
Honest Thoughts by Asscher Owners

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I NEVER said I didn't care halos for asschers!!! I love them and they are some of my favorite styles, but I think asschers can look just as amazing without them. I have a very simple band right now and I think it really shows of the diamond itself. We are considering having it reset into a ritani endless love type band someday but that doesn't mean I don't think they look great with simple bands.

"Do you who love asschers, also like princess cuts? Ironically, it is one of my least favorite cuts (not that I DON'T like them), and it is the one everyone mistakes my asscher for"

Ditto!!! If someone made me get something other than an asscher princess would be at the end of my list but everyone tells me how gorgeous my princess cut is
Funny thing? I had never seen an asscher in person until he proposed with it. I wanted a Lucida cause of the stop sign... but it was too pricey. Didn''t know about cushions or the bloody Jubilee. So I told the jeweler to get us three princesses and three asschers. Princesses b/c I like brillant cuts, asschers for thier shape. My fiance is the one who was mesmerized by the asschers when he went to pick it (I wasn''t there, the actual stone was a surprise). So... he got me an asscher and two weeks later a friend got a square cushion. Was kicking myself for that for a while. So... my asscher, while I love it... is more my fiance''s obsession, not mine. But it was my fault for not doing more reseach (I''m the research end of things-- lawyer-- so my fiance never really does that kind of stuff-- that''s just they way we work).

So I''m guilty of being one of those strange people who thought of the two as, if not interchangable, equally acceptable. But more because I knew I couldn''t have my first love, the Lucida.

Now, however, I''ve gotten used to the look of my asscher... and have slowly fallen for it. Wouldn''t trade it-- except for a royal asscher... a 3 carat Royal Asscher. YUM!
I''m with you, Gypsy...

I secretly covet a big, old Royal Asscher.

Are there photos of your asscher ring on PS anywhere? Did I miss it?
Going into my ring purchase I was dead set against going larger than about a carat. Now I know that was because of my perceptions of RB carats. I "knew" about the size difference between RB and Asschers, but guess I didn''t *believe* it. So while I am not into huge honkers on my hand, I think my dream asscher size would be in the 1.5-2ct (6.5-7mm) range. I love them bigger than that too, but I''m not mentally there yet for my own hand.

For me it is not about size, carats, is about doing justice to the asscher patterns. I feel like stones in my dream range are more accessible from distance, different angles, etc. But that''s an "it would be nice" thought, not a "I don''t like mine and I want an upgrade NOW" thought.
Date: 5/10/2006 12:33:37 PM
Author: decodelighted
Date: 5/10/2006 12:08:12 PM
Author: wallermama
I wonder sometimes if this is a setting issue, not a diamond issue, for me. The two plain plat bands next to each other can overwhelm the stone at times.

Ya know, Wallermama ...I steered away from solid, shiny settings for my Asscher ''cause I thought the stone (being so angular yet subtle) needed a mild backdrop to really POP. That''s why I went ''antiquey'' with milgrain & textured prongs etc etc.

BEFORE you do anything else to that gorgeous set of yours -- I''d try this: Get it satin finished or ''brushed''-finished. I''d GUESS that it would change the entire look of your set for almost no $$ -- and make the stunning Asscher POP more for ya.
Whaddya think Wallermama? I didn''t see you respond to this! If ya did - I''m a dunce!
Date: 5/10/2006 1:40:45 PM
Author: decodelighted
Date: 5/10/2006 12:33:37 PM

Author: decodelighted

Date: 5/10/2006 12:08:12 PM

Author: wallermama

I wonder sometimes if this is a setting issue, not a diamond issue, for me. The two plain plat bands next to each other can overwhelm the stone at times.

Ya know, Wallermama ...I steered away from solid, shiny settings for my Asscher ''cause I thought the stone (being so angular yet subtle) needed a mild backdrop to really POP. That''s why I went ''antiquey'' with milgrain & textured prongs etc etc.

BEFORE you do anything else to that gorgeous set of yours -- I''d try this: Get it satin finished or ''brushed''-finished. I''d GUESS that it would change the entire look of your set for almost no $$ -- and make the stunning Asscher POP more for ya.

