
help me find some sunshine

fae -

When I was searching for my yellow, Barry also recommended Beryl. It was too golden for me. I ended up falling for a pale yellow chryso that does have some brown, but I prefer brown to green or gold.

Unfortunately, yellow is so subjective I'm afraid you'll have to order a few and see them in hand before you know for sure what you want. Good luck!

ETA: Yellow Apatite might be another option depending on what you have planned for it.
k9muttlover|1307468573|2939945 said:
fae -

When I was searching for my yellow, Barry also recommended Beryl. It was too golden for me. I ended up falling for a pale yellow chryso that does have some brown, but I prefer brown to green or gold.

Unfortunately, yellow is so subjective I'm afraid you'll have to order a few and see them in hand before you know for sure what you want. Good luck!

ETA: Yellow Apatite might be another option depending on what you have planned for it.

I personally would never buy a yellow beryl. They have a waxy luster, and since the treatment (irradiation) is not detectable, you would never know for sure. Chrysoberyls are never treated (as far as I know), are very durable, have awesome luster, a higher RI, they are very very sparkly. Apatite is very soft.
I know he was previously mentioned, but Peter Torraca has a yellow grossular garnet posted on his site that might be worth checking out - the words "brightness" and "sparkle" are always appealing.
Welcome NKOTB !

I don't recall seeing it mentioned but tourmaline comes in a bright yellow, as well.

TL - sorry to disagree, but yellow beryl (Heliodor) has the same ability for high polish as Aquamarine, Emerald, Bixbite, Morganite, or Goshenite it is after all, a beryl. I have one in my collection that has fooled almost everyone that has seen it into thinking it is a Vivid FCD.
You have a low R.I. stone(yellow beryl) fooling folks who think it's a diamond? Wow
MontageCreations|1307484227|2940174 said:
Welcome NKOTB !

I don't recall seeing it mentioned but tourmaline comes in a bright yellow, as well.

TL - sorry to disagree, but yellow beryl (Heliodor) has the same ability for high polish as Aquamarine, Emerald, Bixbite, Morganite, or Goshenite it is after all, a beryl. I have one in my collection that has fooled almost everyone that has seen it into thinking it is a Vivid FCD.

Well, I suspect those people have never seen a vivid FCD!! I have seen several heliodors and golden beryls, and I even own some. I'm not saying that they're not saturated. Some of the irradiated material can be very saturated, and there may be some natural material as well. However, beryl cannot hold a candle next to diamond in the dispersion/brilliance department. I have seen well cut chrysoberyl that can look very diamond like, but again, if put next to a real diamond, I think most people with 20/20 vision can tell the difference. A think a nice grossular garnet with good yellow color is a good option for a FCD actually. They sparkle like no tomorrow, but unfortunately, most have that brownish golden color, or shift to a more brownish color.
TL - not disagreeing with you on brilliance or dispersion at all, but you said "waxy luster", luster in a cut stone depends to a great degree on the final polish and beryls, all beryls can accept an excellent polish. And many a professional dealer/jeweler has been fooled by my heliodor when it isn't sitting right next to a FCD of the same cut (Emerald).

Threadjack over
MontageCreations|1307503999|2940470 said:
TL - not disagreeing with you on brilliance or dispersion at all, but you said "waxy luster", luster in a cut stone depends to a great degree on the final polish and beryls, all beryls can accept an excellent polish. And many a professional dealer/jeweler has been fooled by my heliodor when it isn't sitting right next to a FCD of the same cut (Emerald).

Threadjack over

With the exception of fine emerald, I just can't stomach beryl. I find them to be very overrated gems, but that's just my opinion, and I know others disagree, which is fine. I apologize for being so blunt. Your stone must have exceptional cutting and polish. I wish you could post a photo of your heliodor, so I can eat my words. ;)) :bigsmile:
:wink2: TL - well we can agree on the over rated part, but I think that it's the emerald (fine and otherwise) that are over rated. I have been involved in 2 court cases due to emerald, I have never worked with any other stone that is so prone to fraud and misrepresentation and quite frankly I stay away from them. Other Beryls, I enjoy cutting, trading, selling, and collecting, no problem. I am not much of a photographer, but I am working on getting a few photos of heliodor and even a yellow tourmaline. I will post them if I get a decent rendering.
crasru|1307514147|2940542 said:
A very cheap and very yellow stone - a citrine from Bob Kast. TL mentioned something about these yellow citrines coming from Brazil being processed in some way (irradiated?) but for the price, it is pretty yellow...


I don't know if Bob's citrine is irradiated, but many designers, like Judity Ripka and David Yurman, are using lemon quartz, which is a bright yellow color. It is treated, and I'm not sure if the treatment is by irradiation or coating. You can google lemon quartz to see some examples. Some of it can be chartreuse.
MontageCreations|1307512101|2940534 said:
:wink2: TL - well we can agree on the over rated part, but I think that it's the emerald (fine and otherwise) that are over rated. I have been involved in 2 court cases due to emerald, I have never worked with any other stone that is so prone to fraud and misrepresentation and quite frankly I stay away from them. Other Beryls, I enjoy cutting, trading, selling, and collecting, no problem. I am not much of a photographer, but I am working on getting a few photos of heliodor and even a yellow tourmaline. I will post them if I get a decent rendering.

Yes, there have been a lot of court cases on emerald, and most of it looks terrible out in the general retail marketplace. However honestly, for me, to see a top emerald is like having a religious experience. :love:

Ruby is another misrepresented stone, but in it's top quaity - swoooon!!

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