great.7 more pounds?That is great.

I have to say the guy I am working with is being very helpful and it’s not like I am going to be a big sale for him.

ChargerGirl, plateaus are frustrating.Where are you going on vacation?

Babysteps, sounds like your tennis lesson was quite a workout.Sometimes we just need pizza.


Take care.One more day till the weekend.


Morning everyone! Was busy doing wedding invites and studying yesterday so didn''t get a chance to post. Yesterday was fine although I was so hungry all day-not sure what was up with me. I went to a step class last night but I really didn''t enjoy it. It was a different instructor and the class was a bit boring-I don''t think my heart rate went up at all. So I did the cross trainer for a while after it just so I felt like I did something. Today is my day off the gym so it''s just more studying and invites today.

El-sorry to hear about the three pounds up. Try not to worry though-they will come off again. I remember I joined WW when I was about 20 and I lost a stone and decided to treat myself and didn''t stop for the week and I had put on 9 lbs of what I''d lost
I definitely learnt my lesson that time.

appletini-glad to hear it''s turned into a tan. Hope your throat is better

White Orchid-glad to hear that the photos look great!

marcy-yay for pants getting looser and I''m keeping my fingers crossed for the ring!

stepcut-thanks a million for writing out that info for me. Do you get really hungry for the first week or two or do you find that you don''t notice?

lliang-I try to do the same and drink water when I think I''m hungry. It works most times.

dragon-thanks for the GL! Unfortunately I always meet my trainer in the evening so I''m always probably a bit heavier than I would be if I met her earlier in the day.

Skippy-that dinner sounds amazing! That''s so sweet about the teapot!

Charger-sorry to hear about the plateau. There''s nothing worse than when you''re doing everything and your weight just sticks. I think that''s a good idea about changing the diet a bit.

babysteps-glad to hear that the exercise went well.

Rod-sorry to hear that the appointment was disappointing. I hate it when they seem distracted. My doctor can be the same a lot of the time.
Bee, now fun to be starting on your wedding invitations.
That is precisely what I to do is be good on a few weekends till I am back to my weight range. I am slowly getting there just a few more pounds to go.

Have a great Fridaiy my HLT friends!

Bee, I loved wedding planning, I hope you''re having fun.

Marcy, I''m doing pretty good, feeling much better. I hope your hunt finds you a most beautiful EC.

Rod, sorry the MD was a disappointment. How frustrating.

Skip, sounds like a delicious dinner.

Charger, so sorry you''re feeling stuck. I know the feeling well (have for the last three weeks!).

Babysteps, I am feeling better. Pizza isn''t terrible, I ate my fair share while losing weight, as did Mara. Glad you had a great tennis lesson.

We''re going on a little staycation this weekend. I''m looking forward to it. Have a great one, I''ll be back on Sunday (with tales of using the hotel gym, or at least that''s my intention!).
Thanks Marcy and Kimberly-I just posted our invites
I''m so excited now. Very hard to study when I just want to keep wedding planning. I love planning it. Can''t believe there''s less than 7 weeks to go-scary!
Is it too late to join this thread? I have a day left!!

I''m very inspired by all of your posts. I had my tonsils out in december, and was on a liquid diet for 5 weeks straight. So for the two months after, I binged and gained 10 pounds.

I''ve never been heavier than 114, so at 120 i''m feeling very uncomfortable. I know it isn''t a high weight, but I am 5''2" and have a very small frame. None of my jeans fit anymore, and I''m very frustrated.

So on Monday I started a diet, eating healthy and no snacks after dinner-my weakness. I''m training for a 1/2 marathon so I am keeping up with my exercising, but I''ve also added weight training. I woke up this morning to discover that after only a few days, my legs are already smaller! I think it must be water weight, but it is encouraging!

Any tips?
Happy Friday Friends
I will be going for a walk and then my nephew comes over; I hope my sister finds out today if she is having a boy or girl today at her doc appt.

Yesterday evening I went for a walk. I only went to the gym one time this week; I think it is because it is so gorgeous outside! Oh before I forget; I bagged all 6 bags of leaves and finished the yard work the other day. We will have someone trim the shrubs; I guess I am just worried about my little tortise and don't want people stepping on him (he is my little pet I have and I am sort of protective of him). hehe

Ack tomorrow I have a friend coming into town and she wants everyone to eat at this very unhealthy place. I am tempted to show up for dessert or something; this place serves homemade bread and nothing healthy and the salads are horrible (not yummy). If there weren't other people attending I would suggest some place else, oh well, I will figure it out.


