
Help deciding on an engagement ring


Nov 29, 2023
Hello friends!

I have been looking for an engagement ring since July and am having a bit of a hard time. I am extraordinarily picky so my beautiful boyfriend has left the process up to me - he knows me well. I am set on old cut diamonds, an antique design and am in Australia so none of that helps either. I am also six months pregnant with our first and would love to be engaged before bub arrives in late February.

Our budget is roughly $12,000 AUD ($8,000 USD) but given this will be the only engagement ring for the rest of my life we are a bit flexible. BF says the most important thing is that I love it.

After months of not finding anything that tickled my fancy, I finally pulled the trigger six weeks ago and decided to have a ring made based on a picture (first one below) with a local Brisbane jeweller, Penfolds. Unfortunately, I am finding the difficulties have continued. The jeweller seems to be unable to find an old emerald cut and I am consistently following up only to find there has been no progress - sadly they don't seem to look without me having called and I have a few other priorities as well atm. He said I could have a stone cut in India, but I would need to find a picture of a stone I like and it would be more expensive than sourcing an existing stone, costing approximately $10,000 to have a 1ct stone cut there - this seems expensive to me? He also said I could try to find a centre stone myself but I am really struggling to find anything. I am now starting to doubt whether I want to go with this ring given there is no straight-on photo and I found a reproduction of it (second picture below) which inspired some nightmares about what the ring will look like finished.

Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 9.14.16 am.png

Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 9.14.27 am.png

So I come to you asking for advice based on your experiences.

Should I scrap the custom ring given the problems I am having? If not, do you have any ideas where could I find a loose emerald cut diamond to speed along the process? Any ideas what size stone I'm looking for? Should I work with someone else to make this happen? I am just dying to be engaged already and I don't know if it should be this time consuming/effortful to have a ring made.

I love three stone designs and also had my eye on something like this, given it is so fiery. However, I am worried that what I like may be more to do with the size of it, which is probably beyond my budget. Perhaps getting something like that made might be easier though?

I am usually a sane person but I feel like this decision has me spiralling, I am sorry for my crazy. I keep going around in circles and am feeling more emotional about it than I would like to admit.

Thank you in advance for your help - I really appreciate it!
Were you wanting an old emerald cut stone for that first setting? Because we dont see many of them. If you want antique stones
I think you would be better off sticking with an OEC or an antique cushion. Those are easier (but still not easy) to find.

I think the second ring you posted is really lovely but will be smaller of course to fit in your budget.

Honestly, your timeline is also a no-go for what you are looking for. I'm sorry I dont have better news. If you wanted a
new diamond in a non-custom setting you could meet your timeline but antique stone, custom setting...these things
take time (unless we could find one already put together like you wanted!) Maybe that's what we should help you find.

Have you tried ruby lane or Lang antiques websites?

Also, Ivy and Rose

Congrats on upcoming baby and engagement! Have you checked out the Antique & Vintage forum? There is lots of inspiration there that may help. Also, a list of vendors to peruse. Lastly, we do have a few Aussie members so hopefully someone local to you can chime in.
Were you wanting an old emerald cut stone for that first setting? Because we dont see many of them. If you want antique stones
I think you would be better off sticking with an OEC or an antique cushion. Those are easier (but still not easy) to find.

I think the second ring you posted is really lovely but will be smaller of course to fit in your budget.

Honestly, your timeline is also a no-go for what you are looking for. I'm sorry I dont have better news. If you wanted a
new diamond in a non-custom setting you could meet your timeline but antique stone, custom setting...these things
take time (unless we could find one already put together like you wanted!) Maybe that's what we should help you find.

Have you tried ruby lane or Lang antiques websites?

Also, Ivy and Rose

Thank you so much for your quick reply. All of this is good to know. Yes I was wanting an old emerald cut for the first setting. The jeweller recommended a cushion as he said it might be easier to find, but I just think it might dilute the feel of the ring a bit too much and I do love an emerald cut.

Good to know about the budget of the second ring and the timeline of having a custom ring made, thank you.

I haven't checked out those sites but maybe that's where I should be investing my time now, trying to find a ready made ring again. I don't like the element of surprise that comes with having a ring made given how I know what I like when I see it...what if I see the finished ring and don't like it?!

I am going to check out those sites!
This thread may be of interest to you:
Thread 'Please Help Me Find My Dream Engagement Ring!'

