
Help me find a blue sapphire for e-ring? Under $7k?

I think the $600 stone is a very good value, especially for an untreated stone, and I find his videos/photos to be very accurate. However, if you want very fine color, I suggest you get educated on sapphires fast, and through books and learning, and learn what fine color is, or you'll be taken advantage of my many many vendors, even reputable ones. I highly suggest Renee Neuman's book on sapphires, which you can find in the below link. I will tell you that $600 stone will be over $3K somewhere else. You want to get the best value for your money, and not just spend lots of money because you think that's what it will take to get a fine stone, because in many cases it won't. Sapphires are overly hyped, especially now with the Diana/Kate ring, and many dealers are taking advantage of that.

This ebay seller will also provide a reputable lab memo indicating the presence of no treatment. I highly recomment using the GIT lab if you do go through him. I own a sapphire from this dealer that would be thousands of dollars somewhere else. It has two lab memos, and it is just as nice as what I've seen from many precision faceters. He has some duds too, but I think this $600 stone has a lot of potential. However, if you want a $4K stone that really should be worth $4K, I highly suggest you do some studying.
I also picked that stone because of your photo. You appear to want a medium light toned stone, unheated, in a radiant cut, and this fit the bill. Here is the comparison shot.

TL|1310409016|2966619 said:
....if you want a $4K stone that really should be worth $4K, I highly suggest you do some studying.

succinctly stated and totally agree..... and i'd do that studying really fast if there is a projected date that you want to present your honey with an e-ring.

no one says pay more $ for diminishing returns.......but you've set a budget for a very popular stone [especially now once again with blue sapphire being a royal fav] and that is going to set a premium on ALL blue sapphires, not just the color/type you've now set your sights on.

being in NYC is a great help for you. lots of upper end stores and jewelers. you might even have wholesale contacts. you're not too far to go upstate to visit rwwise. you have a lot of options to get educated fast and learn lots re blue sapphires....and there is a lot to learn. i know you're just starting out and pricescope is a good place to start.....but there is so much to learn and so many resources that i hope you don't limit yourself to just our opinions here.

in case you have not read this yet:

pala still has it up at its website also.

most of us will never be high end "collectors"....but this info helps us to make the tradeoff decisions that budget necessitates.

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