CHARGER, boo to plateaus; I do have to tell you that you look fabulous woman. yes more lean protein and maybe up your water intake and fiber intake? Yay for vacay, where are you going?

BABYSTEPS, yay it is Sat for you now. hehe Oh I always wanted to learn how to play tennis!!! I am sure the pizza wasn't too bad for you. thanks for the anni wishes.

ROD, how frustrating; something similar happened to me last year with my knee. I hope your leg/hip feels better soon. maybe the chiro can help?

MARCY, yum to tacos!! I love tacos; I am craving some and pho thanks to Lliang. ha! Have fun w/the inlaws!! glad you have a great sales person.

BEE yay for invites!!! I have weird hungry days too, bummer. Yay for workingout. How is Amber? hehe

KIMI, hi friend!! Yay for a staycation; sounds romantic!

DEEJAY, where are you? I miss you woman!!

eta: FASHIONV, welcome, yay for training for a marathon, sounds like you are off to a great start!!! my friend did a marathon and lost weight! Yay for smaller legs; weight training is great!!!
CAN''T. KEEP. UP......

We''re still working on the landscape demo. I''m planting a flower garden today for my back yard, and putting in some lilacs. Hopefully by early next week I''ll be able to get the front and side of the house planted. I got the prettiest little cherry tree for the front yard too. Everything is going to look skimpy for a few years, but I think it''ll be really nice when it matures.

We went to a few pawn shops yesterday just to peruse in hopes of finding an OEC ring. The only place that had any vintage stuff was crap. Of course the lady showing things to me was SOO knowledgeable. She talked about a "cuticle" for several minutes before I realized she meant the culet.
Then she told me she couldn''t wear any of her "fabulous" jewelry because there had been multiple stabbings in the district she works.
So, I turned to DH and said "we can go Now, or sooner."

I''ve been eating less over the last couple weeks, as I always do when summer approaches. But, for the last week or so, I''ve been eating hard-boiled eggs for nearly every lunch. I think I''ve eaten a dozen in the past week. I stay full longer and my blood sugar is more level. I don''t have high cholesterol, but I''m beginning to wonder if I should cut back on the eggs??
Date: 5/1/2009 2:41:58 PM
Author: somethingshiny

But, for the last week or so, I''ve been eating hard-boiled eggs for nearly every lunch. I think I''ve eaten a dozen in the past week. I stay full longer and my blood sugar is more level. I don''t have high cholesterol, but I''m beginning to wonder if I should cut back on the eggs??

I wonder this too. I eat either one whole hard boiled egg or two egg whites. I wonder if this is too much?
hubby and I went to this Pho place for lunch; I had the pork vermicelli bowl which is soooooo yummy! We will have a light dinner. I need to go walking this evening too. Hope everyone has a good day!

LISA (lliang), see you had me craving yummy Vietnamese food!!!!

SS, if you don't have high cholesterol I think you should be fine eating eggs; I know there was controversy at sometime but I think they found the to of great benefit. I eat eggs everyday as well and they truly keep me satisfied and a good source of protein. I hope you find a gorgeous OEC. yeah I would want to leave too! Yay for planting trees

SS and Beachrunner here is some info from the Mayo Clinic on eggs and cholesterol
Skippy: Yard work is great exercise! I hate being in the gym on a nice day too. Stay away from dessert!!!!

I had an amazing run today, and I lost 3 pounds this week!!! Yaaaay!!!
Skippers~ Thanks for the link. You''re so good to us!!
Hey.......Yay for the weekend. Work was OK, not great, but OK. I was the last to leave at 6 PM, then I met Charlie for Sushi, FroYo, and then coffee under the oak. What a beautiful evening in Tampa. Warm, breezy, puffy clouds, low humidity.......just beautiful. My leg was mildly better today. I don''t know if it''s the medicine or the hard stretching, but today it was less painful. Charlie is working during the day tomorrow, but off tomorrow night and we''re meeting friends for dinner at Timpano''s. Sunday it''s back in the gym, pain or no pain. I will not let a week go by without working out, even if I have to limp out afterwards.

