
Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique cut

Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

LLJsmom, I don't think a 1 carat OEC will show the facets as well as a larger OEC however a 2 carat might work for you to "try" while you are deciding. I love your idea of trading up as the bling fund becomes larger but not sure a 1 carat will scratch that itch or help you make up your mind...

As for loving your diamond in every lighting environment I am not sure that is possible but there was a thread on lighting environments and diamonds performance and which lighting was best for your diamond (subjective responses). If I can find it I will share it here. FYI I like my diamond in most lighting environments even in the crappy fluorescent light work environment.

Going to email you now.
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Following closely...sent my BGB in VC setting with Grace. Felt like I had to have an OEC. Really want a great old cut versus newer one. Not sure I have a reason just how I feel when I see the close ups. I have had the bug since ROL got her's at the Miami Antique show last year. Still in shock I handed it over. But I did. :eek: :bigsmile:
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

I'm watching this thread with interest!

I do agree with missy re. size - I think a 1ct OEC might just be too small for you to get a feel for how that patterning will translate in a significantly larger stone... 2ct would likely work though!!

I also echo DS' concerns about colour. You have a beautiful high-colour MRB right now, and a J is a J, y'know? Faceting and patterning can only account for so much, even face-up - a well-cut J OEC or AVR is going to look like a well-cut J, and it'll always look more tinted and less bright than a well-cut G/H OEC, AVR, or MRB, face-up and from the side. In these sizes... even regular MRBs have such large facets that they flash more than twinkle, which IMO diminishes the differences between styles in that respect (vs. in say the 1ct size)...
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Yssie|1454349944|3985180 said:
I'm watching this thread with interest!

I do agree with missy re. size - I think a 1ct OEC might just be too small for you to get a feel for how that patterning will translate in a significantly larger stone... 2ct would likely work though!!

I also echo DS' concerns about colour. You have a beautiful high-colour MRB right now, and a J is a J, y'know? Faceting and patterning can only account for so much, even face-up - a well-cut J OEC or AVR is going to look like a well-cut J, and it'll always look more tinted and less bright than a well-cut G/H OEC, AVR, or MRB, face-up and from the side. In these sizes... even regular MRBs have such large facets that they flash more than twinkle, which IMO diminishes the differences between styles in that respect (vs. in say the 1ct size)...

Yssie, you make an excellent point about a larger MRB having bigger facets which then makes the difference not as significant. Can you guys look at these comparison pictures and tell me what you observe? These are my MRB and the SS dream J. I think the last pic shows the tiny on the J the most. I didn't mind it then. I don't know if I have changed my mind since then.




Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Yssie, you and DS both mentioned color potentially being an issue for me, and maybe that would be the case over time. Hmmm... The MRB does look soooo white compared to the OEC. But I remember thinking that I loved the way the OEC reflected the white light. The OEC did reflect white to my eyes. one facet would reflect white and the one next to it would not. I really liked that.

What do you guys think about the size comparison?? The OEC was about 3.5 carats. But looked much bigger than mine for some reason.
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

JMO, but I think your current stone is amazing! Such high color and with fluor. Are you sure you want to give that up?! Your current stone is so icy white and huge and well cut.
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Mayk|1454337593|3985106 said:
Following closely...sent my BGB in VC setting with Grace. Felt like I had to have an OEC. Really want a great old cut versus newer one. Not sure I have a reason just how I feel when I see the close ups. I have had the bug since ROL got her's at the Miami Antique show last year. Still in shock I handed it over. But I did. :eek: :bigsmile:

Holy moly! OEC fever is really catching! :)
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Laila619|1454355892|3985233 said:
JMO, but I think your current stone is amazing! Such high color and with fluor. Are you sure you want to give that up?! Your current stone is so icy white and huge and well cut.

Laila, I can see why you say that when you look at these pictures. I don't know. Part of me says to just stop and focus on getting a additional stone. But the thing I don't love about my MRB is that in certain lighting, the center doesn't reflect light as well. Does that happen to other people's MRBs? If I had a super ideal cut would that problem be gone?
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

LLJsmom|1454357106|3985243 said:
Laila619|1454355892|3985233 said:
JMO, but I think your current stone is amazing! Such high color and with fluor. Are you sure you want to give that up?! Your current stone is so icy white and huge and well cut.