Whaddya think Wallermama? I didn''t see you respond to this! If ya did - I''m a dunce!

Duh, me! I totally didn''t see this post in my bingeish-multiple-asscher-post-reading-frenzy! That is SUCH a great idea. I am taking it in today and I''ll ask if they can do that.

Deco, my hero!
Well... The first picture (not a great one) is of my asscher in my current setting. The second one has the halo I am getting from Quest (one in my AV) soon. Just the halo, not the shoulders.

Date: 5/10/2006 12:33:37 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 5/10/2006 12:08:12 PM
Author: wallermama
I wonder sometimes if this is a setting issue, not a diamond issue, for me. The two plain plat bands next to each other can overwhelm the stone at times.

Ya know, Wallermama ...I steered away from solid, shiny settings for my Asscher ''cause I thought the stone (being so angular yet subtle) needed a mild backdrop to really POP. That''s why I went ''antiquey'' with milgrain & textured prongs etc etc.

BEFORE you do anything else to that gorgeous set of yours -- I''d try this: Get it satin finished or ''brushed''-finished. I''d GUESS that it would change the entire look of your set for almost no $$ -- and make the stunning Asscher POP more for ya.
That''s exactly what I did with a satin finish. First everyone compliments how different it is, second it really makes the diamond POP.
Okay...I''m totally late in getting here.

I love my asscher with all my heart. Knew the first time I saw an asscher (and it was in a magazine) that it was the cut I had to have.

What I love about it:
1. I love that it is simple with very clean lines. Like Deco said, I like the symmetry and the simplicity of it. IMHO, although the sparkle factor of other cuts is nice, they just look kind of "messy" to me. I''ve had my ering for about five months now, and I STILL look at it all the time and think it is just beautiful. Between the steps and the windmills, there is so much going on there...but it still looks so clean and awesome. I like my asscher, darn it!

2. I just think they are unique and wonderful. People often ask me what kind of cut it is. I like that it is different. And like someone above me said, a person that likes RB will probably never love an asscher (Kaleigh excluded, of course). The guy that we bought my diamond and setting from pretty much told me he just doesn''t like asscher. Silly man. Of course, he picked me a fantastic stone, so I can''t complain!

3. I love the way an asscher looks with a halo. and even without.
They are so deep and so lovely. Sigh.

What I don''t love:
1. The cleaning. A dirty asscher just ain''t as pretty as a clean one.

2. THey do run small size wise. Mine is 1.57 carats and it doesn''t look huge. It is good sized...but in another cut, it would look much bigger.

3. I guess my final would be that you can''t really see an asscher''s TRUE beauty from far away. Mine is about 6.5mm and I have the same issue as wallermama. From far away, you just can''t love it properly.

But my oh my, I love it so. I think wallermama summed it up well when she said her asscher is just "her." I couldn''t agree more.
Date: 5/10/2006 2:02:45 PM
Author: Gypsy
Well... The first picture (not a great one) is of my asscher in my current setting. The second one has the halo I am getting from Quest (one in my AV) soon. Just the halo, not the shoulders.

Gypsy: It''s going to look awesome. Can''t wait to see the pictures when it''s done.
gypsy, your setting is amazing! cannot wait to see it.

I have an e/c but considered an asscher for this upgrade. (stuck with an e/c though) A lot of square emeralds look like asschers to me. Step cuts are different than facets, I also think e/c''s need to be clean or they look dingy. My friend has a sizeable asscher (8 or so carats) and thinks now her stone does face up smaller, it is pretty deep. She is just upset that she did not think of that when she was choosing stones...but again, the step cuts are a real systematic issue and must be cut right to look at all pretty! But I happen to love the Royal asscher...I was in Palm Beach once and saw a 7 carat in the jewelry store in the Breakers and thought it was stunning!
I''m a huffer too!
And an ultrasonicer, and now I''m a steamer too. I have a RB and when it gets coated up with kiddie spit, snot, and other grimy substances I just get all crazy.

I love Deco''s idea of giving your bands a brushed finish to make the stone pop more. The design of your ring is perfectly suited to that look...sleek, contemporary, simple.