Enjoy pizza with family Marcy! I knew you''d lose the weight fast!!

I''m glad the wedding planning''s going well bee* For the amount of money we pay our doctor''s there''s just no reason they should give less than their absolute best to us patients..........

I''m glad you''re feeling better Kimberly. Enjoy the Staycation. Say hey to J for me........

Welcome to our healthy family Fashionvictim (Nicole). There''s no magic to losing weight. It''s really quite simple. Burn more calories than you consume and you''ll lose weight. A good goal is to lose about 1 pound a week. And one pound = 3500 calories.

I''m glad you''re enjoying being outside so much Skippy. After being stuck indoors for so long, I know you''re being outside for sure. I''m sorry you have to eat at a restaurant you don''t like, where the food is fattening and not good. Thanks for the link on eggs..........

I may not be able to check in tomorrow. I think our condo is being shown tomorrow afternoon and we''ll probably get home a bit too late tomorrow night after dinner. So, have a great Saturday, everyone.........
Thanks for the kind words, Rod. After my week''s loss of 3 pounds, I''m even more motivated!!

And everyone, please call me Nicole!
Quick run by posting-off to step aerobics and then salsa aerobics afterwards. So excited-love those classes. Then my dad and I are going to our wedding venue to go over all the details. D was meant to go too but he got tickets to a big rugby match over here so my dad stepped in instead! Talk to you all later!
ok, back from busy morning. Step and aerobics were fab. Our instructor is taking a week off and we're all devastated as we'll really miss her classes. Our venue is looking great and everything is now confirmed for the wedding. So exciting! Had really better get back to studying today though.

Talk to you all later!! Have a great Saturday!

ETA-I forgot the most exciting thing out of all my news! I can fit into my size 12 jeans (US 8)!! I'm so excited about this as I can't remember the last time I fit in a pair this size!)
Hi all today at Weight watchers we were talking about High Fructose Corn Syrup. This is from the WW website; I thought I would post the info here.

FEBRUARY, 2009 – Early research had suggested that there may be a link between the increased use of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in foods and the rise in obesity levels. However, subsequent research has shown that it is premature to link HFCS to obesity.
What is high-fructose corn syrup?
HFCS is a liquid sweetener made of fructose and glucose. It is used in food manufacturing as an alternative to sucrose. HFCS was introduced in the food and beverage industry in the 1970s and its use has expanded since then. HFCS’ sweetness is comparable to sucrose, but it is also more functional and stable than sucrose, making it easier to use. HFCS can be found in products ranging from soda to jam.

High-fructose corn syrup and weight
The theory that HFCS is broken down by the body differently than sucrose and has, as a result, contributed to the obesity epidemic is a common belief2. However, the early studies that fueled the theory were performed using abnormally high levels of pure fructose (i.e., levels not consumed by humans). In reality, HFCS has very similar proportions of fructose and glucose as sucrose, so there are few differences between them when broken down by the body.3

Research has shown when HFCS and sucrose are compared in normal-weight women, there are no significant differences in fasting blood sugar, insulin , leptin or ghrelin.4 In addition, results from a study comparing the effects of cola beverages sweetened with either sucrose or HFCS, found there were no differences in hunger, satiety, perceived sweetness or short-term calorie intake between the two sweeteners.5 Without long-term studies comparing HFCS to sucrose, it is premature to link HFCS to obesity.6

Overall, there is no compelling evidence to suggest that HFCS has uniquely contributed to the rising rates of obesity; however, it does add calories. Consumption of foods and beverages containing added sugars of any kind increases overall caloric intake and, if the calories taken in are greater than the calories expended, weight gain will occur.

Bottom line
When it comes to added sugar, where the sugar comes from — HFCS, sucrose, honey, fruit juice concentrate — does not make a difference when it comes to weight
Good afternoon; I have to run to the grocery store before I meet friends for dinner tonight. Tomorrow we are going to grill up some lean steaks, make some corn and a big salad, and some carrot cake (I will bake that) from scratch because it is my moms and BIL's birthday. I can't wait to give my mom the pearls I bought her. It should be a beautiful day for a barbecue and family.