Thank you kgizo! I have mostly been searching specific topics that mirrored my situation so did not think to check out that thread generally, but I will do so now :) I have already checked out that thread and did have a look at a few of the vendors recommended. Unfortunately, I do not have instagram which limited me a bit...I really hate social media lol
Pretty inspo! The ring you have shown as inspiration isn't really technically an antique cut, it's more rose. has a similar aesthetic.

These are some places that might be able to source for you

* this is a vendor that is very popular, he has a good variety of emeralds
LAB page:

If you don't find anything here, there are more places to look!

* not to confuse rose is an antique or rustic cut but not the one I think you're after in this case?
Pretty inspo! The ring you have shown as inspiration isn't really technically an antique cut, it's more rose. has a similar aesthetic.

These are some places that might be able to source for you

* this is a vendor that is very popular, he has a good variety of emeralds
LAB page:

If you don't find anything here, there are more places to look!

* not to confuse rose is an antique or rustic cut but not the one I think you're after in this case?

Thank you, so many interesting recommendations. Unfortunately I wont be able to check out instagram but I have opened those other sites and had a quick squiz. I really like the stones on Emily Gill, very pretty!
I love three stone designs and also had my eye on something like this, given it is so fiery. However, I am worried that what I like may be more to do with the size of it, which is probably beyond my budget. Perhaps getting something like that made might be easier though?
If you go with the one you linked here are you wed to a certain size, color and clarity of center stone? And also, what is your ring size? That would help to get an idea of what size center you might need to get the same look and coverage. In old cuts, you generally are looking at lower colors which helps on cost. If you can find the center, the jeweler who makes it for you could probably find the small sides to go with it.

I have a very similar ring which DK made for me. My finger is a size 5.75 and the center on this ring is 1.09 ct. 6.2 x 5.9 mm. Just to give you an idea of coverage on my size finger. The stone is uncerted but probably a J/k color, VS2/SI1. I definitely put it together for substantially less than $8k but I don't remember what I paid for the center stone at the moment but I'm thinking less than $3000.
Here are Insta link 'regular' sites where you can contact for sourcing.
There are antique emeralds to be had they just aren't as common so take some looking/patience- but the good thing is there are people who know where that make it a little easier.
Given the whole context and your self-described pickiness (not a critique, most of us here would claim the same) I’m going to very strongly echo the others who have recommended you look for a true vintage or antique ring that you adore as-is. I think the custom process will be very costly and stressful for you!

I recommend if you go this route you stay very open to what you are looking for. Set minimal limitations like, budget, antique or vintage diamonds and setting, a romantic feeling and yellow gold. Then see what you find and be open to falling in love. I think you will have a much more enjoyable experience that way!
If I were you, I would buy something like this (an antique emerald) and then figure out what setting you want.

If I were you, I would buy something like this (an antique emerald) and then figure out what setting you want.

If you love this stone you could purchase the stone and put it in an inexpensive solitaire setting for now, and in a few years reset it in a custom setting. A few of us on here have taken this approach to stay on budget while getting a dream diamond.
If you love this stone you could purchase the stone and put it in an inexpensive solitaire setting for now, and in a few years reset it in a custom setting. A few of us on here have taken this approach to stay on budget while getting a dream diamond.

And I bet grace could help choose a yellow gold, romantic mount from Stuller that was very inexpensive. They have many styles that are delicate and romantic!
And I bet grace could help choose a yellow gold, romantic mount from Stuller that was very inexpensive. They have many styles that are delicate and romantic!

Or, wonder if they could pick out a 3 stone setting and put lab stones in for the sides. Just another option to consider.

Edit...that old emerald cut that @lovedogs found looks dreamy!
Or, wonder if they could pick out a 3 stone setting and put lab stones in for the sides. Just another option to consider.

Edit...that old emerald cut that @lovedogs found looks dreamy!

Yes or even small coloured gems. Rubies, sapphires, and emeralds were all so common in rings from the Victoria era and early 1900s, though I don’t think I’d recommend emeralds for an engagement ring.
If you're looking for an antique emerald cut, they are almost non existent in Australia lol it's hard enough to get an old European or old mine cut here. Also given that you are wanting a custom setting that would set you back easily 3k of your budget.

Even with poor exchange rate, I find it's cheaper to get a ring made from the US. I would definitely consider the stone that Lovedogs suggested and get a cheap setting for now. You can always change the setting later but the bulk of your money should go towards finding the right centre stone. Good luck!
Verma sure has some nice things.
Antique Parlor has a few nice asschers that while not emerald cut might be worth a look.
Hi everyone, I hope you see this message given it's been a minute and I have an update! Thank you so much for all your helpful suggestions.