I''m a RB owner but I love, love, love step-cut stones, namley asschers and emerald cuts. Step-cuts are so classy and timeless, they have that vintage look that really appeals to me. One day I hope to join your ranks and have my very own!
I think asschers are breathtaking in person. Those stairsteps... it looks like a giant ice cube with mirrors inside.

From far away, it''s glimmery. My friend''s isn''t fiery like my RB, but it''s eye-catching in a different way. It''s like getting a glimpse of something magical -- a sparkly clear lake on her finger with the sun glinting off the steps. Beautiful.
I think the ''perfect'' and symetrical and ordered aspects of the asscher are the reason why I just couldn''t compromise on my settng. If I won the lottery jackpot... I''d still get the same exact halo... same setting period honestly. I''m getting exactly what I want... and I''m very lucky.

Of course I''d get that 3 carat royal asscher for evening wear, then too!

And a matching 8 carat pendant, and 3 carat studs....

Well, you get the point! ring returned from its day at the spa, and I took Deco''s advice and went satin! I love it!

And one more.... Prongs softened, hard shank edges softened, and satin finish!

OMG - it seriously makes all the difference.....the asscher looks so much more PROMINENT!!!!! Great suggestion by Deco!!!


The satin finish or kind of "patina" platinum gets is so awesome with Asschers because it''s like a comfie, soft, fave jeans kind of classic "field" to show off the hard, bold, geometric power of Asscher.

Ya might still get itchy for pave or more bling or something -- but I think it''s an EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT way to try something new without much $$/committment (reversible)/trouble/ waiting w/o your sparkly
like I am right now

Holy Crap! When did you have time to have that done? That looks great!

Seriously... Looks so good that if I were going to keep this setting, I''d go satin too!
That looks great!! I really live how the prongs were altered too... your stone really shines and looks so big!!
Three cheers for Union Street Goldsmith in San Francisco! They were so great and got it back to me several hours after I dropped it off!

And I set my sights on something new to add..hee hee hee....

And I saw some lovely asschers....

And I tried on asschers in tiny gorgeous pave...even split prongs...

I tried on a 2.5 ct RB to imagine life as Mara...

more thoughts when I am not holding a wet bath baby and typing with one paw!
It looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!! Such a subtle change but makes a WORLD of difference--really, the softened edges of the shank plus the patina make the stone really pop more and much more the main attraction if that makes any sense. And hooray for no more catching prongs. It looks WONDERFUL
Has anyone noticed more colored light coming from their asscher than anything else or is it maybe just the way mine is cut? I guess that would be more fire, right? I see every color from my asscher although in direct sunlight I see tons of white and colored light.
The satin finish makes a huge difference. I had my doubts, but it''s awesome!!!
Satin finish looks absolutely lovely. Amazing. The stone just looks amazing. LOVE IT!!!
I keep coming back to peek & marvel!! It''s like CASHMERE ... Mod Cashmere. Bliss.
Seriously - I've come back 4 times to look again.
HUGE difference! Love it! Not only's soft, like butta.
Date: 5/10/2006 10:18:21 PM
Author: indecisive
Has anyone noticed more colored light coming from their asscher than anything else or is it maybe just the way mine is cut? I guess that would be more fire, right? I see every color from my asscher although in direct sunlight I see tons of white and colored light.

correct a properly cut asscher has kicken patterns in some light and tremendous fire in others.
They arent big on white light return its not what they are about.
Date: 5/10/2006 10:48:13 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 5/10/2006 10:18:21 PM
Author: indecisive
Has anyone noticed more colored light coming from their asscher than anything else or is it maybe just the way mine is cut? I guess that would be more fire, right? I see every color from my asscher although in direct sunlight I see tons of white and colored light.

correct a properly cut asscher has kicken patterns in some light and tremendous fire in others.
They arent big on white light return its not what they are about.
Yeah, it has a ton of fire! I see every color out of the tops, the sides, everywhere! I wasn''t expecting it but it is just amazing... I love asschers!!!
try this, outside on a bright day, turn your back to the sun, turn your hand sideways so your fingers are pointed to the right (for e-ring) and the stone is pointed towards you, have the sun catch the stone then rotate your hand slowly away then towards you.
between 8 and 22 degrees of tilt you will see the asscher broadside.
You will knoww what I mean when you see it :}
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