
Honest Opinion Needed ! TOO MUCH METAL ?!?!

lovemydiamond|1297059979|2845398 said:
Your ring looks great. One thing to note (probably someone already mentioned it but I didn't read though all the posts before throwing my 2 cents): the side diamonds and your center diamond can cut each other's edges if you don't have metal before them. I have read posts before that the diamonds in a five-stone wedding band start cracking when a person used a customized design (which has thin metals in between the side stones). I am sure that it is not something you want. Just a personal suggestion: why don't you enjoy your current setting (which looks perfect to me) for a couple of years and change to some other style later if you get bored of it. Your ring's design is really hot right now. A lot of gals would envy you over it.


LMD i totally understand where you come from but metal does cover the edge of every melee diamond on the outer edge of the halo, ever so slightly just reaches up to cover completely the girdle of each melee diamond, preventing it to scratch my skin, etc. so i would expect him to do the same for the side the faces the center diamond.
frankie-I would contact Leon. Let us know what he says, if you don't mind sharing
First of all, I will say that I do see what you're talking about when compared to the other rings. What I don't know is if LM has done that on purpose, and as previous posters have said, if it bothers you that much, you should call to find out. That said, I fear that the others are right in that, if LM is as he is described frequently on these boards, he likely won't welcome criticism about his work. Best case is you call and he redoes it, worst case is you are stuck with the ring as is. Please know, however, that it is a great ring, and the most recent picture you posted that is supposed to make the problem look "obvious" is actually the picture in which I think the ring looks the best!
Thanks for posting the drawing and the photos of the other halos. I see exactly what you are talking about. The reflection of the metal in certain types of light, though minimal, would bother me. I understand what others are saying about LM's tendency to take artistic license with his pieces; however, you ordered a specific design from him with the expectation that it would look like that design, not a variation of the design (if Im understanding you correctly).
I definitly see what you are saying. Looks like it needs a bigger center stone in it to cover up the metal (bezel look). :blackeye:
Hope you can work something out with LM.
I do see what you mean but handmade pieces (even from Leon Mege) are not perfect. It shouldn't be the luck of the draw but I learnt that it sort of is. The QA processes aren't as stringent as I would like. I know the first ring I got from him had some symmetry issues that bothered me. He rectified these in the second remake. However, the ring is still not perfectly symmetrical but only I am able to see this and even my fiance can't notice in blown up pictures.

You can talk to Leon but I highly doubt he will do anything about it. I do wish though it will trigger some thoughts into enhancing his quality assurance on the rings coming out of his shop. I have noticed a broader range in quality when compared to a few years ago. Some rings are stunning while others have flaws. I would say in the recent year ... the most well made ring is the warm oval stone in the gold/platinum setting that is for sale on JbEG's site right now.
It's really your call. I think it's a beautiful ring, almost exactly like the Michael M e-ring I just purchased for my wife. I'm sure you can't notice it from a distance but I see what you're talking about. Personally like someone here already said, it looks uneven and to me a little sloppily done. I don't want to add fuel to the fire, but if you're not happy with it then tell them. I'm sure Leon doesn't inspect every ring that goes through his company, although I might be wrong. But I would show him.
Your ring in the original thread looks just like the other rings you posted here, which you give as examples of rings with the metal edge that bothers you. Those rings could be just like yours and the photos just don't show it.

I am betting this is not something Leon will opt to fix for you.
Hi Frankie, I'm so sorry you're experiencing distress over this gorgeous ring. I do see what you mean about the metal, and I just wanted to post here because you included a picture of my ring. Now, Leon told me that the ring would be V-cut pave, not cut down, as yours is, which may be accounting for the difference? I can't verify if my ring is actually v cut, though, as I really can't tell the difference between the pave types.

Here are a couple maybe clearer and closer shots of my ring. I can still definitely see that there's metal between the melee and te center stone, but it doesn't seem to be a continuous ring, and it's very minimal.


hellokitty - your ring is stunning. Glad to see the pictures again!
i will comment that i think it can be somewhat risky to compare stone to stone as we dont know girdle thickness, crown height and angle and so on. The visible metal may be more noticeable from stone to stone based on these variations. just a thought.
I think this ring is beyond gorgeous, even up close! How does your Mom like it? That's the question :)