This morning I weighed in at Weight Watchers and lost a total of 5 lbs for the past two weeks;
I mentioned I have 7 lbs to go for my goal which is still true but I wanted to make sure I was telling the truth on the weight loss before I posted about the 5 lb loss. hehe
Oh and I forgot to post about this but one of my favorite neighbors, (an older lady with the best honkin diamonds and she is the sweetest too) well she stopped me as she was driving home from the gym and I was walking to our mail box and she told me how terrific I looked and she made me turn in a circle; I got a little embarrassed but it made me feel super good. hehe

This morning I went for a 65 min walk 4 miles and now I am off to do some grocery shopping. Have a very Fabulous weekend HLT

oh on a side note about the sugar, I was watching the today show and it was saying that the sweeteners are like 1000x sweeter than real sugar and it messes with our taste buds. I think I will try and use raw sugar when I can since it is something like 17 calories a teaspoon. I am trying to avoid high fructose corn syrup anyway, oh well.

Nicole, I totally agree yard work is exercise; I was doing for 2 hours and just exhausted, glad that is over. hehe Yay for your 3 lbs this week
Yay for your run too Nicole!

SS, sure, I use to want to get my degree in Nutrition and at my University I took a few classes so looking up the information on food is very fascinating and I learn something at the same time too so thank you. Hope your wrist feels better soon.

ROD, oh I bet its GORGEOUS in Tampa!!! Sometimes I imagine you and Charlie enjoying the day at your Starbucks w/perfect weather and I smile. hehe I am praying your leg feels better soon!!

BEE, woo for step; I love step! Yay for your confirmed venue!! Wooooo for your size 8 jeans; oh my too bad you don't live here because I saw the most insanely adorable jeans for sale at this boutique clothes store and I would have bought them if they fit me and they were for a tall person! Awesome, about smaller jeans.
Hey, guys....haven''t been on this thread in a while, but just wanted to send a quick congrats to you Skippy on your weight loss. That is amazing

Hello to everyone and hope you''re having a great weekend!
Hi everyone, Sunday for me - not the greatest weekend (hubby traveling for work, hard to juggle workout time with little kids!) but back to the straight and narrow tomorrow!

KimberlyH - hope it was a good staycation! (love those)
Bee* - that''s exciting about your invites, and great job on being in skinny jeans -woohoo!
Nicole and Skippy - congrats on your weight losses!

Somethingshiny and Beachrunner -read somewhere that eggs are one the best sources of protein as they are so easily utilized by the body, so as long as cholesterol is low I would go for it
Rod - good luck back at the gym! (hope leg is OK)
Date: 5/2/2009 4:05:55 PM
Author: Skippy123
Hi all today at Weight watchers we were talking about High Fructose Corn Syrup. This is from the WW website; I thought I would post the info here.

FEBRUARY, 2009 – Early research had suggested that there may be a link between the increased use of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in foods and the rise in obesity levels. However, subsequent research has shown that it is premature to link HFCS to obesity.

What is high-fructose corn syrup?

HFCS is a liquid sweetener made of fructose and glucose. It is used in food manufacturing as an alternative to sucrose. HFCS was introduced in the food and beverage industry in the 1970s and its use has expanded since then. HFCS’ sweetness is comparable to sucrose, but it is also more functional and stable than sucrose, making it easier to use. HFCS can be found in products ranging from soda to jam.

High-fructose corn syrup and weight

The theory that HFCS is broken down by the body differently than sucrose and has, as a result, contributed to the obesity epidemic is a common belief2. However, the early studies that fueled the theory were performed using abnormally high levels of pure fructose (i.e., levels not consumed by humans). In reality, HFCS has very similar proportions of fructose and glucose as sucrose, so there are few differences between them when broken down by the body.3

Research has shown when HFCS and sucrose are compared in normal-weight women, there are no significant differences in fasting blood sugar, insulin , leptin or ghrelin.4 In addition, results from a study comparing the effects of cola beverages sweetened with either sucrose or HFCS, found there were no differences in hunger, satiety, perceived sweetness or short-term calorie intake between the two sweeteners.5 Without long-term studies comparing HFCS to sucrose, it is premature to link HFCS to obesity.6

Overall, there is no compelling evidence to suggest that HFCS has uniquely contributed to the rising rates of obesity; however, it does add calories. Consumption of foods and beverages containing added sugars of any kind increases overall caloric intake and, if the calories taken in are greater than the calories expended, weight gain will occur.

