
Here we go again, help with multicolor Tahitian strand

Is the Judi strand returnable? If yes - even if there’s a restocking cost - I think you need to see it in-person PM! It’s clearly a piece that you find attractive and you’ll kick yourself if you don’t find out more ::) And you’ve returned some strands along the way, it’s not like you’re brand new and haven’t any idea what you’re looking for - maybe this one does check all your boxes! Then it becomes a more sterile pricing convo.
I do agree that you will have a more colorful strand if you include some GSS and WSS pearls. Or at least some silvery Tahitians.

I agree that you would need to see Judi's strand in person to know if the colors hold in all light conditions. I doubt they do.

I don't think you can assume Judi's strand doesn't have strong overtones. Specifically the bright blue and green ones.
Remember my strand --the colorful diffuse light photo was taken moments before the direct light one, and only 2 feet away. The blues and greens and peacock colors hide in direct sunlight.

Tahitians in diffuse light in LR.jpeg

my Tahitians in direct sunlight at open door.jpeg
I circled the pearls in Judi's necklace that I think are likely overtone colors. The yellowish green one in front may also be partly overtone color.

Judi's necklace suspected overtone ccolors.jpeg
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This photo:


So I don't believe this strand will ever look like this IRL. I think this look would require a true lightbox-ey lighting environment, with a camera and/or lighting that errs cooler. In those ideal conditions - this is the most colour you'll ever see; no real-world viewing environment could yield this appearance.

I've highlighted some visible blemshing. This isn't bad by any means - I would personally consider these pearls quite clean!! But they aren't clean of blemishes per the vendor's description, and I know I'd be unhappy if I'd purchased them with that specific description. So highlighting that here to avoid potential expectation mismatch.

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This photo:


Is IMO a much more realistic "real world ideal lighting" picture. On a cloudy day, in diffuse lighting, I think this is what you could expect to see. I think this pic is probably the closest to a "fair" colour comparison with DMZ's pics.

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This is harsher direct lighting. This highlights the high dynamic range provided by the addition of some SS, but nuances are getting lost between the darker Tahitians. Which is what you'd expect. This still isn't the harshest lighting possible.

TLDR - I think DMZ's strand has more colourful overtones than the Judi. But I think the Judi has higher dynamic range than DMZ's. I think DMZ's strand's colorfulness is mostly - like, vast majority - coming from wild overtones that would fade in harsh direct lighting. And I think most of the colour in the Judi strand is also mostly coming from overtones - SS exempted.

The trade makes an equivalence between "strong overtone" and "higher quality", even if that means a lack of "colour stickiness". Maybe also look at Fiji pearls? (Flavour of the same Tahitian oyster species - smaller, and seems to more commonly produce pearls with strongly varied body colours).
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I agree with @yssie, about both strands (Judi's and dmz's) likely getting their dramatic colors from overtones rather than body color, and about looking into Fijian pearls.

Pearl Paradise used to carry Fijian pearls from J. Hunter but now Hunter sells them through Assael. There is also Civa Fiji Pearls; I know Cees has sold some of those in the past. You could ask him, or search online further.
@yssie & @pearlsngems Thank you so much for taking so much of your time to help me in my quest! Your photos and your comments on my photos are so helpful.

I’m waiting to hear back from Cees (the Bangkok Fair and the Hong Kong Fair are both later this month so finger crossed he will find something!).

If Cees does not find anything, I will likely purchase Judi’s strand just to see in person. I think it’s definitely a very colorful strand, the real question is if it’s colorful enough for me. There is a chance that with Tahitians, maybe Judi’s strand is as colorful as it gets, barring the rare unicorn? @yssie says, re the 80/20 rule - that it takes 20% of the effort/time/money/valuable-whatever to get 80% of the way to perfect, and it’ll take 80% of the effort/time/money/etc to get through that last 20%—maybe I’m getting the 80% here with Judi’s and if the price isn’t outrageous (is it??), maybe I’ll “settle”.