Laila, I can see why you say that when you look at these pictures. I don't know. Part of me says to just stop and focus on getting a additional stone. But the thing I don't love about my MRB is that in certain lighting, the center doesn't reflect light as well. Does that happen to other people's MRBs? If I had a super ideal cut would that problem be gone?

I can answer one thing in this thread definitively, at any rate :bigsmile:

No. You have a very nice MRB!! I think your stone characterises MRB behaviour - the advantages of superideals are nuances, if they're even practically appreciable; they don't behave fundamentally differently from well-cut non-superideal MRBs.

I definitely see a difference in colour between those two stones in the last pic. A more-colourless stone will be brighter, and since our eyes interpret "brighter" as "whiter" and "whiter" as "bigger", if everything else is the same a 9mm G will look bigger than a 9mm J. That's no reason not to choose the J if you *like* it, of course!! Just... a caution against trying to convince yourself if you don't feel that way, or aren't sure.

I also wanted to say... you don't have to make a Forever choice here. I COMPLETELY understand wanting to make the best choice given my feelings and all the information available to me right now, but whatever your choice is you shouldn't feel like you'll never have an opportunity to change it! Trying to tack the Forever label on stuff like this just paralyses me - I do much better accepting that I'm making the best choice for me right now, and that even if I change my mind somewhere down the road I'll have learnt something valuable ::)
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

I think you need to test drive a larger than 1 carat stone to get the full effect too. The only times I hate my OEC colourwise is in the car where it still sends a pattern of fine sparkles where ever I point it and under specific lights that play up colour specifically for coloured stones.

Each one of us has a different threshold for what is acceptable for colour, and I think each stone MRBs and OECs perform differently in that respect, OECs tend to hide or mask colour more and the way they reflect white light back to the eye is more tolerable in OECs in lower colours to my eye anyway. I am far less tolerant of colour in modern cuts than old cuts.
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

I don't think there is a diamond in the world that looks 'on' all the time. The diamond that you love in Home Depot but hate in your bathroom is the same stone - the only variable that changes is the lighting. Well cut round brilliant stones go dark in sunlight - it isn't the diamond - it's a property of the light. If we could all only find the holy grail that would look gorgeous in every setting we'd all be clamoring to buy it!

My advice to you is to really think long and hard about what you like. I prefer the precision of MRBs although I can certainly appreciate the beauty in many of the older cuts that we see here. I am just pretty sure that the lower color ranges would bother me after awhile and anything that eventually looked a bit wonky or off to me would grate on my OCD side. I would then be convinced that I should have stuck with a more modern cut of stone. I know this to be pretty well true of myself so I give that a lot of consideration if ever considering a change. I'm more apt to tweak small things about a stone rather than make a 180 degree turn. This is not true for everyone but it is true for myself. I think if you give it enough time, you will be able to define for yourself exactly what type of stone bests suits you. Many are gorgeous and surely appreciable but there is probably one look that you are drawn to more than others - whether it is a super ideal stone or a beautiful OEC or perhaps an emerald cut diamond. Yssie is right inasmuch as nothing ever has to be forever but changing stones and settings can be expensive and often times frustrating - selling, trading, whatever to get to that holy grail of diamond for yourself. I wish you all the luck in the world - be thankful that you have PS to talk this stuff through - back in the day of my upgrades (before PS) I only had my own head to beat on a wall - lol!!
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

LLJsmom|1454357106|3985243 said:
Laila619|1454355892|3985233 said:
JMO, but I think your current stone is amazing! Such high color and with fluor. Are you sure you want to give that up?! Your current stone is so icy white and huge and well cut.

Laila, I can see why you say that when you look at these pictures. I don't know. Part of me says to just stop and focus on getting a additional stone. But the thing I don't love about my MRB is that in certain lighting, the center doesn't reflect light as well. Does that happen to other people's MRBs? If I had a super ideal cut would that problem be gone?

I, too, have noticed that my MRB does not reflect light well in certain environments, but honestly, the same can be said for my OEC. There are times the center is dark (though full disclosure - my hair is dark and I remember reading somewhere that it could be reflection from your hair.)
I came home tonight and wore both rings on the same finger around the house. I snapped a couple pics and wondered if this is what you mean? The first picture shows both stones reflecting light rather uniformly and just tilting my finger, the second picture shows the stones with pretty dark centers, probably more so in the OEC (but I wonder if that is due to the depth?)


Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

MissGotRocks|1454374879|3985380 said:
I don't think there is a diamond in the world that looks 'on' all the time. The diamond that you love in Home Depot but hate in your bathroom is the same stone - the only variable that changes is the lighting. Well cut round brilliant stones go dark in sunlight - it isn't the diamond - it's a property of the light. If we could all only find the holy grail that would look gorgeous in every setting we'd all be clamoring to buy it!

Ditto this!!! Well said MissGotRocks!
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

mol42|1454375190|3985383 said:
MissGotRocks|1454374879|3985380 said:
I don't think there is a diamond in the world that looks 'on' all the time. The diamond that you love in Home Depot but hate in your bathroom is the same stone - the only variable that changes is the lighting. Well cut round brilliant stones go dark in sunlight - it isn't the diamond - it's a property of the light. If we could all only find the holy grail that would look gorgeous in every setting we'd all be clamoring to buy it!

Ditto this!!! Well said MissGotRocks!

Thanks - and your pictures prove this point - no matter what flavor of cut you favor!

You have two very beautiful rings - lucky girl!!
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

You guys are the best bling consultation team ever!!

Yssie said:
No. You have a very nice MRB!! I think your stone characterises MRB behaviour - the advantages of superideals are nuances, if they're even practically appreciable; they don't behave fundamentally differently from well-cut non-superideal MRBs.

I definitely see a difference in colour between those two stones in the last pic. A more-colourless stone will be brighter, and since our eyes interpret "brighter" as "whiter" and "whiter" as "bigger", if everything else is the same a 9mm G will look bigger than a 9mm J. That's no reason not to choose the J if you *like* it, of course!! Just... a caution against trying to convince yourself if you don't feel that way, or aren't sure.

I also wanted to say... you don't have to make a Forever choice here. I COMPLETELY understand wanting to make the best choice given my feelings and all the information available to me right now, but whatever your choice is you shouldn't feel like you'll never have an opportunity to change it! Trying to tack the Forever label on stuff like this just paralyses me - I do much better accepting that I'm making the best choice for me right now, and that even if I change my mind somewhere down the road I'll have learnt something valuable ::) WISE WORDS. OF COURSE, I CANNOT SEE THAT, BURIED AS I AM IN THE TREES. I DON'T EVEN NOTICE THERE IS A BIG FOREST OUT THERE. THANK YOU. ((((HUG)))) BACK. :bigsmile:

MissGotRocks said:
I don't think there is a diamond in the world that looks 'on' all the time. The diamond that you love in Home Depot but hate in your bathroom is the same stone - the only variable that changes is the lighting. Well cut round brilliant stones go dark in sunlight - it isn't the diamond - it's a property of the light. If we could all only find the holy grail that would look gorgeous in every setting we'd all be clamoring to buy it!


My advice to you is to really think long and hard about what you like. I prefer the precision of MRBs although I can certainly appreciate the beauty in many of the older cuts that we see here. I am just pretty sure that the lower color ranges would bother me after awhile and anything that eventually looked a bit wonky or off to me would grate on my OCD side. I would then be convinced that I should have stuck with a more modern cut of stone. I know this to be pretty well true of myself so I give that a lot of consideration if ever considering a change. I'm more apt to tweak small things about a stone rather than make a 180 degree turn. This is not true for everyone but it is true for myself. I think if you give it enough time, you will be able to define for yourself exactly what type of stone bests suits you. Many are gorgeous and surely appreciable but there is probably one look that you are drawn to more than others - whether it is a super ideal stone or a beautiful OEC or perhaps an emerald cut diamond. Yssie is right inasmuch as nothing ever has to be forever but changing stones and settings can be expensive and often times frustrating - selling, trading, whatever to get to that holy grail of diamond for yourself. I wish you all the luck in the world - be thankful that you have PS to talk this stuff through - back in the day of my upgrades (before PS) I only had my own head to beat on a wall - lol!!


mol42 said:
I, too, have noticed that my MRB does not reflect light well in certain environments, but honestly, the same can be said for my OEC. There are times the center is dark (though full disclosure - my hair is dark and I remember reading somewhere that it could be reflection from your hair.)
I came home tonight and wore both rings on the same finger around the house. I snapped a couple pics and wondered if this is what you mean? The first picture shows both stones reflecting light rather uniformly and just tilting my finger, the second picture shows the stones with pretty dark centers, probably more so in the OEC (but I wonder if that is due to the depth?)


Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

You surely wouldn't be the first person to try to distract yourself from things going on in life with diamonds! Let your mind drift and dream all you want but in the midst of all of that, I still think you will find what part of a diamond you most want to focus on. Don't be surprised to find that you may already have it on your finger either!
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

I have a unique perspective since I did do the jump from a near ideal 1.64 H VVS1 to an AVR 1.64 N SI

i will say this much-I much prefer the faceting of my AVR but I had thought that since my stone wasn't 'ideal' that there was a lot of room for improvement. I was wrong. My previous stone was a knock out-I realize this in retrospect. I LOVE how unique the color/clarity combo was in an authentic vintage piece, and had I realized this or seen my AVR in person I'm not sure I would have made the jump. That being said I adore my AVR, I really do. I much prefer the light/color play on in it and the high crown. Both stones had their moments-both preformed better in non-direct sunlight (think overcast day). I don't notice the warmth most of the time, and both stones do seem to go 'grey' at times. Due to semential reasons I probably should have kept my first stone-but considering we paid 4500 for it and we sold it for 10k-we only have out of pocket 2k for my wedding set and well, you really can't beat that for what I have. We also used the extra funds to pay for a roof redesign, which is lovely too.
I wouldn't say I regret my decision, that ship has sailed and it's a wasted emotion. I love my ring and my current stone and eventually will have a reset which I'm sure will make me love it even more. I don't regret my decision to go to an AVR, but younger me thought that the grass was greener when it wasn't greener it was just different. I think I was fixated on the 'idea' of ideal as well as the AVR (I do love old cuts) but that could haven been satisfied by my OEC RHR and keeping what I had. Oh well!

All in all, if I were to do it all over, from scratch I would be getting a vintage, or an AV stone, probably lower color set in yellow gold. But as it sits my stone does show warmth and it's set in white gold, but the warmth is hardly noticeable, and would have been even less so if I hadn't had an H from the get go.


Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Hi - I know I'm not in the same league as you guys since my diamonds are small by PS standards, but I thought I would attach a couple pics and throw in my two cents about my stones.

I have a 0.96 E MRB GIA XXX with a HCA OF 1.4, a 1.28 J AGS 0 Royal Chandelier cushion (from ERD and when they used to send those to AGS for certification), and H - J AVRs (the centre stone is 0.6 J)

They are definitely different flavours of reflectivity and I wouldn't be able to be happy with a lower colored MRB, but I'm okay with a J color in the antique style cuts from the top. The tint from the side is most visible in office lighting and that does bother me a little. If I reset, I would probably pick a setting where I don't see as much from the side. There are times when the MRB looks dark and other times the antique style cuts look dark. I thought about getting a true OEC/tranny but I know I need the precision of a modern cut stone as I would start to pick apart the symmetry or an off centre culet.

If I had to sell it all and pick one cut/colour combo, I would go for a high colour AVR.



Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Thank you vintagelover for sharing your thoughts and your pictures. It is very helpful to me to know that some people just prefer the faceting of the old cut styles, like Missy. To me your N looks amazing. It's still white in my eyes, but in a different way. It also helps to know that you look back on your MRB with appreciation of what it was. It's hard for people who are interested not only to visualize but guess how they will feel emotionally about a stone if they have never worn one for an extended period of time. Often it takes time to be able to step back and see the big picture. Those of us lusting after the OECs may definitely have grass is greener syndrome. Well, I am sure I do have that somewhat. ;). Thanks for trying to help me gain some perspective.
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Hoover, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I wonder if I am in the same camp as you. High colored AVR. I gotta say. The more I read, the more I think maybe I should make an OEC/AVR a second ring. I mean who knows how many grandkids I will have. Maybe I would appreciate having another ring to switch out. ;). I guess I could get it from a vendor with a good trade up policy.