A couple of days after my initial post I became quite unwell with anaemia that is (still) not responding to treatment so my ring search was on hold. In late December my boyfriend (who was travelling in Europe at the time) had a look in an antique jeweller and sent some photos/videos of the rings there. This was really helpful as there is nothing like seeing a variety of rings 'in action'. It gave me a much better idea of what I like. Unfortunately, he became very set on one ring in particular which I liked but didn't love. It was $6000AUD, half our budget. He wanted to buy it, I wanted to wait, ultimately he went ahead and purchased it confident that I would change my mind on seeing's lovely that he picked it out but as hard as I try, I just don't love it. My boyfriend is a bit hurt and really is set on this being 'our ring' so I want to find a compromise. I am still unwell so haven't really had much of a chance to explore what the options could be from here. However, it is low key stressing me out which is not ideal when trying to keep a handle on your health so I am trying to sort this out now. Below are photos of the ring.


I like the profile and the setting is fine, but the diamonds feel a bit flat? The specs are: G-H colour, VS2 clarity and .65 centre stone with .25 on either side. The specs of colour and clarity seem close to the inspiration ring from Erstwhile that I posted, yet it doesn't have the same sparkle. These diamonds don't really catch the light as nicely as some of the other antique diamond rings I own (although those diamonds are much smaller, does that make a difference?). Is there some mythical other quality that gives diamonds their sparkle? I guess it depends a lot on cut? It also seems the diamonds are more yellow in colour, less of the grey I really love (like the colour of @Lookinagain's ring). But perhaps that grey colour only comes out in photographs?

I guess my main questions are - can I reset the ring with different diamonds? If so, would it be worth it or would the difference in sparkle and colour be negligible? And if it is worth it, what specs would you look for? Are there particular vendors who are good for old cut solitaire diamonds or just the usual vendors recommended here?

I hope someone sees this, I am so sorry for the delayed response when you went to such effort to find me some amazing diamonds and rings. Thank you again for your help
Hi, I think you have a very pretty ring. Also, what you say you see as gray in my ring is probably because I have the stones set in a setting with the baskets having rodium plating so that it looks more "antiquish". That said, it seems you are worried about sparkle. Is there any way you can post a video? Again, I think your ring looks lovely so seeing a video might show what you don't see in sparkle.
Honestly this makes me angry at your boyfriend and I’m sorry that you are having to deal with health issues and this situation on top of it all. Is it too late to return the ring? I have read similar stories in PS where the fiancé has done this and I just don’t understand it!
I am really sad for you at the moment. Quite frankly, your boyfriend made a poor decision. The comment about it being “our ring” really is incorrect. It is your ring, you will be wearing it. Can it be returned? Can you take it to a local jeweler and see if it is possible to put nicer performing diamonds in? With it being an antique, I’m not confident that is a good solution…. I think an honest but firm discussion on your feelings with your boyfriend would be a wise first step. Hopefully, he will see how important this is to you. Sometimes people assume they know best, not out of poor motives on their part, just poor judgement. I bet deep down he really wants you to love your ring and when he sees how important it is to you, he’ll want to fix it.
Im sorry about your health struggles. I hope things improve quickly for you.
Has it been professionally cleaned?


I think a deep cleaning might help.

The ring looks very pretty, even if it is not yet your "dream" ring.

I hope you are feeling better! Perhaps we can help you tweak the ring when the dust settles.
I am annoyed at your bf for making a choice for you, despite knowing you didn't love it. I'm so sorry.
I'm a big proponent of the ring not being picked by one person - the ring is supposed to represent a relationship, not an individual.

My husband picked out a lovely ring to represent us - asthetically, it was not to my taste. It ultimately got stolen in a home invasion (as I rarely wore it and mostly wore my WB) and we later on replaced the ER with me presenting him with 10+ options I liked/loved. There are still elements of the original ring, just done in a way I like (Celtic knots-> filigree). Everytime I see my ring, I see both of us represented and compromise.

Sharing the story because many viewpoints on the internet seemed to voice that the woman's preference was the only one that mattered since she wears it.
many viewpoints on the internet seemed to voice that the woman's preference was the only one that mattered since she wears it.

As it should be.

Jewellery is very personal. It's an expression of style. It can carry sentimental meaning. It is literally on our bodies, on our skin.

