What a beautiful wedding!!! The location looks just perfect and I''m absolutely in LOVE with your dress - such a glamorous design and the fabric is to die for!
Honey your wedding looks like it was amazing, the happiness and joy and love just shines out of you all! And I seriously can''t believe you were sick up until the morning of the big day, you look radiant, the absolutely picture of a radiant bride
Congratulations to you both, enjoy the honeymoon now, can''t wait to see the pro pics!
Firstly, sorry it''s taken me so long to respond to everyone. I have had a few things going in this past week, then I got super burnt on my back and spent several days in pain and grumpy, and just generally feeling sorry for myself.
LtFirecracker, lulu66, Travel Goddess, Bella mezzo, Dee, HOT, rhbgirl24, oddoneout, purselover, Inanna, elrohwen, tlh, sunnyd, Rock of Love, Ambergretchen, princessplease, katamari, Tuckins1, mscusion, bee*, vcloum, skippy123, chiquatapet - thankyou thankyou thankyou each one of you for your beautiful words and congratulations. I am so happy to be able to share these few pics with you guys. You have all helped in some way with my wedding planning, even to just be here on PS to let me vent and brag!
Blackpaw - Linda Gorringe in just phenomenal. What can I say, she just has a certain magic when it comes to designing dresses. I felt like a million bucks!!!!
LilyKat - I am not certain what fabric my veil is to be 100% honest. I just picked one from Linda Gorringe in Melbourne where I bought my gown. They sell them online, but veils are not as cheap here as in the states. This one cost be $175. It was very fine tulle I believe with a few pearls and crystals on the edges. I just adored it!
DandiAndi - I bought my brooch from Shacara Beaded Jewellery. http://www.shacarabeadedjewellery.com.au/ It was a custom piece but it was really cheap, like about $50 I believe?! Maybe a touch more? I can''t remember, I just told her what I wanted roughly and she made it. I can take a close pic later if you want. Need to find it first though
She also has an Etsy store for US orders. The lady that owns the business is super nice and wonderful to work for!!!!
Smurfy - yep, the shot in the bum hurt but it was totally worth it, made me feel a whole heap better!!! Not exactly the romantic morning I had planned with hubby though.
noelwr - we wanted our wedding to feel intimate and romantic. We were set on having all our guests seated at the same table to give it a more intimate feel. We think it really worked well. Everyone felt part of the reception at all times.
swedishbean and supergirl10 - hubby is thrilled with your comments. He searched high and low for the right hat!!! He wanted something to stop his bare little head from getting crispied in the hot QLD sun, but also something that looked great. I personally think he looked HOT in his hat! Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!
purelily - I am proud to hear that I am inspiring your own weight loss journey! Don''t give up - at times it may seem impossible but you will get there eventually. Good luck sweetie!!!!
Delster - thanks hon. It''s amazing though what a talented MUA can do. I looked TERRIBLE that morning. I will try and find the pic of me getting ready
Oh, honey...everything looks AMAZING!!! You are gorgeous, and your DH looks so cute with his shades and hat! You two make such a cute couple! I''m so glad the weather cleared and that you felt better the day of. Disaster avoided..whew!
Honey, not sure how I missed your pics! Everything was absolutely beautiful! You looked so radiant! Congratulations, darling!!
P.S.: So sorry to hear you were sick
If it''s any consolation, I was sick at my Indian weding too - the ceremony was to begin at 7pm and I was still in bed, unshowered, at 5pm! People weren''t sure if the wedding was going to happen or not! Unfortunately for me, while I did make it to the ceremong/reception, my pics really reflected my illness...I look like I was about to puke in every single picture! Thankfully, your pictures turned out so beautiful and you looked fabulously gorgeous! AND you''re married! W00t!