
HELP NEEDED! - WF E-Ring & Neon Hot Pink Mahenge Spinel

I think I found a stone... Calling about it Monday!

What do you think about these ring "style" choice for a custom design to be inspired by:

This is the ring style I really like from Leon Mege for whiteflash (but too expensive & I don't need all that detail underneath the center stone or on the side that few will ever see):
This one is similar but much more simple and has different sized melee diamonds surrounding the center stone which makes it unique:
The tiffany style has the flowering diamond set apart slightly and the prong at the end kind of gives the round diamond petal a point which is nice:
My impression is, Marc Sarosi's stones are very true to pictures. You can see a lot from Tan's pictures. I bought one stone from Gemrite and it was very true to picture. (BTW - I am amazed at the length of time that Winza had been on his website and no one was buying it, and all of a sudden it is gone, and everyone is mentioning it!). I wish you a good purchase.

If you have ordered concave cut gem, I wish you even more luck because this cut like no other can cover imperfections, but with time, they become obvious.

Just off on a tangent, since we have started with spinels. I would strongly recommend "Terra Spinel" by Yavorsky to everyone interested in purchasing spinel. His pictures vividly illustrate that one could get awesome spinels from all parts of the world, and blue or violet spinels may be as beautiful as red ones. Also, one should always check fluorescence when purchasing spinels, because spinels with faint fluorescence look, really, dead. Same applies to sapphires or rubies. Fluorescence makes these stones alive. To me, it became as important as secondaries. Just my two cents. (No, three, because some vendors are quite expensive :lol: ).
Not to threadjack, but fluorescence in spinels has been mentioned quite a bit. Is it important in all reddish-toned spinels? How does fluorescence affect the general look of the stone? I ask because I am looking at a reddish purple colored spinel that has moderately strong fluorescence with long wave UV, weak fluorescence with short wave UV. It is rough, not cut, and obviously is not pinkish red or hot pink, but just curious if this gives me more info about how it will look when cut. Right now, it looks a lot like a really nice umbalite garnet.


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