You looked stunning! Your new step daughter is gorgeous, husband is so handsome, and your daughter is darling. What a gorgeous, glowing family! I still can''t get enough of your dress. Its one of my favorites on PS! Thanks for posting pictures of your wedding.
Awwww!!! What sweet beautiful comments from you all!!! Thank you so much!!
DVS1, bleed burt orange, Po and Miya thank you so much!! We were really happy. I''m glad it showed.
ilovesparkles, so sweet of you!!!
sba, thank you for the greek godess comment.. that was what i was going for!!
Travel Goddess, thank you!! I think we make a pretty good couple too!!
Maevie, laughwithme, oddoneout, lulu, and princessplease, I''m so glad people love the pics, it''s easy to say it was beautiful when you were the bride, so thanks!!
kama, i am really really lucky to have 2 such goregous girls on the inside and out.
treefrog, the weather was perfect! totally unbelievable!! We were married on Daves late fathers birthday, and we were convinced he turned on the weather for us. I did eventually get to sleep.. at about 3am!!
Labrat, Amanda and housecat, thank you i loved the day and everything about it too.
Claritek, i am absolutely flattered, and sooo glad that i held out for that dress. It wouldn''t have been the same without it.
Bjedifish, Luckyshe, making the grade, caribqueen and emilina thank you! It really was the best day of my life.
Ok while i am here.. a quick run down on the day and wedding planning...
1. It REALLY does go so fast. I am glad we had friends video it. I can''t wait to watch the tape!
2. ''Rescue Remedy'' was my friend. it is a herbal calmer and it really did keep the nerves away. I was able to enjoy the day and the anticipation without feeling sick or nervous or worried.
3. The only thing that dissapointed me were my flowers. So NOT what i asked for. They were supposed to be white with the strong yellow in between, not the whishy washy,white/yellow/green combination they were.
4. I am so proud to finally call Dave my husband! You rock babe and we are going to make a great team.
5. Enlisting the help of family and friends on the day was a great choice, i couldn''t have done it without them!
6. Taking family recommendations on things, esp when you don''t have the same tastes isn''t the best idea, re flowers and dress maker.
7. Having an awesome group of friends to share the day with you is what really makes a great wedding. Everyone was so supportive and helpful and they all genuinely seemed to enjoy themselves, which made us so happy.
8. Feed the hoards early. We made the mistake of spacing out the food platters and there wasn''t enough food in the begining and there ended up being food left over at the end.
9. A good makeup artist and hairdresser are essential. Trust me, i don''t ever look that good!!!
Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures! Your dress turned out stunning! Your daughter and step-daughter had such pretty dresses they looked fantastic, I also loved the hand-painted sign and your cupcakes/cake!
You looked absolutely gorgeous!!! The dress looks awesome on you (even if the back was "broken"), your hubby is a cutie, and your girls are adorable as well!
Thank you so much Tuckins, Deelight, purselover, monkeypants, katamari, shertz, vc10um, sunnyd, marlie, jjc, rock of love, yssie, lilyfoot, stephbolt, dcgator, and sharon!!
We are on our honeymoon now, enjoying a quiet night in our villa on Nusa Lembongan. Dave managed to loose his wedding ring exactly one week after getting married!! Can''t be too mad at him though.. he lost it surfing and sliced all his hands up on the reef. Ouch!!
You look like a Grecian goddess. Your daughter and new daughter are adorable. Everything looks so beautiful and special. You can really feel the love and happinness in the pictures. Congrats!!