
How are the expecting moms doing??

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Well, I''m partial to Amanda.

Here are the names of the babies my friends have had in the past:

Abigail Rose
Ricardo (but call him Joey)
Zachary Samuel
Joshua Paul
Noah Hayden
Julia Skye
Samuel Carl
Elyssa Nora
Gabriel (girl)
Gabriel (boy)
Well, if we adopt a girl it''s going to be Aislinn (pronounced ashlyn) Avery.
A boy may be Morgan Matthew or Michael Matthew.
Matthew is my husband''s name and I wanted to keep the tradition alive in the family of giving the father''s first name as the child''s middle name. My mom HATES the Morgan, she says it sounds gay
I told her that a name doesn''t make a kid homosexual or not, and if he turns out to be gay, so what?! Is that bad??

Michael is my dad'' s name, so I may go with that. I like more modern sounding names, but there''s a limit! Too many people are naming their kids Madison, Mckenna, Sienna, etc. I liked it at first, but it''s becoming overdone. I also don''t like things that are too out there like Apple and Moon Star and things like that, nor do I like "old" sounding names like Pearl, Ethel, Rose. I don''t know, I just get the image of an old lady when I hear them! Sorry to anyone who has these names, just my opinion, I''m sure many people like those names!

I like the Alyssa you were thinking of! I don''t know what I would put for a middle name. Leigh? I''ll think about it and post again later!
Date: 7/14/2005 12:49:51 PM
Author: IrishEyes

I like the Alyssa you were thinking of! I don''t know what I would put for a middle name. Leigh? I''ll think about it and post again later!
I like the name Alyssa or Alissa too - and it''s a tougher name for kids to poke fun at (always a consideration)... the worst i got was ''a-piss-ah'' or a-lizard ;) i''m kinda biased toward Alissa Alexandra... Congrats & best wishes to all expecting moms!! =)
Oh yeah, you have to think of that too! My name is Lisa, not a bad name IMO, but I had the "Lisa Pizza" nickname at school
It was so dumb, I''m like "can''t you think of anything else?" duh....

My mom was going to name me two other things: Brooke Lynn or Misty Dawn

When she presented Brooke Lynn to her family, my grandpa said "what about Pitts Burg?!" So she threw that one away! Hee hee...

I''m glad I didn''t get Misty Dawn! I think I would''ve ended up in the **** industry with that name!! It is a stripper name, IMO!!
hi everyone! I had my ob-gyn appointment today and all is basically well. I am taking extra iron for anemia and the heat here(in No. Cal) is killing me but other than that things are great!

We''re still going through names( Saul, Aaron, Noam, Chanan, Beck, Stanley, Lucien, Phillip, Adin...or some combination of these) but nothing has really taken shape yet. We spend so much time chasing after ds that there''s not as much time as before to dream about names etc.

I''m def. going to deliver here(I''m 31 weeks now), meanwhile dh has been back and forth(between here and Paris) because of work & the immigration hoop-jumping. I can''t wait until we''re finished with this phase and can really settle here!

He won''t be back until August(waaaah! a la Lucy Ricardo) but will be able to stay for a good chunk of time then. My in-laws are coming here after the baby is born.

One of our close family friends is getting married on my due date.(She caught the bouquet at my wedding!) We''re planning to attend but I can just see going into labor at her wedding. ulp!
Glad all is well Kaylagee!!!! I went to a wedding when I was due and it put me into labor!!!!!
Butterfly- my fav of the names you posted of Alyssa.. but I also really like the variation that Amanda posted- Elyssa. Really pretty! And I think it goes well with Kayla also. Alyssa is actually one of my favorite girl names!

