
Help with diamond purchase

Thank you! Analysis paralysis is a great description for what I am feeling right now. Lol.

Take a deep breath, sleep on it tonight - sometimes the morning brings clarity. It is a big purchase and I so understand not wanting to make a mistake. I just don’t think you can go wrong with either of them. I have been a repeat buyer of ACAs so I am fully confident of them. I have not purchased from Brian Gavin although his diamonds give me no pause either.
You definitely can't go wrong here. Definitely sleep on jt
Because the diamonds are so similar, does one of the vendors have a setting you prefer? I may have missed what your setting plan is.....
Thank you everyone. I didn't see your extra responses last night because my email didn't alert me. I ended up posting in a new thread. I'm so sorry!

I do think BG has a setting I prefer more. I gravitate towards very classic looking solitaire 4 prong setting so it shows off the diamond the most at all angles.

Do you think either stone would demonstrate more fire compared to the other? I like seeing both fire and brilliance in the diamonds but do gravitate towards fire more. The BG diamond has somewhat thicker arrows so I was reading that can sometimes contribute to bigger fire flashes? Both have a 55% table. Both have a crown angle of 34.5. BG has pavilion angle of 40.6 and WF has 40.8. Star facets and lower girdles are pretty identical. BG is a little deeper than the WF stone but still less than 62%.
So looks like the Whiteflash diamond went back in inventory and the Brian Gavin diamond says sold. Is that the one you ended up choosing?
Thanks for the follow up! I had selected the WF diamond thanks to your recommendation and was just about to order it. But while I was waiting for something with my credit card company, the BG diamond was uploaded that very day so I inquired about that one as well. Both companies have been wonderful and were able to send videos of the actual stones to help me decide. I ended up choosing the BG diamond because it was 1k cheaper and I thought maybe it looked like it had slightly more fire but it was so hard to tell because they were very similar. So I will soon get it in the mail and see it in person. I am excited for it.

Thanks for your help and patience and understanding!
Im certain it will be beautiful!!
Thanks for the follow up! I had selected the WF diamond thanks to your recommendation and was just about to order it. But while I was waiting for something with my credit card company, the BG diamond was uploaded that very day so I inquired about that one as well. Both companies have been wonderful and were able to send videos of the actual stones to help me decide. I ended up choosing the BG diamond because it was 1k cheaper and I thought maybe it looked like it had slightly more fire but it was so hard to tell because they were very similar. So I will soon get it in the mail and see it in person. I am excited for it.

Thanks for your help and patience and understanding!

I am glad you were able to make a decision and yay on saving money! Please come back with pictures for us when you receive the ring!