Victor now has an upgrade policy. He does supply higher colored OECs, in the VS range. I noted that I don't see that many higher color with higher clarity on GOG. The nice thing about OWD is that they offer lots of lower colors in the higher claritis
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Well, I wanted to let people know that I came to a conclusion and took the plunge.
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

We need more details and pics on what you finally decided upon! :wavey:
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Well??? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Wow!! LLJsmom, congrats!! :appl:

But yeah, deets pls?
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Yes don't keep us in suspense, what did you get????
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Here is the back story if anyone is interested.

I have been yearning for an OEC, which started when I visited Singlestone two years ago, when I saw a gorgeous 3.5ish J. Then it got real when I visited Adam at Old World Diamonds in New York last fall and had a chance to play with a bunch of OECs in real life. So, as a 20th is coming up, I started my search early. I contacted Adam. He had a K OEC that he assured me was an exceptional stone. As some of you know, I’ve got major color issues. My previous stone was a GIA F, VS1, MRB, and I was very concerned about the K color. However, I had seen this particular stone when I visited him with Missy last fall and I had really liked it. Lo and behold, the K was still available. He sent it to me, unset, and I loved it at first sight. It would not stop sparkling. I was completely ready to commit, and then I tried glue-dotting the stone to my finger. :roll: Big mistake. It got all dark and yellow. :( I sent it back. Adam had a 3.29 I, VS2, which he thought would be white enough to address my color concerns. He set it and sent it to me. It was totally white enough, and it was big, but then the sparkle pattern was not pretty as the K. I tried it for a weekend, and I had to admit that it just didn’t excite me enough. The K sparkled from edge to edge, and the petals and diamonds lit up constantly. I didn’t get that from this OEC. I sent it back again, and asked Adam to set the K, which he did, and sent it to me. By this time, I was ready to nominate him for sainthood for dealing with my fickleness. I had to admit I really loved this stone. There are times when I do see the body color, but even then it is completely alive and sparkling. After wearing it for another weekend, I took the plunge.

Having a couple of days to spend with each stone helped me learn about the characteristics of OECs, and what mattered to me. In the end I went with the K because of the beautiful faceting, which made all the difference in the liveliness of the stone. Finding an OEC with such beautiful faceting is a lot harder than finding an OK I. MRBs are just a completely different animal, and I had to completely redefine color in a diamond when I went with on OECs. For me, I learned that color performs a different function in an OEC. It seemed that I was able to see the faceting of the K much more clearly than the I. Because the I was so white to my eyes, the facets ran together more. With the K, I could see them more clearly delineated when light hit them, making the sparkles sharper. I have issues with giving myself permission to fall in love with this K, but I finally had to admit that I loved it.
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Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

You must post tons of pics in your SMTB :D :appl:
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

Hi, just an update on the switch over. I've had my OEC for about 15 days now, and really enjoy wearing it. It feels very at home on my finger. I think a lot has to do with the setting. Although the stone is bigger, the setting feels lower and not at all obtrusive.

The OEC is truly just another flavor, very different from an MRB. Not better, just different. I think some day I would want to get another MRB. This time I am going precision cut. But if I was asked if I would trade this in for my previous stone, I would say no. The liveliness is what keeps me hooked. I am still learning about OECs and "color". It is very white in most environments. When it is sparkling under certain lights, it's not white the way my F was white, but some bright white, metallic-y silver, darker silver and pastels. So very different from the MRB that is bright white with slivers of dark. I don't like it when it turns dark, like in my car. But the funny thing is, I didn't like my F while I was in the car either. So truthfully, I want a diamond that is never dark, EVER. Why can't I get over that?

So my favorite places for my oec are my office, my bathroom, my living room without the soft yellow lighting, dining room. Dislike - car, and some stores. I need to take it shopping more and just to see. I would like to hear what others think about the OECs and what they have learned after wearing them for a while, so I hope others will add to this thread.
Re: Help...anyone regret going from MRB to OEC/AVR/antique c

I don't have an OEC so of course can't comment from a personal, hands on point of view. I think trying to decide between the two stones is like trying to decide between the colors pink and blue. You like both but are hard pressed to choose a favorite between them. The cuts and color of the two stones are just different. While I can appreciate the beauty of the OEC's, I think I still prefer the precision of the look of the MRB's for myself and I don't muddy the waters of my mind trying to decide between the two. This is the kindest thing I can do for myself in terms of diamonds - lol!!