Bottom line

When it comes to added sugar, where the sugar comes from — HFCS, sucrose, honey, fruit juice concentrate — does not make a difference when it comes to weight

Thanks for this info Skippy! I also stayed away from HFCS, because I heard it was bad for you, but never knew specifics. I actually found it in 100% whole wheat bread
Morning everyone! I got up early today and went to the gym and did some cardio and weights so I''m back nice and early to study. I was surprised how many people go to the gym early on a sunday monring-thought I''d be one of the only weirdos!

Congrats Skippy on that amazing weight loss!! Woohoo-that''s such great news!

Hi to everyone else. Enjoy the weekend!

Hi everyone.

I had a busy weekend.Friday night we went to the in-laws for pizza and wine.We got home pretty late that night.Saturday morning I taught a life enrichment course at the local college for seniors on astronomy.We were going to walk off the 1000 yard model of the solar system but since it was cold and rainy I thought we’d walk off the 500 yard inside wandering the hallways through about 6 or 7 buildings.I was walking along counting my steps and would get asked questions so I lost my place on my cheat sheet and we ended up walking more than the 1000 yards – I was walking off paces from the sun between each planet instead of from the last planet.Oh well, I got in a lot of extra walking that way.

Then Marty and I headed south to go shopping.He wanted some good feet inserts for his golf shoes.He ended up buying their entire 3 piece system.They were pricey but if they help him it’s worth it.They are guaranteed for life.We went to our favorite kitchen store to pick up coffee for Marty then wandered around the shops downtown.We had lunch at a great Italian restaurant then went shopping at Whole Foods to pick up a few things.We got home about 6:30.

Right as we walked in the door some friends called and wanted us to get together and play cards.They came over here and left about 11.

This morning the in-laws wanted Marty to help them pick out a 52” TV so we went shopping with them.They bought us lunch and this afternoon I ran a few errands and have been working on laundry and grading papers.

Kimi, I am glad to hear you are feeling better.I hope you had a blast on your staycation.

Bee, those 7 weeks will zip by for you.How exciting.Woo hoo for size 12 jeans.


Nicole, welcome to the HTL thread.Yay for seeing results already and congratulations for losing 3 pounds already.

Good luck with the marathon.

Skippy, how fun to find out if you are going to have another nephew or get a niece.I hope you had fun with your friend.Working in the yard had to burn off some calories.Congratulations on losing 5 pounds at WW.

How cute the neighbor had you do a spin so she could see your results.I am sure your mom will love her pearls.

Somethingshiny, how fun to be working on landscaping.Good luck finding an OEC diamond.

Beachrunner, I agree with Skippy.I don’t think eating eggs are bad for you.

Rod, glad to hear the leg is feeling better.Good luck with the condo showing.

Hi Steph!

Take care.


Hi all, just have a min to stop in to say Hi before this week is over! I had a conference all weekend - did pretty good yesterday, not so hot today when it was a buffet brunch. Made some stupid choices, and then realized I was craaaaving other foods for the rest of the day, whereas I usually don''t have cravings anymore. Hmmm. I did figure out how to make one of my cravings a little healthier, so DH and I had his hometown''s specialty for dinner - a horseshoe. Typically, they''re made on a piece of Texas toast with some sort of meat, topped with fries and cheese sauce (yes, these things can kill). We limited the cheese sauce, went with whole-wheat toast, grilled chicken, and frozen oven steak fries and it ended up being quick, delish, and I didn''t feel sick for eating it afterward.

After my conference, I came home and told DH that it was high time to strip the paint off the woodwork in our bedroom (not knowing what a task that is). We have a craftsman bungalow with all original woodwork, and the idiots who lived here before us (only for a year after it was flipped) painted the woodwork in the master. A bunch of the paint had peeled off, so we decided to keep working on it. What a job! I seriously hope I never have to do this again - my guess is that it will take us the whole week to finish. Send us reno dust if you have the chance!!

Hope everyone had a good week and I look forward to seeing everyone in next week''s thread!
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