My bf and I have spent a bit of time talking about what we''ll name the kids, but I have a feeling it will mostly end up being MY decision
Right now, my plan is Avery Brianne for a girl, and Owen Scott (Scott is bf''s name) for a boy- provided those don''t become popular! I like names that are a little different!
One of my best friends daughter is named Alyssa. I also like Elyssa, that a beautiful name too.
Those are great names. I like names that are a bit different. I''m a Lisa and there were 5 in my class. I named my daughter Ashley, and while it''s a popular name there are no other Ashley''s in her class.
Well, it seems like everyone likes Alyssa or Elyssa.
I am still undecided. I think I will go look up baby names again!
It''s what you like that matters most!!!! Whatever you choose, it will be a beautiful name I''m sure!!!!
Icekid - yea for the Avery!! Don''t you just love that name?! I posted above that I want to do that as a middle name for my girl.
And I love the Owen! Hmmm, Owen Matthew.... I don''t know, I''ll have to run it by DH, which he''ll probably turn down! He likes very simple names for boys
Butterfly- any decisions yet on the baby''s name?

IrishEyes- I love the name Avery! I''ve been pretty set on that one for a while (I think future hubby will mostly defer to me for these decisions
My favorite girl name is Makena Avery (named after Makena beach on Maui).
I like

Isobel and Helana
Okay, new names to choose from-
My husband says he only wants two syllables-

He likes Kara, but I think it is too close to Kayla.

so, here are the other names:

Kara Anne
Cara Elyssa
Kara Alyssa
Natalie Anne
Date: 8/3/2005 1:00:24 PM
Author: Butterfly17
Okay, new names to choose from-
My husband says he only wants two syllables-

He likes Kara, but I think it is too close to Kayla.

so, here are the other names:

Kara Anne
Cara Elyssa
Kara Alyssa
Natalie Anne
Kara is too close to Kayla. . .I''m telling you from experience. My sons names are similar (Dylan and Ryan) and their names are often confused by not only other people, but by my husband and me as well! lol
How''s everyone doing? A friend of mine just had her little girl at 33 weeks (!) but both she and baby are doing great. Scary though. She had gestational diabetes and pregnancy-induced hypertension and ultimately had pre-eclampsia (sp?).
She started laboring but the baby''s heart was decellarating every time she had a contraction, so they did an emergency c-section and a perfectly healthy but little 4 lb. 5.5 oz girl was born! A bit of a surprise, but thank goodness all is well. The fun part was that her shower was now a post-baby shower!!

Lots of rest and good thoughts to all the expectant mommies!!

(Oh, and in the name discussion, I love what they chose: Charlotte Ainsley pretty, huh!?)

I just wanted to update you guys.

I am now counting down the days. My due date is August 31st, 2005, next Wednesday and I feel like I could go any day now.

MY whole body aches, my butt, my back, my abdomen, I have all this heartburn and reflux(yuck!!!!). I can ''t wait any longer and I can''t take it any longer.

Sex no longer gives me the thrill it once did!
Sorry, TMI, I know! How do you think I feel?
The baby''s room is ready, I got almost everything I wanted from my baby shower. Whatever I didn''t, I got more than enough in gift certificates to purchase with. The only things I really had to buy out of pocket was the baby room decor, the car seat and the diaper bag. Oh, and the baby''s going home outfit.

I even got my "baby" gift early, the Tiny Treasures Roberto Coin heart pendant and matching earrings. I posted about the deal I got on ebay in the shopping forum. OH, and that sapphire ring, which I am not too crazy about, but that will be another story.

This is my last week of work as well. I start maternity leave on Thursday! If I feel up to it, I may continue to work until Friday, it depends on how tired I am.

I work nights, but since I can''t sleep anyway, and I am delivering at the hospital where I work, I may as well work if I can handle it.

This way, if I am in labor, I just have to walk across the hallway to L&D and let them know!
Oh good luck, I well remember those last days, it''s sooooo uncomfortable!!!!!
Kayla/butterfly - good luck with the last week or so. You''re due on my youngest brother''s birthday! He''ll be 15 and getting his learner''s permit.
Actually, I think he''ll be the best driver of the 4 of us kids... Anyways, hang in there! We''ll be waiting for pictures when you''re feeling up to it!
Yes... good luck and hope you guys have easy, safe and healthy deliveries!!!
Well, Today is my due date!

I had my membranes stripped by my OB Tuesday (August 30th), although I actually didn''t know she was doing it!!!

I went to the office, asked her what I could do to get the ball rolling, she said she could strip my membranes. I asked her if it was painful, she said it might be, I said, okay, forget about that.
She did the exam and it was so painful. As she was finishing, she said she stripped my membranes while she was down there!