TBH I don’t really know what dmz’s strand looks like in unflattering light and maybe I’m idealizing it too much and comparing every strand to it; as @pearlsngems says, we all want our pearls to look their best and I’ve only seen that dmz strand at its best. Maybe it’s not a fair standard I’m comparing all other strand to?

I’ve reached out to J Hunter actually already-that keshi strand I posted earlier apparently sold years ago (not sure why it’s not marked sold on their website still).

I just went on the Civa website but don’t see any for sale on their website?

Assael is fun to browse but I think their strands are more like 20k and waaay up. Too rich for my blood!
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This store sells Civa pearls. Very pricey and many items are sold out, though.

Could you maybe take a look at the Judi in-person whilst Cees searches? Before the show next month. I feel like you’ll know right away if it’s a keeper or not.
Could you maybe take a look at the Judi in-person whilst Cees searches? Before the show next month. I feel like you’ll know right away if it’s a keeper or not.

Thanks! You think it’s promising enough going by the photos? I just hate to inconvenience any vendor if there’s a slim chance even of a return (I’ll obv offer to cover shipping both ways and any restocking fee), but it’s just hard to know without seeing it in person.

My gut feeling is Judi’s is closest to what I “think” I want looking at dmz’s strand in the last few years I’ve been looking lol, but I’m not sure.

I also am starting to feel like a stalker, I wonder what dmz will think if he ever logged back on here!
I feel like I’m giving off Fatal Attraction (for those of us old enough to have seen this 1987 gem!) vibes when it comes to poor dmz’s strand:


I’ve been very careful NOT to tag him in case this thread scares the bejesus out of him lol, although I’ll admit I’d LOVE to see his wife’s strand in other light conditions.
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Oh I imagine a great many of us are guilty of stalking his wife’s strand :lol:

I think you need to see the Judi strand though. Whatever we think - you’ve been thinking about it SO much, I think you’ll really regret not seeing it!
As Judi has been so accommodating with providing photos, can you ask her to lay the pearls on a white or otherwise light neutral background and photograph them outdoors in full sunlight? This would at least show you whether you want to see them in person.
Granted it's winter and there are lots of overcast days in New England, but there are sunny days (or hours) also.
I’m posting various photos of my multicolour Tahitian strand from Cees below. I also note that they look different depending upon what I am wearing. They look their best with a white shirt/t-shirt.4FDBE3C3-285C-47C5-BE80-77F97791F60E.jpeg


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I've been waiting for a sunny day to take full sunlight and indoor photos of a Tahitian necklace we bought from PP in 2015 for our daughter's 21st birthday. When she didn't want it (really!) my husband happily claimed it. I also have the PP listing photo.
I think this may be instructive.

PP listing photo-- shows the astonishing overtones.
8.0-9.7mm round Tahitian strand from PP small.jpeg

Which actually show up pretty well in diffuse light, though not like the studio photo:

multicolor Tahitians from PP indoors PS.jpeg

And much less in full sunlight, although some pearls are more colorful than others:

multicolor Tahitians from PP in full sun PS.jpeg

This would not be complete without a photo of my hubby sporting his necklace! :)

Husband wearing Tahitians.jpg
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I've been waiting for a sunny day to take full sunlight and indoor photos of a Tahitian necklace we bought from PP in 2015 for our daughter's 21st birthday. When she didn't want it (really!) my husband happily claimed it. I also have the PP listing photo.
I think this may be instructive.

PP listing photo-- shows the astonishing overtones.
8.0-9.7mm round Tahitian strand from PP small.jpeg

Which actually show up pretty well in diffuse light, though not like the studio photo:

multicolor Tahitians from PP indoors PS.jpeg

And much less in full sunlight, although some pearls are more colorful than others:

multicolor Tahitians from PP in full sun PS.jpeg

This would not be complete without a photo of my hubby sporting his necklace! :)

Husband wearing Tahitians.jpg

i think your daughter will grow to regret not wanting this, the colours are stunning
glad you kept it
i think your daughter will grow to regret not wanting this, the colours are stunning
glad you kept it

I think she just isn't into Tahitians. Also, they are on the small side (8.0mm - 9.7mm) and she prefers a larger look.
But she will inherit them, so if she changes her mind someday, they will be hers.