And an engagement ring is a piece of everyday jewellery. Not something you take out of a box every other year for a special occasion. You wear it all the time. You see it all the time.

So yes, the woman's preference is the only one that should matter. That preference might be that only her taste and style is taken into consideration. It might be that her fiance's opinion is also taken into consideration. But it should always, inexcusably and irrevocably be her choice.

In this case it doesn't seem to be her choice. That's what's wrong - the fiance is forcing his opinion where he should instead be taking a step back and allowing her to lead in choosing the ring. Just like you and your husband did when selecting your new ring.
Thank you everyone for your support, well wishes and lovely comments ❤️ It is a pretty ring, I just don't love it.

@Lookinagain, I will send a video when the sun comes out. It's a bit of a grey day and not great for light. Good to know about your setting and how it affects the colour of the diamonds.

The ring was purchased from an antique jeweller in England, so it would have been professionally cleaned before sale. I could definitely look into that though.

We are within the timeframe to return it but the jeweller will only issue store credit for a return. This policy was part of the reason I wanted to wait. The other issue with returning it is my boyfriend's reaction...

I am a very upfront person most of the time so I have talked to him about my plans. He said if I feel the need to modify the ring it upsets him a little but that I could do it. Then last night he bought up just how hurt he is that I want to modify it. I tried to explain that I am just picky and this is not about him. However, it became apparent he is REALLY not happy and wants me to accept the ring as is. Given his reluctance to modify the ring, and what @MamaBear said about replacing stones in an antique ring, I'm even more uncertain how to proceed now.

Hearing how some of you feel about the situation certainly makes me feel heard though, thank you ❤ When he bought the ring it was late at night my time, so I went to bed a bit in shock and woke up the next morning crying because I felt like he made a really important decision without my consent, even though it involved our money and affects both of us. I also felt super guilty about being ungrateful when he was so excited about it. Over time I have tried to downplay how I feel about the circumstances under which it was purchased, putting it down to being spoilt. He certainly didn't override me out of malice, I think he just got swept up in the moment (but that's not the approach to take when making big purchases!). Your comments have helped me see that when he purchased the ring I really did feel dismissed, and the lack of willingness to compromise now makes me feel like I am still being dismissed.

Perhaps it is time to book in with a counsellor rather than a jeweller lol
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Thank you everyone for your support, well wishes and lovely comments ❤️ It is a pretty ring, I just don't love it.

@Lookinagain, I will send a video when the sun comes out. It's a bit of a grey day and not great for light. Good to know about your setting and how it affects the colour of the diamonds.

The ring was purchased from an antique jeweller in England, so it would have been professionally cleaned before sale. I could definitely look into that though.

We are within the timeframe to return it but the jeweller will only issue store credit for a return. This policy was part of the reason I wanted to wait. The other issue with returning it is my boyfriend's reaction...

I am a very upfront person most of the time so I have talked to him about my plans. He said if I feel the need to modify the ring it upsets him a little but that I could do it. Then last night he bought up just how hurt he is that I want to modify it. I tried to explain that I am just picky and this is not about him. However, it became apparent he is REALLY not happy and wants me to accept the ring as is. Given his reluctance to modify the ring, and what @MamaBear said about replacing stones in an antique ring, I'm even more uncertain how to proceed now.

Hearing how some of you feel about the situation certainly makes me feel heard though, thank you ❤ When he bought the ring it was late at night my time, so I went to bed a bit in shock and woke up the next morning crying because I felt like he made a really important decision without my consent, even though it involved our money and affects both of us. I also felt super guilty about being ungrateful when he was so excited about it. Over time I have tried to downplay how I feel about the circumstances under which it was purchased, putting it down to being spoilt. He certainly didn't override me out of malice, I think he just got swept up in the moment (but that's not the approach to take when making big purchases!). Your comments have helped me see that when he purchased the ring I really did feel dismissed, and the lack of willingness to compromise now makes me feel like I am still being dismissed.

Perhaps it is time to book in with a counsellor rather than a jeweller lol

Gah this makes me even more mad! I’m sorry if I’m overstepping but omg. You told him you didn’t love it and wanted to wait, he disregarded your wishes and went ahead anyway, and now he is saying he’s upset when you say you don’t love it (which you already said! Why is this a surprise?!). I am glad you feel heard by us (we got you!) and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he will come around. It’s an important piece of jewelry that you have to look at every day. You deserve to have something you love.