I guess if it works, GREAT! But if it doesn''t, I don''t want her to ever do that to me again!!!

Anyway, I will update you guys if any changes happen, or if nothing happens!
Oh that is very painful. I''m sorry about that
I had a dr do that to me with one of my babies without warning or asking me first.
I was so P*ssed.
Luckily I didn''t go into labor until the baby was good and ready
Oh geez, that does sound painful, good luck and let us know how it goes.
Date: 7/13/2005 8:57:45 PM
Author: Butterfly17
Okay, okay, I guess I will be the first pregnant mom to respond!

Well, I am 33 weeks today and had a sonogram on Monday and everything seems to be okay.
The baby is up to date in size and weight (approximately 4 lbs. 5 oz.) and right on target with her gestational age.

I myself am uncomfortable, tired, having occasional contractions, especially when I am standing up, and I can''t wait to have the baby at this point!!!

I am having a girl according to the sonograms ( 5 different ones with 5 different techs), so I figure that they must be right!

I am trying to decorate the baby''s room and have still not decided on the color of the walls. At this point, it''s light sage green and very light pink, but who knows what I will eventually pick?

Lastly, the baby''s name? Yet another thing we can''t decide on.
I like the following three names (in random order)-


and my daughter Kayla likes Julia.

Feel free to chime in with what names you like!

Maybe I should start a poll!
Congratulations Butterfly!

How about considering Ava or Emma or Isabella? I have two daughters who are named Melanie and are welcome to those names as well...If my last son had been a girl, we were going to go with Isabella Mikayla Noel cuz she/he was to be born on Christmas, which HE was...keep us posted and good luck!
I haven''t posted here in many months (got crazy busy with my wedding planning). I too am an expectant mommy. I''m 29 weeks pregnant with my first child. My daughter will be born Nov. 19th.

Kayla: I don''t know if you had your baby yet, but I''m wishing you the best. Can''t wait to hear what name you choose for your little one.

Kaylagee: Good luck with immigration. Hope everything settles well.

It''s funny, in my work I help women who are trying to conceive get pregnant and I see them throughout their pregnancies and hear about different discomforts like morning sickness, mood swings, cravings, fatigue and I can honestly say that I haven''t experienced this myself. I guess I just got lucky. I''ve gained just a little over 20 pounds at this point so I still work on my feet the same hours as I did pre-pregnancy and my energy level is terrific. I still have 2.5 months left so there''s still lots of room for those symptoms to develop, I guess.

My baby doesn''t have a name yet. My husband and I wanted a girl so bad we had to prepare ourselves for the possibility of a getting a boy and not imposing our will on this pregnancy. Anyway, all babies are blessings and we were really prepared to have a boy. We even had a boy''s name picked out and didn''t even think about a girls name. Everyone thought we were carrying a boy. When I had my Level II ultrasound at 20 weeks and was told we were having a girl, DH and I were so stunned we never quite recovered from it. I guess we don''t want to jinx anything.

Boy name we both agree upon: Christian
DH''s girl name preferences: Jessica, Cristina
My girl name preferences: Ava, Angelie, Emma, Kara
Girl name we both agree upon: Jada

Our little one could be a Jada, for now. Any other suggestions?
Congrats Ice.

That''s wonderful. You don''t have much further to go.
iceprincess. i tried to get my niece to name her daughter paisley but she thought i was crazy. i still think it is cute. best of luck to you and your family! banjo
That''s great to hear. Good luck and keep us posted, it won''t be long now.
I had my 3rd son in April and named him Owen Albert as I hated the names my husband suggested. I figured if I was going to have all the pain of mostly natural childbirth I was going to have the final say as to what we would name him.
and Kevin or Keith just didn''t do it for me. He''s almost 5 mths and was 15lbs at his 4 mth checkup. Amazing cause he was a weenie little 7lbs and 7ozs when he was born. Hopefully I''ll start solids in Oct. when he''s 6 mths as he, like my other 2, has eczema.
If we had a girl I liked Fiona Lily but I would have hated for her to be called "Peeona" as the m-in-law cannot say "F"
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