She loves golden south sea pearls and I did get her a necklace and studs of those, which she wears.
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@CMN gorgeous strand, thanks very much for the comparison photos in different light, these are really invaluable in teaching folks like myself what to expect in terms of how these chameleon pearls look IRL

@pearlsngems i think she will change her mind! It’s one of the most colorful strands I’ve seen to date.
A few more photos to show the difference between the overtones in diffuse light vs. in full sun:


In the sun:


A photo from 2015, outdoors in the shade:the colorful Tahitians from PP in shade.jpg

The reason I'm posting these is because anyone shopping for Tahitians needs to understand the difference between overtone colors and body colors. Tahitians are very big on overtones! Not so big on body color, although there are exceptions.

Speaking for myself, it doesn't bother me that the colors only really come out to play in diffuse light. I spend more time indoors anyway.
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Cees just posted a beautiful multi Fiji strand on IG, is that for you? I have bought from a company called Takaramonobr in the past, they have also posted some multi strands today.
Cees just posted a beautiful multi Fiji strand on IG, is that for you? I have bought from a company called Takaramonobr in the past, they have also posted some multi strands today.

I passed on it and it went to someone else. I’m still looking!
@yssie & @pearlsngems @ShinyPleeease @CMN sorry to tag but in need of some help ASAP as I think I maaaay have found a strand to go for that ticks all my boxes, this is shot with cell phone per seller under normal light, more photos pending, $6k USD. What do you guys think? Help me “read” the strand: Do you think the colors are going to be as vibrant in real life as they are in the picture? I feel like most of the colors are coming from overtones rather than body color, although a few are knockouts (blue, purple) in terms of great body color also.

Pros: I like the shape, color.

Cons: this is an instagram vendor (not naming yet since I’ve had items swiped out from under me before on PS) that no one yet has bought from on PS, so I’ll be taking a chance with an overseas purchase that will be hard to return. Also on the pricier side IHMO.

This is the most vibrant the colours will ever look - these photos were taken in ideal lighting for pearls. They’re beautiful!

I would wait for the other photos before pulling the trigger but good call keeping source off PS until you decide! Yeah, they’ll be more muted in normal lighting conditions, for sure. But that’s his the way it is with Tahitians. The overtone variance in this strand is very striking and it’s got a nice mix of light and dark body!
@yssie & @pearlsngems @ShinyPleeease @CMN sorry to tag but in need of some help ASAP as I think I maaaay have found a strand to go for that ticks all my boxes, this is shot with cell phone per seller under normal light, more photos pending, $6k USD. What do you guys think? Help me “read” the strand: Do you think the colors are going to be as vibrant in real life as they are in the picture? I feel like most of the colors are coming from overtones rather than body color, although a few are knockouts (blue, purple) in terms of great body color also.

Pros: I like the shape, color.

Cons: this is an instagram vendor (not naming yet since I’ve had items swiped out from under me before on PS) that no one yet has bought from on PS, so I’ll be taking a chance with an overseas purchase that will be hard to return. Also on the pricier side IHMO.


I saw this one and came here to post it! I love the unusual shapes. No idea if those colors are legit--they look almost unbelievable to be natural.
I saw this too and immediately thought of you, @Pinkmartini87! This strand has such beautiful colors and interesting shapes and seems to be what you are looking for. I do agree that the colors may look more muted IRL though. If the vendor accepts returns, it would be a no brainer for me. If not, $6K is kinda a lot…

Edited to add that I have been able to successfully return purchases from overseas but definitely work that out with the vendor prior to purchase!